5 research outputs found

    New methods of partial transmit sequence for reducing the high peak-to-average-power ratio with low complexity in the ofdm and f-ofdm systems

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    The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system (OFDM) is one of the most important components for the multicarrier waveform design in the wireless communication standards. Consequently, the OFDM system has been adopted by many high-speed wireless standards. However, the high peak-to-average- power ratio (PAPR) is the main obstacle of the OFDM system in the real applications because of the non-linearity nature in the transmitter. Partial transmit sequence (PTS) is one of the effective PAPR reduction techniques that has been employed for reducing the PAPR value 3 dB; however, the high computational complexity is the main drawback of this technique. This thesis proposes novel methods and algorithms for reducing the high PAPR value with low computational complexity depending on the PTS technique. First, three novel subblocks partitioning schemes, Sine Shape partitioning scheme (SS-PTS), Subsets partitioning scheme (Sb-PTS), and Hybrid partitioning scheme (H-PTS) have been introduced for improving the PAPR reduction performance with low computational complexity in the frequency-domain of the PTS structure. Secondly, two novel algorithms, Grouping Complex iterations algorithm (G-C-PTS), and Gray Code Phase Factor algorithm (Gray-PF-PTS) have been developed to reduce the computational complexity for finding the optimum phase rotation factors in the time domain part of the PTS structure. Third, a new hybrid method that combines the Selective mapping and Cyclically Shifts Sequences (SLM-CSS-PTS) techniques in parallel has been proposed for improving the PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity level. Based on the proposed methods, an improved PTS method that merges the best subblock partitioning scheme in the frequency domain and the best low-complexity algorithm in the time domain has been introduced to enhance the PAPR reduction performance better than the conventional PTS method with extremely low computational complexity level. The efficiency of the proposed methods is verified by comparing the predicted results with the existing modified PTS methods in the literature using Matlab software simulation and numerical calculation. The results that obtained using the proposed methods achieve a superior gain in the PAPR reduction performance compared with the conventional PTS technique. In addition, the number of complex addition and multiplication operations has been reduced compared with the conventional PTS method by about 54%, and 32% for the frequency domain schemes, 51% and 65% for the time domain algorithms, 18% and 42% for the combining method. Moreover, the improved PTS method which combines the best scheme in the frequency domain and the best algorithm in the time domain outperforms the conventional PTS method in terms of the PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity level, where the number of complex addition and multiplication operation has been reduced by about 51% and 63%, respectively. Finally, the proposed methods and algorithms have been applied to the OFDM and Filtered-OFDM (F-OFDM) systems through Matlab software simulation, where F-OFDM refers to the waveform design candidate in the next generation technology (5G)

    Interleaving Technique Implementation to Reduce PAPR of OFDM Signal in Presence of Nonlinear AmpliïŹcation with Memory EïŹ€ects, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 3

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    In OFDM systems, peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction of the signal is one of the main challenges that need to be overcome in order to use the transmitter in an eïŹƒcient manner. As one of attractive techniques, interleaving can be used in PAPR reduction for multicarrier signals without spectrum distortion. In this paper, the authors propose to extend the possibilities of interleaving to improve PAPR reduction, to use a new coding of interleaver keys at the transmitter and a robust decoding procedure at the receiver. In order not to degrade the data rate, the use of null subcarriers to transmit side information to the receiver is proposed and evaluated. Simulation results in the context of the WLAN 802.11a standard in the presence of a nonlinear power ampliïŹer model with memory, show a reduction of PAPR of approximately 5.2 dB, and an improvement of bit error rate and error vector magnitude of about 2 decades and 4% respectively, while respecting the spectral mask speciïŹcation

