8,619 research outputs found

    Effective Node Clustering and Data Dissemination In Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The denseness and random distribution of large-scale WSNs makes it quite difficult to replace or recharge nodes. Energy efficiency and management is a major design goal in these networks. In addition, reliability and scalability are two other major goals that have been identified by researchers as necessary in order to further expand the deployment of such networks for their use in various applications. This thesis aims to provide an energy efficient and effective node clustering and data dissemination algorithm in large-scale wireless sensor networks. In the area of clustering, the proposed research prolongs the lifetime of the network by saving energy through the use of node ranking to elect cluster heads, contrary to other existing cluster-based work that selects a random node or the node with the highest energy at a particular time instance as the new cluster head. Moreover, a global knowledge strategy is used to maintain a level of universal awareness of existing nodes in the subject area and to avoid the problem of disconnected or forgotten nodes. In the area of data dissemination, the aim of this research is to effectively manage the data collection by developing an efficient data collection scheme using a ferry node and applying a selective duty cycle strategy to the sensor nodes. Depending on the application, mobile ferries can be used for collecting data in a WSN, especially those that are large in scale, with delay tolerant applications. Unlike data collection via multi-hop forwarding among the sensing nodes, ferries travel across the sensing field to collect data. A ferry-based approach thus eliminates, or minimizes, the need for the multi-hop forwarding of data, and as a result, energy consumption at the nodes will be significantly reduced. This is especially true for nodes that are near the base station as they are used by other nodes to forward data to the base station. MATLAB is used to design, simulate and evaluate the proposed work against the work that has already been done by others by using various performance criteria

    Pheromone-based In-Network Processing for wireless sensor network monitoring systems

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    Monitoring spatio-temporal continuous fields using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has emerged as a novel solution. An efficient data-driven routing mechanism for sensor querying and information gathering in large-scale WSNs is a challenging problem. In particular, we consider the case of how to query the sensor network information with the minimum energy cost in scenarios where a small subset of sensor nodes has relevant readings. In order to deal with this problem, we propose a Pheromone-based In-Network Processing (PhINP) mechanism. The proposal takes advantages of both a pheromone-based iterative strategy to direct queries towards nodes with relevant information and query- and response-based in-network filtering to reduce the number of active nodes. Additionally, we apply reinforcement learning to improve the performance. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a simple and efficient mechanism for information discovery and gathering. It can reduce the messages exchanged in the network, by allowing some error, in order to maximize the network lifetime. We demonstrate by extensive simulations that using PhINP mechanism the query dissemination cost can be reduced by approximately 60% over flooding, with an error below 1%, applying the same in-network filtering strategy.Fil: Riva, Guillermo Gaston. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Finochietto, Jorge Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; Argentin

    Cooperative Coded Data Dissemination for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this poster paper we present a data dissemination transmission abstraction for over the air programming (OAP) protocol which is fundamentally different from the previous hop by hop transmission protocols. Instead of imposing the greedy requirement that at least one node in the ith hop receives all packets before transmitting packets to the next hop and its neighbours, we take advantage of the spatial diversity and broadcast nature of wireless transmission to adopt a cooperative approach in which node broadcast whatever packets it has received with the expectation that it will recover the lost packets with high probability by overhearing the broadcast transmissions of its neighbours. The use of coded transmissions ensures that this does not lead to the broadcast storm problem. We validate the improved performance our of proposed transmission scheme with respect to the previous state of the art OAP protocols on a proof-of-concept two-hops TelosB wireless sensor network testbed.Comment: This paper appears in: 2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), London, 2016, pp. 1-

    Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Various architectures have been developed for wireless sensor networks. Many of them leave to the programmer important concepts as the way in which the inter-task communication and dynamic reconfigurations are addressed. In this paper we describe the characteristics of a new architecture we proposed - the data-centric architecture. This architecture offers an easy way of structuring the applications designed for wireless sensor nodes that confers them superior performances

    A network-aware framework for energy-efficient data acquisition in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks enable users to monitor the physical world at an extremely high fidelity. In order to collect the data generated by these tiny-scale devices, the data management community has proposed the utilization of declarative data-acquisition frameworks. While these frameworks have facilitated the energy-efficient retrieval of data from the physical environment, they were agnostic of the underlying network topology and also did not support advanced query processing semantics. In this paper we present KSpot+, a distributed network-aware framework that optimizes network efficiency by combining three components: (i) the tree balancing module, which balances the workload of each sensor node by constructing efficient network topologies; (ii) the workload balancing module, which minimizes data reception inefficiencies by synchronizing the sensor network activity intervals; and (iii) the query processing module, which supports advanced query processing semantics. In order to validate the efficiency of our approach, we have developed a prototype implementation of KSpot+ in nesC and JAVA. In our experimental evaluation, we thoroughly assess the performance of KSpot+ using real datasets and show that KSpot+ provides significant energy reductions under a variety of conditions, thus significantly prolonging the longevity of a WSN