707 research outputs found


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    Diagnosis has been traditionally one of the most successful applications of Bayesian networks. The main bottleneck in applying Bayesian networks to diagnostic problems seems to be model building, which is typically a complex and time consuming task. Query-based diagnostics offers passive, incremental construction of diagnostic models that rest on the interaction between a diagnostician and a computer-based diagnostic system. Every case, passively observed by the system, adds information and, in the long run, leads to construction of a usable model. This approach minimizes knowledge engineering in model building. This dissertation focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of building systems based on the idea of query-based diagnostics. Its main contributions are an investigation of the optimal approach to learning parameters of Bayesian networks from continuous data streams, dealing with structural complexity in building Bayesian networks through removal of the weakest arcs, and a practical evaluation of the idea of query-based diagnostics. One of the main problems of query-based diagnostic systems is dealing with complexity. As data comes in, the models constructed may become too large and too densely connected. I address this problem in two ways. First, I present an empirical comparison of Bayesian network parameter learning algorithms. This study provides the optimal solutions for the system when dealing with continuous data streams. Second, I conduct a series of experiments testing control of the growth of a model by means of removing its weakest arcs. The results show that removing up to 20 percent of the weakest arcs in a network has minimal effect on its classification accuracy, and reduces the amount of memory taken by the clique tree and by this the amount of computation needed to perform inference. An empirical evaluation of query-based diagnostic systems shows that the diagnostic accuracy reaches reasonable levels after merely tens of cases and continues to increase with the number of cases, comparing favorably to state of the art approaches based on learning

    Statistical Modelling for Quantitative Risk Analysis

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    Simple low cost causal discovery using mutual information and domain knowledge

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    PhDThis thesis examines causal discovery within datasets, in particular observational datasets where normal experimental manipulation is not possible. A number of machine learning techniques are examined in relation to their use of knowledge and the insights they can provide regarding the situation under study. Their use of prior knowledge and the causal knowledge produced by the learners are examined. Current causal learning algorithms are discussed in terms of their strengths and limitations. The main contribution of the thesis is a new causal learner LUMIN that operates with a polynomial time complexity in both the number of variables and records examined. It makes no prior assumptions about the form of the relationships and is capable of making extensive use of available domain information. This learner is compared to a number of current learning algorithms and it is shown to be competitive with them