    Implementação numa FPGA de técnicas MIMO para os futuros sistemas de transmissão wireless- (sistemas de 4G/LTE)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia EletrĂłnica e TelecomunicaçÔesThis work alludes to 4G LTE technology. Techniques used for the same technology are described namely precoding and Alamouti coding and decoding. An Alamouti’s 4G system implemented to FPGA using the Xilinx System is introduced. The work also addresses the PAPR problem due to the reference pilots in the platform being generated all in phase. In this work a random pilot generator was implemented which combats the high peak power. In the receiver it was taken into account the new generation method to perform channel estimation correctly. A technique is discussed to increase the energy efficiency of the system based on PAPR reduction.O presente trabalho faz alusĂŁo Ă  tecnologia 4G LTE. SĂŁo descritas tĂ©cnicas usadas na mesma tecnologia nomeadamente de precoding e codificação e descodificação Alamouti. É introduzido um sistema Alamouti 4G implementado para FPGAs usando o programa System Generator da Xilinx. O trabalho tambĂ©m aborda o problema do PAPR devido aos pilotos de referĂȘncia na plataforma estarem sendo gerados todos em fase. Neste trabalho, um gerador aleatĂłrio de pilotos foi implementado que combate a potĂȘncia de pico (PAPR). No receptor levou-se em conta o mĂ©todo desta nova geração para realizar a estimativa de canal corretamente

    SystÚme d'annulation d'écho pour répéteur iso-fréquence : contribution à l'élaboration d'un répéteur numérique de nouvelle génération

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    On-frequency repeaters are a cost-effective solution to extend coverage and enhance wireless communications, especially in shadow areas. However, coupling between the receiving antenna and the transmitting antenna, called radio frequency echo, increases modulation errors and creates oscillations in the system when the echo power is high. According to the communication standards, extremely weak echoes decrease the transmission rate, while strong echoes damage electroni ccircuits because of power peaks. This thesis aims at characterizing the echo phenomenon under different modulations, and proposing an optimized solution directly integrated to industry. We have turned to digital solutions especially the adaptive because of their high convergence rate and their simplicity to be implemented. The programmable circuits are chosen for their attractive price and their flexibility. When implementing echo cancellation solution, we proposed several reliable solutions, showing that digital processing is much more beneficial. For this reason, digital solutions are generalized, and the new generation of repeaters is fully digital.Le dĂ©ploiement des rĂ©pĂ©teurs iso-frĂ©quence est une solution Ă©conomique pour Ă©tendre la couverture d’un Ă©metteur principal aux zones d’ombre. Cependant, ce mode de dĂ©ploiement fait apparaĂźtre le phĂ©nomĂšne des Ă©chos radio-frĂ©quence entre antennes d’émission et de rĂ©ception du rĂ©pĂ©teur. Selon les standards, un Ă©cho aussi faible soit-il rĂ©duit le dĂ©bit de la liaison radio, tandis qu’un Ă©cho fort fait courir au rĂ©pĂ©teur le risque d’endommager ses circuits Ă©lectroniques, ces risques sont dĂ»s aux ondulations de puissance crĂ©Ă©es par les Ă©chos. L’objectif de cette thĂšse Ă  caractĂšre industriel est d’étudier ce phĂ©nomĂšne naturel en considĂ©rant des signaux provenant de diffĂ©rents standards des tĂ©lĂ©communications. Cette Ă©tude permet une caractĂ©risation des Ă©chos radio-frĂ©quence pour mieux s’orienter vers une solution optimisĂ©e et industriellement rĂ©alisable.Nous nous sommes orientĂ©s vers la solution du traitement du signal avancĂ© en favorisant le filtrage adaptatif pour sa rapiditĂ© de convergence et sa simplicitĂ© relative d’implantation matĂ©rielle. Les circuits reconfigurables sont retenus pour leur prix et leur souplesse. L’implantation des solutions est effectuĂ©e en virgule fixe afin de satisfaire les exigences de rĂ©activitĂ©. Durant la mise en oeuvre de la solution anti-Ă©cho, nous avons proposĂ© une multitude de solutions numĂ©riques souples et fiables. À partir de ce constat, notre partenaire industriel a dĂ©cidĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©raliser ce mode de traitement par le dĂ©veloppement, la fabrication et la commercialisation de rĂ©pĂ©teurs de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration entiĂšrement numĂ©riques