101 research outputs found

    Computing Intelligence Technique and Multiresolution Data Processing for Condition Monitoring

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    Condition monitoring (CM) of rotary machines has gained increasing importance and extensive research in recent years. Due to the rapid growth of data volume, automated data processing is necessary in order to deal with massive data efficiently to produce timely and accurate diagnostic results. Artificial intelligence (AI) and adaptive data processing approaches can be promising solutions to the challenge of large data volume. Unfortunately, the majority of AI-based techniques in CM have been developed for only the post-processing (classification) stage, whereas the critical tasks including feature extraction and selection are still manually processed, which often require considerable time and efforts but also yield a performance depending on prior knowledge and diagnostic expertise. To achieve an automatic data processing, the research of this PhD project provides an integrated framework with two main approaches. Firstly, it focuses on extending AI techniques in all phases, including feature extraction by applying Componential Coding Neural Network (CCNN) which has been found to have unique properties of being trained through unsupervised learning, capable of dealing with raw datasets, translation invariance and high computational efficiency. These advantages of CCNN make it particularly suitable for automated analyzing of the vibration data arisen from typical machine components such as the rolling element bearings which exhibit periodic phenomena with high non-stationary and strong noise contamination. Then, once an anomaly is detected, a further analysis technique to identify the fault is proposed using a multiresolution data analysis approach based on Double-Density Discrete Wavelet Transform (DD-DWT) which was grounded on over-sampled filter banks with smooth tight frames. This makes it nearly shift-invariant which is important for extracting non-stationary periodical peaks. Also, in order to denoise and enhance the diagnostic features, a novel level-dependant adaptive thresholding method based on harmonic to signal ratio (HSR) is developed and implemented on the selected wavelet coefficients. This method has been developed to be a semi-automated (adaptive) approach to facilitate the process of fault diagnosis. The developed framework has been evaluated using both simulated and measured datasets from typical healthy and defective tapered roller bearings which are critical parts of all rotating machines. The results have demonstrated that the CCNN is a robust technique for early fault detection, and also showed that adaptive DD-DWT is a robust technique for diagnosing the faults induced to test bearings. The developed framework has achieved multi-objectives of high detection sensitivity, reliable diagnosis and minimized computing complexity

    Sparse Representations in Power Systems Signals

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    This thesis seeks to detect transient disturbances in power system signals in a sparse framework. To this end, an overcomplete wavelet packet dictionary and damped sinusoid dictionary are considered, and for each dictionary Matching Pursuit is compared with Basis Pursuit. Previous work in developing waveform dictionary theory and sparse representation is reviewed, and simulations are run on a test signal in both noisy and noiseless environments. The solutions are viewed as time-frequency plane tilings to compare the accuracy and sparsity of these algorithms in properly resolving optimal representations of the disturbances. The advantages and disadvantages of each combination of dictionary and algorithm are presented

    Use of the continuous wavelet tranform to enhance early diagnosis of incipient faults in rotating element bearings

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    This thesis focused on developing a new wavelet for use with the continuous wavelet transform, a new detection method and two de-noising algorithms for rolling element bearing fault signals. The work is based on the continuous wavelet transform and implements a unique Fourier Series estimation algorithm that allows for least squares estimation of arbitrary frequency components of a signal. The final results of the research also included use of the developed detection algorithm for a novel method of estimating the center frequency and bandwidth for use with the industry standard detection algorithm, envelope demodulation, based on actual fault data. Finally, the algorithms and wavelets developed in this paper were tested against seven other wavelet based de-noising algorithms and shown to be superior for the de-noising and detection of inner and outer rolling element race faults

    30th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2017)

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    Proceedings of COMADEM 201

    Vibration Monitoring: Gearbox identification and faults detection

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    Acoustic Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnostics for Industrial Systems

