48 research outputs found

    Dynamic performance improvement of an ultra-lift Luo DC–DC converter by using a type-2 fuzzy neural controller

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    © 2018 Due to the uncertainty associated with the structure and electrical elements of DC–DC converters and the nonlinear performance of these modules, designing an effective controller is highly complicated and also technically challenging. This paper employs a new control approach based on type-2 fuzzy neural controller (T2FNC) in order to improve the dynamic response of an ultra-lift Luo DC–DC converter under different operational conditions. The proposed controller can rapidly stabilize the output voltage of converter to expected values by tuning the converter switching duty cycle. This controller can tackle the uncertainties associated with the structure of converters, measured control signals and measuring devices. Moreover, a new intelligent method based on firefly algorithm is applied to tune the parameters of T2FNC. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, the proposed controller is compared to PI and fuzzy controllers under different operational conditions. Results validate efficiency of proposed T2FNC

    Performance-based Optimal Design of Cantilever Retaining Walls

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    Modern buildings should provide some degree of safety against severe earthquakes. However, it is not economically feasible to construct buildings that withstand extreme loads without avoiding damage. In performance-based design, structural engineers and owners work together to achieve the best possible balance between construction cost and seismic performance. In this study, by employing a metaheuristic optimization, we have tried to extend the concept of performance-based design to retaining wall structures. According to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, permanent displacement of retaining structures are tolerable, as long as the movement does not lead to unacceptable damage to the structure or facilities located in or near the moving earth. The decision on performance expectations needs to be made by owners with structural engineers providing a realistic assessment of the cost of designing to avoid the movement. To make this assessment possible, we developed a multi-objective optimization framework for simultaneous minimization of the construction cost and the permanent displacement of cantilever retaining walls. The effectiveness of the proposed framework was evaluated in the design of a typical cantilever retaining wall of 8 meters in height, once with both a toe and heel slab and once with either of them. The results indicated that obtaining the Pareto front of optimal solutions for these objectives, provides useful information that helps owners to select a solution that is the most economical in a trade-off between the construction cost and performance expectation

    Автоматизоване проєктування вбудованих систем цифрового оброблення сигналів на платформі SoC

