895 research outputs found

    Index to 1981 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 6, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1981 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Uncertainty and error in laser triangulation measurements for pipe profiling

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    Underground pipeline infrastructure often receives insufficient attention and maintenance. Those responsible for ensuring the continuing functionality of this infrastructure primarily use subjective information in their decision making, and standards defining the level of damage acceptable before repair or replacement are difficult to implement. Laser pipe profiling is a relatively new technology that has emerged to take a step toward the objective assessment of buried assets. A laser profiler is a device that traverses a section of pipe, taking measurements of radius around the circumference of the inner pipe wall at multiple locations along the length of the pipe. The accuracy of the measurements obtained by a profiler is a critical piece of knowledge for the evaluation of its usefulness. Analytical measurement and uncertainty models were developed for three laser profiling configurations. These configurations involved a digital camera and a laser whose relative position and orientation were fixed relative to one another. The three configurations included (1) a conically projected laser aligned with the pipe axis, (2) a planar laser placed perpendicular to the pipe axis, and (3) a side-facing laser that projected a line onto the pipe wall parallel to the axis of the pipe. The models utilized normalized system parameters to compute pipe geometry from digital images that reveal the intersection of the laser light and the pipe wall; error propagation techniques were applied to compute the variation in measurement uncertainty as a function of position in the measurement space. Analytical evaluation of the conical projection configuration revealed infinite measurement error for a region of the measurement space; the unbounded error was eliminated by utilizing two conical lasers. The accuracy and uncertainty of the perpendicular plane and side facing configurations were much better than for the conical configuration. Physical models of these two configurations were constructed, and measurements were collected for a pipe section to validate the measurement and uncertainty predictions of the analytical models. The difference between observed worst-case laser measurement error and predicted uncertainty was on the order of 0.1% of nominal pipe radius. This work provides pipe profiler designers the analytical detail required to understand the relationship between system geometry, camera parameters and measurement accuracy. The work provides asset managers with a reference against which to evaluate laser profiling for their infrastructure condition monitoring needs

    Photoelastic Stress Analysis

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    Index to 1985 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 10, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1985 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Generation and propagation of acoustic emissions in buried steel infrastructure for monitoring soil–structure interactions

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    Soil–structure systems (e.g. pipelines, pile foundations, retaining structures) deteriorate with time and experience relative deformations between the soil and structural elements. Whether a result of age, working conditions, or environmental conditions, deformations have the potential to cause catastrophic social, economic, and environmental issues, including limit state failure (fatigue, serviceability, ultimate). The UK spends £100s of millions a year spent on infrastructural maintenance; the early detection of deterioration processes could reduce this spend by an order of magnitude.Techniques to monitor ground instability and deterioration are consequently increasing in use, with most conventional approaches providing localised information on deformation at discrete time intervals. Nascent technologies (e.g. ShapeAccelArray, fibre optics) are however beginning to provide continuous measurements, allowing for near real-time observations to be made, although none are without either technical limitation or prohibitive cost.A novel monitoring system is proposed, whereby pre-existing and newly built steel infrastructure (e.g. utility pipes, pile foundations) are employed as waveguides to measure soil-steel interaction-generated AE using piezoelectric sensors. With this, a two-stage quantitative framework for understanding soil-steel interaction-generated AE and its propagation through steel structures is also developed where (stage 1) informs the creation of an adaptable sensor network for a variety of infrastructure systems, and stage (2) informs interpretations of the collected AE data to allow for decision makers to take appropriate action. Timely actions made possible by such a framework is of great significance to practitioners, having the potential to reduce the direct and indirect impacts of deterioration and deformation, whether long- and short-term.Stage 1 used an extensive programme of computational models, alongside small- and large-scale physical models, to enable attenuation coefficients to be quantified for a range of soil types. It was shown that both the structure and bounding materials, i.e. the burial system, significantly influenced propagation and attenuation through steel structures. In free-systems, though, the frequency-thickness product was more influential; propagation distances of 100s of metres are obtained at products Stage 2 used a programme of large direct-shear box tests to allow for relationships between AE and normal effective stress, mobilised shearing resistance, and shearing velocity to be quantified. This enabled for quantitative interpretations of soil-steel interaction behaviours to be made using various AE parameters. Both the magnitude of values, and the rates of change of the parameters, could be used in the interpretation of behaviours. Shearing and stress conditions of sand could also be determined, increasing proportionally with AE activity, whilst the point at which full shear strength mobilisation occurs was also identifiable.</div

    NASA Tech Briefs, February 1997

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    Topics include: Test and Measurement; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Report

    Effective and Efficient Non-Destructive Testing of Large and Complex Shaped Aircraft Structures

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    The main aim of the research described within this thesis is to develop methodologies that enhance the defect detection capabilities of nondestructive testing (NDT) for the aircraft industry. Modem aircraft non-destructive testing requires the detection of small defects in large complex shaped components. Research has therefore focused on the limitations of ultrasonic, radioscopic and shearographic methods and the complimentary aspects associated with each method. The work has identified many parameters that have significant effect on successful defect detection and has developed methods for assessing NDT systems capabilities by noise analysis, excitation performance and error contributions attributed to the positioning of sensors. The work has resulted in 1. The demonstration that positional accuracy when ultrasonic testing has a significant effect on defect detection and a method to measure positional accuracy by evaluating the compensation required in a ten axis scanning system has revealed limitsio the achievable defect detection when using complex geometry scanning systems. 2. A method to reliably detect 15 micron voids in a diffusion bonded joint at ultrasonic frequencies of 20 MHz and above by optimising transducer excitation, focussing and normalisation. 3. A method of determining the minimum detectable ultrasonic attenuation variation by plotting the measuring error when calibrating the alignment of a ten axis scanning system. 4. A new formula for the calculation of the optimum magnification for digital radiography. The formula is applicable for focal spot sizes less than 0.1 mm. 5. A practical method of measuring the detection capabilities of a digital radiographic system by calculating the modulation transfer function and the noise power spectrum from a reference image. 6. The practical application of digital radiography to the inspection of super plastically formed ditThsion bonded titanium (SPFDB) and carbon fibre composite structure has been demonstrated but has also been supported by quantitative measurement of the imaging systems capabilities. 7. A method of integrating all the modules of the shearography system that provides significant improvement in the minimum defect detection capability for which a patent has been granted. 8. The matching of the applied stress to the data capture and processing during a shearographic inspection which again contributes significantly to the defect detection capability. 9. The testing and validation of the Parker and Salter [1999] temporal unwrapping and laser illumination work has led to the realisation that producing a pressure drop that would result in a linear change in surface deformation over time is difficult to achieve. 10. The defect detection capabilities achievable by thermal stressing during a shearographic inspection have been discovered by applying the pressure drop algorithms to a thermally stressed part. 11. The minimum surface displacement measurable by a shearography system and therefore the defect detection capabilities can be determined by analysing the signal to noise ratio of a transition from a black (poor reflecting surface) to white (good reflecting surface). The quantisation range for the signal to noise ratio is then used in the Hung [1982] formula to calculate the minimum displacement. Many of the research aspects contained within this thesis are cuffently being implemented within the production inspection process at BAE Samlesbury
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