5,903 research outputs found

    Distributed Key Management for Secure Role Based Messaging

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    Secure Role Based Messaging (SRBM) augments messaging systems with role oriented communication in a secure manner. Role occupants can sign and decrypt messages on behalf of roles. This paper identifies the requirements of SRBM and recognises the need for: distributed key shares, fast membership revocation, mandatory security controls and detection of identity spoofing. A shared RSA scheme is constructed. RSA keys are shared and distributed to role occupants and role gate keepers. Role occupants and role gate keepers must cooperate together to use the key shares to sign and decrypt the messages. Role occupant signatures can be verified by an audit service. A SRBM system architecture is developed to show the security related performance of the proposed scheme, which also demonstrates the implementation of fast membership revocation, mandatory security control and prevention of spoofing. It is shown that the proposed scheme has successfully coupled distributed security with mandatory security controls to realize secure role based messaging

    A Practical Set-Membership Proof for Privacy-Preserving NFC Mobile Ticketing

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    To ensure the privacy of users in transport systems, researchers are working on new protocols providing the best security guarantees while respecting functional requirements of transport operators. In this paper, we design a secure NFC m-ticketing protocol for public transport that preserves users' anonymity and prevents transport operators from tracing their customers' trips. To this end, we introduce a new practical set-membership proof that does not require provers nor verifiers (but in a specific scenario for verifiers) to perform pairing computations. It is therefore particularly suitable for our (ticketing) setting where provers hold SIM/UICC cards that do not support such costly computations. We also propose several optimizations of Boneh-Boyen type signature schemes, which are of independent interest, increasing their performance and efficiency during NFC transactions. Our m-ticketing protocol offers greater flexibility compared to previous solutions as it enables the post-payment and the off-line validation of m-tickets. By implementing a prototype using a standard NFC SIM card, we show that it fulfils the stringent functional requirement imposed by transport operators whilst using strong security parameters. In particular, a validation can be completed in 184.25 ms when the mobile is switched on, and in 266.52 ms when the mobile is switched off or its battery is flat

    A Touch of Evil: High-Assurance Cryptographic Hardware from Untrusted Components

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    The semiconductor industry is fully globalized and integrated circuits (ICs) are commonly defined, designed and fabricated in different premises across the world. This reduces production costs, but also exposes ICs to supply chain attacks, where insiders introduce malicious circuitry into the final products. Additionally, despite extensive post-fabrication testing, it is not uncommon for ICs with subtle fabrication errors to make it into production systems. While many systems may be able to tolerate a few byzantine components, this is not the case for cryptographic hardware, storing and computing on confidential data. For this reason, many error and backdoor detection techniques have been proposed over the years. So far all attempts have been either quickly circumvented, or come with unrealistically high manufacturing costs and complexity. This paper proposes Myst, a practical high-assurance architecture, that uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, and provides strong security guarantees, even in the presence of multiple malicious or faulty components. The key idea is to combine protective-redundancy with modern threshold cryptographic techniques to build a system tolerant to hardware trojans and errors. To evaluate our design, we build a Hardware Security Module that provides the highest level of assurance possible with COTS components. Specifically, we employ more than a hundred COTS secure crypto-coprocessors, verified to FIPS140-2 Level 4 tamper-resistance standards, and use them to realize high-confidentiality random number generation, key derivation, public key decryption and signing. Our experiments show a reasonable computational overhead (less than 1% for both Decryption and Signing) and an exponential increase in backdoor-tolerance as more ICs are added

    An efficient and secure RSA--like cryptosystem exploiting R\'edei rational functions over conics

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    We define an isomorphism between the group of points of a conic and the set of integers modulo a prime equipped with a non-standard product. This product can be efficiently evaluated through the use of R\'edei rational functions. We then exploit the isomorphism to construct a novel RSA-like scheme. We compare our scheme with classic RSA and with RSA-like schemes based on the cubic or conic equation. The decryption operation of the proposed scheme turns to be two times faster than RSA, and involves the lowest number of modular inversions with respect to other RSA-like schemes based on curves. Our solution offers the same security as RSA in a one-to-one communication and more security in broadcast applications.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    How to securely replicate services (preliminary version)

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    A method is presented for constructing replicated services that retain their availability and integrity despite several servers and clients being corrupted by an intruder, in addition to others failing benignly. More precisely, a service is replicated by 'n' servers in such a way that a correct client will accept a correct server's response if, for some prespecified parameter, k, at least k servers are correct and fewer than k servers are correct. The issue of maintaining causality among client requests is also addressed. A security breach resulting from an intruder's ability to effect a violation of causality in the sequence of requests processed by the service is illustrated. An approach to counter this problem is proposed that requires that fewer than k servers are corrupt and, to ensure liveness, that k is less than or = n - 2t, where t is the assumed maximum total number of both corruptions and benign failures suffered by servers in any system run. An important and novel feature of these schemes is that the client need not be able to identify or authenticate even a single server. Instead, the client is required only to possess at most two public keys for the service