    Bayesian Network Approximation from Local Structures

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    This work is focused on the problem of Bayesian network structure learning. There are two main areas in this field which are here discussed.The first area is a theoretical one. We consider some aspects of the Bayesian network structure learning hardness. In particular we prove that the problem of finding a Bayesian network structure with a minimal number of edges encoding the joint probability distribution of a given dataset is NP-hard. This result can be considered as a significantly different than the standard one view on the NP-hardness of the Bayesian network structure learning. The most notable so far results in this area are focused mainly on the specific characterization of the problem, where the aim is to find a Bayesian network structure maximizing some given probabilistic criterion. These criteria arise from quite advanced considerations in the area of statistics, and in particular their interpretation might be not intuitive---especially for the people not familiar with the Bayesian networks domain. In contrary the proposed here criterion, for which the NP-hardness is proved, does not require any advanced knowledge and it can be easily understandable.The second area is related to concrete algorithms. We focus on one of the most interesting branch in history of Bayesian network structure learning methods, leading to a very significant solutions. Namely we consider the branch of local Bayesian network structure learning methods, where the main aim is to gather first of all some information describing local properties of constructed networks, and then use this information appropriately in order to construct the whole network structure. The algorithm which is the root of this branch is focused on the important local characterization of Bayesian networks---so called Markov blankets. The Markov blanket of a given attribute consists of such other attributes which in the probabilistic sense correspond to the maximal in strength and minimal in size set of its causes. The aforementioned first algorithm in the considered here branch is based on one important observation. Subject to appropriate assumptions it is possible to determine the optimal Bayesian network structure by examining relations between attributes only within the Markov blankets. In the case of datasets derived from appropriately sparse distributions, where Markov blanket of each attribute has a limited by some common constant size, such procedure leads to a well time scalable Bayesian network structure learning approach.The Bayesian network local learning branch has mainly evolved in direction of reducing the gathered local information into even smaller and more reliably learned patterns. This reduction has raised from the parallel progress in the Markov blankets approximation field.The main result of this dissertation is the proposal of Bayesian network structure learning procedure which can be placed into the branch of local learning methods and which leads to the fork in its root in fact. The fundamental idea is to appropriately aggregate learned over the Markov blankets local knowledge not in the form of derived dependencies within these blankets---as it happens in the root method, but in the form of local Bayesian networks. The user can thanks to this have much influence on the character of this local knowledge---by choosing appropriate to his needs Bayesian network structure learning method used in order to learn the local structures. The merging approach of local structures into a global one is justified theoretically and evaluated empirically, showing its ability to enhance even very advanced Bayesian network structure learning algorithms, when applying them locally in the proposed scheme.Praca ta skupia się na problemie uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej. Są dwa główne pola w tym temacie, które są tutaj omówione.Pierwsze pole ma charakter teoretyczny. Rozpatrujemy pewne aspekty trudności uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej. W szczególności pokozujemy, że problem wyznaczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej o minimalnej liczbie krawędzi kodującej w sobie łączny rozkład prawdopodobieństwa atrybutów danej tabeli danych jest NP-trudny. Rezultat ten może być postrzegany jako istotnie inne od standardowego spojrzenie na NP-trudność uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej. Najbardziej znaczące jak dotąd rezultaty w tym zakresie skupiają się głównie na specyficznej charakterystyce problemu, gdzie celem jest wyznaczenie struktury sieci bayesowskiej maksymalizującej pewne zadane probabilistyczne kryterium. Te kryteria wywodzą się z dość zaawansowanych rozważań w zakresie statystyki i w szczególności mogą nie być intuicyjne---szczególnie dla ludzi niezaznajomionych z dziedziną sieci bayesowskich. W przeciwieństwie do tego zaproponowane tutaj kryterium, dla którego została wykazana NP-trudność, nie wymaga żadnej zaawansowanej wiedzy i może być łatwo zrozumiane.Drugie pole wiąże się z konkretnymi algorytmami. Skupiamy się na jednej z najbardziej interesujących gałęzi w historii metod uczenia struktur sieci bayesowskich, prowadzącej do bardzo znaczących rozwiązań. Konkretnie rozpatrujemy gałąź metod lokalnego uczenia struktur sieci bayesowskich, gdzie głównym celem jest zebranie w pierwszej kolejności pewnych informacji opisujących lokalne własności konstruowanych sieci, a następnie użycie tych informacji w odpowiedni sposób celem konstrukcji pełnej struktury sieci. Algorytm będący korzeniem tej gałęzi skupia się na ważnej lokalnej charakteryzacji sieci bayesowskich---tak zwanych kocach Markowa. Koc Markowa dla zadanego atrybutu składa się z tych pozostałych atrybutów, które w sensie probabilistycznym odpowiadają maksymalnymu w sile i minimalnemu w rozmiarze zbiorowi jego przyczyn. Wspomniany pierwszy algorytm w rozpatrywanej tu gałęzi opiera się na jednej istotnej obserwacji. Przy odpowiednich założeniach możliwe jest wyznaczenie optymalnej struktury sieci bayesowskiej poprzez badanie relacji między atrybutami jedynie w obrębie koców Markowa. W przypadku zbiorów danych wywodzących się z odpowiednio rzadkiego rozkładu, gdzie koc Markowa każdego atrybutu ma ograniczony przez pewną wspólną stałą rozmiar, taka procedura prowadzi do dobrze skalowalnego czasowo podejścia uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej.Gałąź lokalnego uczenia sieci bayesowskich rozwinęła się głównie w kierunku redukcji zbieranych lokalnych informacji do jeszcze mniejszych i bardziej niezawodnie wyuczanych wzorców. Redukcja ta wyrosła na bazie równoległego rozwoju w dziedzinie aproksymacji koców Markowa.Głównym rezultatem tej rozprawy jest zaproponowanie procedury uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej, która może być umiejscowiona w gałęzi metod lokalnego uczenia i która faktycznie wyznacza rozgałęzienie w jego korzeniu. Fundamentalny pomysł polega tu na tym, żeby odpowiednio agregować wyuczoną w obrębie koców Markowa lokalną wiedzę nie w formie wyprowadzonych zależności w obrębie tych koców---tak jak to się dzieje w przypadku metody - korzenia, ale w formie lokalnych sieci bayesowskich. Użytkownik może mieć dzięki temu duży wpływ na charakter tej lokalnej wiedzy---poprzez wybór odpowiedniej dla jego potrzeb metody uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej użytej w celu wyznaczenia lokalnych struktur. Procedura scalenia lokalnych modeli celem utworzenia globalnego jest uzasadniona teoretycznie oraz zbadana eksperymentalnie, pokazując jej zdolność do poprawienia nawet bardzo zaawansowanych algorytmów uczenia struktury sieci bayesowskiej, gdy zastosuje się je lokalnie w ramach zaproponowanego schematu

