10 research outputs found

    Autoria de decisões pedagógicas informadas por dados sob a perspectiva de um MOOC.

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    Vivemos uma mudança no paradigma educacional onde se busca prover educação de qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento e para qualquer pessoa, utilizando tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação. Há um interesse global no ensino à distância, mas não há um aumento equivalente de suporte aos professores e tutores responsáveis por manter tais cursos. Essa deficiência acentua os problemas e desafios existentes na gestão de cursos a distância, pois com o tempo mais estudantes aderem ao ensino a distância, requerendo a criação de novos cursos e turmas, incrementando a quantidade de estudantes sendo sub-servidos em termos de apoio pedagógico. Isso é evidenciado pelo grande número de desistências e falhas em tais cursos, particularmente, nos MOOCs (Cursos Online Massivos e Abertos), que os estudantes justificam como falta de suporte. Esta tese propõe uma solução de autoria para guiar a tomada de decisões pedagógicas em ambientes online de aprendizagem, tendo sido aplicada em um MOOC. A proposta visa auxiliar professores e tutores (1) a descobrir situações de interesse pedagógico ocorrendo em seus cursos; (2) compreender essas situações; (3) tomar decisões para aborda-las e; (4) monitorar e avaliar o impacto da decisão tomada. As interações em tais cursos geram grande quantidade e diversidade de dados, sendo possível extrair informações pedagogicamente relevantes. Entretanto, professores e tutores não dominam a tecnologia necessária para utilizar esses dados, nem é prático ou apropriado solicitar que sejam treinados para tanto. A proposta se fundamenta na tomada de decisões informada por dados educacionais, na visualização de dados e nos sistemas de autoria para promover a cooperação entre a inteligência artificial e a inteligência humana. Realizamos dois experimentos para: (1) avaliar se o processo auxilia professores e tutores a tomar decisões pedagógicas úteis e em tempo de curso; (2) avaliar se a solução de autoria guia a tomada de decisões pedagógicas de professores e tutores. Os resultados sugerem que o processo trouxe benefícios à tomada de decisões pedagógicas e que a solução de autoria foi capaz de guiar a tomada de decisões pedagógicas em tempo de curso e que sua utilidade e facilidade foram percebidas positivamente por professores e tutores.We are experiencing changes in the educational paradigm. There is a quest to provide education from anywhere, at any time and for anyone, using digital information and communication technologies. There is a global interest in distance learning, but there is no equivalent increase in support for teachers and tutors responsible for maintaining such courses. This difference accentuates the problems and challenges in managing distance courses once that, over time, more students join distance learning, requiring the creation of new courses and classes, increasing the number of distance students being sub-served in terms of pedagogical support. This is evidenced by the large number of dropouts and faiilures in such courses, particularly in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), that students justify as lack of support. This thesis proposes an authoring solution to guide the pedagogical decision making in online learning environments, which was applied in a MOOC. The proposal aims to help teachers and tutors (1) to discover situations of pedagogical interest occurring in their courses; (2) understand these situations; (3) make decisions to address them; (4) monitor and evaluate the impact of the decision made. The interactions in such courses generate considerable quantity and diversity of data,allowing the extraction of pedagogically relevant information. However, teachers and tutors do not master the technology needed to use this data, nor is it practical or appropriate to ask them to be trained to do so. Our proposal is based on informed decision making by educational data, data visualization and authoring systems to promote cooperation between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. We conducted two experiments to: (1) evaluate whether the process helps teachers and tutors to make useful and time-course pedagogical decisions; (2) to evaluate if the authoring solution guides the pedagogical decision making of teachers and tutors. The results suggest that the process brought benefits to pedagogical decision making and that the authoring solution was able to guide the pedagogical decision making in course time and that its usefulness and ease of use were positively perceived by teachers and tutors

    Exploring Critical Success Factors of Learning Management System Implementations in Membership Associations

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    Learning management systems (LMSs) are the technical foundation for online learning programs that offer benefits to learners in a variety of settings. As with many enterprise software systems, LMSs are expensive and carry considerable risk. Exploring critical success factors (CSFs) and using them as a foundation for decisions concerning complex software implementations helps increase the likelihood of success. This study addresses the gap in knowledge concerning CSFs for LMS implementations. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to discover CSFs by exploring the lived experiences of 8 association executives who identified themselves through email communications as having managed a successful LMS implementation. Organizations providing online continuing education programs were identified using a publicly available list, and program managers were identified from the organization\u27s website. Interviews using semi-structured questions yielded a set of tightly correlated CSFs from 6 of the 8 participants. General systems theory and sociotechnical systems theory underpinned the study. Moustakas\u27 data analysis methods were used to code the interviews and develop themes, which resulted in a set of actionable CSFs. Stakeholder support, a well-planned implementation, an experienced vendor, and software that provides a predictable user interface were among emergent CSFs for LMS implementations. This research may have a positive social impact because reducing the risk of LMS implementations will enable organizational leaders to extend learning opportunities to more individuals. Those opportunities, in turn, will lead to prosperity for membership associations and the industries they serve

