3,783 research outputs found

    Aggregating privatized medical data for secure querying applications

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     This thesis analyses and examines the challenges of aggregation of sensitive data and data querying on aggregated data at cloud server. This thesis also delineates applications of aggregation of sensitive medical data in several application scenarios, and tests privatization techniques to assist in improving the strength of privacy and utility

    Millions fed: Proven successes in agricultural development

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    Learning from successes in agricultural development is now more urgent than ever. Progress in feeding the world’s billions has slowed, while the challenge of meeting future food needs remains enormous and is subject to new uncertainties in the global food and agricultural systems. In the late 1950s around a billion people were estimated to go hungry every day. Scientists, policymakers, farmers, and ordinary people initiated a concerted push to boost agricultural production and productivity in developing countries. Great strides were also made in improving the quality of food and the ability of vulnerable people to access food needed for survival. All these efforts have done more than just feed millions. They have also demonstrated that agriculture can be a key driver of growth and development for many of the world’s poorest countries.Developing countries, Food prices, Poverty reduction, Hunger, malnutrition, Agricultural research, Agricultural technology, food security, Agricultural development, Climate change, Agricultural markets, Agricultural policies, Science and technology,

    Impact and Adoption of Proprietary Seed Technologies in Developing Countries

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    In den 1980er Jahren begannen viele EntwicklungslĂ€nder, ihre SaatgutmĂ€rkte zu liberalisieren. In der Folge verbreitete sich die Nutzung proprietĂ€rer Saatguttechnologien, einschließlich gentechnisch verĂ€nderter Pflanzen (GV-Pflanzen). Die Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung fĂŒr Kleinbauern werden seither kontrovers diskutiert. Kritiker befĂŒrchten, dass Privatisierung die QualitĂ€t von Saatgut sowie den kleinbĂ€uerlichen Zugang zu ihm verschlechtert. BefĂŒrworter gehen davon aus, dass proprietĂ€res Saatgut landwirtschaftliche ProduktivitĂ€t und Einkommen steigern kann. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir Auswirkungen proprietĂ€rer Saatguttechnologien auf Kleinbauern. Bacillus thuringiensis-Baumwolle (Bt-Baumwolle) in Indien und Hybridmais in Tansania. Der dritte Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Adoption proprietĂ€rer Saatguttechnologien, wo erneut auf Hybridmais in Tansania Bezug genommen wird. Infolge einer auslĂ€ndischen Investition transferierte eine indische Saatgutfirma Mitte der 1990er Jahre die Bt-Technologie in mehrere Baumwollhybriden. Diese Hybriden wurden 2002 zum Anbau zugelassen. In den Folgejahren verwendeten auch zahlreiche andere Saatgutfirmen die Bt-Technologie in ihren ZĂŒchtungsprogrammen. 2011 bauten 7 Millionen Bauern auf etwa 90% der indischen BaumwollflĂ€che Bt-Baumwolle an. Sie ist gegen Kapselbohrer, eine Gruppe wichtiger SchĂ€dlingsinsekten, resistent. Dadurch kann sie den Einsatz von Insektiziden verringern und außerdem den effektiven Ertrag erhöhen. Dies wĂŒrde Kosteneinsparungen bei Pestiziden und höhere Erlöse nach sich ziehen, welche wiederum das landwirtschaftliche Einkommen steigern können. Wenn aber die Saatgutpreise von Bt-Baumwolle hoch und die Ertragseffekte klein sind, könnte der Einkommenseffekt gering oder negativ ausfallen. Zu den Auswirkungen von Bt-Baumwolle wurden viele Studien publiziert, aber Selektionsverzerrungen, die Entwicklungsdynamik der Effekte und ĂŒber Einzelfelder hinausgehende Wirkungen wurden bisher nicht ausreichend berĂŒcksichtigt. Hier analysieren wir Paneldaten aus dem Zeitraum 2002-2008. Mithilfe von Fixed-Effects-Modellen reduzieren wir Selektionsverzerrungen und betrachten den zeitlichen Verlauf der Effekte. Unsere SchĂ€tzergebnisse zeigen, dass Bt im Zeitraum 2002-2008 den Ertrag um 24% und den Deckungsbeitrag um 50% erhöhte, sowie den Lebensstandard im Zeitraum 2006-2008 um 18%. Außerdem finden wir Hinweise fĂŒr eine Steigerung der Ertrag- und Deckungsbeitragseffekte ĂŒber den gesamten Zeitraum. Einen RĂŒckgang des Insektizideinsatzes in Bt- und konventionellen Feldern, der wahrscheinlich ein Zeichen fĂŒr eine starke Dezimierung von Kapselbohrern durch die Zunahme des Bt-Anbaus ist, können