    Statistical Learning Approaches to Information Filtering

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    Enabling computer systems to understand human thinking or behaviors has ever been an exciting challenge to computer scientists. In recent years one such a topic, information filtering, emerges to help users find desired information items (e.g.~movies, books, news) from large amount of available data, and has become crucial in many applications, like product recommendation, image retrieval, spam email filtering, news filtering, and web navigation etc.. An information filtering system must be able to understand users' information needs. Existing approaches either infer a user's profile by exploring his/her connections to other users, i.e.~collaborative filtering (CF), or analyzing the content descriptions of liked or disliked examples annotated by the user, ~i.e.~content-based filtering (CBF). Those methods work well to some extent, but are facing difficulties due to lack of insights into the problem. This thesis intensively studies a wide scope of information filtering technologies. Novel and principled machine learning methods are proposed to model users' information needs. The work demonstrates that the uncertainty of user profiles and the connections between them can be effectively modelled by using probability theory and Bayes rule. As one major contribution of this thesis, the work clarifies the ``structure'' of information filtering and gives rise to principled solutions. In summary, the work of this thesis mainly covers the following three aspects: Collaborative filtering: We develop a probabilistic model for memory-based collaborative filtering (PMCF), which has clear links with classical memory-based CF. Various heuristics to improve memory-based CF have been proposed in the literature. In contrast, extensions based on PMCF can be made in a principled probabilistic way. With PMCF, we describe a CF paradigm that involves interactions with users, instead of passively receiving data from users in conventional CF, and actively chooses the most informative patterns to learn, thereby greatly reduce user efforts and computational costs. Content-based filtering: One major problem for CBF is the deficiency and high dimensionality of content-descriptive features. Information items (e.g.~images or articles) are typically described by high-dimensional features with mixed types of attributes, that seem to be developed independently but intrinsically related. We derive a generalized principle component analysis to merge high-dimensional and heterogenous content features into a low-dimensional continuous latent space. The derived features brings great conveniences to CBF, because most existing algorithms easily cope with low-dimensional and continuous data, and more importantly, the extracted data highlight the intrinsic semantics of original content features. Hybrid filtering: How to combine CF and CBF in an ``smart'' way remains one of the most challenging problems in information filtering. Little principled work exists so far. This thesis reveals that people's information needs can be naturally modelled with a hierarchical Bayesian thinking, where each individual's data are generated based on his/her own profile model, which itself is a sample from a common distribution of the population of user profiles. Users are thus connected to each other via this common distribution. Due to the complexity of such a distribution in real-world applications, usually applied parametric models are too restrictive, and we thus introduce a nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian model using Dirichlet process. We derive effective and efficient algorithms to learn the described model. In particular, the finally achieved hybrid filtering methods are surprisingly simple and intuitively understandable, offering clear insights to previous work on pure CF, pure CBF, and hybrid filtering

    The development of object oriented Bayesian networks to evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of solar PV

