81 research outputs found

    Estimation of Frame Independent and Enhancement Components for Speech Communication over Packet Networks

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    In this paper, we describe a new approach to cope with packet loss in speech coders. The idea is to split the information present in each speech packet into two components, one to independently decode the given speech frame and one to enhance it by exploiting interframe dependencies. The scheme is based on sparse linear prediction and a redefinition of the analysis-by-synthesis process. We presentMean Opinion Scores for the presented coder with different degrees of packet loss and show that it performs similarly to frame dependent coders for low packet loss probability and similarly to frame independent coders for high packet loss probability. We also present ideas on how to make the coder work synergistically with the channel loss estimate

    Sparsity in Linear Predictive Coding of Speech

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    nrpages: 197status: publishe

    Improving the robustness of CELP-like speech decoders using late-arrival packets information : application to G.729 standard in VoIP

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    L'utilisation de la voix sur Internet est une nouvelle tendance dans Ie secteur des télécommunications et de la réseautique. La paquetisation des données et de la voix est réalisée en utilisant Ie protocole Internet (IP). Plusieurs codecs existent pour convertir la voix codée en paquets. La voix codée est paquetisée et transmise sur Internet. À la réception, certains paquets sont soit perdus, endommages ou arrivent en retard. Ceci est cause par des contraintes telles que Ie délai («jitter»), la congestion et les erreurs de réseau. Ces contraintes dégradent la qualité de la voix. Puisque la transmission de la voix est en temps réel, Ie récepteur ne peut pas demander la retransmission de paquets perdus ou endommages car ceci va causer plus de délai. Au lieu de cela, des méthodes de récupération des paquets perdus (« concealment ») s'appliquent soit à l'émetteur soit au récepteur pour remplacer les paquets perdus ou endommages. Ce projet vise à implémenter une méthode innovatrice pour améliorer Ie temps de convergence suite a la perte de paquets au récepteur d'une application de Voix sur IP. La méthode a déjà été intégrée dans un codeur large-bande (AMR-WB) et a significativement amélioré la qualité de la voix en présence de <<jitter » dans Ie temps d'arrivée des trames au décodeur. Dans ce projet, la même méthode sera intégrée dans un codeur a bande étroite (ITU-T G.729) qui est largement utilise dans les applications de voix sur IP. Le codeur ITU-T G.729 défini des standards pour coder et décoder la voix a 8 kb/s en utilisant 1'algorithme CS-CELP (Conjugate Stmcture Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction).Abstract: Voice over Internet applications is the new trend in telecommunications and networking industry today. Packetizing data/voice is done using the Internet protocol (IP). Various codecs exist to convert the raw voice data into packets. The coded and packetized speech is transmitted over the Internet. At the receiving end some packets are either lost, damaged or arrive late. This is due to constraints such as network delay (fitter), network congestion and network errors. These constraints degrade the quality of speech. Since voice transmission is in real-time, the receiver can not request the retransmission of lost or damaged packets as this will cause more delay. Instead, concealment methods are applied either at the transmitter side (coder-based) or at the receiver side (decoder-based) to replace these lost or late-arrival packets. This work attempts to implement a novel method for improving the recovery time of concealed speech The method has already been integrated in a wideband speech coder (AMR-WB) and significantly improved the quality of speech in the presence of jitter in the arrival time of speech frames at the decoder. In this work, the same method will be integrated in a narrowband speech coder (ITU-T G.729) that is widely used in VoIP applications. The ITUT G.729 coder defines the standards for coding and decoding speech at 8 kb/s using Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CS-CELP) Algorithm

    Low Delay Sparse and Mixed Excitation CELP Coders for Wideband Speech Coding

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    Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) algorithmsare proposed for compression of speech in 8 kHz band atswitched or variable bit rate and algorithmic delay not exceeding2 msec. Two structures of Low-Delay CELP coders are analyzed:Low-delay sparse excitation and mixed excitation CELP. Sparseexcitation is based on MP-MLQ and multilayer models. Mixedexcitation CELP algorithm stems from the narrowband G.728standard. As opposed to G.728 LD-CELP coder, mixed excitationcodebook consists of pseudorandom vectors and sequencesobtained with Long-Term Prediction (LTP). Variable rate codingconsists in maximizing vector dimension while keeping therequired speech quality. Good speech quality (MOS=3.9according to PESQ algorithm) is obtained at average bit rate 33.5kbit/sec

