249 research outputs found

    Efficient motif finding algorithms for large-alphabet inputs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We consider the problem of identifying motifs, recurring or conserved patterns, in the biological sequence data sets. To solve this task, we present a new deterministic algorithm for finding patterns that are embedded as exact or inexact instances in all or most of the input strings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proposed algorithm (1) improves search efficiency compared to existing algorithms, and (2) scales well with the size of alphabet. On a synthetic planted DNA motif finding problem our algorithm is over 10× more efficient than MITRA, PMSPrune, and RISOTTO for long motifs. Improvements are orders of magnitude higher in the same setting with large alphabets. On benchmark TF-binding site problems (FNP, CRP, LexA) we observed reduction in running time of over 12×, with high detection accuracy. The algorithm was also successful in rapidly identifying protein motifs in Lipocalin, Zinc metallopeptidase, and supersecondary structure motifs for Cadherin and Immunoglobin families.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our algorithm reduces computational complexity of the current motif finding algorithms and demonstrate strong running time improvements over existing exact algorithms, especially in important and difficult cases of large-alphabet sequences.</p

    RefSelect: a reference sequence selection algorithm for planted (l, d) motif search

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    Background The planted (l, d) motif search (PMS) is an important yet challenging problem in computational biology. Pattern-driven PMS algorithms usually use k out of t input sequences as reference sequences to generate candidate motifs, and they can find all the (l, d) motifs in the input sequences. However, most of them simply take the first k sequences in the input as reference sequences without elaborate selection processes, and thus they may exhibit sharp fluctuations in running time, especially for large alphabets. Results In this paper, we build the reference sequence selection problem and propose a method named RefSelect to quickly solve it by evaluating the number of candidate motifs for the reference sequences. RefSelect can bring a practical time improvement of the state-of-the-art pattern-driven PMS algorithms. Experimental results show that RefSelect (1) makes the tested algorithms solve the PMS problem steadily in an efficient way, (2) particularly, makes them achieve a speedup of up to about 100× on the protein data, and (3) is also suitable for large data sets which contain hundreds or more sequences. Conclusions The proposed algorithm RefSelect can be used to solve the problem that many pattern-driven PMS algorithms present execution time instability. RefSelect requires a small amount of storage space and is capable of selecting reference sequences efficiently and effectively. Also, the parallel version of RefSelect is provided for handling large data sets

    Combinatorial RNA Design: Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm

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    In this work, we consider the Combinatorial RNA Design problem, a minimal instance of the RNA design problem which aims at finding a sequence that admits a given target as its unique base pair maximizing structure. We provide complete characterizations for the structures that can be designed using restricted alphabets. Under a classic four-letter alphabet, we provide a complete characterization of designable structures without unpaired bases. When unpaired bases are allowed, we provide partial characterizations for classes of designable/undesignable structures, and show that the class of designable structures is closed under the stutter operation. Membership of a given structure to any of the classes can be tested in linear time and, for positive instances, a solution can be found in linear time. Finally, we consider a structure-approximating version of the problem that allows to extend bands (helices) and, assuming that the input structure avoids two motifs, we provide a linear-time algorithm that produces a designable structure with at most twice more base pairs than the input structure.Comment: CPM - 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Jun 2015, Ischia Island, Italy. LNCS, 201

    Combinatorial RNA Design Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm in Watson-Crick and Nussinov-Jacobson Energy Models

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    We consider the Combinatorial RNA Design problem, a minimal instance of RNA design where one must produce an RNA sequence that adopts a given secondary structure as its minimal free-energy structure. We consider two free-energy models where the contributions of base pairs are additive and independent: the purely combinatorial Watson-Crick model, which only allows equally-contributing A -- U and C -- G base pairs, and the real-valued Nussinov-Jacobson model, which associates arbitrary energies to A -- U, C -- G and G -- U base pairs. We first provide a complete characterization of designable structures using restricted alphabets and, in the four-letter alphabet, provide a complete characterization for designable structures without unpaired bases. When unpaired bases are allowed, we characterize extensive classes of (non-)designable structures, and prove the closure of the set of designable structures under the stutter operation. Membership of a given structure to any of the classes can be tested in Θ\Theta(n) time, including the generation of a solution sequence for positive instances. Finally, we consider a structure-approximating relaxation of the design, and provide a Θ\Theta(n) algorithm which, given a structure S that avoids two trivially non-designable motifs, transforms S into a designable structure constructively by adding at most one base-pair to each of its stems.Comment: To appea

