3,746 research outputs found

    Information technology and performance management for build-to-order supply chains

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    En las siguientes lĂ­neas se plantea un artĂ­culo de reflexiĂłn que tiene en cuenta parte del marco teĂłrico que sustenta la investigaciĂłn titulada “PrĂĄcticas pedagĂłgicas que promueven la competencia argumentativa escrita (CAE) en niños campesinos de los grados 4° y 5° del Centro Educativo Municipal La Caldera, Sede Principal de Pasto”, desarrollada en el año 2012. En Ă©l se contemplan los aportes de las ciencias del lenguaje y la comunicaciĂłn, la teorĂ­a de la argumentaciĂłn, la didĂĄctica de la lengua escrita y los gĂ©neros discursivos, que dan cuenta de la necesidad de desarrollar la capacidad crĂ­tica en los estudiantes a travĂ©s de la argumentaciĂłn, lo cual implica transformar las prĂĄcticas pedagĂłgicas para que se alejen de la transmisiĂłn de conocimientos y den paso a la comunicaciĂłn, para que la palabra escrita sea apropiada de manera significativa

    Driving continuous improvement

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    The quality of improvement depends on the quality of leading and lagging performance indicators. For this reason, several tools, such as process mapping, cause and effect analysis and FMEA, need to be used in an integrated way with performance measurement models, such as balanced scorecard, integrated performance measurement system, performance prism and so on. However, in our experience, this alone is not quite enough due to the amount of effort required to monitor performance indicators at operational levels. The authors find that IT support is key to the successful implementation of performance measurement-driven continuous improvement schemes

    IT&C Impact on the Romanian Business and Organizations. The Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence Methods Influence on Manager’s Decision: A Case Study

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    The aim of the paper is to study the use of the advanced management methods in the 2010 year in Romania. The research results were obtained with the use of a questionnaire, and our purpose was to demonstrate some hypothesis concerning identify the effect that implementation of ERP and BI applications in all functions of an organization has over the management method and the IT&C based decision. The originality of this article consists in the study realized in computer based advanced management methods implementation. The study is limited to the SIVECO companies portfolio. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate some hypothesis concerning the relationship between the size of the organization, the management method used, and the role of IT&C in decision making. The practical value of this study consists in the measurement of the impacts of contingency factors, including size, and in the assessment of the ERP systems success. The results demonstrate that the relationship between firm size and ERP success is moderated by IT assets.Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Intelligence, Management Methods, Balanced Scorecard

    Evaluation of the applicability of investment appraisal techniques for assessing the business value of IS services.

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    There is a consensus among academics and practitioners that ICT investments should be carefully justified, measured and controlled. This is not different for the development of a service architecture or the development of particular services as such. In practice, the traditional capital investment appraisal techniques (CIAT’s) such as payback period or net present value are by far the most used techniques for assessing the feasibility of ICT investments. Nevertheless, serious doubts about the fitness of these techniques in a service based value net environment arise. Value nets have special characteristics such as high flexibility and agility, re-use of services,
 that makes the use of these techniques very difficult and the reliability of the outcome most uncertain. Efforts are made to find more appropriate techniques. In the past, CIAT’s have been adjusted so that these techniques become more reliable in an ICT environment and new justification methods and techniques have been developed. However neither these adjusted techniques nor the new techniques are frequently used. This might be explained by the fact that the outcome of these techniques is difficult to interpret and to use and the fact that some significant problems (like the estimation of hidden costs) remain unsolved. Moreover, most of the new techniques are still in the conceptual phase. In this paper we evaluate these adjusted and new techniques in the light of service oriented architectures. We will argue that non of the techniques offers a good solution for assessing the business value of IS services. Despite the existence of a wealth of literature, the IS community appears to be no nearer to a solution to many problems associated with ICT appraisal. This is potentially problematic when dealing with investments in emerging technology such as IS services or service architectures. Since all techniques presented in the article have their drawbacks, it is safe to say that reliance on a sole technique may lead to sub-optimalisation or even failure. Therefore it makes sense to use a mixture of techniques, eliminating or diminishing the weaknesses of each of the techniques used. We strongly recommend a multi-layer evaluation process, or an evaluation process derived from the balanced scorecard, for the appraisal of investments in services or service architectures.

    nformation Quality, Reporting and Organisational Performance

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    This study aims at the exploration of the statistical relationship between the quality of the Information produced by Information Systems (IS) such as ERPs and Organisational Performance. The definition of information quality encompasses measures such as accuracy, precision, currency, timeliness, conciseness, which aim at providing decision tools to the users of any Information System. Producing quality information /reports is the primary purpose of any IS. The results from a survey on 168 Greek companies show a strong correlation between Information Quality and Organisational Performance when this is expressed by financial and not financial measures

    Measuring Readiness of ERP Application Implementation Using The Balanced Scorecard Method