    Apprentissage automatique pour le codage cognitif de la parole

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    Depuis les années 80, les codecs vocaux reposent sur des stratégies de codage à court terme qui fonctionnent au niveau de la sous-trame ou de la trame (généralement 5 à 20 ms). Les chercheurs ont essentiellement ajusté et combiné un nombre limité de technologies disponibles (transformation, prédiction linéaire, quantification) et de stratégies (suivi de forme d'onde, mise en forme du bruit) pour construire des architectures de codage de plus en plus complexes. Dans cette thèse, plutôt que de s'appuyer sur des stratégies de codage à court terme, nous développons un cadre alternatif pour la compression de la parole en codant les attributs de la parole qui sont des caractéristiques perceptuellement importantes des signaux vocaux. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous résolvons trois problèmes de complexité croissante, à savoir la classification, la prédiction et l'apprentissage des représentations. La classification est un élément courant dans les conceptions de codecs modernes. Dans un premier temps, nous concevons un classifieur pour identifier les émotions, qui sont parmi les attributs à long terme les plus complexes de la parole. Dans une deuxième étape, nous concevons un prédicteur d'échantillon de parole, qui est un autre élément commun dans les conceptions de codecs modernes, pour mettre en évidence les avantages du traitement du signal de parole à long terme et non linéaire. Ensuite, nous explorons les variables latentes, un espace de représentations de la parole, pour coder les attributs de la parole à court et à long terme. Enfin, nous proposons un réseau décodeur pour synthétiser les signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations, ce qui constitue notre dernière étape vers la construction d'une méthode complète de compression de la parole basée sur l'apprentissage automatique de bout en bout. Bien que chaque étape de développement proposée dans cette thèse puisse faire partie d'un codec à elle seule, chaque étape fournit également des informations et une base pour la prochaine étape de développement jusqu'à ce qu'un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique soit atteint. Les deux premières étapes, la classification et la prédiction, fournissent de nouveaux outils qui pourraient remplacer et améliorer des éléments des codecs existants. Dans la première étape, nous utilisons une combinaison de modèle source-filtre et de machine à état liquide (LSM), pour démontrer que les caractéristiques liées aux émotions peuvent être facilement extraites et classées à l'aide d'un simple classificateur. Dans la deuxième étape, un seul réseau de bout en bout utilisant une longue mémoire à court terme (LSTM) est utilisé pour produire des trames vocales avec une qualité subjective élevée pour les applications de masquage de perte de paquets (PLC). Dans les dernières étapes, nous nous appuyons sur les résultats des étapes précédentes pour concevoir un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique. un réseau d'encodage, formulé à l'aide d'un réseau neuronal profond (DNN) et entraîné sur plusieurs bases de données publiques, extrait et encode les représentations de la parole en utilisant la prédiction dans un espace latent. Une approche d'apprentissage non supervisé basée sur plusieurs principes de cognition est proposée pour extraire des représentations à partir de trames de parole courtes et longues en utilisant l'information mutuelle et la perte contrastive. La capacité de ces représentations apprises à capturer divers attributs de la parole à court et à long terme est démontrée. Enfin, une structure de décodage est proposée pour synthétiser des signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations. L'entraînement contradictoire est utilisé comme une approximation des mesures subjectives de la qualité de la parole afin de synthétiser des échantillons de parole à consonance naturelle. La haute qualité perceptuelle de la parole synthétisée ainsi obtenue prouve que les représentations extraites sont efficaces pour préserver toutes sortes d'attributs de la parole et donc qu'une méthode de compression complète est démontrée avec l'approche proposée.Abstract: Since the 80s, speech codecs have relied on short-term coding strategies that operate at the subframe or frame level (typically 5 to 20ms). Researchers essentially adjusted and combined a limited number of available technologies (transform, linear prediction, quantization) and strategies (waveform matching, noise shaping) to build increasingly complex coding architectures. In this thesis, rather than relying on short-term coding strategies, we develop an alternative framework for speech compression by encoding speech attributes that are perceptually important characteristics of speech signals. In order to achieve this objective, we solve three problems of increasing complexity, namely classification, prediction and representation learning. Classification is a common element in modern codec designs. In a first step, we design a classifier to identify emotions, which are among the most complex long-term speech attributes. In a second step, we design a speech sample predictor, which is another common element in modern codec designs, to highlight the benefits of long-term and non-linear speech signal processing. Then, we explore latent variables, a space of speech representations, to encode both short-term and long-term speech attributes. Lastly, we propose a decoder network to synthesize speech signals from these representations, which constitutes our final step towards building a complete, end-to-end machine-learning based speech compression method. The first two steps, classification and prediction, provide new tools that could replace and improve elements of existing codecs. In the first step, we use a combination of source-filter model and liquid state machine (LSM), to demonstrate that features related to emotions can be easily extracted and classified using a simple classifier. In the second step, a single end-to-end network using long short-term memory (LSTM) is shown to produce speech frames with high subjective quality for packet loss concealment (PLC) applications. In the last steps, we build upon the results of previous steps to design a fully machine learning-based codec. An encoder network, formulated using a deep neural network (DNN) and trained on multiple public databases, extracts and encodes speech representations using prediction in a latent space. An unsupervised learning approach based on several principles of cognition is proposed to extract representations from both short and long frames of data using mutual information and contrastive loss. The ability of these learned representations to capture various short- and long-term speech attributes is demonstrated. Finally, a decoder structure is proposed to synthesize speech signals from these representations. Adversarial training is used as an approximation to subjective speech quality measures in order to synthesize natural-sounding speech samples. The high perceptual quality of synthesized speech thus achieved proves that the extracted representations are efficient at preserving all sorts of speech attributes and therefore that a complete compression method is demonstrated with the proposed approach

