1,184 research outputs found

    A New Approach for DDoS attacks to discriminate the attack level and provide security for DDoS nodes in MANET

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) enable versatile hosts to frame a correspondence arrange without a prefixed framework. In military applications portable specially appointed system assumes essential part since it is particularly planned network for on request necessity and in circumstances where set up of physical network isn't conceivable. Despite the fact that it gives high adaptability, it likewise conveys more difficulties for MANETs to battle against malicious assaults. In any case, the property of mobility and excess additionally motivates new plans to outline safeguard procedure. In this paper, we propose a procedure to relieve DDoS assaults in MANETs. Expect that a malicious attacker ordinarily targets particular victims. The attacker will surrender if the assault neglected to accomplish the coveted objectives after a specific length of assaulting time. In our assurance system, we exploit high excess and select a protection node. Once a DDoS attack has been identified, the suspicious movement will be diverted to the protection node. The victim will work typically, and it is sensible to expect that the attacker will stop the trivial endeavors. Through escalated recreation test utilizing NS-2, we have confirmed the viability of our approach and assessed the cost and overhead of the framework

    Coefficient of Restitution based Cross Layer Interference Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN), Partially Overlapped Channels (POC) has been used to increase the parallel transmission. But adjacent channel interference is very severe in MRMC environment; it decreases the network throughput very badly. In this paper, we propose a Coefficient of Restitution based cross layer interference aware routing protocol (CoRCiaR) to improve TCP performance in Wireless Mesh Networks. This approach comprises of two-steps: Initially, the interference detection algorithm is developed at MAC layer by enhancing the RTS/CTS method. Based on the channel interference, congestion is identified by Round Trip Time (RTT) measurements, and subsequently the route discovery module selects the alternative path to send the data packet. The packets are transmitted to the congestion free path seamlessly by the source. The performance of the proposed CoRCiaR protocol is measured by Coefficient of Restitution (COR) parameter. The impact of the rerouting is experienced on the network throughput performance. The simulation results show that the proposed cross layer interference aware dynamic routing enhances the TCP performance on WMN

    Fault-Tolerant Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    QoS-Based Web Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Swarm Strategies

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    Mobile ad hoc networks are noncentralised, multihop, wireless networks that lack a common infrastructure and hence require self-organisation. Their infrastructureless and dynamic nature entails the implementation of a new set of networking technologies in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication according to the principles of the standard TCP/IP suite. Routing, IP address autoconfiguration and Web service discovery are among the most challenging tasks in the ad hoc network domain. Swarm intelligence is a relatively new approach to problem solving that takes inspiration from the social behaviours of insects, such as ants and bees. Self-organization, decentralization, adaptivity, robustness, and scalability make swarm intelligence a successful design paradigm for the above-mentioned problems. In this paper we proposeBeeAdHocServiceDiscovery, a new service discovery algorithm based on the bee metaphor, which also takes into account quality metrics estimates. The protocol has been specifically designed to work in mobile ad hoc network scenarios operating withBeeadhoc, a well-known routing algorithm inspired by nature. We present both the protocol strategy and the formal evaluation of the discovery overhead and route optimality metrics showing thatBeeAdHocServiceDiscoveryguarantees valuable performances even in large scale ad hoc wireless networks. Eventually, future research suggestions are sketched

    Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming

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    [ES] Las redes ad hoc son redes inalámbricas distribuidas formadas por nodos móviles que se ubican libremente y dinámicamente, capaces de organizarse de manera propia en topologías arbitrarias y temporales, a través de la actuación de los protocolos de encaminamiento. Estas redes permiten a las personas y dispositivos conectarse sin problemas rápidamente, en áreas sin una infraestructura de comunicaciones previa y con un bajo coste. Muchos estudios demuestran que los protocolos de encaminamiento ad hoc se ven amenazados por una variedad de fallos accidentales y maliciosos, como la saturación de vecinos, que puede afectar a cualquier tipo de red ad hoc, y el ruido ambiental, que puede afectar en general a todas las redes inalámbricas. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo y la implementación de estrategias de tolerancia a fallos para mitigar el efecto de las fallos, es esencial para el uso práctico de este tipo de redes. Sin embargo, los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos suelen estar implementados de manera específica, dentro del código fuente de los protocolos de encaminamiento que hace que i) ser reescrito y reorganizado cada vez que una nueva versión de un protocolo se libera, y ii) tener un carácter completamente remodelado y adaptado a las nuevas versiones de los protocolos. Esta tesis de máster explora la viabilidad de utilizar programación orientada a aspectos (AOP), para desarrollar e implementar los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos adecuados para toda una familia de protocolos de encaminamiento, es decir, las versiones actuales y futuras de un protocolo determinado (OLSR en este caso). Por otra parte, se propone una nueva metodología para ampliar estos mecanismos a diferentes familias de protocolos proactivos (OLSR, BATMAN y Babel) con un nuevo concepto de AOP, el metaaspecto. La viabilidad y efectividad de la propuesta se ha evaluado experimentalmente, estableciendo así un nuevo método para mejorar la implementación de la portabilidad y facilidad de mantenimiento de los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos en los protocolos de enrutamiento ad hoc y, por lo tanto, la fiabilidad de las redes ad hoc.[EN] Ad hoc networks are distributed networks consisting of wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary topologies, through the operation of routing protocols. These networks allow people and devices to seamlessly interconnect rapidly in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure and with a low cost. Many studies show that ad hoc routing protocols are threatened by a variety of accidental and malicious faults, like neighbour saturation, which may affect any kind of ad hoc network, and ambient noise, which may impact all wireless networks in general. Therefore, developing and deploying fault tolerance strategies to mitigate the effect of such faults is essential for the practical use of this kind of networks. However, those fault tolerance mechanisms are usually embedded into the source code of routing protocols which causes that i) they must be rewritten and redeployed whenever a new version of a protocol is released, and ii) they must be completely redeveloped and adapted to new routing protocols. This master thesis explores the feasibility of using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to develop and deploy fault tolerance mechanisms suitable for a whole family of routing protocols, i.e. existing and future versions of a given protocol (OLSR in this case). Furthermore, a new methodology is proposed to extend these mechanisms to different families of proactive protocols (OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N and Babel) using a new concept in AOP, the meta-aspect. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal is experimentally assessed, thus establishing a new method to improve the deployment, portability, and maintainability of fault tolerance mechanisms for ad hoc routing protocols and, therefore, the dependability of ad hoc networks.Bustos Rodríguez, AJ. (2012). Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18421Archivo delegad

    Networking Media Abstraction, Device Discovery, and Routing for the Pervasive Middleware PalCom

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    PalCom is a pervasive middleware that can be used to assemble services provided by networked devices into configurations, called assemblies, for specific use cases by the user. In this dissertation, we present the development of a networking media abstraction framework for PalCom that abstracts different network interfaces in a PalCom device to upper layers of PalCom. The media abstraction framework is documented in paper I. Over the media abstraction layer, we define a device discovery mechanism that enables a PalCom device to discover other devices on its local networks, where it has network interfaces, as well as across interconnected networks. The device discovery mechanism is documented in paper II. On top of the device discovery layer, we implemented support for distance vector routing that enables routing data among discovered devices via the least cost routes. The routing layer is documented in paper III. In the last phase of our work, we refined our device discovery mechanism for PalCom to include a distributed synchronization algorithm that two PalCom nodes can utilize to re-sync their exchanged views of the network to overcome possible loss of device discovery and undiscovery notifications over unreliable channels. The synchronization algorithm is documented in paper IV