12 research outputs found

    Synchronized Architecture Evolution in Software Product Line Using Bidirectional Transformation

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    Integration Features in the Development of Software Product Line Architecture

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on August 17, 2015Thesis advisor: Yongjie ZhengVitaIncludes bibliographic references (pages 33-36)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2015Software product line architecture (PLA) is one of the most promising applications of software architecture. This paper presents a pragmatic PLA development approach with tool support. It addresses two existing issues of PLA development, the difficulty of relating product line features to PLA, and the overhead of manually creating and maintaining variation points in PLA. The approach is implemented and integrated in ArchStudio, an Eclipse-based architecture development toolset. The developed tool supports (1) side-by-side integrated development of features, PLA, and their relationships, (2) automatic variability modeling in PLA, and (3) derivation of architecture instances from the PLA model. To evaluate the scalability and effectiveness of the approach, I have used the work done by Adam Carter and Jeffrey Lanning [30] as a case study using the developed tool to create a feature-integrated architecture for the Apache Solr software system - a Java-based enterprise search server used in the Cerner Corporation.Introduction -- Background and related work -- Tools developed -- Implementation -- Results and evaluation -- Conclusion, availability, and future wor

    Variability in Software Systems – Extracted Data and Supplementary Material from a Systematic Literature Review

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    Quantifying software architecture attributes

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    Software architecture holds the promise of advancing the state of the art in software engineering. The architecture is emerging as the focal point of many modem reuse/evolutionary paradigms, such as Product Line Engineering, Component Based Software Engineering, and COTS-based software development. The author focuses his research work on characterizing some properties of a software architecture. He tries to use software metrics to represent the error propagation probabilities, change propagation probabilities, and requirements change propagation probabilities of a software architecture. Error propagation probability reflects the probability that an error that arises in one component of the architecture will propagate to other components of the architecture at run-time. Change propagation probability reflects, for a given pair of components A and B, the probability that if A is changed in a corrective/perfective maintenance operation, B has to be changed to maintain the overall function the system. Requirements change propagation probability reflects the likelihood that a requirement change that arises in one component of the architecture propagates to other components. For each case, the author presents the analytical formulas which mainly based on statistical theory and empirical studies. Then the author studies the correlations between analytical results and empirical results. The author also uses several metrics to quantify the properties of a Product Line Architecture, such as scoping, variability, commonality, and applicability. He presents his proposed means to measure the properties and the results of the case studies

    SimiFlow: uma arquitetura para agrupamento de Workflows por similaridade

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    Os cientistas tem utilizado Sistemas de Gerência de Workflows Científicos (SGWfC) para apoiar experimentos científicos. Contudo, um SGWfC utiliza uma linguagem própria para a modelagem de um workflow, a ser futuramente executado. Os cientistas não possuem um auxílio ou orientação para obter o workflow modelado. As linhas de experimentos, que são uma nova abordagem para lidar com essas limitações, permitem uma representação abstrata e uma composição sistêmica dos experimentos. Dado que já existem muitos workflows científicos previamente modelados, os cientistas podem usá-los para alavancar a construção de novas representações abstratas. Esses experimentos anteriores podem ser úteis para formar uma estrutura abstrata, se conseguirmos agrupá-los por meio de critérios de similaridade. Esse projeto propõe a SimiFlow, que é uma arquitetura para comparação baseada na similaridade e agrupamento para construir linhas de experimentos através de uma abordagem ascendente

    A Software Product Line Approach to Ontology-based Recommendations in E-Tourism Systems

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    This study tackles two concerns of developers of Tourism Information Systems (TIS). First is the need for more dependable recommendation services due to the intangible nature of the tourism product where it is impossible for customers to physically evaluate the services on offer prior to practical experience. Second is the need to manage dynamic user requirements in tourism due to the advent of new technologies such as the semantic web and mobile computing such that etourism systems (TIS) can evolve proactively with emerging user needs at minimal time and development cost without performance tradeoffs. However, TIS have very predictable characteristics and are functionally identical in most cases with minimal variations which make them attractive for software product line development. The Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) paradigm enables the strategic and systematic reuse of common core assets in the development of a family of software products that share some degree of commonality in order to realise a significant improvement in the cost and time of development. Hence, this thesis introduces a novel and systematic approach, called Product Line for Ontology-based Tourism Recommendation (PLONTOREC), a special approach focusing on the creation of variants of TIS products within a product line. PLONTOREC tackles the aforementioned problems in an engineering-like way by hybridizing concepts from ontology engineering and software product line engineering. The approach is a systematic process model consisting of product line management, ontology engineering, domain engineering, and application engineering. The unique feature of PLONTOREC is that it allows common TIS product requirements to be defined, commonalities and differences of content in TIS product variants to be planned and limited in advance using a conceptual model, and variant TIS products to be created according to a construction specification. We demonstrated the novelty in this approach using a case study of product line development of e-tourism systems for three countries in the West-African Region of Africa

    Supporting the grow-and-prune model for evolving software product lines

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    207 p.Software Product Lines (SPLs) aim at supporting the development of a whole family of software products through a systematic reuse of shared assets. To this end, SPL development is separated into two interrelated processes: (1) domain engineering (DE), where the scope and variability of the system is defined and reusable core-assets are developed; and (2) application engineering (AE), where products are derived by selecting core assets and resolving variability. Evolution in SPLs is considered to be more challenging than in traditional systems, as both core-assets and products need to co-evolve. The so-called grow-and-prune model has proven great flexibility to incrementally evolve an SPL by letting the products grow, and later prune the product functionalities deemed useful by refactoring and merging them back to the reusable SPL core-asset base. This Thesis aims at supporting the grow-and-prune model as for initiating and enacting the pruning. Initiating the pruning requires SPL engineers to conduct customization analysis, i.e. analyzing how products have changed the core-assets. Customization analysis aims at identifying interesting product customizations to be ported to the core-asset base. However, existing tools do not fulfill engineers needs to conduct this practice. To address this issue, this Thesis elaborates on the SPL engineers' needs when conducting customization analysis, and proposes a data-warehouse approach to help SPL engineers on the analysis. Once the interesting customizations have been identified, the pruning needs to be enacted. This means that product code needs to be ported to the core-asset realm, while products are upgraded with newer functionalities and bug-fixes available in newer core-asset releases. Herein, synchronizing both parties through sync paths is required. However, the state of-the-art tools are not tailored to SPL sync paths, and this hinders synchronizing core-assets and products. To address this issue, this Thesis proposes to leverage existing Version Control Systems (i.e. git/Github) to provide sync operations as first-class construct