965 research outputs found

    webComputing Service Framework

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    Presented is webComputing – a general framework of mathematically oriented services including remote access to hardware and software resources for mathematical computations, and web interface to dynamic interactive computations and visualization in a diversity of contexts: mathematical research and engineering, computer-aided mathematical/technical education and distance learning. webComputing builds on the innovative webMathematica technology connecting technical computing system Mathematica to a web server and providing tools for building dynamic and interactive web-interface to Mathematica-based functionality. Discussed are the conception and some of the major components of webComputing service: Scientific Visualization, Domain- Specific Computations, Interactive Education, and Authoring of Interactive Pages

    The Efficacy of Augmented Reality on Student Achievement and Perception among Teluk Intan Community College Student in Learning 3D Animation

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    This paper presents a research conducted in Teluk Intan Community College aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of integrating the Augmented Reality (AR) technology as an aid for animation course in Teluk Intan Community College. The focus was to integrate AR tool as an aid for students in the task of 3D modelling. For this research, the intended outcome is to compare the effectiveness between using the AR tool and written tutorial. The AR tool which later be called as ARC-3DM (Augmented Reality Courseware for 3D Modelling) will be developed and be tested in the experiment. Quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design were used in the study. A total of 54 animation students are involved in the study. The students were divided into two groups: control and treatment. A pretest and posttest were conducted to both groups. System Usability Scale (SUS) Questionnaire were administered to treatment group after the posttest to evaluate usability. Statistical methods involved were descriptive analysis and the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with the pretest as the covariate  at significant level of 0.05 was conducted to answer the hypothesis. The results indicate that the treatment group performed better than the control group in completing the task of 3D modelling. In terms of usability, the results showed that most of the students agreed on the usability in the ARC-3DM

    Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology, Volume 1

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    These proceedings are organized in the same manner as the conference's contributed sessions, with the papers grouped by topic area. These areas are as follows: VE (virtual environment) training for Space Flight, Virtual Environment Hardware, Knowledge Aquisition for ICAT (Intelligent Computer-Aided Training) & VE, Multimedia in ICAT Systems, VE in Training & Education (1 & 2), Virtual Environment Software (1 & 2), Models in ICAT systems, ICAT Commercial Applications, ICAT Architectures & Authoring Systems, ICAT Education & Medical Applications, Assessing VE for Training, VE & Human Systems (1 & 2), ICAT Theory & Natural Language, ICAT Applications in the Military, VE Applications in Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition for ICAT, and ICAT Applications in Aerospace