wir ebenfalls beobachten. Nach der Liberalisierung des Saatgutmarkts in Tansania Anfang der 1990er Jahre begannen mehrere private Saatgutfirmen mit dem Vertrieb von Hybridmais. Hybriden können zu einem Ertragszuwachs fĂŒhren, der wiederum Erlös und Einkommen steigern kann. Auf der anderen Seite könnte der Einkommenseffekt negativ ausfallen, wenn Hybridsaatgut teurer als Nichthybridsaatgut ist. Zudem kann ein leistungsstarker Nichthybride durchaus auch einen höheren Ertrag erzielen als mancher Hybride. Es gibt zwar Studien, die ProduktivitĂ€tseffekte von Hybridmais in Afrika evaluieren, aber in der Regel kontrollieren sie nicht Störfaktoren, wie etwa BodenqualitĂ€t oder DĂŒngereinsatz. DarĂŒber hinaus liegen kaum Untersuchungen zu modernen Maissorten in Afrika vor, die neben der ProduktivitĂ€t auch Effekte auf den Lebensstandard landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte berĂŒcksichtigen. Wir analysieren einen Querschnittsdatensatz aus dem Norden und Osten des Landes und finden einen Ertragszuwachs von 50-60% durch Hybriden. Dieser fĂŒhrt auch zu einem höheren Deckungsbeitrag. Die Zugewinne treten vor allem im Norden auf, wo sie außerdem den Lebensstandard um 15% erhöhen. Im Osten bringen Hybriden keine Vorteile hinsichtlich Ertrag, Deckungsbeitrag oder Lebensstandard. Da sich jedoch die Mehrheit der Anwender im Norden befindet, profitieren in einer ĂŒberregionalen Betrachtung die meisten Hybridnutzer von der Technologie. Außerdem finden wir heraus, dass der Ertragseffekt von Hybriden unabhĂ€ngig vom Einsatz von MineraldĂŒnger, BewĂ€sserung, Pestiziden oder Mischanbau ist. Allerdings ist die Adoptionsrate von Hybridmais in Tansania gering. Ein möglicher Grund könnte darin liegen, dass seine Verwendung durch bestimmte Faktoren, wie etwa einen mangelnden Informationstand der Bauern bezĂŒglich der Hybriden, erschwert ist. In unserer Stichprobe bauen 31% der Bauern Hybridmais an. Im Norden sind Hybriden den meisten Bauern bekannt und 49% verwenden die Technologie, wĂ€hrend im Osten nur 50% von der Technologie gehört haben und nur 12% sie nutzen. Mithilfe des Average Treatment Effect Framework errechnen wir, dass eine Informierung aller Bauern ĂŒber Hybriden die Adoptionsrate auf 45% ansteigen lassen wĂŒrde. Jedoch wĂ€ren dann die meisten neuen Anwender im Osten, wo die Ertrags- und Deckungsbeitragseffekte von Hybriden klein sind. Im Norden, wo die Adoption eintrĂ€glicher ist, haben bereits fast alle Bauern von Hybriden gehört. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass eine Verbreitung von Informationen ĂŒber Hybriden durch Beratung und lĂ€ndliche Netzwerke im Norden (nicht im Osten) stattfindet und daher als Resultat der dort höheren NĂŒtzlichkeit verstanden werden kann. FĂŒr diese Interpretation spricht auch, dass wir keine Hinweise finden, dass Risiko oder Mangel an Kreditzugang die Adoption verhindern. Daher erscheint es wahrscheinlich, dass InformationsflĂŒsse und Adoptionsentscheidungen primĂ€r vom Nutzen, den Hybriden gegenĂŒber Nichthybriden bieten, bestimmt werden. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass der Privatsektor verbesserte Saatguttechnologien fĂŒr Kleinbauern in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern liefern kann und dass derartige Saatguttechnologien einschließlich GV-Pflanzen diesen Kleinbauern dienlich sein können. Daher sollte die Liberalisierung von SaatgutmĂ€rkten in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern unterstĂŒtzt werden. Außerdem mĂŒssen Regulierungen, welche die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Saatguttechnologien einschrĂ€nken, den möglichen Nutzen dieser Technologien fĂŒr Landwirte berĂŒcksichtigen. Und schließlich sollten Politik und Geberorganisationen in ihren Förderentscheidungen die Beseitigung von Adoptionshemmnissen gegen die Schaffung verbesserter Technologien abwĂ€gen.In the 1980s, many developing countries began to liberalize their seed markets. This has led to an increased prevalence of proprietary seed technologies, including genetically modified (GM) crops. The implications for smallholder farmers are the subject of a controversial debate. Critics argue that privatization reduces the quality and affordability of seed for smallholder farmers. Proponents claim that proprietary seed technologies can raise agricultural productivity and incomes. In this dissertation we examine the impacts of proprietary seeds on smallholder farmers, with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton in India and hybrid maize in Tanzania serving as two relevant cases. The third focus of this study relates to the adoption