9 research outputs found

    A magyarorszågi gazdålkodó szervezetek szoftverkörnyezetének empirikus vizsgålata

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    Ez a tanulmĂĄny egy kĂ©rdƑíves felmĂ©rĂ©s eredmĂ©nyeire tĂĄmaszkodva azt a kĂ©rdĂ©st vizsgĂĄlja, hogy a magyarorszĂĄgi gazdĂĄlkodĂł szervezetek ĂŒzleti tevĂ©kenysĂ©gei milyen mĂ©rtĂ©kben tĂĄmogatottak kĂŒlönbözƑ szoftveres megoldĂĄsokkal. A beĂ©rkezett 498 vĂĄlasz egymĂĄstĂłl jelentƑs mĂ©rtĂ©kben eltĂ©rƑ mintĂĄzata Ă©s a szoftver-környezet egyes elemei között mutatkozĂł relatĂ­v alacsony korrelĂĄciĂłja egy olyan, Ășj Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©si rendszer kialakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄt tette szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©. Az Ășj elemzĂ©si eljĂĄrĂĄs kĂ©pes az egyes gazdĂĄlkodĂł szervetek ĂĄltal rendszeresĂ­tett szoftver-környezeteket a korĂĄbbi kutatĂĄsokban tapasztaltaknĂĄl rĂ©szletesebben elemezni, de robosztus marad a vĂĄlaszokban mutatkozĂł jelentƑs kĂŒlönbsĂ©gekre. A korĂĄbban publikĂĄlt elmĂ©leti eredmĂ©nyekre, valamint a kvantitatĂ­v kutatĂĄsokban bemutatott eljĂĄrĂĄsok tapasztalataira Ă©pĂ­tve ez az elemzĂ©si mĂłdszertan a feltĂĄrĂł faktorelemzĂ©sen (EFA) Ă©s a rĂ©szben arra Ă©pĂŒlƑ konfirmatĂ­v faktorelemzĂ©sen (CFA) alapul. A kutatĂĄsomban igazolĂłdott, hogy ezen mutatĂłszĂĄm-rendszer be tudja tölteni mĂĄs modellekben a magyarĂĄzĂł-vĂĄltozĂł szerepĂ©t, Ă­gy objektĂ­v mĂłdon, kvantitatĂ­v eszközök segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel mĂ©rhetƑvĂ© vĂĄlt az IKT-infrastruktĂșra az azt ĂŒzemeltetƑ gazdĂĄlkodĂł szervezetekre gyakorolt hatĂĄsa. Abstract: Based on the results of a questionnaire survey, the aim of this research is to investigate the extent to which the business activities of the for-profit organizations in Hungary are supported by various software solutions. The significantly different pattern of the 498 responses received and the relatively low correlation between each element of the software environment made necessary the development of a new evaluation system. The new method of analysis procedure can analyse the software environments for-profit organizations in Hungary more sophistically than in previous research, but it is robust for significant differences in the received answers of the questionnaire. Based on previously published theoretical results and methods used in quantitative research, this analytical methodology is based on the methods of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The research proved that this system of indicators can fulfil the role of an explanatory variable in other models, so the impact of the software-environment of the ICT infrastructure of the for-profit organizations in Hungary on their operators can be measured in an objective way, by using the quantitative tools

    Adoption and Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): An Empirical Study

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    The study is an attempt to unearth the current state of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adoption and implementation in both manufacturing and service firms. Drawing on the conceptualization of multiple theories based in technology acceptance and innovation diffusion model, this study examines the above objectives with a particular reference to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Following the deductive reasoning approach, we applied a self-administered questionnaire survey and used 235 replies from 255 collected responses, leaving the data affected with missing and un-matched responses. The result is applied using the structural equation modeling via SmartPLS 2, a second generation regression model, for testing hypothesized relationships. Findings reveal that all the hypothesized influences are found significantly linked through the explanatory variables with the endogenous variables at different levels of significance, except the impact of effort efficiency and resistance to change. Policy implications are also proposed for the full adoption and utilization of ERP to achieve sustainable development goals. Furthermore, we recommend future researchers to focus on action research or experimental data for preventing the generalizability of the observed results

    Intention to use and Adoption of IT Innovations in Organizations: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Moderating Role of Innovation Type and Socio-Economic Context