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    Domestic and community low carbon technologies are widely heralded as valuable means for delivering sustainability outcomes in the form of social, economic and environmental (SEE) policy objectives. To accelerate their diffusion they have benefited from a significant number and variety of subsidies worldwide. Considerable aleatory and epistemic uncertainties exist, however, both with regard to their net energy contribution and their SEE impacts. Furthermore the socio-economic contexts themselves exhibit enormous variability, and commensurate uncertainties in their parameterisation. This represents a significant risk for policy makers and technology adopters. This work describes an approach to these problems using Bayesian Network models. These are utilised to integrate extant knowledge from a variety of disciplines to quantify SEE impacts and endogenise uncertainties. A large-scale Object Oriented Bayesian network has been developed to model the specific case of solar photovoltaics (PV) installed on UK domestic roofs. Three specific model components have been developed. The PV component characterises the yield of UK systems, the building energy component characterises the energy consumption of the dwellings and their occupants and a third component characterises the building stock in four English urban communities. Three representative SEE indicators, fuel affordability, carbon emission reduction and discounted cash flow are integrated and used to test the model s ability to yield meaningful outputs in response to varying inputs. The variability in the percentage of the three indicators is highly responsive to the dwellings built form, age and orientation, but is not just due to building and solar physics but also to socio-economic factors. The model can accept observations or evidence in order to create scenarios which facilitate deliberative decision making. The BN methodology contributes to the synthesis of new knowledge from extant knowledge located between disciplines . As well as insights into the impacts of high PV penetration, an epistemic contribution has been made to transdisciplinary building energy modelling which can be replicated with a variety of low carbon interventions

    Learning Bayesian network equivalence classes using ant colony optimisation

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    Bayesian networks have become an indispensable tool in the modelling of uncertain knowledge. Conceptually, they consist of two parts: a directed acyclic graph called the structure, and conditional probability distributions attached to each node known as the parameters. As a result of their expressiveness, understandability and rigorous mathematical basis, Bayesian networks have become one of the first methods investigated, when faced with an uncertain problem domain. However, a recurring problem persists in specifying a Bayesian network. Both the structure and parameters can be difficult for experts to conceive, especially if their knowledge is tacit.To counteract these problems, research has been ongoing, on learning both the structure and parameters of Bayesian networks from data. Whilst there are simple methods for learning the parameters, learning the structure has proved harder. Part ofthis stems from the NP-hardness of the problem and the super-exponential space of possible structures. To help solve this task, this thesis seeks to employ a relatively new technique, that has had much success in tackling NP-hard problems. This technique is called ant colony optimisation. Ant colony optimisation is a metaheuristic based on the behaviour of ants acting together in a colony. It uses the stochastic activity of artificial ants to find good solutions to combinatorial optimisation problems. In the current work, this method is applied to the problem of searching through the space of equivalence classes of Bayesian networks, in order to find a good match against a set of data. The system uses operators that evaluate potential modifications to a current state. Each of the modifications is scored and the results used to inform the search. In order to facilitate these steps, other techniques are also devised, to speed up the learning process. The techniques includeThe techniques are tested by sampling data from gold standard networks and learning structures from this sampled data. These structures are analysed using various goodnessof-fit measures to see how well the algorithms perform. The measures include structural similarity metrics and Bayesian scoring metrics. The results are compared in depth against systems that also use ant colony optimisation and other methods, including evolutionary programming and greedy heuristics. Also, comparisons are made to well known state-of-the-art algorithms and a study performed on a real-life data set. The results show favourable performance compared to the other methods and on modelling the real-life data

    Advancing Quantitative Risk Analysis for Critical Water Infrastructure

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    Critical infrastructure systems play a vital role in the supply of lifeline services to businesses and the wider public. It is of paramount importance for national security, public health, and economic prosperity that these critical structures function properly. Unfortunately, with respect to drinking water infrastructures in the US, much of the pipeline assets are nearing the end of their useful life and utilities are challenged with maintaining these systems with limited budgets and information. Risk analysis is a useful decision making tool which can allow managers to better identify weaknesses, and aid better investment decisions regarding maintenance, inspection, and repair. The current practice for risk analysis and management of critical water systems falls short of the approaches preferred by risk researchers. The aim of this thesis is to advance to practice and theory. This involves the evaluation of existing methods as well as the incorporation of modern analytical tools to fundamentally advance the state of practice. This thesis first critically analyzes a popular risk analysis standard (J100-10) to establish the knowledge gap between practice and theory in the water domain. Two quantitative methodologies are then explored: machine learning and mathematical optimization. The research here demonstrates how they can be integrated into a broader risk framework and used to improve assessments for water systems. The work presented in this dissertation represents a significant contribution to the field of infrastructure risk and reliability analysis. While the domain application is specific to drinking water systems, the techniques can be applied for other types of networked infrastructures.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153423/1/tyjchen_1.pd

    Engaging the unengaged:Exploring citizen participation in nature-based solutions in China

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