11 research outputs found

    Comment on Enhanced DNA and ElGamal cryptosystem for secure data storage and retrieval in cloud

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    Thangavel and Varalakshmi proposed an enhanced DNA and ElGamal cryptosystem for secure data storage and retrieval in cloud. They modified ElGamal algorithm which it calls enhanced ElGamal cryptosystem. We prove that their enhanced ElGamal scheme, which does not require two random numbers by data owner. Although the attacker is unable to find out what message the data owner gave to the data user. However, the attackers can still confuse the issue of sending messages to data users. On the other hand, this scheme can not against insider attack, therefore it is insecure

    An Enhanced TBAHIBE-LBKQS Techniques for Privacy Preservation in Wireless Network

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    In recent days, providing security to the data stored in wireless network is an important and challenging task. For this purpose, several existing privacy preservation and encryption algorithms are proposed in the existing works. But, it has some drawbacks such as, high cost, required more amount of time for execution and low level security. In order to overcome all these drawbacks, this paper proposes a novel technique such as, Tiered Blind and Anonymous Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption (TBAHIBE) and Location Based Keyword Query Search (LBKQS) for providing privacy preservation to the data stored in wireless network environment. In this work, the privacy is provided to the packet data stored in the Electronic Health Record (EHR). It includes two modules such as, secure data storage and location based keyword query search. In the first module, the packet data of the egg and, receptor, doctor and lab technician are stored in the encrypted format by using the proposed TBAHIBE technique. Here, the authenticated persons can view the packet data, for instance, the doctor can view the donor and receptor packet details. In the second module, the location based search is enabled based on the keyword and query. Here, the doctor, patient and other users can fetch the packet details in a filtered format. The main advantage of this paper is, it provides high privacy to the packet data in a secured way. The experimental results evaluate the performance of the proposed system in terms of computation cost, communication cost, query evaluation, encryption time, decryption time and key generation time

    An efficient and secure data storage in cloud computing using modified RSA public key cryptosystem

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    Cloud Computing is the ability to improve the utility or train new human resources without investing in new infrastructure, or add capabilities to existence without the latest software licensing. It expanded the capabilities of Information Technology (IT). From the past few years, cloud computing has developed from a good business concept in the best rising sectors of the IT industry. But more information on individuals and companies was put in the cloud, and concerns began to think about how secure the cloud environment was. Despite cloud surrounding structures, enterprise users still do not want to expand their business in the cloud. Security reduces the growth of cloud computing and continues to spread the market with complexity with data privacy and data protection. The security of cloud computing has constantly been an significant aspect of improved quality of service from cloud service providers.  Data storage in the cloud has a problem related to data security. However, cloud computing construct many new security challenges which have not been well examine. In order to ensure that the user's data in the cloud is secure, we have proposed an effective mechanism with a distinctive feature of data integrity and privacy. This paper focusing on problems relating to the cloud data storage techniques and security in virtual environment. We recommend a method for providing data storage and security in cloud using public key Cryptosystem, which uses the concept of the modified RSA algorithm to provide better security for the data stored in the cloud.

    An Intelligent and Secure Communication of AIoT enabled Devices empowered with IPK Algorithm

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    Artificial intelligence Internet of Things (AIoT) will be a necessary part of our lives in the near future. It will be found as quick cooperation in our surroundings through the related sensor-based system. To be sure, even in an indirect method, it will serve us in a couple of structures as esteem included organizations over the cell stages. With the AIoT structures that make usage of data, actually, the data collection from contraptions can in like manner be a goal of cyberattacks. Device to Device (D-2-D) interchanges in AIoT was planned alongside various shows, for instance, Constrained Access Protocol (CoAP). Its huge stresses in the course of action of AIoT are to ensure the security of mechanisms and D-2-D one place to another. Furthermore, present correspondence shows for AIoT arewithout reliability features. It is a result of this that countermeasures in perspective on encryption are starting at now getting importance. There is a requirement for a solid cryptosystem for D-2-D in AIoT. In this investigation paper, we present an encryption technique which is indicated as EPEB as a security answer for AIoT. The proposed methodology works with the message which shows special characters, numbers, and bits for data encryption and decryption. In authority, the end key isn't known so we would encryption to able have the option to gadgets data using particular keys and scramble packet per specialkey

    Şifreleme Yöntemleri ve RSA Algoritması Üzerine Bir İnceleme

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    Günümüzde, bilişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesiyle birlikte haberleşme ve bilgi güvenliğinin sağlanması için şifrelemenin önemi giderek artmaktadır. Özellikle internet teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte veri güvenliğinin sağlanması için birçok şifreleme algoritmaları kullanılmaktadır. Şifreleme algoritmaları simetrik ve asimetrik olmak üzere iki başlık altında incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise simetrik ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının genel özelliklerine yer vermekle birlikte literatürde önemli bir yere sahip asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarından biri olan RSA algoritması incelenerek RSA algoritmasının şifreleme yöntemleri üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilmiştir. RSA algoritmasının yapısı, genel özellikleri, avantajı ve dezavantajı hakkında bilgilere yer verilmiştir

    Analysis of RSA Digital Signature Key Generation using Strong Prime

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    RSA digital signature is a public key algorithm, uses a private key for signing and a public key for verifying. Achieving the efficiency and acceptable level of time for generating strong keys is an important aspect and a key factor of the different security issue that facing the RSA. This paper proposes a new scheme for generating private and public key of the RSA Digital Signature using “Strong prime” concept, state that  , , based on Gordon’s algorithm. In order to optimize the efficiency of key generation time strategy for the prime factorization that relying on such probability

