663 research outputs found

    Evaluating Variable-Length Multiple-Option Lists in Chatbots and Mobile Search

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    In recent years, the proliferation of smart mobile devices has lead to the gradual integration of search functionality within mobile platforms. This has created an incentive to move away from the "ten blue links'' metaphor, as mobile users are less likely to click on them, expecting to get the answer directly from the snippets. In turn, this has revived the interest in Question Answering. Then, along came chatbots, conversational systems, and messaging platforms, where the user needs could be better served with the system asking follow-up questions in order to better understand the user's intent. While typically a user would expect a single response at any utterance, a system could also return multiple options for the user to select from, based on different system understandings of the user's intent. However, this possibility should not be overused, as this practice could confuse and/or annoy the user. How to produce good variable-length lists, given the conflicting objectives of staying short while maximizing the likelihood of having a correct answer included in the list, is an underexplored problem. It is also unclear how to evaluate a system that tries to do that. Here we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we define some necessary and some optional properties that an evaluation measure fit for this purpose should have. We further show that existing evaluation measures from the IR tradition are not entirely suitable for this setup, and we propose novel evaluation measures that address it satisfactorily.Comment: 4 pages, in Proceeding of SIGIR 201

    Axiomatic thinking for information retrieval: introduction to special issue

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    4siopenopenAmigo E.; Fang H.; Mizzaro S.; Zhai C.Amigo, E.; Fang, H.; Mizzaro, S.; Zhai, C

    The measurement of dynamic poverty with geographical and intertemporal price variability: evidence from Rwanda

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    Little attention has been devoted to the effects of absolute and relative prices variability at local and seasonal levels, for the measurement of living standards in LDCs. In particular, it is not known if a substantial share of welfare or poverty indicators may be the consequence of price differences rather than of differences in living standards across households and seasons. With exogenous poverty lines, we show how the directions of effects of accounting for price variability can be theoretically established for popular poverty indices. With endogenous poverty lines, using data from Rwanda, we show that the composition of the population of the poor can be notably modified by accounting for price variability. The change in aggregate living standards due to price correction is moderate although significant in every quarter, in contrast with the change in poverty which can be considerable. The correction yields generally a larger transient seasonal share of annual poverty. In terms of impact of the price correction on the assessment of poverty, the poverty line or the quarter are generally more influential than the formula of the poverty indicator. Though, poverty indicators giving a high importance to the severity of poverty are more likely to lead to a strong effect of prices. However, the sign of change in poverty indicator is not systematically related with parameters of poverty indices or with poverty lines. These results support the necessity in poverty measurement, of an accurate correction for geographical and seasonal price effects, whose directions cannot be easily predicted. Nonetheless with exogenous poverty lines, for an important class of axiomatically valid poverty indices, the change in poverty with compensation for keeping the harmonic aggregate mean of price indices constant, is always positive.

    A Critical Look at the Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Question Answering

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    PhD thesis in Information technologyThe field of information retrieval (IR) is concerned with systems that “make a given stored collection of information items available to a user population” [111]. The way in which information is made available to the user depends on the formulation of this broad concern of IR into specific tasks by which a system should address a user’s information need [85]. The specific IR task also dictates how the user may express their information need. The classic IR task is ad hoc retrieval, where the user issues a query to the system and gets in return a list of documents ranked by estimated relevance of each document to the query [85]. However, it has long been acknowledged that users are often looking for answers to questions, rather than an entire document or ranked list of documents [17, 141]. Question answering (QA) is thus another IR task; it comes in many flavors, but overall consists of taking in a user’s natural language (NL) question and returning an answer. This thesis describes work done within the scope of the QA task. The flavor of QA called knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) is taken as the primary focus, which enables QA with factual questions against structured data in the form of a knowledge graph (KG). This means the KGQA system addresses a structured representation of knowledge rather than—as in other QA flavors—an unstructured prose context. KGs have the benefit that given some identified entities or predicates, all associated properties are available and relationships can be utilized. KGQA then enables users to access structured data using only NL questions and without requiring formal query language expertise. Even so, the construction of satisfactory KGQA systems remains a challenge. Machine learning with deep neural networks (DNNs) is a far more promising approach than manually engineering retrieval models [29, 56, 130]. The current era dominated by DNNs began with seminal work on computer vision, where the deep learning paradigm demonstrated its first cases of “superhuman” performance [32, 71]. Subsequent work in other applications has also demonstrated “superhuman” performance with DNNs [58, 87]. As a result of its early position and hence longer history as a leading application of deep learning, computer vision with DNNs has been bolstered with much work on different approaches towards augmenting [120] or synthesizing [94] additional training data. The difficulty with machine learning approaches to KGQA appears to rest in large part with the limited volume, quality, and variety of available datasets for this task. Compared to labeled image data for computer vision, the problems of data collection, augmentation, and synthesis are only to a limited extent solved for QA, and especially for KGQA. There are few datasets for KGQA overall, and little previous work that has found unsupervised or semi-supervised learning approaches to address the sparsity of data. Instead, neural network approaches to KGQA rely on either fully or weakly supervised learning [29]. We are thus concerned with neural models trained in a supervised setting to perform QA tasks, especially of the KGQA flavor. Given a clear task to delegate to a computational system, it seems clear that we want the task performed as well as possible. However, what methodological elements are important to ensure good system performance within the chosen scope? How should the quality of system performance be assessed? This thesis describes work done to address these overarching questions through a number of more specific research questions. Altogether, we designate the topic of this thesis as KGQA evaluation, which we address in a broad sense, encompassing four subtopics from (1) the impact on performance due to volume of training data provided and (2) the information leakage between training and test splits due to unhygienic data partitioning, through (3) the naturalness of NL questions resulting from a common approach for generating KGQA datasets, to (4) the axiomatic analysis and development of evaluation measures for a specific flavor of the KGQA task. Each of the four subtopics is informed by previous work, but we aim in this thesis to critically examine the assumptions of previous work to uncover, verify, or address weaknesses in current practices surrounding KGQA evaluation

    Tracking the History and Evolution of Entities: Entity-centric Temporal Analysis of Large Social Media Archives

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    How did the popularity of the Greek Prime Minister evolve in 2015? How did the predominant sentiment about him vary during that period? Were there any controversial sub-periods? What other entities were related to him during these periods? To answer these questions, one needs to analyze archived documents and data about the query entities, such as old news articles or social media archives. In particular, user-generated content posted in social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, can be seen as a comprehensive documentation of our society, and thus meaningful analysis methods over such archived data are of immense value for sociologists, historians and other interested parties who want to study the history and evolution of entities and events. To this end, in this paper we propose an entity-centric approach to analyze social media archives and we define measures that allow studying how entities were reflected in social media in different time periods and under different aspects, like popularity, attitude, controversiality, and connectedness with other entities. A case study using a large Twitter archive of four years illustrates the insights that can be gained by such an entity-centric and multi-aspect analysis.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in the International Journal on Digital Libraries (2018
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