    Highly Interactive Web-Based Courseware

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    Zukünftige Lehr-/Lernprogramme sollen als vernetzte Systeme die Lernenden befähigen, Lerninhalte zu erforschen und zu konstruieren, sowie Verständnisschwierigkeiten und Gedanken in der Lehr-/Lerngemeinschaft zu kommunizieren. Lehrmaterial soll dabei in digitale Lernobjekte übergeführt, kollaborativ von Programmierern, Pädagogen und Designern entwickelt und in einer Datenbank archiviert werden, um von Lehrern und Lernenden eingesetzt, angepasst und weiterentwickelt zu werden. Den ersten Schritt in diese Richtung machte die Lerntechnologie, indem sie Wiederverwendbarkeit und Kompabilität für hypermediale Kurse spezifizierte. Ein größeres Maß an Interaktivität wird bisher allerdings noch nicht in Betracht gezogen. Jedes interaktive Lernobjekt wird als autonome Hypermedia-Einheit angesehen, aufwändig in der Erstellung, und weder mehrstufig verschränk- noch anpassbar, oder gar adäquat spezifizierbar. Dynamische Eigenschaften, Aussehen und Verhalten sind fest vorgegeben. Die vorgestellte Arbeit konzipiert und realisiert Lerntechnologie für hypermediale Kurse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung hochgradig interaktiver Lernobjekte. Innovativ ist dabei zunächst die mehrstufige, komponenten-basierte Technologie, die verschiedenste strukturelle Abstufungen von kompletten Lernobjekten und Werkzeugsätzen bis hin zu Basiskomponenten und Skripten, einzelnen Programmanweisungen, erlaubt. Zweitens erweitert die vorgeschlagene Methodik Kollaboration und individuelle Anpassung seitens der Teilnehmer eines hypermedialen Kurses auf die Software-Ebene. Komponenten werden zu verknüpfbaren Hypermedia-Objekten, die in der Kursdatenbank verwaltet und von allen Kursteilnehmern bewertet, mit Anmerkungen versehen und modifiziert werden. Neben einer detaillierten Beschreibung der Lerntechnologie und Entwurfsmuster für interaktive Lernobjekte sowie verwandte hypermediale Kurse wird der Begriff der Interaktivität verdeutlicht, indem eine kombinierte technologische und symbolische Definition von Interaktionsgraden vorgestellt und daraus ein visuelles Skriptschema abgeleitet wird, welches Funktionalität übertragbar macht. Weiterhin wird die Evolution von Hypermedia und Lehr-/Lernprogrammen besprochen, um wesentliche Techniken für interaktive, hypermediale Kurse auszuwählen. Die vorgeschlagene Architektur unterstützt mehrsprachige, alternative Inhalte, bietet konsistente Referenzen und ist leicht zu pflegen, und besitzt selbst für interaktive Inhalte Online-Assistenten. Der Einsatz hochgradiger Interaktivität in Lehr-/Lernprogrammen wird mit hypermedialen Kursen im Bereich der Computergraphik illustriert.The grand vision of educational software is that of a networked system enabling the learner to explore, discover, and construct subject matters and communicate problems and ideas with other community members. Educational material is transformed into reusable learning objects, created collaboratively by developers, educators, and designers, preserved in a digital library, and utilized, adapted, and evolved by educators and learners. Recent advances in learning technology specified reusability and interoperability in Web-based courseware. However, great interactivity is not yet considered. Each interactive learning object represents an autonomous hypermedia entity, laborious to create, impossible to interlink and to adapt in a graduated manner, and hard to specify. Dynamic attributes, the look and feel, and functionality are predefined. This work designs and realizes learning technology for Web-based courseware with special regard to highly interactive learning objects. The innovative aspect initially lies in the multi-level, component-based technology providing a graduated structuring. Components range from complex learning objects to toolkits to primitive components and scripts. Secondly, the proposed methodologies extend community support in Web-based courseware – collaboration and personalization – to the software layer. Components become linkable hypermedia objects and part of the courseware repository, rated, annotated, and modified by all community members. In addition to a detailed description of technology and design patterns for interactive learning objects and matching Web-based courseware, the thesis clarifies the denotation of interactivity in educational software formulating combined levels of technological and symbolical interactivity, and deduces a visual scripting metaphor for transporting functionality. Further, it reviews the evolution of hypermedia and educational software to extract substantial techniques for interactive Web-based courseware. The proposed framework supports multilingual, alternative content, provides link consistency and easy maintenance, and includes state-driven online wizards also for interactive content. The impact of great interactivity in educational software is illustrated with courseware in the Computer Graphics domain

    Web-based Hypermedia Courseware in Higher Education: A Proposed Framework

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    This thesis is concerned with hypermedia and learning, and in particular with the design and development factors that need to be considered for the creation of hypermediabased courseware in higher education that uses the Web as a delivery platform. One of the most commonly cited problems with educational hypermedia is related to the design and structure of the educational material. It appears that Web-based instructional authors have not had access to an instructional model, which has been empirically tested. However, there is a large body of knowledge in the field of instructional design from which one can draw suitable conclusions for the design process of Web-based educational hypermedia. The current research recommends that a precondition for effective Web-based courseware design in higher education is careful consideration of the traditional body of knowledge in the field of instructional design which should act as a foundation for future developments in the design process. In addition, the end-users' input should be sought as it can confirm the above and enhance further our understanding toward the implementation of this new medium in higher education. Based on this recommendation, a framework is proposed in terms of its design, user input and evaluation for the development of Web-based courseware in higher education aimed at supporting the delivery of physical modules. The thesis describes how the different stages of the proposed framework were implemented through the develop moot of two Web-based courseware applications aimed at supporting the delivery of two higher education modules taught in De Montfort University, U.K. In order to test the validity of the proposed approach, that a Web-based courseware developed according to the experimental framework could effectively support the delivery of physical modules compared with conventional teaching methods, two empirical studies have been conducted. They were concerned with the summative evaluation of the two Web-based courseware applications, which were developed according to the proposed framework. The results from the evaluation of the two empirical studies indicated significant improvements in users' performance and satisfaction compared with conventional teaching methods. Thus, the proposed framework can indeed offer a solution for the development of Web-based courseware that aims to support the delivery of physical modules in higher education. Moreover, the experimental framework can also provide a detailed starting point and can be adapted for the design and development of Web-based courseware aimed at addressing distance learning or other forms of Web instruction.Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY

    Virtual Hajj (V-Hajj): A Persuasive Hajj Learning Procedures Courseware

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    This study focuses on an attempt to develop a supplementary learning material for the procedures to perform the Hajj. From the preliminary studies, the existing supplementary materials and learning methods were found to be less effective in giving a clear understanding to the users, whether they are youngsters or elders. Moreover, most of the current supplementary materials are based on passive learning mode. To provide a better supplementary learning material which supports active learning and self-directed learning, this study incorporates virtual environments (VE) and Multimedia (MM) technologies to develop Virtual Hajj (V-Hajj) prototype. Certain persuasive design guidelines were also adapted to persuade users particularly the elders to change their view in using computer-based material. By employing certain important elements, a conceptual model of persuasive Hajj learning environment was constructed. It consists of MM learning principle, Cognitive Theory of MM Learning, VE constructivist theory, persuasive technology principles, MM authoring processes, VE authoring processes and persuasive design guidelines. The model and its courseware prototype are the major contributions of this study. The methodology used in this study is an adaptation of the research design used by Vaishnavi and Kuechler in 2008. It combines the processes and methods used for VE authoring and MM authoring to produce V-Hajj prototype. The expert evaluation revealed some limitations of the prototype and the limitations have been fixed. Meanwhile, the user evaluation results revealed that the V-Hajj prototype provided good indication of the applicability and usability as well as the persuasive effect of the V-Hajj prototype as a supplementary Hajj learning material to the users. In conclusion, an integration of multimedia, virtual environment and persuasive technology in designing and developing a supplementary Hajj learning material has helped users to learn better. However, certain limitations do remain, such as the number of respondents involved in this study. This will be rectified in the future

    Development and Evaluation of Interactive Courseware for Visualization of Graph Data Structure and Algorithms

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    The primary goal of this dissertation was to develop and pilot test interactive, multimedia courseware which would facilitate learning the abstract structures, operations, and concepts associated with graph and network data structures in Computer Science. Learning objectives and prerequisites are presented in an introduction section of the courseware and a variety of learning activities are provided including tutorials, animated demonstrations, interactive laboratory sessions, and self-tests. Courseware development incorporated principles and practices from software engineering, instructional design, and cognitive learning theories. Implementation utilized an easy-to-use authoring tool, NeoBook Professional (1994), to create the overall framework and the user interfaces, and Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 (1990) to program the interactive animated demonstrations and laboratory exercises. A major emphasis of the courseware is the use of simple interactive, animated displays to demonstrate the step-by-step operation of graph and network algorithms such as depth-first traversal, breadth-first traversal, shortest path, minimum sparring tree and topological ordering

    The Development of an Interactive Videodisc System

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    The thesis traces the development of interactive videodisc from origins based on early automatic machines through large-scale computer assisted learning (CAL) to microcomputer-based multi-media CAL. A comprehensive discussion of the interactive videodisc medium is provided, in terms of its features, advantages, problems, authoring and production processes, and educational applications. The requirements for interactive systems, and essential elements of video and videodisc technology are described. A relatively low-cost demonstration interactive videodisc system is developed in three phases, based on a BBC 'B' microcomputer and a Pioneer LD1100 videodisc player. In the first phase, software interfacing routines are developed in assembly language to control the player from the versatile interface adaptor (VIA) of the BBC micro. The signal control codes are based on a pulse code modulated format with uni-directional synchronous transmission. The interfacing routines are linked to, and driven by, a Basic program which provides full manual control of all player functions using the microcomputer keyboard. In the second phase, the interfacing routines are further extended to provide control linkage for interactive video application programs. Using a pilot videodisc, these Basic programs demonstrate interactive video techniques, including still frame access and the presentation of video sequences and sub-sequences. In the third phase, the application programs are converted to the authoring language, Microtext. The assembly language interfacing routines are developed into a corresponding Microtext extension command module. A mixer/genlock unit is used to provide graphics overlay of video still frames. An evaluation of the demonstration system is provided, in terms of developmental difficulties, its hardware and software features and capabilities, and its potential as a base for further suggested research work
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