    Employee Lived Experiences and Initiative Success in Arkansas Quality Award Recipient Organizations

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    Businesses with failed quality initiatives lose revenue, experience high expenses, and have fewer market opportunities. Researchers attribute failed quality initiatives to human and social factors. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of employees in companies that received an Arkansas Governor\u27s Quality Award between 2010 and 2015. No one knows how employees\u27 experiences contribute to successful quality initiatives, or how their stories about their experiences influence quality management and continuous improvement. The conceptual framework consisted of Weick\u27s theory of sense-making and Deming\u27s system of profound knowledge. Data were collected via semistructured interviews with 11 participants across 8 organizations. Participants checked the member experience summary created from verbatim interview transcriptions analyzed per van Manen\u27s whole-part-whole model. The analysis of the transcripts showed that participants\u27 most meaningful experiences were those with people, followed by materials, feelings, time, and space. The study findings also showed that people transferred proven problem-solving methods from the workplace to their home and out into the community. The results of this study could contribute to positive social change by helping managers increase the potential for a successful quality initiative when they consider people\u27s needs and contributions before adopting a set of quality management tools and practices

    Organisational maturity and information systems and technology projects in healthcare: the mediation of project management.

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    Doutoramento em GestãoThe challenges that health organisations face today is to get better organisational performance, reliable information, faster quality services at prices that should be affordable to the entire population. To fulfil this important goal, health organisations require more comprehensive and integrated approaches such as, but not limited to, optimise their available resources, eliminate inefficiencies and achieve the planned benefits from investments in Information Systems and Technology (IS/IT). Healthcare organisations must improve their management practices and internal procedures to answer the increasing demand of managers, health professionals and the public in general, for more and better information. Health organisations adopt a patient-centred care approach and invest massively in IS/IT, hoping that these investments will improve medical care and patient needs. The main objective of our research is to analyse how the Organisational Maturity affect IS/IT Project Success in Healthcare and if that success is enhanced by using Project Management practices. There is evidence that there is a direct relationship between these variables and that Project Management practices can mediate it, helping to increase the effectiveness of IS/IT projects. Furthermore, the application of the Project Management practices can also improve confidence that the results of these investments meet stakeholders’ expectations, both by the benefits accomplishment and by adding a perceived value to organisations. This study develops and validates an instrument to analyse the data collected from a survey to professionals’ perceptions about the IS/IT Project Success in Healthcare organisations. The results confirm that Project Management has a mediating effect on the relationship between Organizational Maturity and success of IS/IT projects and higher levels of Organisational Maturity will generate more successfully IS/IT projects, although the presence of the mediator Project Management can, in specific situations, affect negatively the correlation between Organisational Maturity and IS/IT Project Success.Os desafios que enfrentam atualmente as organizações de saúde estão diretamente relacionados com o fato de ambicionarem um melhor desempenho, mais e melhor informação de saúde, serviços de qualidade mais céleres. a custos acesíveis à maioria da população. Para o total cumprimento deste desiderato as organizações de saúde têm investido em soluções tecnológicas mais abrangentes e integradas de forma a otimizar os recursos disponíveis, eliminar ineficiências e atingir os benefícios plenos dos investimentos em Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informação (SI/TI). As organizações de saúde procuram melhorar as suas práticas de gestão para dar resposta a uma crescente procura de informação de saúde por parte de gestores, profissionais e público em geral. As organizações de saúde adotaram uma abordagem centrada no paciente e realizaram significativos investimentos em SI/TI na expetativa de que estes trouxessem melhorias ao nível assistencial e na satisfação das expetativas dos seus utilizadores. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como a Maturidade Organizacional afeta o sucesso do projeto em SI/TI em saúde e se esse sucesso é potenciado pela utilização de práticas de gestão de projetos. Há evidências da existência de uma relação direta entre esstas duas variáveis e que as práticas de Gestão de Projetos a podem mediar, ajudando a aumentar a eficácia dos projetos de SI/TI. Além disso, a aplicação das práticas de Gestão de Projetos podem melhorar a confiança nos resultados dos investimentos e atender às expectativas das diferentes partes interessadas, tanto pela realização de benefícios quanto pela criação de valor percebido para as organizações. Este estudo analisa os dados recolhidos de um questionário à perceção dos profissionais sobre o sucesso dos projetos IS/IT nas organizações de saúde. Os resultados obtidos confirmam. Os resultados confirmam que o Gestão de Projetos tem um efeito mediador na relação entre Maturidade Organizacional e Sucesso de Projetos de SI/TI e níveis mais elevados de Maturidade Organizacional gerarão projetos SI/TI mais bem-sucedidos, embora a presença do mediador Gestão de Projetos, possa, em circunstâncias específicas situações, afetar negativamente a correlação entre as duas variáveis.N/

