8 research outputs found

    Educational Simulator for Teaching of Particle Swarm Optimization in LabVIEW

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    This paper presents an educational software tool for aid the teaching of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) fundamentals with friendly design interface. This software were developed in the platform of LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Intrumentation Engineering Workbench). The software‟s best qualities are users can select many different version of the PSO algorithm, a lot of the benchmarks test functions for optimization and set the parameters that have an influence on the PSO performance. Through visualization of particle distribution in the searching, the simulator is particularly effective in providing users with an intuitive feel for the PSO algorithm

    Feature selection using enhanced particle swarm optimisation for classification models.

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    In this research, we propose two Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) variants to undertake feature selection tasks. The aim is to overcome two major shortcomings of the original PSO model, i.e., premature convergence and weak exploitation around the near optimal solutions. The first proposed PSO variant incorporates four key operations, including a modified PSO operation with rectified personal and global best signals, spiral search based local exploitation, Gaussian distribution-based swarm leader enhancement, and mirroring and mutation operations for worst solution improvement. The second proposed PSO model enhances the first one through four new strategies, i.e., an adaptive exemplar breeding mechanism incorporating multiple optimal signals, nonlinear function oriented search coefficients, exponential and scattering schemes for swarm leader, and worst solution enhancement, respectively. In comparison with a set of 15 classical and advanced search methods, the proposed models illustrate statistical superiority for discriminative feature selection for a total of 13 data sets

    Cooperative Models of Particle Swarm Optimizers

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the most effFective optimization tools, which emerged in the last decade. Although, the original aim was to simulate the behavior of a group of birds or a school of fish looking for food, it was quickly realized that it could be applied in optimization problems. Different directions have been taken to analyze the PSO behavior as well as improving its performance. One approach is the introduction of the concept of cooperation. This thesis focuses on studying this concept in PSO by investigating the different design decisions that influence the cooperative PSO models' performance and introducing new approaches for information exchange. Firstly, a comprehensive survey of all the cooperative PSO models proposed in the literature is compiled and a definition of what is meant by a cooperative PSO model is introduced. A taxonomy for classifying the different surveyed cooperative PSO models is given. This taxonomy classifies the cooperative models based on two different aspects: the approach the model uses for decomposing the problem search space and the method used for placing the particles into the different cooperating swarms. The taxonomy helps in gathering all the proposed models under one roof and understanding the similarities and differences between these models. Secondly, a number of parameters that control the performance of cooperative PSO models are identified. These parameters give answers to the four questions: Which information to share? When to share it? Whom to share it with? and What to do with it? A complete empirical study is conducted on one of the cooperative PSO models in order to understand how the performance changes under the influence of these parameters. Thirdly, a new heterogeneous cooperative PSO model is proposed, which is based on the exchange of probability models rather than the classical migration of particles. The model uses two swarms that combine the ideas of PSO and Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) and is considered heterogeneous since the cooperating swarms use different approaches to sample the search space. The model is tested using different PSO models to ensure that the performance is robust against changing the underlying population topology. The experiments show that the model is able to produce better results than its components in many cases. The model also proves to be highly competitive when compared to a number of state-of-the-art cooperative PSO algorithms. Finally, two different versions of the PSO algorithm are applied in the FPGA placement problem. One version is applied entirely in the discrete domain, which is the first attempt to solve this problem in this domain using a discrete PSO (DPSO). Another version is implemented in the continuous domain. The PSO algorithms are applied to several well-known FPGA benchmark problems with increasing dimensionality. The results are compared to those obtained by the academic Versatile Place and Route (VPR) placement tool, which is based on Simulated Annealing (SA). The results show that these methods are competitive for small and medium-sized problems. For higher-sized problems, the methods provide very close results. The work also proposes the use of different cooperative PSO approaches using the two versions and their performances are compared to the single swarm performance

    An Estimation of Distribution Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    In this paper we present an estimation of distribution par-ticle swarm optimization algorithm that borrows ideas from recent de-velopments in ant colony optimization. In the classical particle swarm optimization algorithm, particles exploit their individual memory to ex-plore the search space. However, the swarm as a whole has no means to exploit its collective memory (represented by the array of pbests) to guide its search. This causes a re-exploration of already known bad regions of the search space, wasting costly function evaluations. In our approach, we use the swarms collective memory to estimate the distribu-tion of promising regions in the search space and probabilistically guide the particles movement towards them. Our experiments show that this approach is able to find similar or better solutions than the standard particle swarm optimizer with fewer function evaluations

    Perfectionnement des algorithmes d'optimisation par essaim particulaire (applications en segmentation d'images et en électronique)

