3,698 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSnow and ice cover exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. Data from multispectral optical remote sensing instruments such as Landsat are an underutilized resource that can extend our ability for mapping these phenomena. High resolution imagery is used to demonstrate that even at finer spatial resolutions (below 100 m), pixels with partial snow cover are common throughout the year and nearly ubiquitous during the meltout period. This underscores the importance of higher spatial resolution datasets for snow cover monitoring as well as the utility of fractional snow covered area (fSCA) monitoring approaches. Landsat data are used to develop a fully automated approach for mapping persistent ice and snow cover (PISC). This approach relies on the availability of numerous Landsat scenes, an improved technique for automated cloud cover mapping, and a series of automated postprocessing routines. Validation at 12 test sites suggest that the automated PISC mapping approach provides a good approximation of debris-free glacier extent across the Arctic. The PISC mapping approach is then used to produce the first single-source, temporally well-constrained (2010-2014) map of PISC across the conterminous western U.S. The Landsat-derived PISC map is more accurate than both a previously published dataset based on aerial photography acquired during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2011 extent of perennial snow and ice cover. Further analysis indicates differences between the newly developed Landsat-derived PISC dataset and the previously published glacier dataset can likely be attributed to changes in the extent of PISC over time. Finally, in order to map mean annual snow cover persistence across the entire landscape, we implement a novel canopy adjustment approach designed to improve the accuracy of Landsat-derived fSCA in forested areas. In situ observations indicate canopy-adjusted snow covered area calculated from all available Landsat scenes can provide an accurate estimate of mean annual snow cover duration. The work presented here lays the groundwork for addressing scientific questions regarding the spatial and temporal variability of snow cover, snow accumulation and ablation processes, and the impact of changes in snow cover on physical and ecological systems

    Cloud cover determination in polar regions from satellite imagery

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    The principal objectives of this project are: (1) to develop suitable validation data sets to evaluate the effectiveness of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) operational algorithm for cloud retrieval in polar regions and to validate model simulations of polar cloud cover; (2) to identify limitations of current procedures for varying atmospheric surface conditions, and to explore potential means to remedy them using textural classifiers; and (3) to compare synoptic cloud data from a control run experiment of the GISS climate model II with typical observed synoptic cloud patterns

    Satellite microwave assessment of Northern Hemisphere lake ice phenology from 2002 to 2015

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    A new automated method enabling consistent satellite assessment of seasonal lake ice phenology at 5 km resolution was developed for all lake pixels (water coverage  ≥  90 %) in the Northern Hemisphere using 36.5 GHz H-polarized brightness temperature (Tb) observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR-E/2) sensors. The lake phenology metrics include seasonal timing and duration of annual ice cover. A moving t test (MTT) algorithm allows for automated lake ice retrievals with daily temporal fidelity and 5 km resolution gridding. The resulting ice phenology record shows strong agreement with available ground-based observations from the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database (95.4 % temporal agreement) and favorable correlations (R) with alternative ice phenology records from the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (R = 0.84 for water clear of ice (WCI) dates; R = 0.41 for complete freeze over (CFO) dates) and Canadian Ice Service (R = 0.86 for WCI dates; R = 0.69 for CFO dates). Analysis of the resulting 12-year (2002–2015) AMSR-E/2 ice record indicates increasingly shorter ice cover duration for 43 out of 71 (60.6 %) Northern Hemisphere lakes examined, with significant (p  \u3c  0.05) regional trends toward earlier ice melting for only five lakes. Higher-latitude lakes reveal more widespread and larger trends toward shorter ice cover duration than lower-latitude lakes, consistent with enhanced polar warming. This study documents a new satellite-based approach for rapid assessment and regional monitoring of seasonal ice cover changes over large lakes, with resulting accuracy suitable for global change studies

    A spatio-temporal analysis of trends in Northern Hemisphere seasonal snow-cover, 1971-2017