    Analisa Improvisasi Algoritma RSA Menggunakan RNG LCG pada Instant Messaging Berbasis Socket TCP

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    Socket TCP adalah abstraksi yang digunakan aplikasi untuk mengirim dan menerima data melalui koneksi antar dua host dalam jaringan komputer. Jaringan yang biasa kita gunakan bersifat publik yang sangat rentan akan penyadapan data. Masalah ini dapat teratasi dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptografi pada socket TCP, salah satunya menggunakan algoritma RSA. Tingkat keamanan algoritma RSA standar memiliki celah keamanan pada kunci public ataupun privat yang berasal dari inputan 2 bilangan prima saat pembangkitan kunci. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengembangkan algoritma RSA, namun hasil dari penelitian tersebut membuat performa dari algoritma RSA menjadi lebih lambat. Peningkatkan performa dapat menggunakan RNG LCG pada pembangkitankunci RSA. RNG LCG memiliki kelebihan yang utama pada segi kecepatannya. RNG LCG dapat menghasilkan bilangan prima yang berasal dari inputan nama yang tidak ditemukan pada RNG lainnya. Hasil pengujian performa waktu pembangkitan kunci, enkripsi, dekripsi dengan panjang karakter mulai dari 40 hingga 81920 menunjukkan bahwa algoritma improvisasi RSA menggunakan RNG LCG lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma RSA. Pengujian kemanan menggunakan known plaintext attack dan fermat factorization menunjukkan bahwa algoritma improvisasi RSA menggunakan RNG LCG lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma RSA

    Analisa Improvisasi Algoritma RSA Menggunakan RNG LCG pada Instant Messaging Berbasis Socket TCP

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    Socket TCP adalah abstraksi yang digunakan aplikasi untuk mengirim dan menerima data melalui koneksi antar dua host dalam jaringan komputer. Jaringan yang biasa kita gunakan bersifat publik yang sangat rentan akan penyadapan data. Masalah ini dapat teratasi dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptografi pada socket TCP, salah satunya menggunakan algoritma RSA. Tingkat keamanan algoritma RSA standar memiliki celah keamanan pada kunci public ataupun privat yang berasal dari inputan 2 bilangan prima saat pembangkitan kunci. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengembangkan algoritma RSA, namun hasil dari penelitian tersebut membuat performa dari algoritma RSA menjadi lebih lambat. Peningkatkan performa dapat menggunakan RNG LCG pada pembangkitankunci RSA. RNG LCG memiliki kelebihan yang utama pada segi kecepatannya. RNG LCG dapat menghasilkan bilangan prima yang berasal dari inputan nama yang tidak ditemukan pada RNG lainnya. Hasil pengujian performa waktu pembangkitan kunci, enkripsi, dekripsi dengan panjang karakter mulai dari 40 hingga 81920 menunjukkan bahwa algoritma improvisasi RSA menggunakan RNG LCG lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma RSA. Pengujian kemanan menggunakan known plaintext attack dan fermat factorization menunjukkan bahwa algoritma improvisasi RSA menggunakan RNG LCG lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma RSA

    Algoritme RSA menggunakan pembangkit kunci ESRKGS untuk enkripsi pesan chat dengan protokol TCP/IP

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    This study aims to analyze the performance and security of the RSA algorithm in combination with the key generation method of enhanced and secured RSA key generation scheme (ESRKGS). ESRKGS is an improvement of the RSA improvisation by adding four prime numbers in the property embedded in key generation. This method was applied to instant messaging using TCP sockets. The ESRKGS+RSA algorithm was designed using standard RSA development by modified the private and public key pairs. Thus, the modification was expected to make it more challenging to factorize a large number n into prime numbers. The ESRKGS+RSA method required 10.437 ms faster than the improvised RSA that uses the same four prime numbers in conducting key generation processes at 1024-bit prime number. It also applies to the encryption and decryption process. In the security testing using Fermat Factorization on a 32-bit key, no prime number factor was found. The test was processed for 15 hours until the test computer resource runs out.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja dan keamanan dari algoritme RSA yang dikombinasikan dengan metode pembangkitan kunci enhanced and secured RSA key generation scheme (ESRKGS). Metode tersebut diterapkan pada aplikasi pesan instan menggunakan socket TCP. ESRKGS merupakan pengembangan dari improvisasi RSA dengan menambahkan empat bilangan prima di dalam properti yang tertanam di dalam pembangkitan kunci. Algoritme ESRKGS+RSA dirancang dengan menggunakan pengembangan RSA standar dengan memodifikasi pasangan kunci privat dan publik. Modifikasi tersebut bertujuan agar dapat mempersulit dalam memfaktorkan bilangan besar n menjadi faktor primanya. Pengujian kinerja menunjukkan bahwa ESRKGS+RSA membutuhkan waktu 10,437 ms yang lebih cepat daripada RSA improvisasi yang sama-sama menggunakan empat bilangan prima dalam proses pembangkitan kunci pada bilangan prima 1024 bit. Hal tersebut berlaku juga pada proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Pengujian keamanan dengan menggunakan faktorisasi Fermat untuk pada kunci 32 bit tidak ditemukan nilai faktor bilangan prima. Pengujian tersebut diproses selama 15 jam sampai sumberdaya komputer habis