138,723 research outputs found

    A comparative case study of programming language expansion ratios : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Computing Technology at Massey University

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    An effective size estimation tool must allow an estimate to be obtained early enough to be useful. Some difficulties have been observed in using the traditional lines of code (LOC) measure in software sizing, much of which is due to the need for more detailed design information to be available before an accurate estimate can be achieved. This does not allow the result to be obtained early in the software development process. Moreover, the inherent language-dependency of LOC tends to restrict its use. An alternative measure using Function Point Analysis, developed by Albrecht, has been found to be an effective tool for sizing purposes and allows early sizing. However, the function point measure does not have a sufficient historical base of information for it to be used successfully in all cases with existing models of the software development process. Because lines of code already have a sense of "universality" as the de facto basic measure of software size, it can serve as a useful extension to function points. Language Expansion Ratios are seen as the key in providing such an extension by bridging the gap between function point and lines of code. Several sizing models have made use of expansion ratios in an effort to provide an equivalent size in lines of code in anticipation of its use in productivity studies and related cost models. However, its use has been associated with ranges of variability. The purpose of this thesis is to study Language Expansion Ratios, and the factors affecting them, for several languages based on a standard case study. This thesis surveys the prevailing issues of software size measurement and describes the role and importance of language expansion ratios. It presents the standard case study used and the methodology for the empirical study. The experimental results of measurements of the actual system are analysed and these form the basis for appropriate conclusions on the validity and applicability of the expansion ratios studied. This research shows that the use of Language Expansion Ratios is valid but it is considered inadequate when applied in its present form. This was found to be due to the weighting factors associated with the appropriate function value obtained for the different functional categories of the system

    THE role of the technology acceptance model in information systems research: a case study

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    Explaining the factors that lead to use and acceptance of information technology (IT), both at individual and organizational levels, has been the focus of information systems (IS) researchers since 1970s. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is known as such an explanatory model and has increasingly gained recognition due to its focus on theories of human behaviour. Although this model has faced with some criticism in terms of not being able to fully explain the social-technical acceptance of technology, it is still known as one of the best IS methodologies that contributes greatly to explaining it. This paper discusses, describes and explains TAM as one of the well-known information system research methodologies and attempts to demonstrate how this model can be applied in practice in IS research projects. TAM is widely used in different areas of IS studies such as e-commerce, e-business, multimedia and mobile commerce. This paper shows how TAM can be applied in an IS research project by referring to a case study conducted in the area of mobile banking in the UK. This paper aims to contribute to IS research by providing an informed criticism of TAM as well as a clear proposal on how to use it

    Relevance, benefits, and problems of software modelling and model driven techniques—A survey in the Italian industry

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    Context Claimed benefits of software modelling and model driven techniques are improvements in productivity, portability, maintainability and interoperability. However, little effort has been devoted at collecting evidence to evaluate their actual relevance, benefits and usage complications. Goal The main goals of this paper are: (1) assess the diffusion and relevance of software modelling and MD techniques in the Italian industry, (2) understand the expected and achieved benefits, and (3) identify which problems limit/prevent their diffusion. Method We conducted an exploratory personal opinion survey with a sample of 155 Italian software professionals by means of a Web-based questionnaire on-line from February to April 2011. Results Software modelling and MD techniques are very relevant in the Italian industry. The adoption of simple modelling brings common benefits (better design support, documentation improvement, better maintenance, and higher software quality), while MD techniques make it easier to achieve: improved standardization, higher productivity, and platform independence. We identified problems, some hindering adoption (too much effort required and limited usefulness) others preventing it (lack of competencies and supporting tools). Conclusions The relevance represents an important objective motivation for researchers in this area. The relationship between techniques and attainable benefits represents an instrument for practitioners planning the adoption of such techniques. In addition the findings may provide hints for companies and universitie

    Towards a Theory of Software Development Expertise

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    Software development includes diverse tasks such as implementing new features, analyzing requirements, and fixing bugs. Being an expert in those tasks requires a certain set of skills, knowledge, and experience. Several studies investigated individual aspects of software development expertise, but what is missing is a comprehensive theory. We present a first conceptual theory of software development expertise that is grounded in data from a mixed-methods survey with 335 software developers and in literature on expertise and expert performance. Our theory currently focuses on programming, but already provides valuable insights for researchers, developers, and employers. The theory describes important properties of software development expertise and which factors foster or hinder its formation, including how developers' performance may decline over time. Moreover, our quantitative results show that developers' expertise self-assessments are context-dependent and that experience is not necessarily related to expertise.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2018), ACM, 201

    A framework for understanding the factors influencing pair programming success

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    Pair programming is one of the more controversial aspects of several Agile system development methods, in particular eXtreme Programming (XP). Various studies have assessed factors that either drive the success or suggest advantages (and disadvantages) of pair programming. In this exploratory study the literature on pair programming is examined and factors distilled. These factors are then compared and contrasted with those discovered in our recent Delphi study of pair programming. Gallis et al. (2003) have proposed an initial framework aimed at providing a comprehensive identification of the major factors impacting team programming situations including pair programming. However, this study demonstrates that the framework should be extended to include an additional category of factors that relate to organizational matters. These factors will be further refined, and used to develop and empirically evaluate a conceptual model of pair programming (success)

    A firm-level analysis of ICT adoption in an emerging economy: evidence from the colombian manufacturing industries

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    This study examines ICT adoption among 3,759 Colombian manufacturing firms, and attemptsto identify the factors that are conducive to the adoption and usage of ICT at the firm level. Ourmajor findings are (i) that the adoption of a given information and communication technology isbetter facilitated when a firm is relatively large, has large human capital, engages in moreinnovative activities, and when a firm´s organizational structure is better aligned with the giventechnology; (ii) that positive associations between the key determinants and ICT adoptions aremore pronounced for small and medium-sized firms than for large ones, and (iii) that informationspillovers within industries is also a determinant of ICT adoptions by the firms.ICT adoption, Internet, Innovation, Organizational change

    Happy software developers solve problems better: psychological measurements in empirical software engineering

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    For more than 30 years, it has been claimed that a way to improve software developers' productivity and software quality is to focus on people and to provide incentives to make developers satisfied and happy. This claim has rarely been verified in software engineering research, which faces an additional challenge in comparison to more traditional engineering fields: software development is an intellectual activity and is dominated by often-neglected human aspects. Among the skills required for software development, developers must possess high analytical problem-solving skills and creativity for the software construction process. According to psychology research, affects-emotions and moods-deeply influence the cognitive processing abilities and performance of workers, including creativity and analytical problem solving. Nonetheless, little research has investigated the correlation between the affective states, creativity, and analytical problem-solving performance of programmers. This article echoes the call to employ psychological measurements in software engineering research. We report a study with 42 participants to investigate the relationship between the affective states, creativity, and analytical problem-solving skills of software developers. The results offer support for the claim that happy developers are indeed better problem solvers in terms of their analytical abilities. The following contributions are made by this study: (1) providing a better understanding of the impact of affective states on the creativity and analytical problem-solving capacities of developers, (2) introducing and validating psychological measurements, theories, and concepts of affective states, creativity, and analytical-problem-solving skills in empirical software engineering, and (3) raising the need for studying the human factors of software engineering by employing a multidisciplinary viewpoint.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, published at Peer