8 research outputs found

    Adaptive Energy Saving and Mobility Support IPv6 Routing Protocol in Low-Power and Lossy Networks for Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnection of physical objects that can be controlled, monitored and exchange information from remote locations over the internet while been connected to an Application Programme Interface (API) and sensors. It utilizes low-powered digital radios for communication enabling millions and billions of Low-power and Lossy Network (LLN) devices to communicate efficiently via a predetermined routing protocol. Several research gaps have identified the constraints of standardised versions of IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks evidently showing its lack of ability to handle the growing application needs and challenges. This research aims to handle routing from a different perspective extending from energy efficiency, to mobility aware and energy scavenging nodes thereby presenting numerous improvements that can suit various network topologies and application needs. Envisioning all the prospects and innovative services associated with the futuristic ubiquitous communication of IoT applications, we propose an adaptive Objective Function for RPL protocol known as Optimum Reliable Objective Function (OR-OF) having a fuzzy combination of five routing metrics which are chosen based on system and application requirements. It is an approach which combines the three proposed implemented Objective Functions within this thesis to enable the OR-OF adapt to different routing requirements for different IoT applications. The three proposed OFs are Energy saving Routing OF, Enhanced Mobility Support Routing OF and Optimized OF for Energy Scavenging nodes. All proposed OFs were designed, implemented, and simulated in COOJA simulator of ContikiOS, and mathematical models were developed to validate simulated results. Performance Evaluation indicated an overall improvement as compared with the standardised versions of RPL protocols and other related research works in terms of network lifetime with an average of 40%, packet delivery ratio of 21%, energy consumption of 82% and End-to-End Delay of 92%

    On reliable and secure RPL (routing protocol low-power and lossy networks) based monitoring and surveillance in oil and gas fields

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    Different efforts have been made to specify protocols and algorithms for the successful operation of the Internet of things Networks including, for instance, the Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) and Linear Sensor Networks (LSNs). Into such efforts, IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, created a working group named, ROLL, to investigate the requirement of such networks and devising more efficient solutions. The effort of this group has resulted in the specification of the IPv6 Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL), which was standardized in 2012. However, since the introduction of RPL, several studies have reported that it suffers from various limitations and weaknesses including scalability, slow convergence, unfairness of load distribution, inefficiency of bidirectional communication and security, among many others. For instance, a serious problem is RPL’s under-specification of DAO messages which may result in conflict and inefficient implementations leading to a poor performance and scalability issues. Furthermore, RPL has been found to suffer from several security issues including, for instance, the DAO flooding attack, in which the attacker floods the network with control messages aiming to exhaust network resources. Another fundamental issue is related to the scarcity of the studies that investigate RPL suitability for Linear Sensor Networks (LSN) and devising solution in the lieu of that.Motivated by these observations, the publications within this thesis aim to tackle some of the key gaps of the RPL by introducing more efficient and secure routing solutions in consideration of the specific requirements of LLNs in general and LSNs as a special case. To this end, the first publication proposes an enhanced version of RPL called Enhanced-RPL aimed at mitigating the memory overflow and the under-specification of the of DAOs messages. Enhanced-RPL has shown significant reduction in control messages overhead by up to 64% while maintaining comparable reliability to RPL. The second publication introduces a new technique to address the DAO attack of RPL which has been shown to be effective in mitigating the attack reducing the DAO overhead and latency by up to 205% and 181% respectively as well as increasing the PDR by up to 6% latency. The third and fourth publications focus on analysing the optimal placement of nodes and sink movement pattern (fixed or mobile) that RPL should adopt in LSNs. It was concluded based on the results obtained that RPL should opt for fixed sinks with 10 m distance between deployed nodes