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    Present paper conducts a meta-analysis of the innovation features that influence the intention to use and adoption of information technology (IT) innovation in the organizations. Previous studies that assessed the influence of innovation features on intention to use and adoption have found inconsistent results and thus created confusion among academicians and practitioners. Present study consolidates the findings of previous studies using meta-analysis to reveal the key factors behind organizations’ intention to use and adoption of IT innovations. The study takes a step further by also determining the moderating role of innovation type (product vs. service innovations) and socio-economic context (developing vs. developed countries) on the relationships of innovation features with intention to use and adoption of IT innovations. It also provides multiple insightful theoretical and practical implications

    Building information modeling (BIM) adoption among Libyan construction organizations : the moderating effect of organizational culture

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is well-known in the construction sector as an important tool for improving organizational performance. In this sense, worldwide BIM adoption is rapidly expanding, however this new phenomenon is not growing at the same rate as in Libya. Despite the fact that BIM has been existed for over 20 years, construction organizations in Libya are still struggling to adopt integrated BIM technology. Although previous studies have looked at the factors that influence technology adoption, there are still crucial concerns that have not been completely investigated and must be addressed. They include: (1) Previous research on the factors that influence BIM adoption has yielded inconclusive results. As a result, further study is needed to investigate potential moderators in the processes of a firm experiencing, interpreting, and controlling internal and external important factors. Investigating the moderating influence of organizational culture may assist in resolving inconsistencies in prior studies. (2) Despite BIM processes requiring organization-wide adoption, However only few study sought to integration of variables of the most important theories at organisations level such as TOE , DOI and INT, the constructs of these of theories have not clearly identified the factors that influence BIM adoption in construction organisations , especially in Libya construction organisations. As a result, the aim of this study is to close these gaps by identifying the variables impacting BIM technology adoption in Libya. Organizational culture has been applied to understand the moderating effect between influential factors and BIM adoption. An integrated research model was constructed based on the Technology Organization Environment (TOE) theory to explain the relative effect of seven known factors. The information was gathered through a survey of 411 Libyan construction organization. PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling) was used to analyse the data, evaluate the measurement and structural model, and test the hypotheses. According to the data, Libyan construction enterprises are not technological sophisticated, and they continue to use common technologies such as 2D CAD. The path analysis results demonstrated that the technological factors (Perceived Relative Advantage and Compatibility) related positively to BIM adoption, while Complexity related negatively to BIM adoption. Organizational factors (top management support) also related positively with environmental factors (Coercive Pressure) on the adoption of BIM. Organizational culture was also found to have a moderating effect on the relationship between environmental factors (Normative pressure) and the adoption of BIM in Libyan construction organizations. The study's findings provide significant insight into important factors that might increase the level of BIM adoption. In summary, the integration of the research model gave a comprehensive explanation for BIM adoption in organizations. The adoption of BIM could serve as a base for future research in other emerging technology adoptions in organizations

    Time to seize the digital evolution: Adoption of blockchain in operations and supply chain management among Malaysian SMEs

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    Abstract(#br)This study aims to investigate the effects of relative advantage, complexity, upper management support, cost, market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support on blockchain adoption for operations and supply chain management among Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Unlike existing studies that employed linear models with Technology Acceptance Model or United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology that ignores the organisational and environmental factors, we adopted the Technology, Organisation and Environment Framework that covers the technological dimensions of relative advantage and complexity, organisational dimensions of upper management support and cost and environmental dimensions of market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support. Empirical data from 194 SMEs were investigated and ranked using a nonlinear non-compensatory PLS-ANN approach. Competitive pressure, complexity, cost and relative have significant effects on behavioural intention. Market dynamics, regulatory support and upper management support were insignificant predictors. SMEs often lack resources for technological investments but faces same requirements for streamlining business processes to optimise returns and blockchain presents a viable option for SMEs’ sustainability due to its features of immutability, transparency and security that have the potential to revolutionise businesses. This study contributes new knowledge to the literature on factors that affect blockchain adoption and justifications were discussed accordingly

    Factors of enterprise resource planning implementation among small and medium-sized enterprises: a systematic literature review