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    Seasonal snow-cover (SSC) substantially alters surface physical properties over the Northern Hemisphere (NH). It modulates processes within the energy and water cycles, thereby influencing climatology, hydrology, geomorphology and ecology. In spring and summer, snowmelt provides an essential resource for humankind. The identification, quantification and explanation of changing spatial and temporal distributions of SSC helps to predict future impacts on natural and human environments, and informs development of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Because SSC is spatially and temporally heterogeneous, meaningful estimation of trends in its distribution and duration is dependent on long records of remotely-sensed imagery. The Rutgers University Global Snow Laboratory and the United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provide the longest such archive (NOAA-Rutgers Snow Archive, NRSA), dating from 1966. However, several studies have raised questions about the credibility of the signs and magnitudes of trends derived from the NRSA, suggesting that they may be artifacts of technological improvements introduced in 1999. This dissertation improves the spatial resolution at which NH SSC extent and duration trends during the NRSA’s longest continuous section (since 1971) are reported, building on previous hemispheric and continental studies. It demonstrates that the magnitudes of area-related trends are sensitive to assumptions adopted when estimating SSC extent from the NRSA, and that these sensitivities vary spatially. The study assesses whether temporal trajectories of SSConset trends imply abrupt changes in 1999, particularly over more complex terrain, and finds no evidence of this. It also explores the broader climatological contexts of these trends, together with estimated departures from mean conditions. Evidence is presented at monthly intervals for causative chains linking advection of mid-tropospheric warming from lower to higher latitudes, consequent inception of climatologically novel airflows, and the incidence of significant SSConset trends of both signs. Earlier onset of snow-dominated conditions is found to be driven by augmented moisture advected from lower latitudes (in eastern Eurasia) or zonally from oceanic sources (in North America) over regional monthly mean 0°C isotherms. Delayed onset is associated with drier or warmer airflows. These findings support the interpretation that the NRSA-based trends are plausible within their spatial and temporal contexts

    Snow Cover Monitoring from Remote-Sensing Satellites: Possibilities for Drought Assessment

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    Snow cover is an important earth surface characteristic because it influences partitioning of the surface radiation, energy, and hydrologic budgets. Snow is also an important source of moisture for agricultural crops and water supply in many higher latitude or mountainous areas. For instance, snowmelt provides approximately 50%–80% of the annual runoff in the western United States (Pagano and Garen, 2006) and Canadian Prairies (Gray et al., 1989; Fang and Pomeroy, 2007), which substantially impacts warm season hydrology. Limited soil moisture reserves from the winter period can result in agricultural drought (i.e., severe early growing season vegetation stress if rainfall deficits occur during that period), which can be prolonged or intensified well into the growing season if relatively dry conditions persist. Snow cover deficits can also result in hydrological drought (i.e., severe deficits in surface and subsurface water reserves including soil moisture, streamflow, reservoir and lake levels, and groundwater) since snowmelt runoff is the primary source of moisture to recharge these reserves for a wide range of agricultural, commercial, ecological, and municipal purposes. Semiarid regions that rely on snowmelt are especially vulnerable to winter moisture shortfalls since these areas are more likely to experience frequent droughts. In the Canadian Prairies, more than half the years of three decades (1910–1920, 1930–1939, and 1980–1989) were in drought. Wheaton et al. (2005) reported exceptionally low precipitation and low snow cover in the winter of 2000–2001, with the greatest anomalies of precipitation in Alberta and western Saskatchewan along with near-normal temperature in most of southern Canada. The reduced snowfall led to lower snow accumulation. A loss in agricultural production over Canada by an estimated $3.6 billion in 2001–2002 was attributed to this drought. Fang and Pomeroy (2008) analyzed the impacts of the most recent and severe drought of 1999/2004–2005 for part of the Canadian Prairies on the water supply of a wetland basin by using a physically based cold region hydrologic modeling system. Simulation results showed that much lower winter precipitation, less snow accumulation, and shorter snow cover duration were associated with much lower discharge from snowmelt runoff to the wetland area during much of the drought period of 1999/2004–2005 than during the nondrought period of 2005/2006

    Snow Cover Monitoring from Remote-Sensing Satellites: Possibilities for Drought Assessment