    Natural computing for vehicular networks

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    La presente tesis aborda el diseño inteligente de soluciones para el despliegue de redes vehiculares ad-hoc (vehicular ad hoc networks, VANETs). Estas son redes de comunicación inalámbrica formada principalmente por vehículos y elementos de infraestructura vial. Las VANETs ofrecen la oportunidad para desarrollar aplicaciones revolucionarias en el ámbito de la seguridad y eficiencia vial. Al ser un dominio tan novedoso, existe una serie de cuestiones abiertas, como el diseño de la infraestructura de estaciones base necesaria y el encaminamiento (routing) y difusión (broadcasting) de paquetes de datos, que todavía no han podido resolverse empleando estrategias clásicas. Es por tanto necesario crear y estudiar nuevas técnicas que permitan de forma eficiente, eficaz, robusta y flexible resolver dichos problemas. Este trabajo de tesis doctoral propone el uso de computación inspirada en la naturaleza o Computación Natural (CN) para tratar algunos de los problemas más importantes en el ámbito de las VANETs, porque representan una serie de algoritmos versátiles, flexibles y eficientes para resolver problemas complejos. Además de resolver los problemas VANET en los que nos enfocamos, se han realizado avances en el uso de estas técnicas para que traten estos problemas de forma más eficiente y eficaz. Por último, se han llevado a cabo pruebas reales de concepto empleando vehículos y dispositivos de comunicación reales en la ciudad de Málaga (España). La tesis se ha estructurado en cuatro grandes fases. En la primera fase, se han estudiado los principales fundamentos en los que se basa esta tesis. Para ello se hizo un estudio exhaustivo sobre las tecnologías que emplean las redes vehiculares, para así, identificar sus principales debilidades. A su vez, se ha profundizado en el análisis de la CN como herramienta eficiente para resolver problemas de optimización complejos, y de cómo utilizarla en la resolución de los problemas en VANETs. En la segunda fase, se han abordado cuatro problemas de optimización en redes vehiculares: la transferencia de archivos, el encaminamiento (routing) de paquetes, la difusión (broadcasting) de mensajes y el diseño de la infraestructura de estaciones base necesaria para desplegar redes vehiculares. Para la resolución de dichos problemas se han propuesto diferentes algoritmos CN que se clasifican en algoritmos evolutivos (evolutionary algorithms, EAs), métodos de inteligencia de enjambre (swarm intelligence, SI) y enfriamiento simulado (simulated annealing, SA). Los resultados obtenidos han proporcionado protocolos de han mejorado de forma significativa las comunicaciones en VANETs. En la tercera y última fase, se han realizado experimentos empleando vehículos reales circulando por las carreteras de Málaga y que se comunicaban entre sí. El principal objetivo de estas pruebas ha sido el validar las mejoras que presentan los protocolos que se han optimizado empleando CN. Los resultados obtenidos de las fases segunda y tercera confirman la hipótesis de trabajo, que la CN es una herramienta eficiente para tratar el diseño inteligente en redes vehiculares

    Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium

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    As in all fields of work, an unmanageable number of abbreviations are used today in aviation for terms, definitions, commands, standards and technical descriptions. This applies in general to the areas of aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance, cockpit and air traffic control working positions, passenger and cargo transport, and all other areas of flight planning, organization and guidance. In addition, many abbreviations are used more than once or have different meanings in different languages. In order to obtain an overview of the most common abbreviations used in air traffic management, organizations like EUROCONTROL, FAA, DWD and DLR have published lists of abbreviations in the past, which have also been enclosed in this document. In addition, abbreviations from some larger international projects related to aviation have been included to provide users with a directory as complete as possible. This means that the second edition of the Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium includes now around 16,500 abbreviations and acronyms from the field of aviation

    Proceedings of the 9th MIT/ONR workshop on C3 Systems, held at Naval Postgraduate School and Hilton Inn Resort Hotel, Monterey, California June 2 through June 5, 1986

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    GRSN 627729"December 1986."Includes bibliographical references and index.Sponsored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Cambridge, Mass., with support from the Office of Naval Research. ONR/N00014-77-C-0532(NR041-519) Sponsored in cooperation with IEEE Control Systems Society, Technical Committee on C.edited by Michael Athans, Alexander H. Levis