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    Nowadays, with the continuous development of economic globalization, the competition faced by various enterprises is increasing. Whether it is a small, medium or large enterprise, their daily operations generate a lot of data, and their business processes are more and more complex, requiring more advanced tools for inventory management, resource management and so on. As an enterprise integrated information system, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can effectively assist enterprises to integrate daily data and information of enterprises, and ultimately improve the business efficiency of various departments and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. However, for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), although there is a lot of evidence that ERP has many benefits for them, there are still many SMEs that refuse to implement ERP, and many companies cannot successfully implement ERP. In this regard, a large number of scholars have studied the factors affecting the implementation of ERP in different enterprises, and there are many studies on SMEs. However, it is difficult to find systematic and comprehensive research on the factors affecting the implementation of ERP in SMEs. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap by providing a systematic literature review related ERP implementation in SMEs. The search and refinement stages in this review study were carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). The articles covered in this study were mainly selected from two electronic databases, Web of Science and Scopus. After screening, 41 articles were eventually reviewed. Based on these reviewed articles, this study found that the main factors affecting the implementation of ERP in SMEs are organizational factors, technical factors, environmental factors and other factors. The theoretical model commonly used in these reviewed articles is the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The main research methods are survey and case study. This study also found that organizational-related factors were considered by many articles to be the main factors affecting the implementation of ERP in SMEs

    Jelenkori tĂĄrsadalmi Ă©s gazdasĂĄgi folyamatok : 16. Ă©vfolyam, 1-2. sz.

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    Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in Higher Education: Cost Containment Strategies

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    Lack of effective cost containment strategies to support enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementations within higher education institutions (HEIs) result in budget overruns 50% of the time. Grounded in GartnerĂąs IT cost containment techniques, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies HEI project directors use to support a successful ERP implementation on time and within budget. The participants comprised 5 project directors and managers from HEIs and another public organization in the state of Washington. Data were collected from semistructured interviews, archival data, and organization documents. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, and 4 themes emerged: project governance and project management office, resource allocation, vendor negotiation, and organizational change management. A key finding is the importance of including the project director in the vendor contract negotiations; thus, projector directors should be involved in the vendor contract negotiations. The implications for positive social change include the potential for improved student access to educational services and improved capacity for knowledge integration and transfer to benefit local communities

    Exploring the determinants of organisational e-commerce adoption : an analysis of e-readiness and technological and behavioural control factors using PLS-SEM and multinomial regression