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    The paper entitled "Measuring Readiness Of ERP Application Implementation Using The Balanced Scorecard Method". The author takes the title as the background of the increasing number of companies that have started implementing the government's proposal, namely Industry 4.0, where each company is required to have an integrated system in making financial reports for internal and external purposes, many companies carry out Governance by re-implementing the system. The preparation process in implementing an integrated system is very important, because the implementation process is quite long and also the cost is not small, therefore we need a method that functions to provide a measurement in the form of a value or score to assist management in making appropriate and appropriate decisions. This preparation process is mature and the implementation process can be successful as expected. The Balanced Scorecard method prioritizes 4 perspectives, namely: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, learning and growth perspective. However, the perspective to be measured is the perspective of internal business processes and the perspective of learning growth. From this research, the results achieved are suggestions in determining planning which will be continued into an ERP application information system project managementMakalah yang berjudul “MENGUKUR PELAKSANAAN APLIKASI ERP MENGGUNAKAN METODE BALANCED SCORECARD”. Penulis mengambil judul tersebut sebagai latar belakang semakin banyaknya perusahaan yang sudah mulai melaksanakan usulan pemerintah yaitu Industri 4.0 dimana setiap perusahaan dituntut memiliki sistem yang terintegrasi dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan untuk keperluan internal maupun eksternal, banyak perusahaan yang melaksanakannya. Tata kelola dengan menerapkan kembali sistem. Proses persiapan dalam mengimplementasikan sistem terintegrasi sangat penting, karena proses implementasinya cukup lama dan juga biayanya yang tidak sedikit, oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu metode yang berfungsi untuk memberikan pengukuran berupa nilai atau skor untuk membantu manajemen dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat dan tepat. Proses persiapan ini matang dan proses implementasi dapat berjalan sesuai harapan. Metode Balanced Scorecard mengutamakan 4 perspektif, yaitu: perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal, perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Namun perspektif yang akan diukur adalah perspektif proses bisnis internal dan perspektif pertumbuhan pembelajaran. Dari penelitian ini, hasil yang dicapai berupa saran-saran dalam menentukan perencanaan yang akan dilanjutkan ke dalam suatu sistem informasi manajemen proyek aplikasi ERP

    Balanced scorecard-based performance assessment of Turkish banking sector with the Analytic Network Process (ANP)

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    In the last decade, Performance assessment of banking sectors in advanced economies became a prominent issue investment decision. This paper aims to evaluate the balanced-scorecard-based performance of the Turkish banking sector using the Analytic Network Process Approach. Within this scope, all 33 deposit banks were intended to analyze out of 34 banks. Within this scope, we made an analysis in order to determine which perspectives of the balanced scorecard approach are appropriate for each type of bank (state banks, private banks, foreign banks). In this study, we used Analytic Network Process (ANP) approaches so as to achieve this objective. With a balanced-scorecard performance assessment of the banking sector using the ANP approach, all the factor priorities have been extracted and normalized to one for each cluster and final priorities have been obtained. The final priorities and rankings of each perspective of the balanced scorecard and the type of bank ownership have been assessed in the model. According to the results of the analysis, Findings demonstrate that (i) financial factor of balanced scorecard approach has the first rank with 65.7 percent; (ii) Customer perceptive is in the second rank with 22.1 percent. (iii)Third and fourth ranks have close results, (iv) learning and growth stay in the third rank with 6.3 percent (v) internal factor has the weakest importance with 5.9%, (vi) state banks into bank ownership have the highest rank with 53.9 percent, (vii) Private owned banks are the second in the relative performance of the bank groups with 36.1%, (viii) Balanced scorecard based performance of foreign banks are replaced in the last order with approximately 10%

    Software como um Serviço: uma plataforma eficaz para oferta de sistemas holísticos de gestão da performance

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    This study main objective was to assess the viability of development of a Performance Management (PM) system, delivered in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), specific for the hospitality industry and to evaluate the benefits of its use. Software deployed in the cloud, delivered and licensed as a service, is becoming increasingly common and accepted in a business context. Although, Business Intelligence (BI) solutions are not usually distributed in the SaaS model, there are some examples that this is changing. To achieve the study objective, design science research methodology was employed in the development of a prototype. This prototype was deployed in four hotels and its results evaluated. Evaluation of the prototype was focused both on the system technical characteristics and business benefits. Results shown that hotels were very satisfied with the system and that building a prototype and making it available in the form of SaaS is a good solution to assess BI systems contribution to improve management performance.O objetivo principal deste estudo Ă© avaliar a viabilidade de desenvolvimento de um sistema de GestĂŁo da Performance, entregue sob a forma de “Software como Serviço” (SaaS), especĂ­fico para o setor hoteleiro, e tambĂ©m avaliar os benefĂ­cios de seu uso. O software implantado na cloud, entregue e licenciado como um serviço, Ă© cada vez mais aceite num contexto de negĂłcios. Todavia, nĂŁo Ă© comum que soluçÔes de Business Intelligence (BI) sejam distribuĂ­das neste modelo SaaS. No entanto, existem alguns exemplos de que isso se estĂĄ a alterar. Para atingir o objetivo do estudo, foi utilizada Design Science Research como metodologia de pesquisa cientĂ­fica para desenvolvimento de um protĂłtipo. Este protĂłtipo foi implementado em quatro hotĂ©is para que os seus resultados pudessem ser avaliados. A avaliação foi focada tanto nas caracterĂ­sticas tĂ©cnicas do sistema como nos benefĂ­cios para o negĂłcio. Os resultados mostraram que os hotĂ©is estavam muito satisfeitos com o sistema e que construir um protĂłtipo e disponibilizĂĄ-lo sob a forma de SaaS Ă© uma boa solução para avaliar a contribuição dos sistemas de BI para melhorar o desempenho da gestĂŁo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
