5,298 research outputs found

    An efficient parallel algorithm for planarity

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1986.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERINGBibliography: leaves 56-57.by Philip Nathan Klein.M.S

    An efficient parallel algorithm for planarity

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1986.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERINGBibliography: leaves 56-57.by Philip Nathan Klein.M.S

    An efficient parallel algorithm for planarity

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    AbstractWe describe a parallel algorithm for testing a graph for planarity, and for finding an embedding of a planar graph. For a graph on n vertices, the algorithm runs in O(log2n) steps on n processors of a parallel RAM. The previous best parallel algorithm for planarity testing also ran in O(log2n) time (J. Ja'Ja' and J. Simon, J Comput.11, No. 2 (1982), 313–328), but used a reduction to solving linear systems, and hence required Ω(M(n)log2n) processors, where M(n) is the sequential time for n × n matrix multiplication, whereas our processor bounds are within a polylog factor of optimal. The most significant aspect of our parallel algorithms is the use of a sophisticated data structure for representing sets of embeddings, the PQ-tree of K. Booth and G. Lueker, J. Comput. System Sci.13, No. 3 (1976), 335–379). Previously no parallel algorithms for PQ-trees were known. We have efficient parallel algorithms for manipulating PQ-trees, which we use in our planarity algorithm

    A Planarity Test via Construction Sequences

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    Optimal linear-time algorithms for testing the planarity of a graph are well-known for over 35 years. However, these algorithms are quite involved and recent publications still try to give simpler linear-time tests. We give a simple reduction from planarity testing to the problem of computing a certain construction of a 3-connected graph. The approach is different from previous planarity tests; as key concept, we maintain a planar embedding that is 3-connected at each point in time. The algorithm runs in linear time and computes a planar embedding if the input graph is planar and a Kuratowski-subdivision otherwise

    A New Perspective on Clustered Planarity as a Combinatorial Embedding Problem

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    The clustered planarity problem (c-planarity) asks whether a hierarchically clustered graph admits a planar drawing such that the clusters can be nicely represented by regions. We introduce the cd-tree data structure and give a new characterization of c-planarity. It leads to efficient algorithms for c-planarity testing in the following cases. (i) Every cluster and every co-cluster (complement of a cluster) has at most two connected components. (ii) Every cluster has at most five outgoing edges. Moreover, the cd-tree reveals interesting connections between c-planarity and planarity with constraints on the order of edges around vertices. On one hand, this gives rise to a bunch of new open problems related to c-planarity, on the other hand it provides a new perspective on previous results.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Computing k-Modal Embeddings of Planar Digraphs

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    Given a planar digraph G and a positive even integer k, an embedding of G in the plane is k-modal, if every vertex of G is incident to at most k pairs of consecutive edges with opposite orientations, i.e., the incoming and the outgoing edges at each vertex are grouped by the embedding into at most k sets of consecutive edges with the same orientation. In this paper, we study the k-Modality problem, which asks for the existence of a k-modal embedding of a planar digraph. This combinatorial problem is at the very core of a variety of constrained embedding questions for planar digraphs and flat clustered networks. First, since the 2-Modality problem can be easily solved in linear time, we consider the general k-Modality problem for any value of k>2 and show that the problem is NP-complete for planar digraphs of maximum degree Delta <= k+3. We relate its computational complexity to that of two notions of planarity for flat clustered networks: Planar Intersection-Link and Planar NodeTrix representations. This allows us to answer in the strongest possible way an open question by Di Giacomo [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_37], concerning the complexity of constructing planar NodeTrix representations of flat clustered networks with small clusters, and to address a research question by Angelini et al. [https://doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00437], concerning intersection-link representations based on geometric objects that determine complex arrangements. On the positive side, we provide a simple FPT algorithm for partial 2-trees of arbitrary degree, whose running time is exponential in k and linear in the input size. Second, motivated by the recently-introduced planar L-drawings of planar digraphs [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_36], which require the computation of a 4-modal embedding, we focus our attention on k=4. On the algorithmic side, we show a complexity dichotomy for the 4-Modality problem with respect to Delta, by providing a linear-time algorithm for planar digraphs with Delta <= 6. This algorithmic result is based on decomposing the input digraph into its blocks via BC-trees and each of these blocks into its triconnected components via SPQR-trees. In particular, we are able to show that the constraints imposed on the embedding by the rigid triconnected components can be tackled by means of a small set of reduction rules and discover that the algorithmic core of the problem lies in special instances of NAESAT, which we prove to be always NAE-satisfiable - a result of independent interest that improves on Porschen et al. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24605-3_14]. Finally, on the combinatorial side, we consider outerplanar digraphs and show that any such a digraph always admits a k-modal embedding with k=4 and that this value of k is best possible for the digraphs in this family

    NodeTrix Planarity Testing with Small Clusters

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    We study the NodeTrix planarity testing problem for flat clustered graphs when the maximum size of each cluster is bounded by a constant kk. We consider both the case when the sides of the matrices to which the edges are incident are fixed and the case when they can be chosen arbitrarily. We show that NodeTrix planarity testing with fixed sides can be solved in O(k3k+32â‹…n)O(k^{3k+\frac{3}{2}} \cdot n) time for every flat clustered graph that can be reduced to a partial 2-tree by collapsing its clusters into single vertices. In the general case, NodeTrix planarity testing with fixed sides can be solved in O(n)O(n) time for k=2k = 2, but it is NP-complete for any k>2k > 2. NodeTrix planarity testing remains NP-complete also in the free sides model when k>4k > 4.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor

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    Motivated by the problem of testing planarity and related properties, we study the problem of designing efficient {\em partition oracles}. A {\em partition oracle} is a procedure that, given access to the incidence lists representation of a bounded-degree graph G=(V,E)G= (V,E) and a parameter \eps, when queried on a vertex v∈Vv\in V, returns the part (subset of vertices) which vv belongs to in a partition of all graph vertices. The partition should be such that all parts are small, each part is connected, and if the graph has certain properties, the total number of edges between parts is at most \eps |V|. In this work we give a partition oracle for graphs with excluded minors whose query complexity is quasi-polynomial in 1/\eps, thus improving on the result of Hassidim et al. ({\em Proceedings of FOCS 2009}) who gave a partition oracle with query complexity exponential in 1/\eps. This improvement implies corresponding improvements in the complexity of testing planarity and other properties that are characterized by excluded minors as well as sublinear-time approximation algorithms that work under the promise that the graph has an excluded minor.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
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