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    Snow cover is an important earth surface characteristic because it influences partitioning of the surface radiation, energy, and hydrologic budgets. Snow is also an important source of moisture for agricultural crops and water supply in many higher latitude or mountainous areas. For instance, snowmelt provides approximately 50%–80% of the annual runoff in the western United States (Pagano and Garen, 2006) and Canadian Prairies (Gray et al., 1989; Fang and Pomeroy, 2007), which substantially impacts warm season hydrology. Limited soil moisture reserves from the winter period can result in agricultural drought (i.e., severe early growing season vegetation stress if rainfall deficits occur during that period), which can be prolonged or intensified well into the growing season if relatively dry conditions persist. Snow cover deficits can also result in hydrological drought (i.e., severe deficits in surface and subsurface water reserves including soil moisture, streamflow, reservoir and lake levels, and groundwater) since snowmelt runoff is the primary source of moisture to recharge these reserves for a wide range of agricultural, commercial, ecological, and municipal purposes. Semiarid regions that rely on snowmelt are especially vulnerable to winter moisture shortfalls since these areas are more likely to experience frequent droughts. In the Canadian Prairies, more than half the years of three decades (1910–1920, 1930–1939, and 1980–1989) were in drought. Wheaton et al. (2005) reported exceptionally low precipitation and low snow cover in the winter of 2000–2001, with the greatest anomalies of precipitation in Alberta and western Saskatchewan along with near-normal temperature in most of southern Canada. The reduced snowfall led to lower snow accumulation. A loss in agricultural production over Canada by an estimated $3.6 billion in 2001–2002 was attributed to this drought. Fang and Pomeroy (2008) analyzed the impacts of the most recent and severe drought of 1999/2004–2005 for part of the Canadian Prairies on the water supply of a wetland basin by using a physically based cold region hydrologic modeling system. Simulation results showed that much lower winter precipitation, less snow accumulation, and shorter snow cover duration were associated with much lower discharge from snowmelt runoff to the wetland area during much of the drought period of 1999/2004–2005 than during the nondrought period of 2005/2006

    Land use, urban, environmental, and cartographic applications, chapter 2, part D

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    Microwave data and its use in effective state, regional, and national land use planning are dealt with. Special attention was given to monitoring land use change, especially dynamic components, and the interaction between land use and dynamic features of the environment. Disaster and environmental monitoring are also discussed

    Satellite Perspectives on the Spatial Extent of New Snowfall in the Southern Appalachian Mountains

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    The Southern Appalachian Mountains (SAM) are a heavily forested mid-latitude mountain region which provide an ideal location for assessing the suitability of satellite-derived snow maps and explicitly linking atmospheric circulation to the spatial patterns of new snowfall. Although a variety of synoptic-scale circulation regimes contribute to mean annual snowfall, atmospheric circulation processes have largely been absent from efforts seeking to quantify the spatial patterns of new snowfall. This thesis examines the suitability of fractional snow cover (FSC) maps from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to determine the spatial extent of snowfall according to synoptic-scale circulation. FSC maps are analyzed after 122 snowfall events from 2006-12 to provide a suitability analysis of MODIS products for use in the SAM. Results indicate that the SAM presents unique meteorological, physical, and spectral characteristics that are ideal for evaluating the suitability of MODIS for measuring snow cover. Out of 122 observed snow events, 63 are considered suitable for analysis with the FSC maps. The highest FSC values are observed after Gulf/Atlantic Lows and on windward slopes during Northwest Flow snowfall. MODIS data can be successfully used to link broader atmospheric circulation processes of snowfall with the spatial patterns of snow cover

    A Review of Global Satellite-Derived Snow Products

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    Snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere plays a crucial role in the Earth's hydrology and surface energy balance, and modulates feedbacks that control variations of global climate. While many of these variations are associated with exchanges of energy and mass between the land surface and the atmosphere, other expected changes are likely to propagate downstream and affect oceanic processes in coastal zones. For example, a large component of the freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean comes from snow melt. The timing and magnitude of this flux affects biological and thermodynamic processes in the Arctic Ocean, and potentially across the globe through their impact on North Atlantic Deep Water formation. Several recent global remotely sensed products provide information at unprecedented temporal, spatial, and spectral resolutions. In this article we review the theoretical underpinnings and characteristics of three key products. We also demonstrate the seasonal and spatial patterns of agreement and disagreement amongst them, and discuss current and future directions in their application and development. Though there is general agreement amongst these products, there can be disagreement over certain geographic regions and under conditions of ephemeral, patchy and melting snow
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