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    Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics for industrial systems is required for cost reduction, maintenance scheduling, and reducing system failures. Catastrophic failure usually causes significant damage and may cause injury or fatality, making early and accurate fault diagnostics of paramount importance. Existing diagnostics can be improved by augmenting or replacing with acoustic measurements, which have proven advantages over more traditional vibration measurements including, earlier detection of emerging faults, increased diagnostic accuracy, remote sensors and easier setup and operation. However, industry adoption of acoustics remains in relative infancy due to vested confidence and reliance on existing measurement and, perceived difficulties with noise contamination and diagnostic accuracy. Researched acoustic monitoring examples typically employ specialist surface-mount transducers, signal amplification, and complex feature extraction and machine learning algorithms, focusing on noise rejection and fault classification. Usually, techniques are fine-tuned to maximise diagnostic performance for the given problem. The majority investigate mechanical fault modes, particularly Roller Element Bearings (REBs), owing to the mechanical impacts producing detectable acoustic waves. The first contribution of this project is a suitability study into the use of low-cost consumer-grade acoustic sensors for fault diagnostics of six different REB health conditions, comparing against vibration measurements. Experimental results demonstrate superior acoustic performance throughout but particularly at lower rotational speed and axial load. Additionally, inaccuracies caused by dynamic operational parameters (speed in this case), are minimised by novel multi-Support Vector Machine training. The project then expands on existing work to encompass diagnostics for a previously unreported electrical fault mode present on a Brush-Less Direct Current motor drive system. Commonly studied electrical faults, such as a broken rotor bar or squirrel cage, result from mechanical component damage artificially seeded and not spontaneous. Here, electrical fault modes are differentiated as faults caused by issues with the power supply, control system or software (not requiring mechanical damage or triggering intervention). An example studied here is a transient current instability, generated by non-linear interaction of the motor electrical parameters, parasitic components and digital controller realisation. Experimental trials successfully demonstrate real-time feature extraction and further validate consumer-grade sensors for industrial system diagnostics. Moreover, this marks the first known diagnosis of an electrically-seeded fault mode as defined in this work. Finally, approaching an industry-ready diagnostic system, the newly released PYNQ-Z2 Field Programmable Gate Array is used to implement the first known instance of multiple feature extraction algorithms that operate concurrently in continuous real-time. A proposed deep-learning algorithm can analyse the features to determine the optimum feature extraction combination for ongoing continuous monitoring. The proposed black-box, all-in-one solution, is capable of accurate unsupervised diagnostics on almost any application, maintaining excellent diagnostic performance. This marks a major leap forward from fine-tuned feature extraction performed offline for artificially seeded mechanical defects to multiple real-time feature extraction demonstrated on a spontaneous electrical fault mode with a versatile and adaptable system that is low-cost, readily available, with simple setup and operation. The presented concept represents an industry-ready all-in-one acoustic diagnostic solution, that is hoped to increase adoption of acoustic methods, greatly improving diagnostics and minimising catastrophic failures

    Enhancement of Condition Monitoring Information from the Control Data of Electrical Motors Based on Machine Learning Techniques

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    Centrifugal pumps are widely used in many manufacturing processes, including power plants, petrochemical industries, and water supplies. Failures in centrifugal pumps not only cause significant production interruptions but can be responsible for a large proportion of the maintenance budget. Early detection of such problems would provide timely information to take appropriate preventive actions. Currently, the motor current signature analysis (MCSA) is regarded to be a promising cost-effective condition monitoring technique for centrifugal pumps. However, conventional data analysis methods such as statistical and spectra parameters often fail to detect damage under different operating conditions, which can be attributed to the present, limited understandings of the fluctuations in current signals arising from the many different possible faults. These include the fluctuations due to changes in operating pressure and flow rate, electromagnetic interference, control accuracy and the measured signals themselves. These combine to make it difficult for conventional data analyses methods such as Fourier based analysis to accurately capture the necessary information to achieve high-performance diagnostics. Therefore, this study focuses on the improvement of data analysis through machine learning (ML) paradigms for promoting the performance of centrifugal pump monitoring. Within the paradigms, data characterisation methods such as empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the intrinsic time-scale decomposition (ITD) reveal features based purely on the data, rather than finding pre-specified similarities to basic functions. With this data-driven approach, subtle changes are more likely to be captured and provide more effective and accurate fault detection and diagnosis. This study reports the application of two of the above data-driven approaches, using MCSA for a centrifugal pump operated under normal and abnormal conditions to detect faults seeded into the pump. The research study has shown that the use of the ITD and EMD signatures combined with envelope spectra of the current signals proved to be competent in detecting the presence of the centrifugal pump fault conditions under different flow rates. The successful analysis was able to produce a more accurate analysis of these abnormal conditions compared to conventional analytical methods. The effectiveness of these approaches is mainly due to the inclusion of high-frequency information, which is largely ignored by conventional MCSA. Finally, a comprehensive diagnostic approach is suggested based on the support vector machine (SVM) as a diagnosing method for three seeded centrifugal pump defects (two bearing defects and compound defect outer race fault with impeller blockage) under different flow rates. It is confirmed that this novel data-driven paradigm is effective for pump diagnostics. The proposed method based on a combined ITD and SVM technique for extracting meaningful features and distinguishing between seeded faults is significantly more effective and accurate for fault detection and diagnosis when compared with the results obtained from other means, such as envelope, EMD and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based features
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