    Management of biological sequences using suffix trees

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    The amount of available biological sequences, represented as strings over the DNA and protein alphabets, grows at phenomenal rate. Supporting various search tasks over such data efficiently requires development of sophisticated indexing techniques. Recently, suffix tree (ST) and suffix array (SA) received considerable attention as suitable data structures in this context. However, existing solutions often focus on either efficiency or scalability, but not both. Further, some of the solutions require advanced computational resources or are tailored towards a specific application. We investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, ways to improve efficiency and scalability in management of biological sequence data. Our goal is to develop an indexing technique that is reasonable in construction time and space utilization, and supports efficiently versatile search applications in biological sequences of various sizes, running on a typical desktop computer. The contributions of this research include development of a ST based indexing technique, called HST, together with exact and approximate search algorithms that use the index. The results of our experiments indicate that the index construction cost is comparable to other ST based techniques, such as TDD and Trellis, in terms of construction time and main memory requirement. While HST exhibits slower construction time than Vmatch, the best known SA based solution, with the same amount of main memory HST can handle sequences that are an order of magnitude longer. In terms of the index size, HST is comparable to TDD and Vmatch, which is half of the Trellis index size. We also develop efficient and scalable search applications using HST, including exact match, k-mismatch, and structured motif search. Our experiments using real-life sequences indicated that for short sequences (e.g., human chromosomes), our exact match search is comparable to Vmatch, about 3 times faster than TDD, and more than 10 times faster than Trellis. Further, HST can be used to search directly in longer DNA sequences, as opposed to partitioning such a sequence and search in the parts - the only option to follow with Vmatch. We found that a direct exact match search using HST is twice faster when searching in the entire human genome, compared to using Vmatch on parts. Compared to Trellis, which can handle direct search in human genome, HST was more than 20 times faster. To further compare performance of HST and Vmatch, we considered k-mismatch search. Our results indicated significant improvement of the HST based solution over Vmatch, ranging from 2 to 9 times faster k-mismatch search on average, for short and long sequences, respectively. For structured motif search, HST was about 6 times faster than SMOTIF1, the best known structured motif search tool

    Structator: fast index-based search for RNA sequence-structure patterns

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    Background The secondary structure of RNA molecules is intimately related to their function and often more conserved than the sequence. Hence, the important task of searching databases for RNAs requires to match sequence-structure patterns. Unfortunately, current tools for this task have, in the best case, a running time that is only linear in the size of sequence databases. Furthermore, established index data structures for fast sequence matching, like suffix trees or arrays, cannot benefit from the complementarity constraints introduced by the secondary structure of RNAs. Results We present a novel method and readily applicable software for time efficient matching of RNA sequence-structure patterns in sequence databases. Our approach is based on affix arrays, a recently introduced index data structure, preprocessed from the target database. Affix arrays support bidirectional pattern search, which is required for efficiently handling the structural constraints of the pattern. Structural patterns like stem-loops can be matched inside out, such that the loop region is matched first and then the pairing bases on the boundaries are matched consecutively. This allows to exploit base pairing information for search space reduction and leads to an expected running time that is sublinear in the size of the sequence database. The incorporation of a new chaining approach in the search of RNA sequence-structure patterns enables the description of molecules folding into complex secondary structures with multiple ordered patterns. The chaining approach removes spurious matches from the set of intermediate results, in particular of patterns with little specificity. In benchmark experiments on the Rfam database, our method runs up to two orders of magnitude faster than previous methods. Conclusions The presented method's sublinear expected running time makes it well suited for RNA sequence-structure pattern matching in large sequence databases. RNA molecules containing several stem-loop substructures can be described by multiple sequence-structure patterns and their matches are efficiently handled by a novel chaining method. Beyond our algorithmic contributions, we provide with Structator a complete and robust open-source software solution for index-based search of RNA sequence-structure patterns. The Structator software is available at http://www.zbh.uni-hamburg.de/Structator webcite.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant WI 3628/1-1

    ssHMM: extracting intuitive sequence-structure motifs from high-throughput RNA-binding protein data

