3,542 research outputs found

    Analytical Report on Metaheuristic and Non-Metaheuristic Algorithms for Clustering in Wireless Networks

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    This analytical report delves into the comprehensive evaluation of both metaheuristic and non-metaheuristic algorithms utilized for clustering in wireless networks. Clustering techniques play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of wireless networks by organizing nodes into meaningful groups. Metaheuristic algorithms, inspired by natural processes, offer innovative solutions to complex optimization problems, while non-metaheuristic algorithms rely on traditional mathematical principles. This report systematically compares and contrasts the efficacy of various algorithms, considering key metrics such as convergence speed, scalability, robustness, and adaptability to dynamic network conditions. By scrutinizing both categories of algorithms, this report aims to provide a holistic understanding of their respective advantages, limitations, and applicability in wireless network clustering scenarios. The insights derived from this analysis can guide network engineers, researchers, and practitioners in selecting the most suitable algorithms based on specific network requirements, ultimately contributing to the advancement of wireless network clustering techniques

    Exploring potential of crowdsourced geographic information in studies of active travel and health: Strava data and cycling behaviour

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    In development of sustainable transportation and green city, policymakers encourage people to commute by cycling and walking instead of motor vehicles in cities. One the one hand, cycling and walking enables decrease in air pollution emissions. On the other hand, cycling and walking offer health benefits by increasing people’s physical activity. Earlier studies on investigating spatial patterns of active travel (cycling and walking) are limited by lacks of spatially fine-grained data. In recent years, with the development of information and communications technology, GPS-enabled devices are popular and portable. With smart phones or smart watches, people are able to record their cycling or walking GPS traces when they are moving. A large number of cyclists and pedestrians upload their GPS traces to sport social media to share their historical traces with other people. Those sport social media thus become a potential source for spatially fine-grained cycling and walking data. Very recently, Strava Metro offer aggregated cycling and walking data with high spatial granularity. Strava Metro aggregated a large amount of cycling and walking GPS traces of Strava users to streets or intersections across a city. Accordingly, as a kind of crowdsourced geographic information, the aggregated data is useful for investigating spatial patterns of cycling and walking activities, and thus is of high potential in understanding cycling or walking behavior at a large spatial scale. This study is a start of demonstrating usefulness of Strava Metro data for exploring cycling or walking patterns at a large scal

    Clustering by soft-constraint affinity propagation: Applications to gene-expression data

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    Motivation: Similarity-measure based clustering is a crucial problem appearing throughout scientific data analysis. Recently, a powerful new algorithm called Affinity Propagation (AP) based on message-passing techniques was proposed by Frey and Dueck \cite{Frey07}. In AP, each cluster is identified by a common exemplar all other data points of the same cluster refer to, and exemplars have to refer to themselves. Albeit its proved power, AP in its present form suffers from a number of drawbacks. The hard constraint of having exactly one exemplar per cluster restricts AP to classes of regularly shaped clusters, and leads to suboptimal performance, {\it e.g.}, in analyzing gene expression data. Results: This limitation can be overcome by relaxing the AP hard constraints. A new parameter controls the importance of the constraints compared to the aim of maximizing the overall similarity, and allows to interpolate between the simple case where each data point selects its closest neighbor as an exemplar and the original AP. The resulting soft-constraint affinity propagation (SCAP) becomes more informative, accurate and leads to more stable clustering. Even though a new {\it a priori} free-parameter is introduced, the overall dependence of the algorithm on external tuning is reduced, as robustness is increased and an optimal strategy for parameter selection emerges more naturally. SCAP is tested on biological benchmark data, including in particular microarray data related to various cancer types. We show that the algorithm efficiently unveils the hierarchical cluster structure present in the data sets. Further on, it allows to extract sparse gene expression signatures for each cluster.Comment: 11 pages, supplementary material: http://isiosf.isi.it/~weigt/scap_supplement.pd

    A new clustering method using an augmentation to the self organizing maps

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    A technique is developed using Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to efficiently cluster the data and it is compared with existing clustering Techniques such as K-Means clustering, Hierarchical clustering and SOM Clustering. The proposed technique is used to cluster an Earthquake dataset and the performance is compared with the other existing clustering technique. The experimental results show that the proposed clustering method demonstrated better results as compared to other clustering methods

    A new clustering method using an augmentation to the self organizing maps

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    A technique is developed using Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to efficiently cluster the data and it is compared with existing clustering Techniques such as K-Means clustering, Hierarchical clustering and SOM Clustering. The proposed technique is used to cluster an Earthquake dataset and the performance is compared with the other existing clustering technique. The experimental results show that the proposed clustering method demonstrated better results as compared to other clustering methods

    Single-tree detection in high-density LiDAR data from UAV-based survey

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    UAV-based LiDAR survey provides very-high-density point clouds, which involve very rich information about forest detailed structure, allowing for detection of individual trees, as well as demanding high computational load. Single-tree detection is of great interest for forest management and ecology purposes, and the task is relatively well solved for forests made of single or largely dominant species, and trees having a very evident pointed shape in the upper part of the canopy (in particular conifers). Most authors proposed methods based totally or partially on search of local maxima in the canopy, which has poor performance for species that have flat or irregular upper canopy, and for mixed forests, especially where taller trees hide smaller ones. Such considerations apply in particular to Mediterranean hardwood forests. In such context, it is imperative to use the whole volume of the point cloud, however keeping computational load tractable. The authors propose the use of a methodology based on modelling the 3D-shape of the tree, which improves performance w.r.t to maxima-based models. A case study, performed on a hazel grove, is provided to document performance improvement on a relatively simple, but significant, case

    Comparison of K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Algorithms on Different Cluster Structures

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    In this paper the K-means (KM) and the Fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithms were compared for their computing performance and clustering accuracy on different shaped cluster structures which are regularly and irregularly scattered in two dimensional space. While the accuracy of the KM with single pass was lower than those of the FCM, the KM with multiple starts showed nearly the same clustering accuracy with the FCM. Moreover the KM with multiple starts was extremely superior to the FCM in computing time in all datasets analyzed. Therefore, when well separated cluster structures spreading with regular patterns do exist in datasets the KM with multiple starts was recommended for cluster analysis because of its comparable accuracy and runtime performances.</jats:p
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