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    The object of the study is the procedures for automated design and analysis of digital signal processing algorithms on the SoC technology platform. The subject of the study is models, methods and procedures for designing and optimal selection of SoC components for the implementation of digital signal processing algorithms for audio spectrum. The aim of the study is to develop models and procedures for determining the possibilities of a compromise distribution of signal processing algorithm computations in the cycle of computer-aided design on the SoC technology platform in terms of performance and the feasibility of using hardware and software algorithms realization. The article solves the following tasks: consideration of the procedures for interacting the processor core with programmable logic as part of system-on-chip systems; development of procedures for computer-aided design and analysis of signal processing systems using programming languages and hardware description languages for the implementation of embedded systems. The following methods are being used: implementation of digital signal processing algorithms in the C programming language and high-level synthesis tools for realizing IP blocks, diagnostic experiment by generating test signal patterns, and analysis of the processing results at the system output. The results achieved. Based on the analysis of the procedures for the interaction of the processor core and programmable logic on the selected SoC platform, a model of the audio spectrum signal processing system is designed. The practical implementation was performed based on the Vivado/Vitis/Vitis HLS CAD tool stack. The proposed model was verified using a programmable test signal generator and analyzing the obtained characteristics of digital filters at the system output. Conclusions. The article analyzes the principles of designing embedded information processing systems implemented in system-on-chip. The principles of building and analyzing digital signal processing systems based on system-on-chip containing programmable logic and processor parts are considered. The developed methods have been tested on the algorithms of CIC and FIR filters on the technological platform of SoC FPGA of the ZYNQ-7000 family of Xilinx company.Об’єктом дослідження є процедури автоматизованого проєктування та аналізу алгоритмів цифрового оброблення сигналів на технологічній платформі SoC. Предмет вивчення – моделі, методи та процедури проєктування та оптимального вибору компонентів SoC для реалізації алгоритмів цифрового оброблення сигналів аудіоспектра. Метою дослідження є розроблення моделей та процедур для визначення можливостей компромісного розподілу обчислень алгоритмів оброблення сигналів у циклі автоматизованого проєктування на технологічній платформі SoC за критерієм продуктивності й доцільності використання апаратної та програмної реалізації алгоритмів. У статті розв’язуються такі завдання: розгляд процедур взаємодії процесорного ядра з програмованою логікою у складі систем на кристалі; розвиток процедур автоматизованого проєктування та аналізу систем оброблення сигналів із використанням мов програмування та мов опису апаратури для реалізації вбудованих систем. Упроваджуються такі методи: імплементація алгоритмів цифрового оброблення сигналів мовою програмування С та інструментів високорівневого синтезу для реалізації IP-блоків, діагностичний експеримент способом генерації тестових патернів сигналів та аналіз результатів оброблення на виході системи. Досягнуті результати. На основі аналізу процедур взаємодії процесорного ядра та програмованої логіки на обраній платформі SoC спроєктовано модель системи оброблення сигналів аудіоспектра. Практичну реалізацію виконано на базі стеку інструментальних засобів САПР Vivado/Vitis/Vitis HLS. Проведено верифікацію запропонованої моделі з використанням програмованого генератора тестових сигналів та аналізу отриманих характеристик цифрових фільтрів на виході системи. Висновки. У статті проаналізовано принципи проєктування вбудованих систем оброблення інформації, що реалізуються в системах на кристалі. Розглянуто принципи побудови та аналізу систем цифрового оброблення сигналів на базі систем на кристалі, що містять програмовану логіку та процесорну частину. Розроблені методи апробовано на алгоритмах CIC- та FIR-фільтрів на технологічній платформі SoC FPGA сімейства ZYNQ-7000 фірми Xilinx

    Survey on Photo-Voltaic Powered Interleaved Converter System

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    Renewable energy is the best solution to meet the growing demand for energy in the country. The solar energy is considered as the most promising energy by the researchers due to its abundant availability, eco-friendly nature, long lasting nature, wide range of application and above all it is a maintenance free system. The energy absorbed by the earth can satisfy 15000 times of today’s total energy demand and its hundred times more than that our conventional energy like coal and other fossil fuels. Though, there are overwhelming advantages in solar energy, It has few drawbacks as well such as its low conversion ratio, inconsistent supply of energy due to variation in the sun light, less efficiency due to ripples in the converter, time dependent and, above all, high capitation cost. These aforementioned flaws have been addressed by the researchers in order to extract maximum energy and attain hundred percentage benefits of this heavenly resource. So, this chapter presents a comprehensive investigation based on photo voltaic (PV) system requirements with the following constraints such as system efficiency, system gain, dynamic response, switching losses are investigated. The overview exhibits and identifies the requirements of a best PV power generation system

    Comparison of meta-heuristic algorithms for fuzzy modelling of covid-19 illness’ severity classification

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    The world health organization (WHO) proclaimed the COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus disease 2019, was a pandemic in March 2020. When people are in close proximity to one another, the virus spreads mostly through the air. It causes some symptoms in the affected person. COVID-19 symptoms are quite variable, ranging from none to severe sickness. As a result, the fuzzy method is seen favourably as a tool for determining the severity of a person’s COVID-19 sickness. However, when applied to a large situation, manually generating a fuzzy parameter is challenging. This could be because of the identification of a large number of fuzzy parameters. A mechanism, such as an automatic procedure, is consequently required to identify the right fuzzy parameters. The meta-heuristic algorithm is regarded as a viable strategy. Five meta-heuristic algorithms were analyzed and utilized in this article to classify the severity of COVID-19 sickness data. The performance of the five meta-heuristic algorithms was evaluated using the COVID-19 symptoms dataset. The COVID-19 symptom dataset was created in accordance with WHO and the Indian ministry of health and family welfare criteria. The findings provide the average classification accuracy for each approach

    Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comprehensive Review, Challenges, and Research Directions

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    CCTV cameras installed for continuous surveillance generate enormous amounts of data daily, forging the term “Big Video Data” (BVD). The active practice of BVD includes intelligent surveillance and activity recognition, among other challenging tasks. To efficiently address these tasks, the computer vision research community has provided monitoring systems, activity recognition methods, and many other computationally complex solutions for the purposeful usage of BVD. Unfortunately, the limited capabilities of these methods, higher computational complexity, and stringent installation requirements hinder their practical implementation in real-world scenarios, which still demand human operators sitting in front of cameras to monitor activities or make actionable decisions based on BVD. The usage of human-like logic, known as fuzzy logic, has been employed emerging for various data science applications such as control systems, image processing, decision making, routing, and advanced safety-critical systems. This is due to its ability to handle various sources of real world domain and data uncertainties, generating easily adaptable and explainable data-based models. Fuzzy logic can be effectively used for surveillance as a complementary for huge-sized artificial intelligence models and tiresome training procedures. In this paper, we draw researchers’ attention towards the usage of fuzzy logic for surveillance in the context of BVD. We carry out a comprehensive literature survey of methods for vision sensory data analytics that resort to fuzzy logic concepts. Our overview highlights the advantages, downsides, and challenges in existing video analysis methods based on fuzzy logic for surveillance applications. We enumerate and discuss the datasets used by these methods, and finally provide an outlook towards future research directions derived from our critical assessment of the efforts invested so far in this exciting field

    The Effect of Mobile phone’s User Interface Configurations on User Comfort

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    Mobile phone consists of some input elements as its user interfaces for example keypad and navigator. Shape, layout, and dimension of the input elements determine the user interface configuration of mobile phone. The configuration of user interface may influence user comfort in using mobile phone. For that reason, it is important to understand the effect of various mobile phone’s user interface configurations to user comfort. This research investigates the effect of mobile phone’s user interface configurations on user comfort. First, this research collects some data related to shape, layout, and dimension of keypad and navigator of available mobile phones. Then, the data are synthesized to develop various alternatives of user interface configurations. Finally, a survey is conducted to investigate the effect of the developed configurations on user comfort. A questionnaire is spread among the user of QWERTY mobile phone as a survey. The result of the survey shows that some configurations are not preferred by the users because it is not comfortable according to them. However, the configurations that accommodate tight distance and square keypad with trackpad navigator provide the highest level of user comfort

    Emerging Trends in Mechatronics

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    Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering combining mechanical, electrical and electronics, control and automation, and computer engineering fields. The main research task of mechatronics is design, control, and optimization of advanced devices, products, and hybrid systems utilizing the concepts found in all these fields. The purpose of this special issue is to help better understand how mechatronics will impact on the practice and research of developing advanced techniques to model, control, and optimize complex systems. The special issue presents recent advances in mechatronics and related technologies. The selected topics give an overview of the state of the art and present new research results and prospects for the future development of the interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems

    Ant Colony Optimization

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the best example of how studies aimed at understanding and modeling the behavior of ants and other social insects can provide inspiration for the development of computational algorithms for the solution of difficult mathematical problems. Introduced by Marco Dorigo in his PhD thesis (1992) and initially applied to the travelling salesman problem, the ACO field has experienced a tremendous growth, standing today as an important nature-inspired stochastic metaheuristic for hard optimization problems. This book presents state-of-the-art ACO methods and is divided into two parts: (I) Techniques, which includes parallel implementations, and (II) Applications, where recent contributions of ACO to diverse fields, such as traffic congestion and control, structural optimization, manufacturing, and genomics are presented