357 research outputs found

    Tem_357 Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics with Parallel Computing

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    Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising. Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising.Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising

    Factores de rendimiento en entornos multicore

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    Este documento refleja el estudio de investigación para la detección de factores que afectan al rendimiento en entornos multicore. Debido a la gran diversidad de arquitecturas multicore se ha definido un marco de trabajo, que consiste en la adopción de una arquitectura específica, un modelo de programación basado en paralelismo de datos, y aplicaciones del tipo Single Program Multiple Data. Una vez definido el marco de trabajo, se han evaluado los factores de rendimiento con especial atención al modelo de programación. Por este motivo, se ha analizado la librería de threads y la API OpenMP para detectar aquellas funciones sensibles de ser sintonizadas al permitir un comportamiento adaptativo de la aplicación al entorno, y que dependiendo de su adecuada utilización han de mejorar el rendimiento de la aplicación.Aquest document reflexa l'estudi d'investigació per a la detecció de factors que afecten al rendiment en entorns multicore. Degut a la gran quantitat d'arquitectures multicore s'ha definit un marc de treball acotat, que consisteix en la adopció d'una arquitectura específica, un model de programació basat en paral·lelisme de dates, i aplicacions del tipus Single Program Multiple Data. Una vegada definit el marc de treball, s'han avaluat els factors de rendiment amb especial atenció al model de programació. Per aquest motiu, s'ha analitzat la llibreria de thread i la API OpenMP per a detectar aquelles funcions sensibles de ser sintonitzades, al permetre un comportament adaptatiu de l'aplicació a l'entorn, i que, depenent de la seva adequada utilització s'aconsegueix una millora en el rendiment de la aplicació.This work reflects research studies for the detection of factors that affect performance in multicore environments. Due to the wide variety of multicore architectures we have defined a framework, consisting of a specific architecture, a programming model based on data parallelism, and Single Program Multiple Data applications. Having defined the framework, we evaluate the performance factors with special attention to programming model. For this reason, we have analyzed threaad libreary and OpenMP API to detect thos candidates functions to be tuned, allowin applications to beave adaptively to the computing environment, and based on their propper use will improve performance

    State of the Art in Parallel Computing with R

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    R is a mature open-source programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Many areas of statistical research are experiencing rapid growth in the size of data sets. Methodological advances drive increased use of simulations. A common approach is to use parallel computing. This paper presents an overview of techniques for parallel computing with R on computer clusters, on multi-core systems, and in grid computing. It reviews sixteen different packages, comparing them on their state of development, the parallel technology used, as well as on usability, acceptance, and performance. Two packages (snow, Rmpi) stand out as particularly suited to general use on computer clusters. Packages for grid computing are still in development, with only one package currently available to the end user. For multi-core systems five different packages exist, but a number of issues pose challenges to early adopters. The paper concludes with ideas for further developments in high performance computing with R. Example code is available in the appendix.

    State-of-the-Art in Parallel Computing with R

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    R is a mature open-source programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Many areas of statistical research are experiencing rapid growth in the size of data sets. Methodological advances drive increased use of simulations. A common approach is to use parallel computing. This paper presents an overview of techniques for parallel computing with R on computer clusters, on multi-core systems, and in grid computing. It reviews sixteen different packages, comparing them on their state of development, the parallel technology used, as well as on usability, acceptance, and performance. Two packages (snow, Rmpi) stand out as particularly useful for general use on computer clusters. Packages for grid computing are still in development, with only one package currently available to the end user. For multi-core systems four different packages exist, but a number of issues pose challenges to early adopters. The paper concludes with ideas for further developments in high performance computing with R. Example code is available in the appendix

    Software Development for Parallel and Multi-Core Processing

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    Research into software executives for space operations support

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    Research concepts pertaining to a software (workstation) executive which will support a distributed processing command and control system characterized by high-performance graphics workstations used as computing nodes are presented. Although a workstation-based distributed processing environment offers many advantages, it also introduces a number of new concerns. In order to solve these problems, allow the environment to function as an integrated system, and present a functional development environment to application programmers, it is necessary to develop an additional layer of software. This 'executive' software integrates the system, provides real-time capabilities, and provides the tools necessary to support the application requirements

    Towards dynamic threading support for OpenMP

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    Supercomputing Frontiers

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference Supercomputing Conference, SCFA 2022, which took place in Singapore in March 2022. The 8 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. They cover a range of topics including file systems, memory hierarchy, HPC cloud platform, container image configuration workflow, large-scale applications, and scheduling