    Strategies for Formally Mentoring Future Business Leaders

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    Formal mentoring programs in the financial insurance business are essential for developing important leadership business skills and for providing support for important decisions and business contacts. Business leaders lack adequate knowledge about the strategies that comprise an effective mentoring program. With the conceptual theories of Super\u27s career development and Quinn\u27s competing values framework, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore strategies within a formal mentoring program to prepare new business leaders in the financial insurance business. Nine leaders from the financial insurance business were recruited for participation in the study; these leaders were also mentees in the formal mentorship program. The research question addressed the strategies of successful mentorship programs that the leaders used to prepare new business leaders in the financial insurance business. Data were collected via semistructured telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, and document analyses. Transcribed data were validated via response validation and then coded into 8 interlinking themes related to strategies used in the mentorship program: empowerment of knowledge, leadership competency, level of experience, networking, gender, retention, structure, and strategies for the future. Leaders of financial insurance businesses could benefit from this study by integrating and implementing recommendations on developing a mentoring program for future leaders. Effective formal mentoring programs within organizations can thus improve leadership competencies and can develop socially responsible leaders who contribute to the economic well-being of businesses and communities and capitalize on growth and financial education opportunities. Strategies for Formal Mentoring Future Business Leader

    British Virgin Islands Tourists\u27 Motives to Travel, Destination Image, and Satisfaction

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    The turbulent events of the world have resulted in a decline in the number of travelers since 2011. Nevertheless, approximately one billion international tourists still travel annually.Tourist activity plays an important role in the global economic activity. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine if a relationship exists between destination images, push and pull motives to travel, and tourists\u27 satisfaction. The target population consisted of noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) between March 2017 and April 2017. Oliver\u27s expectancy-disconfirmation theory that the individual will act in a particular way because the expectation that a certain outcome follows the act formed the theoretical framework for this study. Data were collected through a self-developed paper survey using existing Likert-scale questions based on prior research to measure the study variables. A convenience sample of 257 noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the BVI resulted in 247 participants with useable responses. Standard multiple regression analysis determined whether there was a relationship between destination image, push and pull motives to travel, and BVI tourists\u27 satisfaction. The results indicated the 2 predictors, destination image and push and pull motives to travel, accounted for approximately 17% of the variation in tourist satisfaction (R2= .166, F(2,244)= 24.233, p\u3c.001). Either destination image and push and pull motives to travelor both predictors had a significant relationship with tourist satisfaction. The implications for positive social change include employment opportunities through various tourism sectors and for the future development of tourism profitability and sustainability benefiting the local community

    Tourism experience co-creation: a service-dominant logic-driven model.