    Media gateway utilizando um GPU

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Enhancement of perceived quality of service for voice over internet protocol systems

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (WIP) applications are becoming more and more popular in the telecommunication market. Packet switched V61P systems have many technical advantages over conventional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), including its efficient and flexible use of the bandwidth, lower cost and enhanced security. However, due to the IP network's "Best Effort" nature, voice quality are not naturally guaranteed in the VoIP services. In fact, most current Vol]P services can not provide as good a voice quality as PSTN. IP Network impairments such as packet loss, delay and jitter affect perceived speech quality as do application layer impairment factors, such as codec rate and audio features. Current perceived Quality of Service (QoS) methods are mainly designed to be used in a PSTN/TDM environment and their performance in V6IP environment is unknown. It is a challenge to measure perceived speech quality correctly in V61P system and to enhance user perceived speech quality for VoIP system. The main goal of this project is to evaluate the accuracy of the existing ITU-T speech quality measurement method (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality - PESQ) in mobile wireless systems in the context of V61P, and to develop novel and efficient methods to enhance the user perceived speech quality for emerging V61P services especially in mobile V61P environment. The main contributions of the thesis are threefold: (1) A new discovery of PESQ errors in mobile VoIP environment. A detailed investigation of PESQ performance in mobile VoIP environment was undertaken and included setting up a PESQ performance evaluation platform and testing over 1800 mobile-to-mobile and mobileto- PSTN calls over a period of three months. The accuracy issues of PESQ algorithm was investigated and main problems causing inaccurate PESQ score (improper time-alignment in the PESQ algorithm) were discovered . Calibration issues for a safe and proper PESQ testing in mobile environment were also discussed in the thesis. (2) A new, simple-to-use, V611Pjit ter buffer algorithm. This was developed and implemented in a commercial mobile handset. The algorithm, called "Play Late Algorithm", adaptively alters the playout delay inside a speech talkspurt without introducing unnecessary extra end-to-end delay. It can be used as a front-end to conventional static or adaptive jitter buffer algorithms to provide improved performance. Results show that the proposed algorithm can increase user perceived quality without consuming too much processing power when tested in live wireless VbIP networks. (3) A new QoS enhancement scheme. The new scheme combines the strengths of adaptive codec bit rate (i. e. AMR 8-modes bit rate) and speech priority marking (i. e. giving high priority for the beginning of a voiced segment). The results gathered on a simulation and emulation test platform shows that the combined method provides a better user perceived speech quality than separate adaptive sender bit rate or packet priority marking methods