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    La résolution satisfaisante d'un problème d'optimisation difficile, qui comporte un grand nombre de solutions sous-optimales, justifie souvent le recours à une métaheuristique puissante. La majorité des algorithmes utilisés pour résoudre ces problèmes d'optimisation sont les métaheuristiques à population. Parmi celles-ci, nous intéressons à l'Optimisation par Essaim Particulaire (OEP, ou PSO en anglais) qui est apparue en 1995. PSO s'inspire de la dynamique d'animaux se déplaçant en groupes compacts (essaims d'abeilles, vols groupés d'oiseaux, bancs de poissons). Les particules d'un même essaim communiquent entre elles tout au long de la recherche pour construire une solution au problème posé, et ce en s'appuyant sur leur expérience collective. L'algorithme PSO, qui est simple à comprendre, à programmer et à utiliser, se révèle particulièrement efficace pour les problèmes d'optimisation à variables continues. Cependant, comme toutes les métaheuristiques, PSO possède des inconvénients, qui rebutent encore certains utilisateurs. Le problème de convergence prématurée, qui peut conduire les algorithmes de ce type à stagner dans un optimum local, est un de ces inconvénients. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des mécanismes, incorporables à PSO, qui permettent de remédier à cet inconvénient et d'améliorer les performances et l'efficacité de PSO. Nous proposons dans cette thèse deux algorithmes, nommés PSO-2S et DEPSO-2S, pour remédier au problème de la convergence prématurée. Ces algorithmes utilisent des idées innovantes et se caractérisent par de nouvelles stratégies d'initialisation dans plusieurs zones, afin d'assurer une bonne couverture de l'espace de recherche par les particules. Toujours dans le cadre de l'amélioration de PSO, nous avons élaboré une nouvelle topologie de voisinage, nommée Dcluster, qui organise le réseau de communication entre les particules. Les résultats obtenus sur un jeu de fonctions de test montrent l'efficacité des stratégies mises en oeuvre par les différents algorithmes proposés. Enfin, PSO-2S est appliqué à des problèmes pratiques, en segmentation d'images et en électroniqueThe successful resolution of a difficult optimization problem, comprising a large number of sub optimal solutions, often justifies the use of powerful metaheuristics. A wide range of algorithms used to solve these combinatorial problems belong to the class of population metaheuristics. Among them, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), appeared in 1995, is inspired by the movement of individuals in a swarm, like a bee swarm, a bird flock or a fish school. The particles of the same swarm communicate with each other to build a solution to the given problem. This is done by relying on their collective experience. This algorithm, which is easy to understand and implement, is particularly effective for optimization problems with continuous variables. However, like several metaheuristics, PSO shows some drawbacks that make some users avoid it. The premature convergence problem, where the algorithm converges to some local optima and does not progress anymore in order to find better solutions, is one of them. This thesis aims at proposing alternative methods, that can be incorporated in PSO to overcome these problems, and to improve the performance and the efficiency of PSO. We propose two algorithms, called PSO-2S and DEPSO-2S, to cope with the premature convergence problem. Both algorithms use innovative ideas and are characterized by new initialization strategies in several areas to ensure good coverage of the search space by particles. To improve the PSO algorithm, we have also developed a new neighborhood topology, called Dcluster, which can be seen as the communication network between the particles. The obtained experimental results for some benchmark cases show the effectiveness of the strategies implemented in the proposed algorithms. Finally, PSO-2S is applied to real world problems in both image segmentation and electronics fieldsPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evolving machine learning and deep learning models using evolutionary algorithms

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    Despite the great success in data mining, machine learning and deep learning models are yet subject to material obstacles when tackling real-life challenges, such as feature selection, initialization sensitivity, as well as hyperparameter optimization. The prevalence of these obstacles has severely constrained conventional machine learning and deep learning methods from fulfilling their potentials. In this research, three evolving machine learning and one evolving deep learning models are proposed to eliminate above bottlenecks, i.e. improving model initialization, enhancing feature representation, as well as optimizing model configuration, respectively, through hybridization between the advanced evolutionary algorithms and the conventional ML and DL methods. Specifically, two Firefly Algorithm based evolutionary clustering models are proposed to optimize cluster centroids in K-means and overcome initialization sensitivity as well as local stagnation. Secondly, a Particle Swarm Optimization based evolving feature selection model is developed for automatic identification of the most effective feature subset and reduction of feature dimensionality for tackling classification problems. Lastly, a Grey Wolf Optimizer based evolving Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory method is devised for automatic generation of the optimal topological and learning configurations for Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory networks to undertake multivariate time series prediction problems. Moreover, a variety of tailored search strategies are proposed to eliminate the intrinsic limitations embedded in the search mechanisms of the three employed evolutionary algorithms, i.e. the dictation of the global best signal in Particle Swarm Optimization, the constraint of the diagonal movement in Firefly Algorithm, as well as the acute contraction of search territory in Grey Wolf Optimizer, respectively. The remedy strategies include the diversification of guiding signals, the adaptive nonlinear search parameters, the hybrid position updating mechanisms, as well as the enhancement of population leaders. As such, the enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization, Firefly Algorithm, and Grey Wolf Optimizer variants are more likely to attain global optimality on complex search landscapes embedded in data mining problems, owing to the elevated search diversity as well as the achievement of advanced trade-offs between exploration and exploitation

    An Estimation of Distribution Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    An Estimation of Distribution Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Abstract. In this paper we present an estimation of distribution particle swarm optimization algorithm that borrows ideas from recent developments in ant colony optimization which can be considered an estimation of distribution algorithm. In the classical particle swarm optimization algorithm, particles exploit their individual memory to explore the search space. However, the swarm as a whole has no means to exploit its collective memory (represented by the array of previous best positions or pbests) to guide its search. This causes a re-exploration of already known bad regions of the search space, wasting costly function evaluations. In our approach, we use the swarm’s collective memory to probabilistically guide the particles ’ movement towards the estimated promising regions in the search space. Our experiments show that this approach is able to find similar or better solutions than the canonical particle swarm optimizer with fewer function evaluations.