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    336 p.For some time now, new marketing paradigms are trying to set aside traditional and product-focused views of management and marketing strategies. Technological challenges, volatile customer needs, and alternative marketing application subjects and fields have pushed the discipline of marketing towards more adapted and generalizable marketing perspectives, leaving behind the long-established four Ps of marketing (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) and similar. These new paradigms emphasize especially the active role of customers in value creation, the inherent service-for-service nature of exchanges, the relevance of multisided resources, the formation of both planned and unintentional institutionally handled networks, and the interest on `experiences'. Among the propositions found, value co-creation is one of the most appealing and recurring. However, the lack of specification has transformed co-creation into an overused interpretation, a jumble of many different ideas (e.g., co-production, interactions, citizenship behaviors), and a concept at risk of turning into an "all and nothing"-type useless expression. Therefore, we need first, a conceptual underlying support that would lead the definition and implications of co-creation, and second, a practical backing that would demonstrate its empirical and contextual convenience.The objective of this study is to provide an empirical and context-driven approach of value co-creation, based on the service-dominant logic (SDL). In the conceptual concern, we believe that though in a meta-theoretical level, SDL provides a well-founded baseline framework for value co-creation, supplying a complete narrative and a number of premises centered on a comprehensive view of value co-creation. In the empirical concern, we chose place marketing in general and tourism in particular to situate our co-creation framework. Specifically, the research is focused on the tourism experience co-creation, which is thought to match the investigation requirements due to the experiential character of vacations, the multiple actors involved along the whole travel-related process, the main position of tourists in value creation, and the need of a marketing cut off from the traditional and commercial views in the tourism field.The study carries out an extensive and systematic literature review about value co-creation, SDL and similar concepts in place marketing, including urban, hospitality and destination environments. The literature review is then used, together with the SDL assumptions, to build an extended conceptual model of tourism experience co-creation, including antecedents and outcomes, represented by tourist and destination resources, and by functional, emotional, and social value dimensions, respectively. Value co-creation is defined as service exchange and resource integration represented by a set of tourist-driven processes, including interactional, behavioral, attitudinal, and mental processes before, during, and after the travel experience. Results show that tourist's specific travel-related knowledge and skills facilitate value co-creation processes, especially those connected with self-arrangement behaviors. At the same time, tourist co-creation processes are found to affect predominantly the emotional and social value dimensions, even more than destination resources. On the contrary, the latter positively affect the functional value of the experience. Among the co-creation processes, interactional and behavioral processes influence the tourism experience value perceived by the consumer. Concretely, interaction with local people is found to be one of the most influential. Mental co-creation processes deserve especial attention. Memorability is found to significantly and positively affect value, as well as representing a moderator role between other co-creative processes and value. This means that recalling the lived experience helps increasing the tourist's perceived value. On the contrary, attitudinal processes related to customer citizenship behaviors do not present any relevance. Therefore, the study contributes mostly in four aspects. First, an exhaustive literature review of place marketing co-creation allows acknowledging the efforts made previously on the field, in terms of identifying the different co-creation approaches, and registering the scarce variables used to precisely measure value co-creation (proxies are prevailing). Second, a verified measurement tool of value co-creation set up on a conceptually-based definition and composed of nine variables contributes to unfold the black box of "service exchange and resource integration". Third, the proposition and testing of various study hypotheses build on an expertise co-creation processes value chain helps identifying the most relevant tourist co-creation processes that increase perceived value, thus assisting destination and hospitality managers. Fourth, the two-phase data collection methodology used in the empirical part of the study provides a more rigorous research method that encourages alternative information gathering processes

    Tourism experience co-creation: a service-dominant logic-driven model.

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    336 p.For some time now, new marketing paradigms are trying to set aside traditional and product-focused views of management and marketing strategies. Technological challenges, volatile customer needs, and alternative marketing application subjects and fields have pushed the discipline of marketing towards more adapted and generalizable marketing perspectives, leaving behind the long-established four Ps of marketing (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) and similar. These new paradigms emphasize especially the active role of customers in value creation, the inherent service-for-service nature of exchanges, the relevance of multisided resources, the formation of both planned and unintentional institutionally handled networks, and the interest on `experiences'. Among the propositions found, value co-creation is one of the most appealing and recurring. However, the lack of specification has transformed co-creation into an overused interpretation, a jumble of many different ideas (e.g., co-production, interactions, citizenship behaviors), and a concept at risk of turning into an "all and nothing"-type useless expression. Therefore, we need first, a conceptual underlying support that would lead the definition and implications of co-creation, and second, a practical backing that would demonstrate its empirical and contextual convenience.The objective of this study is to provide an empirical and context-driven approach of value co-creation, based on the service-dominant logic (SDL). In the conceptual concern, we believe that though in a meta-theoretical level, SDL provides a well-founded baseline framework for value co-creation, supplying a complete narrative and a number of premises centered on a comprehensive view of value co-creation. In the empirical concern, we chose place marketing in general and tourism in particular to situate our co-creation framework. Specifically, the research is focused on the tourism experience co-creation, which is thought to match the investigation requirements due to the experiential character of vacations, the multiple actors involved along the whole travel-related process, the main position of tourists in value creation, and the need of a marketing cut off from the traditional and commercial views in the tourism field.The study carries out an extensive and systematic literature review about value co-creation, SDL and similar concepts in place marketing, including urban, hospitality and destination environments. The literature review is then used, together with the SDL assumptions, to build an extended conceptual model of tourism experience co-creation, including antecedents and outcomes, represented by tourist and destination resources, and by functional, emotional, and social value dimensions, respectively. Value co-creation is defined as service exchange and resource integration represented by a set of tourist-driven processes, including interactional, behavioral, attitudinal, and mental processes before, during, and after the travel experience. Results show that tourist's specific travel-related knowledge and skills facilitate value co-creation processes, especially those connected with self-arrangement behaviors. At the same time, tourist co-creation processes are found to affect predominantly the emotional and social value dimensions, even more than destination resources. On the contrary, the latter positively affect the functional value of the experience. Among the co-creation processes, interactional and behavioral processes influence the tourism experience value perceived by the consumer. Concretely, interaction with local people is found to be one of the most influential. Mental co-creation processes deserve especial attention. Memorability is found to significantly and positively affect value, as well as representing a moderator role between other co-creative processes and value. This means that recalling the lived experience helps increasing the tourist's perceived value. On the contrary, attitudinal processes related to customer citizenship behaviors do not present any relevance. Therefore, the study contributes mostly in four aspects. First, an exhaustive literature review of place marketing co-creation allows acknowledging the efforts made previously on the field, in terms of identifying the different co-creation approaches, and registering the scarce variables used to precisely measure value co-creation (proxies are prevailing). Second, a verified measurement tool of value co-creation set up on a conceptually-based definition and composed of nine variables contributes to unfold the black box of "service exchange and resource integration". Third, the proposition and testing of various study hypotheses build on an expertise co-creation processes value chain helps identifying the most relevant tourist co-creation processes that increase perceived value, thus assisting destination and hospitality managers. Fourth, the two-phase data collection methodology used in the empirical part of the study provides a more rigorous research method that encourages alternative information gathering processes