    Characterisation of noisy speech channels in 2G and 3G mobile networks

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    As the wireless cellular market reaches competitive levels never seen before, network operators need to focus on maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) a main priority if they wish to attract new subscribers while keeping existing customers satisfied. Speech Quality as perceived by the end user is one major example of a characteristic in constant need of maintenance and improvement. It is in this topic that this Master Thesis project fits in. Making use of an intrusive method of speech quality evaluation, as a means to further study and characterize the performance of speech codecs in second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) technologies. Trying to find further correlation between codecs with similar bit rates, along with the exploration of certain transmission parameters which may aid in the assessment of speech quality. Due to some limitations concerning the audio analyzer equipment that was to be employed, a different system for recording the test samples was sought out. Although the new designed system is not standard, after extensive testing and optimization of the system's parameters, final results were found reliable and satisfactory. Tests include a set of high and low bit rate codecs for both 2G and 3G, where values were compared and analysed, leading to the outcome that 3G speech codecs perform better, under the approximately same conditions, when compared with 2G. Reinforcing the idea that 3G is, with no doubt, the best choice if the costumer looks for the best possible listening speech quality. Regarding the transmission parameters chosen for the experiment, the Receiver Quality (RxQual) and Received Energy per Chip to the Power Density Ratio (Ec/N0), these were subject to speech quality correlation tests. Final results of RxQual were compared to those of prior studies from different researchers and, are considered to be of important relevance. Leading to the confirmation of RxQual as a reliable indicator of speech quality. As for Ec/N0, it is not possible to state it as a speech quality indicator however, it shows clear thresholds for which the MOS values decrease significantly. The studied transmission parameters show that they can be used not only for network management purposes but, at the same time, give an expected idea to the communications engineer (or technician) of the end-to-end speech quality consequences. With the conclusion of the work new ideas for future studies come to mind. Considering that the fourth-generation (4G) cellular technologies are now beginning to take an important place in the global market, as the first all-IP network structure, it seems of great relevance that 4G speech quality should be subject of evaluation. Comparing it to 3G, not only in narrowband but also adding wideband scenarios with the most recent standard objective method of speech quality assessment, POLQA. Also, new data found on Ec/N0 tests, justifies further research studies with the intention of validating the assumptions made in this work.Com o mercado das redes móveis a atingir níveis de competitividade nunca antes vistos, existe a crescente necessidade por parte dos operadores de rede em focar-se na Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) como principal prioridade, no sentido de atrair novos clientes ao mesmo tempo que asseguram a satisfação dos seus actuais assinantes. A percepção da Qualidade de Voz, por parte do utilizador, é apenas um exemplo de uma característica de QoS em constante necessidade de manutenção e melhoramento. Sendo nesta temática em que se insere a Tese de Mestrado. Aplicando um método intrusivo de avaliação de qualidade de voz, como meio para um estudo mais aprofundado e, ao mesmo tempo, caracterizando o desempenho dos codecs de voz para as tecnologias de segunda-geração (2G) e terceira-geração (3G). Investigando nova informação que possa ser retirada da correlação entre codecs com bit rates semelhantes, juntamente com a exploração de determinados 'parâmetros de transmissão os quais podem auxiliar na avaliação da qualidade de voz. Devido a algumas limitações ligadas ao analisador de áudio (requisito neste tipo de aplicações), existiu a necessidade de procurar um sistema distinto para gravação das amostras de teste. Embora o sistema escolhido não seja padronizado para este tipo de ensaios, após vários testes e consequente optimização dos parâmetros do sistema, os resultados finais consideram-se credíveis e satisfatórios. Os testes efectuados incluem um conjunto de codecs de elevado e baixo bit rate, onde a comparação e análise dos resultados levam a concluir que codecs de voz 3G têm melhor desempenho, sob aproximadamente as mesmas condições, comparativamente com os 2G. Reforçando a ideia generalizada que 3G é, sem dúvida, a melhor escolha se o utilizador procura uma solução superior a nível de qualidade de voz. No que diz respeito aos parâmetros de transmissão escolhidos para a experiência, RxQual (Qualidade do sinal Recebido pela estacão móvel) e Ec/N0 (razão entre Energia por chip e a Densidade Espectral de Potência), estes foram sujeitos a testes de correlação com a qualidade de voz. Os resultados de RxQual foram sujeitos a comparação com estudos prévios de outros investigadores, confirmando este parâmetro como um indicador de qualidade de voz bastante fiável. Quanto a Ec/N0, não é possível declará-lo como um indicador de qualidade de voz, no entanto, este demonstra limites claros para os quais os valores de Mean Opinion Score (MOS) decrescem significativamente. Os parâmetros de transmissão estudados demonstram não só que podem ser utilizados com objectivos de gestão de rede mas como também podem fornecer, ao engenheiro (ou técnico), informação relativa ao impacto que poderá existir na qualidade de voz. Com a finalização deste trabalho é possível constatar que novos estudos devem ser efectuados. Considerando que a tecnologia de quarta-geração (4G) começa agora a dar os seus primeiros passos no mercado das redes móveis, como a primeira com arquitectura de rede totalmente orientada para IP, parece de grande importância que esta tecnologia seja sujeita a avaliação. Comparando-a com 3G, não só para banda-estreita (300 a 3400 Hz) como também para cenários de banda-larga (50 a 7000Hz), aplicando o mais recente método normalizado de avaliação de qualidade de voz, o POLQA. Por fim, também se verifica como pertinente uma continuação do estudo relativo a Ec/N0 a fim de validar as ilações retiradas neste trabalho