95 research outputs found

    Review of Prevention Schemes for Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attack in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is an indispensable part of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) due to its abilities to enhance traffic management and safety. Many researchers have been focused on specific areas involving management and storage data, protocols standardization, network fragmentation, monitoring, and quality of service.  The benchmarks of security of VANET are studied and figured out in this paper. VANET provides the driver and passenger with the safety application as well as entertainment service. However, the communication between nodes in VANET is susceptible to security threats in both communication modes, which indicates the main hazard. In this paper, we identified different Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks with various behaviors such as message tampering, message delaying, and message dropping, according to the literature. In this study, the essential background of VANET from architectural point of view and communication types are discussed. Then, the overview of MITM attack in VANET is presented. In addition, this paper thoroughly reviews the existing prevention schemes for MITM attack in VANET. This review paper reveals that there is still a need for a better and more efficient preventive scheme to address the MITM attack in VANET. This review paper could serve as evidence and reference in the development of any new security schemes for VANETs

    State-of-the-art authentication and verification schemes in VANETs:A survey

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), are wireless networks formed around moving vehicles, enabling communication between vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and servers. With the rise of autonomous and connected vehicles, security concerns surrounding VANETs have grown. VANETs still face challenges related to privacy with full-scale deployment due to a lack of user trust. Critical factors shaping VANETs include their dynamic topology and high mobility characteristics. Authentication protocols emerge as the cornerstone of enabling the secure transmission of entities within a VANET. Despite concerted efforts, there remains a need to incorporate verification approaches for refining authentication protocols. Formal verification constitutes a mathematical approach enabling developers to validate protocols and rectify design errors with precision. Therefore, this review focuses on authentication protocols as a pivotal element for securing entity transmission within VANETs. It presents a comparative analysis of existing protocols, identifies research gaps, and introduces a novel framework that incorporates formal verification and threat modeling. The review considers key factors influencing security, sheds light on ongoing challenges, and emphasises the significance of user trust. The proposed framework not only enhances VANET security but also contributes to the growing field of formal verification in the automotive domain. As the outcomes of this study, several research gaps, challenges, and future research directions are identified. These insights would offer valuable guidance for researchers to establish secure authentication communication within VANETs

    Lightweight identity based online/offline signature scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    Data security is one of the issues during data exchange between two sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN). While information flows across naturally exposed communication channels, cybercriminals may access sensitive information. Multiple traditional reliable encryption methods like RSA encryption-decryption and Diffie–Hellman key exchange face a crisis of computational resources due to limited storage, low computational ability, and insufficient power in lightweight WSNs. The complexity of these security mechanisms reduces the network lifespan, and an online/offline strategy is one way to overcome this problem. This study proposed an improved identity-based online/offline signature scheme using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption. The lightweight calculations were conducted during the online phase, and in the offline phase, the encryption, point multiplication, and other heavy measures were pre-processed using powerful devices. The proposed scheme uniquely combined the Inverse Collusion Attack Algorithm (CAA) with lightweight ECC to generate secure identitybased signatures. The suggested scheme was analyzed for security and success probability under Random Oracle Model (ROM). The analysis concluded that the generated signatures were immune to even the worst Chosen Message Attack. The most important, resource-effective, and extensively used on-demand function was the verification of the signatures. The low-cost verification algorithm of the scheme saved a significant number of valued resources and increased the overall network’s lifespan. The results for encryption/decryption time, computation difficulty, and key generation time for various data sizes showed the proposed solution was ideal for lightweight devices as it accelerated data transmission speed and consumed the least resources. The hybrid method obtained an average of 66.77% less time consumption and up to 12% lower computational cost than previous schemes like the dynamic IDB-ECC two-factor authentication key exchange protocol, lightweight IBE scheme (IDB-Lite), and Korean certification-based signature standard using the ECC. The proposed scheme had a smaller key size and signature size of 160 bits. Overall, the energy consumption was also reduced to 0.53 mJ for 1312 bits of offline storage. The hybrid framework of identity-based signatures, online/offline phases, ECC, CAA, and low-cost algorithms enhances overall performance by having less complexity, time, and memory consumption. Thus, the proposed hybrid scheme is ideally suited for a lightweight WSN

    Efficient Anonymous Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are widely used in telemedicine, which can be utilized for real-time patients monitoring and home health-care. The sensor nodes in WBANs collect the client’s physiological data and transmit it to the medical center. However, the clients’ personal information is sensitive and there are many security threats in the extra-body communication. Therefore, the security and privacy of client’s physiological data need to be ensured. Many authentication protocols for WBANs have been proposed in recent years. However, the existing protocols fail to consider the key update phase. In this paper, we propose an efficient authenticated key agreement scheme for WBANs and add the key update phase to enhance the security of the proposed scheme. In addition, session keys are generated during the registration phase and kept secretly, thus reducing computation cost in the authentication phase. The performance analysis demonstrates that our scheme is more efficient than the currently popular related schemes

    Blockchain Application on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV)

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    With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential integration with the traditional Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), we have witnessed the emergence of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), which promises to seamlessly integrate into smart transportation systems. However, the key characteristics of IoV, such as high-speed mobility and frequent disconnections make it difficult to manage its security and privacy. The Blockchain, as a distributed tamper-resistant ledge, has been proposed as an innovative solution that guarantees privacy-preserving yet secure schemes. In this paper, we review recent literature on the application of blockchain to IoV, in particular, and intelligent transportation systems in general

    Cryptanalysis and improvement of certificateless aggregate signature with conditional privacy-preserving for vehicular sensor networks

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    Secure aggregate signature schemes have attracted more concern due to their wide application in resource constrained environment. Recently, Horng et al. [S. J. Horng et al., An efficient certificateless aggregate signature with conditional privacy-preserving for vehicular sensor networks, Information Sciences 317 (2015) 48-66] proposed an efficient certificateless aggregate signature with conditional privacy-preserving for vehicular sensor networks. They claimed that their scheme was provably secure against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message attack in the random oracle model. In this paper, we show that their scheme is insecure against a malicious-but-passive KGC under existing security model. Further, we propose an improved certificateless aggregate signature

    CASCF: Certificateless Aggregated SignCryption Framework for Internet-of-Things Infrastructure

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    The increasing number of devices in the age of Internet-of-Thing (IoT) has arisen a number of problems related to security. Cryptographic processes, more precisely the signatures and the keys, increase and generate an overhead on the network resources with these huge connections. Therefore, in this paper we present a signcryption framework to address the above problems. The solution highlights the use of aggregate signcryption and certificaless approach based on bilinear pairings. The use of signcryption with aggregation and certificateless authentication reduces the time consumption, overhead and complexity. The solution is also able to solve the key staling problems. Experimental results and comparative analysis based on key parameters, memory utilization and bandwidth utilization have been measured. It confirms that the presented work is efficient for IoT infrastructure

    A cost-effective identity-based signature scheme for vehicular ad hoc network using hyperelliptic curve cryptography

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    A Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a subset of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) that allows vehicles to communicate with each other and with roadside stations to offer efficient and safe transportation. Furthermore, when VANET is used in connection with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors, it can help with traffic management and road safety by allowing vehicles to interact with one another at any time and from any location. Since VANET's event-driven communications are carried out via an open wireless channel, there are significant security concerns. In this paper, we use Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography (HECC) to offer a cost-effective identity-based signature for secure communication over VANET. The proposed scheme does not need certificate management, and we found that it is more secure against a variety of cryptographic threats after conducting a thorough security analysis. In addition, comparisons of communication and computational costs are made, demonstrating that the proposed scheme is more efficient in both respects than existing schemes
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