338 research outputs found

    A disposition of interpolation techniques

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    A large collection of interpolation techniques is available for application in environmental research. To help environmental scientists in choosing an appropriate technique a disposition is made, based on 1) applicability in space, time and space-time, 2) quantification of accuracy of interpolated values, 3) incorporation of ancillary information, and 4) incorporation of process knowledge. The described methods include inverse distance weighting, nearest neighbour methods, geostatistical interpolation methods, Kalman filter methods, Bayesian Maximum Entropy methods, etc. The applicability of methods in aggregation (upscaling) and disaggregation (downscaling) is discussed. Software for interpolation is described. The application of interpolation techniques is illustrated in two case studies: temporal interpolation of indicators for ecological water quality, and spatio-temporal interpolation and aggregation of pesticide concentrations in Dutch surface waters. A valuable next step will be to construct a decision tree or decision support system, that guides the environmental scientist to easy-to-use software implementations that are appropriate to solve their interpolation problem. Validation studies are needed to assess the quality of interpolated values, and the quality of information on uncertainty provided by the interpolation method

    A Predictive Algorithm For Wetlands In Deep Time Paleoclimate Models

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    Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas produced in wetland environments via microbial action in anaerobic conditions. If the location and extent of wetlands are unknown, such as for the Earth many millions of years in the past, a model of wetland fraction is required in order to calculate methane emissions and thus help reduce uncertainty in the understanding of past warm greenhouse climates. Here we present an algorithm for predicting inundated wetland fraction for use in calculating wetland methane emission fluxes in deep time paleoclimate simulations. The algorithm determines, for each grid cell in a given paleoclimate simulation, the wetland fraction predicted by a nearest neighbours search of modern day data in a space described by a set of environmental, climate and vegetation variables. To explore this approach, we first test it for a modern day climate with variables obtained from observations and then for an Eocene climate with variables derived from a fully coupled global climate model (HadCM3BL-M2.2). Two independent dynamic vegetation models were used to provide two sets of equivalent vegetation variables which yielded two different wetland predictions. As a first test the method, using both vegetation models, satisfactorily reproduces modern data wetland fraction at a course grid resolution, similar to those used in paleoclimate simulations. We then applied the method to an early Eocene climate, testing its outputs against the locations of Eocene coal deposits. We predict global mean monthly wetland fraction area for the early Eocene of 8 to 10 Ă— 106km2 with corresponding total annual methane flux of 656 to 909 Tg, depending on which of two different dynamic global vegetation models are used to model wetland fraction and methane emission rates. Both values are significantly higher than estimates for the modern-day of 4 Ă— 106km2 and around 190Tg (Poulter et. al. 2017, Melton et. al., 2013

    CEH-GEAR: 1 km resolution daily and monthly areal rainfall estimates for the UK for hydrological and other applications

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    The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology – Gridded Estimates of Areal Rainfall (CEH-GEAR) data set was developed to provide reliable 1 km gridded estimates of daily and monthly rainfall for Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI) (together with approximately 3500 km2 of catchment in the Republic of Ireland) from 1890 onwards. The data set was primarily required to support hydrological modelling. The rainfall estimates are derived from the Met Office collated historical weather observations for the UK which include a national database of rain gauge observations. The natural neighbour interpolation methodology, including a normalisation step based on average annual rainfall (AAR), was used to generate the daily and monthly rainfall grids. To derive the monthly estimates, rainfall totals from monthly and daily (when complete month available) rain gauges were used in order to obtain maximum information from the rain gauge network. The daily grids were adjusted so that the monthly grids are fully consistent with the daily grids. The CEH-GEAR data set was developed according to the guidance provided by the British Standards Institution. The CEH-GEAR data set contains 1 km grids of daily and monthly rainfall estimates for GB and NI for the period 1890–2012. For each day and month, CEH-GEAR includes a secondary grid of distance to the nearest operational rain gauge. This may be used as an indicator of the quality of the estimates. When this distance is greater than 100 km, the estimates are not calculated due to high uncertainty

    Efficient Spatio-Temporal Modelling to Enable Topological Analysis

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    Multi-scale data storage schemes for spatial information systems

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    This thesis documents a research project that has led to the design and prototype implementation of several data storage schemes suited to the efficient multi-scale representation of integrated spatial data. Spatial information systems will benefit from having data models which allow for data to be viewed and analysed at various levels of detail, while the integration of data from different sources will lead to a more accurate representation of reality. The work has addressed two specific problems. The first concerns the design of an integrated multi-scale data model suited for use within Geographical Information Systems. This has led to the development of two data models, each of which allow for the integration of terrain data and topographic data at multiple levels of detail. The models are based on a combination of adapted versions of three previous data structures, namely, the constrained Delaunay pyramid, the line generalisation tree and the fixed grid. The second specific problem addressed in this thesis has been the development of an integrated multi-scale 3-D geological data model, for use within a Geoscientific Information System. This has resulted in a data storage scheme which enables the integration of terrain data, geological outcrop data and borehole data at various levels of detail. The thesis also presents details of prototype database implementations of each of the new data storage schemes. These implementations have served to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of an integrated multi-scale approach. The research has also brought to light some areas that will need further research before fully functional systems are produced. The final chapter contains, in addition to conclusions made as a result of the research to date, a summary of some of these areas that require future work

    Impact of Precipitation Pre-Processing Methods on Hydrological Model Performance using High-Resolution Gridded Dataset

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    Effective representation of precipitation inputs is one of the essential components in hydrological model structures, especially when gauge measurements for the modelled catchment are sparse. Assessment of the impact of precipitation pre-processing is often nontrivial as precipitation data are very limited in the first place. In this paper, we demonstrate a study using a semi-distributed hydrological model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to examine the impact of different precipitation pre-processing methods on model calibration and the overall model performance with regards to the operational use. A river catchment in the UK is modelled to test against the three pre-processing methods: the Centroid Point Estimation Method (CPEM), the Grid Area Method (GAM) and the Grid Point Method (GPM). Cross-calibration and validation are then carried out by using the high-resolution Centre for Ecology & Hydrology–Gridded Estimate Areal Rainfall (CEH-GEAR) dataset. The results show that the proposed methods GAM and GPM can improve the model calibration significantly against the one calibrated with the existing CPEM method used by the model; the performance differences in the validation among the calibrated models, however, remain small and become irrelevant. The findings indicate that it is preferable to always make use of high-quality rainfall data, when available, with a better pre-processing method, even with models that are previously calibrated with low-quality rainfall inputs. It is also shown that such improvements are affected by the size of catchment and become less significant for smaller catchments

    Using Choquet integrals for kNN approximation and classification

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    k-nearest neighbors (kNN) is a popular method for function approximation and classification. One drawback of this method is that the nearest neighbors can be all located on one side of the point in question x. An alternative natural neighbors method is expensive for more than three variables. In this paper we propose the use of the discrete Choquet integral for combining the values of the nearest neighbors so that redundant information is canceled out. We design a fuzzy measure based on location of the nearest neighbors, which favors neighbors located all around x. <br /
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