    Value co-creation through digital technology in developing economies : reflections from Indonesian agri-food E-commerce chain

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    PhD ThesisValue co-creation (VCC) has supported the expansion of research in marketing by embracing service innovation within the digital-driven era. However, a small number of studies provide a comprehensive examination of VCC through digital technology from the perspective of multiple local market actors at developing economies at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market. This research explores the role of digital commerce in VCC with the empirical focus on the Indonesian horticulture industry, moving towards e-commerce for marketing innovation. This research aims to: (1) explore VCC manifestation within the local BOP market, (2) discover the role of e-commerce in the exchange process of co-creation at the local BOP market, (3) explore the dimensions of VCC of engagement amongst the local e-commerce supply chain actors of BOP, and (4) investigate the causes and effects of customer engagement to VCC of using e-commerce in this marketplace. This research adopted a mixed-method approach of qualitative semi-structured interviews and a quantitative survey. VCC identified as occurring in a newly emerging e-commerce marketing channel via the interaction amongst channel members. Inclusive, collaborative, and empowerment ideology contribute to market scripting scenario by local entrepreneurs who identify as ‘socio-entrepreneurs’. This research argues that the exchange logic underpinning this new transformative business approach of digitally enabled VCC in local BOP markets is akin to a ‘social justice logic’. For consumers, digital technologies create online ‘consumption communities’ where information is exchanged concerning product provenance and food preparation opportunities supporting online purchases and innovation in value chain ‘pull’ strategies. The research indicates that customer VCC behaviour was influenced by the significant effects of customer-related VCC resources of social expertise and openness, customer motivation, and its effects on value-in-use, willingness-to-engage, positive emotions, and behavioural intentions. Finally, the results highlight the moderating role of customer age and the length of engagement in VCC processes on these relationships.Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP

    Qualitative analysis of online reviews of users of hospitality services

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    Савремено друштво се све више ослања на акумулирана мишљења којa могу да пронађу на интернету. Допринос корисника на технолошким платформама омогућава олакшану интеракцију између истомишљеника заједничких интересовања, и на тај начин се олакшава процес доношења одлука. У оквиру окваквог технолошког контекста, организације у услужном сектору попут туризма и гоститељства, морају да се суоче са изазовом управљања садржајима од стране корисника. Маркетиншки стручњаци су нашли начин да искористе овакве интеракције што истиче значај имплементације нових знања у организацијама које ће помоћи у прикупљању, анализирању, тумачењу и управљању онлајн друштвеним утицајима. Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је квалитативна анализа онлајн рецензија корисника угоститељских услуга у Србији. У поређењу са нумеричким оценама корисника, текстуалне рецензије одражавају задовољство или незадовољство корисника, али на много детаљнији начин јер садрже више информација и на тај  начин се стиче реаланији увид у стварна искуства корисника. Поред квалитативне обраде текста рецензија, идентификација врсте и значаја детерминанти задовољства и незадовољства у рецензијама корисника хотелских (у зависности од типа - градски, планински или бањски) и ресторанских услуга је један од главних задатака дисертације. За потребе истраживања прикупљене су рецензије хотела и ресторана у Србији. Коришћена је комбинација квалитативних и квантитативних метода у циљу доказивања постављених хипотеза. Од квалитативних анализа примењене су анализа фреквенције речи, анализа дужине рецензија, анализа сентимента, анализа читљивости и Латентна Дирихлеова Алокација (ЛДА). Од квантитативних метода коришћена је вишеструка регресија за утврђивање међусобних утицаја варијабли. Анализом фреквенције речи издвојене су речи које су се најчешће појављивале у рецензијама хотела и ресторана. Када су у питању хотели, у позитивним рецензијама су се појављивале речи које су се односиле на карактеристичне услуге које се пружају у одређеном типу хотела и садржале су више позитивних описних придева везаних за искуство конзумације. У негативним рецензијама хотела, без обзира на тип, чешће су се појављивали негативни описни придеви и речи које су указивале на материјалне (опипљиве) елементе хотелског производа. У позитивним рецензијама ресторана је такође присутно доста позитивних описних придева, а у негативним рецензијама је наглашен негативни аспект цене услуга у ресторану. Иако су рецензије негативне, у њима је присутно доста позитивних описних придева, што указује на то да је било аспеката услуге којима су били задовољни. Анализа дужине рецензија је показала да се у рецензијама, како хотела тако и ресторана, много више речи и реченица користи за описивање негативног искуства него позитивног. Анализа читљивости је спроведена с циљем утврђивања колико је просечно година формалног образовања неопходно за разумевање рецензија на прво читање. Резултати анализе су показали да вредности индекса читљивости варирају од веома ниског (рецензије које су разумљиве свима) до веома високог (изузетно тешке за разумевање). Просечна вредност индекса читљивости указује да читаоци морају бити завршне године средње школе за разумевање текста на прво читање. Анализом сентимента анализирана су осећања у рецензијама. Распон сентимента варира од екстремно негативних до екстремно позитивних осећања, али највећи број рецензија, како позитивних тако и негативних, садржао је неутрална и позитивна осећања. Анализирајући сентимент у рецензијама ресторана, добијени су слични резултати као и код рецензија хотела. Распон вредности сентимента варира од екстремно негативних до екстремно позитивних осећања, а са порастом оцене, расте и вредност сентимента. Овакви резултати могу указивати на то да, иако су били незадовољни, искуство корисника није праћено негативним осећањима, која су често заслужна за ширење негативних електронских препорука. Применом ЛДА издвојене су детерминанте задовољства и незадовољства услугама у хотелима (у зависности од типа хотела и категорије, као и од типа госта) и ресторанима. Полазећи од претпоставке да се детерминанте задовољства и незадовољства разликују у зависности од типа хотела, категорије и типа госта добијени су резултати који делимично потврђују ове претпоставке. Претпостављено је и да се различите детерминанте утичу на задовољство и незадовољство услугама у ресторанима, што је делимично потврђено. Применом вишеструке регресије тестирани су утицаји техничких карактеристика рецензија (поларитет, читљивост и дужина) на оцене и корисност рецензија. Добијени резултати су потврдили позитивни утицај сентимента и негативни утицај дужине рецензија на оцене корисника код хотелских рецензија, а у случају ресторана нису потврђени претпостављени утицаји. У случају утицаја техничких карактеристика рецензија хотела на корисност није утврђен значајан утицај, док је код рецензија ресторана пронађен позитиван утицај дужине и негативан утицај сентимента на корисност. Резултати добијени у овој дисертацији имају бројне теоријске и практичне импликације на угоститељску делатност. Будући да је задовољство корисника интегрални део угоститељске делатности, идентификоване детерминанте задовољства и незадовољства корисника могу угоститељима помоћи да унапреде своје пословање. На основу утврђеног утицаја техничких карактеристика рецензија на оцену и корисност, угоститељи могу да теже томе да побољшају перформансе рецензија које добијају од корисника, тако што ће, пружањем услуге врхунског квалитета, смањити негативне и дуге рецензије.Savremeno društvo se sve više oslanja na akumulirana mišljenja koja mogu da pronađu na internetu. Doprinos korisnika na tehnološkim platformama omogućava olakšanu interakciju između istomišljenika zajedničkih interesovanja, i na taj način se olakšava proces donošenja odluka. U okviru okvakvog tehnološkog konteksta, organizacije u uslužnom sektoru poput turizma i gostiteljstva, moraju da se suoče sa izazovom upravljanja sadržajima od strane korisnika. Marketinški stručnjaci su našli način da iskoriste ovakve interakcije što ističe značaj implementacije novih znanja u organizacijama koje će pomoći u prikupljanju, analiziranju, tumačenju i upravljanju onlajn društvenim uticajima. Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je kvalitativna analiza onlajn recenzija korisnika ugostiteljskih usluga u Srbiji. U poređenju sa numeričkim ocenama korisnika, tekstualne recenzije odražavaju zadovoljstvo ili nezadovoljstvo korisnika, ali na mnogo detaljniji način jer sadrže više informacija i na taj  način se stiče realaniji uvid u stvarna iskustva korisnika. Pored kvalitativne obrade teksta recenzija, identifikacija vrste i značaja determinanti zadovoljstva i nezadovoljstva u recenzijama korisnika hotelskih (u zavisnosti od tipa - gradski, planinski ili banjski) i restoranskih usluga je jedan od glavnih zadataka disertacije. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljene su recenzije hotela i restorana u Srbiji. Korišćena je kombinacija kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih metoda u cilju dokazivanja postavljenih hipoteza. Od kvalitativnih analiza primenjene su analiza frekvencije reči, analiza dužine recenzija, analiza sentimenta, analiza čitljivosti i Latentna Dirihleova Alokacija (LDA). Od kvantitativnih metoda korišćena je višestruka regresija za utvrđivanje međusobnih uticaja varijabli. Analizom frekvencije reči izdvojene su reči koje su se najčešće pojavljivale u recenzijama hotela i restorana. Kada su u pitanju hoteli, u pozitivnim recenzijama su se pojavljivale reči koje su se odnosile na karakteristične usluge koje se pružaju u određenom tipu hotela i sadržale su više pozitivnih opisnih prideva vezanih za iskustvo konzumacije. U negativnim recenzijama hotela, bez obzira na tip, češće su se pojavljivali negativni opisni pridevi i reči koje su ukazivale na materijalne (opipljive) elemente hotelskog proizvoda. U pozitivnim recenzijama restorana je takođe prisutno dosta pozitivnih opisnih prideva, a u negativnim recenzijama je naglašen negativni aspekt cene usluga u restoranu. Iako su recenzije negativne, u njima je prisutno dosta pozitivnih opisnih prideva, što ukazuje na to da je bilo aspekata usluge kojima su bili zadovoljni. Analiza dužine recenzija je pokazala da se u recenzijama, kako hotela tako i restorana, mnogo više reči i rečenica koristi za opisivanje negativnog iskustva nego pozitivnog. Analiza čitljivosti je sprovedena s ciljem utvrđivanja koliko je prosečno godina formalnog obrazovanja neophodno za razumevanje recenzija na prvo čitanje. Rezultati analize su pokazali da vrednosti indeksa čitljivosti variraju od veoma niskog (recenzije koje su razumljive svima) do veoma visokog (izuzetno teške za razumevanje). Prosečna vrednost indeksa čitljivosti ukazuje da čitaoci moraju biti završne godine srednje škole za razumevanje teksta na prvo čitanje. Analizom sentimenta analizirana su osećanja u recenzijama. Raspon sentimenta varira od ekstremno negativnih do ekstremno pozitivnih osećanja, ali najveći broj recenzija, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih, sadržao je neutralna i pozitivna osećanja. Analizirajući sentiment u recenzijama restorana, dobijeni su slični rezultati kao i kod recenzija hotela. Raspon vrednosti sentimenta varira od ekstremno negativnih do ekstremno pozitivnih osećanja, a sa porastom ocene, raste i vrednost sentimenta. Ovakvi rezultati mogu ukazivati na to da, iako su bili nezadovoljni, iskustvo korisnika nije praćeno negativnim osećanjima, koja su često zaslužna za širenje negativnih elektronskih preporuka. Primenom LDA izdvojene su determinante zadovoljstva i nezadovoljstva uslugama u hotelima (u zavisnosti od tipa hotela i kategorije, kao i od tipa gosta) i restoranima. Polazeći od pretpostavke da se determinante zadovoljstva i nezadovoljstva razlikuju u zavisnosti od tipa hotela, kategorije i tipa gosta dobijeni su rezultati koji delimično potvrđuju ove pretpostavke. Pretpostavljeno je i da se različite determinante utiču na zadovoljstvo i nezadovoljstvo uslugama u restoranima, što je delimično potvrđeno. Primenom višestruke regresije testirani su uticaji tehničkih karakteristika recenzija (polaritet, čitljivost i dužina) na ocene i korisnost recenzija. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili pozitivni uticaj sentimenta i negativni uticaj dužine recenzija na ocene korisnika kod hotelskih recenzija, a u slučaju restorana nisu potvrđeni pretpostavljeni uticaji. U slučaju uticaja tehničkih karakteristika recenzija hotela na korisnost nije utvrđen značajan uticaj, dok je kod recenzija restorana pronađen pozitivan uticaj dužine i negativan uticaj sentimenta na korisnost. Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj disertaciji imaju brojne teorijske i praktične implikacije na ugostiteljsku delatnost. Budući da je zadovoljstvo korisnika integralni deo ugostiteljske delatnosti, identifikovane determinante zadovoljstva i nezadovoljstva korisnika mogu ugostiteljima pomoći da unaprede svoje poslovanje. Na osnovu utvrđenog uticaja tehničkih karakteristika recenzija na ocenu i korisnost, ugostitelji mogu da teže tome da poboljšaju performanse recenzija koje dobijaju od korisnika, tako što će, pružanjem usluge vrhunskog kvaliteta, smanjiti negativne i duge recenzije.Modern society is increasingly relying on the accumulated opinions of its peers that they can find on the Internet. The contribution of consumers on technology platforms enables easier interaction between like-minded people with common interests, and thus facilitates the decision-making process. Within this technological context, service sector organizations such as tourism and hospitality have to face the challenge of consumer-driven content management. Marketing experts have found a way to take advantage of such interactions, which emphasizes the importance of implementing new knowledge in organizations that will help collect, analyze, interpret and manage online social influences. The subject of the doctoral dissertation research is the qualitative analysis of online reviews of consumers of catering services in Serbia. Compared to numerical ratings of users, text reviews reflect customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction but in a much more detailed way because they contatin more information, and thus gain a realistic insight into real consumer experiences. Identifying the type and importance of determinants of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in consumer reviews according to hotel type (city, mountain or spa hotel) is one of the main tasks of the dissertation. For the puroposes of the research, reviews of hotels and restaurants in Serbia were collected. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used in order to prove the set hypotheses. Qualitative analyzes that were applied are word frequency analysis, review length analysis, sentiment analysis, readability analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Among the quantitative methods, multiple regression was used to determine the mutual influence of variables. By analyzing the frequency of words, the words that appeared most often in reviews of hotels and restaurants were singled out. When it comes to hotels, positive reviews featured words that referred to the characteristics services provided in a certain type of hotel and contained more positive descriptive adjectives related to the experience of consumption. In negative hotel reviews, regardless of the hotel type, negative descriptive adjectives and words that indicated the material (tangible) elements of the hotel products appeared more often. In the positive reviews of restaurants, there are also a lot of positive descriptive adjectives, and in negative reviews, the negative aspect of the price of restaurant’s services is emphasized. Although the reviews are negative, there are a lot of positive descriptive adjectives in them, indicating that there were aspects of the services that they were satisfied with. The analysis of the length of reviews showed that in the reviews of both hotels and restaurants, many more words and sentences are used to describe a negative expericence than a positive one. A readability analysis was conducted to determine the average number of years of formal education necessary to understand reviews on first reading. The results of analysis showed that the values of the readability index vary form very low (reviews that are understandable to everyone) to very high (extremly difficult to understand). The average value of the readability index indicates that readers must be in their senior years of high school to understand the text on the first reading. Sentiment analysis analyzed the feelings in the reviews. The range of sentiment values varies from extremely negative to extremly positive sentiments, but the largest number of reviews, both positive and negative, contained neutral and positive sentiments. By analyzing sentiment in restaurant reviews, similar resutls were obtained as in hotel reviews. The range of sentiment values vaires from extremely negative to extremely positive sentiments, and as the rating increases, so does the value of the sentiment. Such results may indicate that, although they were dissatisfied, the user experience was not accompanied by negative feeling, which are often responsible for the spread of negative electronic recommendation. Using LDA, the determinants of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with services in hotels (depending on the type of hotel and category, as well as the type of traveler) and restaurants were isolated. Based on the assumption that the determinants of satisfaction and dissatisfaction differ depending on the type of hotel, category and type of travelers, obtained results partially confirm these assumptions. It was assumed that different determinants influence satisfaction and dissatisfaction with restaurant services, which was partially confirmed. By using multiple regression, the effects of the technical characteristics of reviews (polarity, readability and length) on the ratings and helpfulness of the reviews were tested. The obtained results confirmed the positive impact of sentiment and the negative impact of the length of reviews on user rating of hotel reviews. In the case of restaurants, the assumed impacts were not confirmed. In the case of the influence of tecnical characteristics of hotel reviews on reviews helpfulness, no significant influence was found, while in the case of restaurant reviews, a positive influence of length and a negative influence of sentiment on review helpfulness were found. The results obtained in this dissertation have numerous theoretical and practical implications for the hospitality industry. Since customer satisfaction is an integral part of the hospitality business, the identified determinants of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction can help hoteliers and restauraters improve their business. Based on the established impact of technical characteristics of review on rating and helpfulness, hoteliers and restauraters can strive to improve the performance of reviews they receive from customers by reducing negative and long reviews by providing superior service