of proprietary seed technologies, again taking the case of hybrid maize in Tanzania. As a result of foreign investment, an Indian seed firm transferred the Bt technology into a small number of cotton hybrids in the mid-1990s. These hybrids were approved for cultivation in 2002. Over the ensuing decade, multiple other seed firms incorporated the Bt technology into their own breeding programs. By 2011 about 90% of the Indian cotton acreage was under Bt, grown by 7 million farmers. Bt cotton is resistant to bollworm, an important insect pest. Bt can thus reduce the need for chemical insecticides, and also increase effective yield. This would reduce pesticide cost and increase revenue, which might lead to higher farm income. But if Bt seed prices are high and productivity effects low, the income effect could be small or even negative. Many impact studies of Bt have been published, but selection bias, impact dynamics and possible consequences beyond the plot level were not sufficiently taken into account. Here, we analyze panel data covering the years 2002-2008. Using panel models with farm and household fixed effects, we control for selection bias and look at the impact dynamics over time. We estimate that Bt increased yield by 24% and profit by 50% in 2002-2008, and household living standard by 18% in 2006-2008. Furthermore, there are indications that yield and profit effects of Bt increased over time. We also observe that insecticide use on Bt and conventional plots decreased over time, probably a sign of large-scale suppression of bollworm populations by Bt. In Tanzania, seed market liberalization has attracted several private seed firms since the early 1990s that have been selling hybrid maize. Hybrids can confer a yield advantage over nonhybrids, raising revenue and farm income. On the other hand, if hybrid seeds are more expensive than nonhybrid seeds, the income effect might not be positive. In addition, a nonhybrid with superior germplasm could even achieve higher yield than some hybrids. While there are studies that evaluate the impact of hybrid maize on farm productivity in Africa, they usually do not control for potentially confounding factors, such as soil quality or fertilizer use. Moreover, hardly any study on modern maize varieties in Africa has looked beyond farm productivity to analyze impacts on household living standard. Analyzing cross-sectional household survey data collected in the north and east of Tanzania, we find that hybrids raise yield by 50-60%. As a result, hybrid adopters realize higher profits. The benefits mostly occur in the north, where hybrids also increase household living standard by 15%. In the east, hybrids confer no gain in yield, profit or living standard. But since the vast majority of hybrid adopters are located in the north, most adopters benefit from hybrids. We also find that the yield impact of hybrids is not dependent on the use of fertilizer, irrigation, pesticides, or intercropping. The adoption rate of hybrid maize in Tanzania is low and one possible reason is that nonadopters are constrained, for example by lack of information about hybrids. In our sample, 31% of farmers adopt hybrids. In the north, most farmers are aware of hybrids and 49% are adopters. In the east, only 50% are aware and 12% adopters of hybrids. Using the average treatment effect framework, we find that closure of the exposure gap would raise the overall adoption rate to 45%. However, the majority of new adopters would be in the east, where hybrids have a negligible impact on yield and profit. In the north, where the benefits of hybrid adoption are more significant, most farmers are already aware of hybrids. We also observe that information about hybrids spreads through extension and farmer networks in the north but not in the east. Aside from the information factor, we find no evidence for constraints related to risk or credit. Therefore it is likely that adoption and awareness of hybrids are primarily driven by the benefits hybrids offer relative to nonhybrids. We conclude that the private sector can deliver improved seed technologies to smallholder farmers in developing countries, and that improved seed technologies, including GM crops, can benefit these farmers. Accordingly, liberalization of seed markets should be promoted in developing countries. Second, regulations that impede the availability of seed technologies must consider the potential benefits these technologies offer to farmers. Finally, policymakers and donors must weigh alleviating adoption constraints against technology improvements in their funding decisions

