303 research outputs found

    An efficient hardware architecture for H.264 adaptive deblocking filter algorithm

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    This paper presents an efficient hardware architecture for real-time implementation of adaptive deblocking filter algorithm used in H.264 video coding standard. This hardware is designed to be used as part of a complete H.264 video coding system for portable applications. We use a novel edge filter ordering in a Macroblock to prevent the deblocking filter hardware from unnecessarily waiting for the pixels that will be filtered become available. The proposed architecture is implemented in Verilog HDL. The Verilog RTL code is verified to work at 72 MHz in a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA. The FPGA implementation can code 30 CIF frames (352x288) per second

    Decoder Hardware Architecture for HEVC

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    This chapter provides an overview of the design challenges faced in the implementation of hardware HEVC decoders. These challenges can be attributed to the larger and diverse coding block sizes and transform sizes, the larger interpolation filter for motion compensation, the increased number of steps in intra prediction and the introduction of a new in-loop filter. Several solutions to address these implementation challenges are discussed. As a reference, results for an HEVC decoder test chip are also presented.Texas Instruments Incorporate

    VHDL Modeling of an H.264/AVC Video Decoder

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    Transmission and storage of video data has necessitated the development of video com pression techniques. One of today\u27s most widely used video compression techniques is the MPEG-2 standard, which is over ten years old. A task force sponsored by the same groups that developed MPEG-2 has recently finished defining a new standard that is meant to replace MPEG-2 for future video compression applications. This standard, H.264/AVC, uses significantly improved compression techniques. It is capable of providing similar pic ture quality at bit rates of 30-70% less than MPEG-2, depending on the particular video sequence and application [20]. This thesis developed a complete VHDL behavioral model of a video decoder imple menting the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The decoder was verified using a testing environment for comparison with reference software results. Development of a synthesizable hardware description was also shown for two components of the video de coder: the transform unit and the deblocking filter. This demonstrated how a complete video decoder could be developed one module at a time with individual module verifica tion. Analysis was also done to estimate the performance and hardware requirements for a complete implementation on an FPGA device

    Network-on-Chip Based H.264 Video Decoder on a Field Programmable Gate Array

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    This thesis develops the first fully network-on-chip (NoC) based h.264 video decoder implemented in real hardware on a field programmable gate array (FPGA). This thesis starts with an overview of the h.264 video coding standard and an introduction to the NoC communication paradigm. Following this, a series of processing elements (PEs) are developed which implement the component algorithms making up the h.264 video decoder. These PEs, described primarily in VHDL with some Verilog and C, are then mapped to an NoC which is generated using the CONNECT NoC generation tool. To demonstrate the scalability of the proposed NoC based design, a second NoC based video decoder is implemented on a smaller FPGA using the same PEs on a more compact NoC topology. The performance of both decoders, as well as their component PEs, is evaluated on real hardware. An analysis of the performance results is conducted and recommendations for future work are made based on the results of this analysis. Aside from the development of the proposed decoder, a major contribution of this thesis is the release of all source materials for this design as open source hardware and software. The release of these materials will allow other researchers to more easily replicate this work, as well as create derivative works in the areas of NoC based designs for FPGA, video coding and decoding, and related areas

    Low Power Architectures for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Compression

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    Architecture design of a scalable adaptive deblocking filter for H.264/AVC

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    Due to significant bit-rate savings and improved perceptual quality, H.264/AVC, the latest video compression standard from the Joint Video Team, is receiving widespread adoption. Greater coding efficiency relative to previous standards is a result of additional techniques and features. One important change is the inclusion of an in-loop deblocking filter for removal of blocking artifacts. Since the filter can easily account for one-third of the computational complexity of a decoder, its addition was a source of debate during the development of the H.264/AVC standard. Ample research on architecture design of the deblocking filter has been carried out, generally targeted toward high performance profiles. To the best of our knowledge no other research investigated designs that can be scaled from low-power extended profiles up to high performance profiles. This work investigated the design of a scalable architecture for the deblocking filter. Four different designs were implemented. The relative performance of the designs were then compared against each other and existing research through simulation. All designs were targeted towards a Xilinx Virtex 5 field programmable gate array (FPGA)

    Dynamic Switching of GOP Configurations in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) using Relational Databases for Multi-objective Optimization

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    Our current technological era is flooded with smart devices that provide significant computational resources that require optimal video communications solutions. Optimal and dynamic management of video bitrate, quality and energy needs to take into account their inter-dependencies. With emerging network generations providing higher bandwidth rates, there is also a growing need to communicate video with the best quality subject to the availability of resources such as computational power and available bandwidth. Similarly, for accommodating multiple users, there is a need to minimize bitrate requirements while sustaining video quality for reasonable encoding times. This thesis focuses on providing an efficient mechanism for deriving optimal solutions for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) based on dynamic switching of GOP configurations. The approach provides a basic system for multi-objective optimization approach with constraints on power, video quality and bitrate. This is accomplished by utilizing a recently introduced framework known as Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) in HEVC/H.265 encoder with six different GOP configurations to support optimization modes for minimum rate, maximum quality and minimum computational time (minimum energy in constant power configuration) mode of operation. Pareto-optimal GOP configurations are used in implementing the DRASTIC modes. Additionally, this thesis also presents a relational database formulation for supporting multiple devices that are characterized by different screen resolutions and computational resources. This approach is applicable to internet-based video streaming to different devices where the videos have been pre-compressed. Here, the video configuration modes are determined based on the application of database queries applied to relational databases. The database queries are used to retrieve a Pareto-optimal configuration based on real-time user requirements, device, and network constraints

    A 249-Mpixel/s HEVC Video-Decoder Chip for 4K Ultra-HD Applications

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    High Efficiency Video Coding, the latest video standard, uses larger and variable-sized coding units and longer interpolation filters than [H.264 over AVC] to better exploit redundancy in video signals. These algorithmic techniques enable a 50% decrease in bitrate at the cost of computational complexity, external memory bandwidth, and, for ASIC implementations, on-chip SRAM of the video codec. This paper describes architectural optimizations for an HEVC video decoder chip. The chip uses a two-stage subpipelining scheme to reduce on-chip SRAM by 56 kbytes-a 32% reduction. A high-throughput read-only cache combined with DRAM-latency-aware memory mapping reduces DRAM bandwidth by 67%. The chip is built for HEVC Working Draft 4 Low Complexity configuration and occupies 1.77 mm[superscript 2] in 40-nm CMOS. It performs 4K Ultra HD 30-fps video decoding at 200 MHz while consuming 1.19 [nJ over pixel] of normalized system power.Texas Instruments Incorporate