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    E-Commerce technologies are widely adopted by organisations for increased efficiency and competitive edge in both public and private sectors. Statistical evidence shows that E-Commerce adoption in developing economies is low and firms in these regions face adoption challenges distinct from those in developed countries. However, despite some shared challenges generalisation of results from one developing country to the other requires great caution. The term “Developing Countries” is not distinctive and a significant variance in socio-economic factors exists in this block. Given the sensitivity of E-Commerce adoption to such factors, country-specific research is required for better understanding. E-commerce is a driver of economic growth and e-commerce adoption by developing countries is not only essential for their prosperity but is also pivotal for sustainable global economic development in an interconnected world. Pakistan holds significant potential to boost the global economy, yet its E-Commerce adoption trails behind several regional players. The literature survey reveals a scarcity of high-quality Pakistan-based studies, with many failing to adhere to statistical and general research principles. Most of these studies focus on “usual suspects” and terminate at the initial adoption of organisational E-Commerce. This quantitative study utilised correlational and classification techniques to investigate the influence of more pertinent factors on firm-level ECommerce adoption within the unique context of Pakistan. By empirically testing four models developed using constructs from the Perceived E-Commerce Readiness Model (PERM), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), and Technology, Organisation, Environment (TOE), the study addressed four research questions. A distinct feature of this study is the comparison of E-Commerce adoption decisions in public and private sectors, providing insights into potential disparities and unique challenges faced by each sector. A range of univariate and multivariate techniques were used in the study including Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and Multinominal Logistic Regression. Using the stratified sampling technique questionnaires were sent to potential respondents in two phases. The impact of E-readiness factors was examined using 448 valid responses received in phase 1. In the second phase, 347 valid responses were received, which were then used to examine the effects of technological and behavioural factors on an organisation's E-Commerce adoption decision. The study found that the E-Readiness of “Business Resources”, “Technical Resources”, “Government”, “Governance”, and “Support Industry”, along with “Awareness” about E-Commerce and “Commitment” impact E-Commerce adoption. Among Technological and Behavioural Control Factors, Perceived Behavioural Control, “Perceived Compatibility”, “Relative Advantage” and “Perceived Security” were found positively related to E-Commerce adoption in Pakistan. The study also identified the relevance of factors at different stages of organisational E-Commerce adoption. While some factors remained relevant in all stages, their impact varied in magnitude at different levels of E-Commerce adoption in organisations. The study also highlighted some interesting differences between the public and private sectors. Private sector organisations scored higher in terms of perceived E-Readiness, Technological and Behavioural Control Factors. ECommerce adoption cost was found relevant only in the private sector as in the public sector its effect was statistically insignificant. In terms of magnitude, relative advantage and cost acceptability were found more strongly and statistically significantly related to organisational E-Commerce adoption in the private sector compared to the public sector. This study contributed to existing knowledge by explaining the variance in organisational E-commerce adoption decisions, incorporating E-readiness alongside various technological and behavioural factors. A systematic survey was essential to address the research questions effectively, resulting in a comprehensive literature review specifically focused on the context of Pakistan. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for decision-makers at both the national and organisational levels for the promotion of E-Commerce in Pakistan. This study highlighted the importance of E-Readiness, Technological, and Behavioural control factors, paving the way for future research to develop concise scales for auditing these factors and potentially integrating them into a unified model.E-Commerce technologies are widely adopted by organisations for increased efficiency and competitive edge in both public and private sectors. Statistical evidence shows that E-Commerce adoption in developing economies is low and firms in these regions face adoption challenges distinct from those in developed countries. However, despite some shared challenges generalisation of results from one developing country to the other requires great caution. The term “Developing Countries” is not distinctive and a significant variance in socio-economic factors exists in this block. Given the sensitivity of E-Commerce adoption to such factors, country-specific research is required for better understanding. E-commerce is a driver of economic growth and e-commerce adoption by developing countries is not only essential for their prosperity but is also pivotal for sustainable global economic development in an interconnected world. Pakistan holds significant potential to boost the global economy, yet its E-Commerce adoption trails behind several regional players. The literature survey reveals a scarcity of high-quality Pakistan-based studies, with many failing to adhere to statistical and general research principles. Most of these studies focus on “usual suspects” and terminate at the initial adoption of organisational E-Commerce. This quantitative study utilised correlational and classification techniques to investigate the influence of more pertinent factors on firm-level ECommerce adoption within the unique context of Pakistan. By empirically testing four models developed using constructs from the Perceived E-Commerce Readiness Model (PERM), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), and Technology, Organisation, Environment (TOE), the study addressed four research questions. A distinct feature of this study is the comparison of E-Commerce adoption decisions in public and private sectors, providing insights into potential disparities and unique challenges faced by each sector. A range of univariate and multivariate techniques were used in the study including Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and Multinominal Logistic Regression. Using the stratified sampling technique questionnaires were sent to potential respondents in two phases. The impact of E-readiness factors was examined using 448 valid responses received in phase 1. In the second phase, 347 valid responses were received, which were then used to examine the effects of technological and behavioural factors on an organisation's E-Commerce adoption decision. The study found that the E-Readiness of “Business Resources”, “Technical Resources”, “Government”, “Governance”, and “Support Industry”, along with “Awareness” about E-Commerce and “Commitment” impact E-Commerce adoption. Among Technological and Behavioural Control Factors, Perceived Behavioural Control, “Perceived Compatibility”, “Relative Advantage” and “Perceived Security” were found positively related to E-Commerce adoption in Pakistan. The study also identified the relevance of factors at different stages of organisational E-Commerce adoption. While some factors remained relevant in all stages, their impact varied in magnitude at different levels of E-Commerce adoption in organisations. The study also highlighted some interesting differences between the public and private sectors. Private sector organisations scored higher in terms of perceived E-Readiness, Technological and Behavioural Control Factors. ECommerce adoption cost was found relevant only in the private sector as in the public sector its effect was statistically insignificant. In terms of magnitude, relative advantage and cost acceptability were found more strongly and statistically significantly related to organisational E-Commerce adoption in the private sector compared to the public sector. This study contributed to existing knowledge by explaining the variance in organisational E-commerce adoption decisions, incorporating E-readiness alongside various technological and behavioural factors. A systematic survey was essential to address the research questions effectively, resulting in a comprehensive literature review specifically focused on the context of Pakistan. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for decision-makers at both the national and organisational levels for the promotion of E-Commerce in Pakistan. This study highlighted the importance of E-Readiness, Technological, and Behavioural control factors, paving the way for future research to develop concise scales for auditing these factors and potentially integrating them into a unified model