    Climatic Variables and Impact of Coffee Berry Diseases (Colletotrichum Kahawae) in Ethiopian Coffee Production

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    Coffee is a vital crop in social, cultural and national economy of Ethiopia. Despite coffee plays dominant role in social, cultural and national economy, the country’s coffee industry is challenged due to major coffee diseases like coffee berry diseases while coffee growers did not use resistant coffee varieties. Understanding the potential impact of coffee berry diseases in relation to climatic variables is critical. More over climate change impact negatively on suitability of coffee production areas with change in diseases and insect pest patterns. Areas that are currently still suitable for Arabica coffee require adaptation and mitigation strategies in order to sustain the livelihood of farmers depending on Arabica coffee production. Coffee trees around Western part of the country (Gimbi area) don’t producing for three consecutive years (shift from bi-annual to tri-annual coffee bearing) which is associated with climate change. Research is needed to carry out impacts and implication of climate change (soil erosion, loss of cash crop, disease and pest) adaptation strategies (managing water source and improvement, ways of soil conservation activities, use of shade trees and integrated pest management) should be identified & studied. Moreover, there is a need to investigate further information and researches on change in biology of CBD pathogen, resistant durability of previously released CBD commercial cultivars, coffee farming systems and their influences on coffee berry disease prevalence, awareness of farmers about climate change and other related issues. Thus, the frequency and severity of climatic extremes are increasing and making adaptation an absolute necessity through using current information on climate variability to develop long term plans for managing coffee berry disease via reducing the vulnerability of Ethiopian coffee growers. Keywords: Climate variables, Coffee production system, Coffee Berry diseases, Colletotrichum kahawae

    2000 Report on Grains Research and Educational Programs

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    Citation: Kansas State University, Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. (2001) 2000 Report on Grains Research and Educational Programs. Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.We are pleased to provide this update on research and educational activities made possible with checkoff funds from the Kansas Corn, Grain Sorghum, Soybean, and Wheat Commissions. The Commissions provided 2,223,926insupportinfiscalyear1999—Corn,2,223,926 in support in fiscal year 1999 — Corn, 399,266; Grain Sorghum, 485,678;Soybean,485,678; Soybean, 630,804; and Wheat, $708,178. These funds have been utilized by teams of research scientists and extension specialists to address issues that are important to our clientele. Agriculture is becoming more complex. Kansas producers depend on the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service to provide them with information that will improve their operations in order to maintain a competitive edge in an ever-changing global market. It is vital that K-State Research and Extension continues to serve Kansas producers and it is more important than ever that we supplement our limited state and federal funds with industry support. Funding from the Commodity Commissions is very much appreciated, both for the above reasons and because our association with them helps us to focus our efforts on issues important to producers. Findings reported in this publication span cropping systems, water management and quality, pest management, breeding for disease and pest resistance, genetic studies to improve quality and performance, alternative uses for end products, processing, and marketing. Because all projects have the common aim of answering real problems, Kansas producers will benefit directly. The results are already being communicated to various audiences through scientific journals, seminars, workshops, and field days, and they are being incorporated into K-State Research and Extension educational efforts

    Welfare and Employment: A European Dilemma?

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    The majority of the Member States of the European Union have undertaken remarkably comprehensive welfare and labor market reforms in the years since the 1990s. Many of these reforms, however, have not followed the conventional retrenchment and deregulation recipes, but rather took a liking to social pacts, activation, active ageing/avoidance of early retirement, part-time work, lifelong learning, parental leave, gender mainstreaming, flexicurity (balancing flexibility with security), reconciling work and family life. At first sight, these reforms seem to have resulted in relatively robust employment growth, especially for women and more recently older workers. European economic integration has fundamentally recast the boundaries of national systems of employment regulation and social protection, both by constraining the autonomy for domestic policy options but also by opening opportunities for EU-led social and employment coordination and agenda setting.labor market reforms, European integration, welfare states

    The Effect of Urban Fortification on Public Space

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    This dissertation contributes to empirical studies on the spatial extent and intensity of urban fortification/security zones and their influence on urban public space. Urban public space has been based on creating open and safe environments for city dwellers. However, ultra-secure urban spaces have been found to filter citizens, restrict movement, and modify individual behavior. This first part of this study determines where security zones manifest themselves, quantify the fortification of the security zones, and measure the intensity of these spaces in three major U.S. cities. The second part of the study offers an explanation of how social and commercial activity is being affected by security zones

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    Risk management in agriculture

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    This monograph was written to be part of the series of studies commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture under the rubric of "State of Indian Farmer - A Millennium Study". On the basis of existing literature, this study documents the status of our knowledge on risks of agriculture and their management. Chapter 2 discusses the evidence on the nature, type and magnitude of agricultural risks. Chapter 3 discusses farmer strategies to combat risk. In addition to the mechanisms at the level of the farm household, the need to cope with risk can also affect community interactions and social customs. This is examined in Chapter 4. In chapter 5, we consider how production risks have been transformed by developments in the agricultural economy in the post-independence period. In chapter 6, we review the principal developments that have impacted on market risks.