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play an important role in RNA post-transcriptional regulation and recognize target RNAs via sequence-structure motifs. The extent to which RNA structure influences protein binding in the presence or absence of a sequence motif is still poorly understood. Existing RNA motif finders either take the structure of the RNA only partially into account, or employ models which are not directly interpretable as sequence-structure motifs. We developed ssHMM, an RNA motif finder based on a hidden Markov model (HMM) and Gibbs sampling which fully captures the relationship between RNA sequence and secondary structure preference of a given RBP. Compared to previous methods which output separate logos for sequence and structure, it directly produces a combined sequence-structure motif when trained on a large set of sequences. ssHMM’s model is visualized intuitively as a graph and facilitates biological interpretation. ssHMM can be used to find novel bona fide sequence-structure motifs of uncharacterized RBPs, such as the one presented here for the YY1 protein. ssHMM reaches a high motif recovery rate on synthetic data, it recovers known RBP motifs from CLIP-Seq data, and scales linearly on the input size, being considerably faster than MEMERIS and RNAcontext on large datasets while being on par with GraphProt. It is freely available on Github and as a Docker image

    Explainable deep learning models for biological sequence classification

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    Biological sequences - DNA, RNA and proteins - orchestrate the behavior of all living cells and trying to understand the mechanisms that govern and regulate the interactions among these molecules has motivated biological research for many years. The introduction of experimental protocols that analyze such interactions on a genome- or transcriptome-wide scale has also established the usage of machine learning in our field to make sense of the vast amounts of generated data. Recently, deep learning, a branch of machine learning based on artificial neural networks, and especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were shown to deliver promising results for predictive tasks and automated feature extraction. However, the resulting models are often very complex and thus make model application and interpretation hard, but the possibility to interpret which features a model has learned from the data is crucial to understand and to explain new biological mechanisms. This work therefore presents pysster, our open source software library that enables researchers to more easily train, apply and interpret CNNs on biological sequence data. We evaluate and implement different feature interpretation and visualization strategies and show that the flexibility of CNNs allows for the integration of additional data beyond pure sequences to improve the biological feature interpretability. We demonstrate this by building, among others, predictive models for transcription factor and RNA-binding protein binding sites and by supplementing these models with structural information in the form of DNA shape and RNA secondary structure. Features learned by models are then visualized as sequence and structure motifs together with information about motif locations and motif co-occurrence. By further analyzing an artificial data set containing implanted motifs we also illustrate how the hierarchical feature extraction process in a multi-layer deep neural network operates. Finally, we present a larger biological application by predicting RNA-binding of proteins for transcripts for which experimental protein-RNA interaction data is not yet available. Here, the comprehensive interpretation options of CNNs made us aware of potential technical bias in the experimental eCLIP data (enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation) that were used as a basis for the models. This allowed for subsequent tuning of the models and data to get more meaningful predictions in practice

    Computational identification of transcriptional regulatory elements in DNA sequence

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    Identification and annotation of all the functional elements in the genome, including genes and the regulatory sequences, is a fundamental challenge in genomics and computational biology. Since regulatory elements are frequently short and variable, their identification and discovery using computational algorithms is difficult. However, significant advances have been made in the computational methods for modeling and detection of DNA regulatory elements. The availability of complete genome sequence from multiple organisms, as well as mRNA profiling and high-throughput experimental methods for mapping protein-binding sites in DNA, have contributed to the development of methods that utilize these auxiliary data to inform the detection of transcriptional regulatory elements. Progress is also being made in the identification of cis-regulatory modules and higher order structures of the regulatory sequences, which is essential to the understanding of transcription regulation in the metazoan genomes. This article reviews the computational approaches for modeling and identification of genomic regulatory elements, with an emphasis on the recent developments, and current challenges

    SSMART: Sequence-structure motif identification for RNA-binding proteins

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    MOTIVATION: RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate every aspect of RNA metabolism and function. There are hundreds of RBPs encoded in the eukaryotic genomes, and each recognize its RNA targets through a specific mixture of RNA sequence and structure properties. For most RBPs, however, only a primary sequence motif has been determined, while the structure of the binding sites is uncharacterized. RESULTS: We developed SSMART, an RNA motif finder that simultaneously models the primary sequence and the structural properties of the RNA targets sites. The sequence-structure motifs are represented as consensus strings over a degenerate alphabet, extending the IUPAC codes for nucleotides to account for secondary structure preferences. Evaluation on synthetic data showed that SSMART is able to recover both sequence and structure motifs implanted into 3'UTR-like sequences, for various degrees of structured/unstructured binding sites. In addition, we successfully used SSMART on high-throughput in vivo and in vitro data, showing that we not only recover the known sequence motif, but also gain insight into the structural preferences of the RBP. AVAILABILITY: SSMART is freely available at https://ohlerlab.mdc-berlin.de/software/SSMART 137