150 research outputs found

    Inverse Kinematics Based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks for the WAM-Titan II Teleoperation System

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    The inverse kinematic problem is crucial for robotics. In this paper, a solution algorithm is presented using artificial intelligence to improve the pseudo-inverse Jacobian calculation for the 7-DOF Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM) and 6-DOF Titan II teleoperation system. An investigation of the inverse kinematics based on fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks for the teleoperation system was undertaken. Various methods such as Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) Feedforward Networks, Radial Basis Function Networks (RBF) and Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNN) were tested and simulated using MATLAB. Each method for identification of the pseudo-inverse problem was tested, and the best method was selected from the simulation results and the error analysis. From the results, the Multilayer Perceptrons with Levenberg-Marquardt (MLP-LM) method had the smallest error and the fastest computation among the other methods. For the WAM-Titan II teleoperation system, the new inverse kinematics calculations for the Titan II were simulated and analyzed using MATLAB. Finally, extensive C code for the alternative algorithm was developed, and the inverse kinematics based on the artificial neural network with LM method is implemented in the real system. The maximum error of Cartesian position was 1.3 inches, and from several trajectories, 75 % of time implementation was achieved compared to the conventional method. Because fast performance of a real time system in the teleoperation is vital, these results show that the new inverse kinematics method based on the MLP-LM is very successful with the acceptable error

    Novel Artificial Neural Network Application for Prediction of Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulator

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    The robot control problem can be divided into two main areas, kinematics control (the coordination of the links of kinematics chain to produce desire motion of the robot), and dynamic control (driving the actuator of the mechanism to follow the commanded position velocities). In general the control strategies used in robot involves position coordination in Cartesian space by direct or indirect kinematics method. Inverse kinematics comprises the computation need to find the join angles for a given Cartesian position and orientation of the end effectors. This computation is fundamental to control of robot arms but it is very difficult to calculate an inverse kinematics solution of robot manipulator. For this solution most industrial robot arms are designed by using a non-linear algebraic computation to finding the inverse kinematics solution. From the literature it is well described that there is no unique solution for the inverse kinematics. That is why it is significant to apply an artificial neural network models. Here structured artificial neural network (ANN) models an approach has been proposed to control the motion of robot manipulator. In these work two types of ANN models were used. The first kind ANN model is MLP (multi-layer perceptrons) which was famous as back propagation neural network model. In this network gradient descent type of learning rules are applied. The second kind of ANN model is PPN (polynomial poly-processor neural network) where polynomial equation was used. Here, work has been undertaken to find the best ANN configuration for the problem. It was found that between MLP and PPN, MLP gives better result as compared to PPN by considering average percentage error, as the performance index

    Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulators

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    An important part of industrial robot manipulators is to achieve desired position and orientation of end effector or tool so as to complete the pre-specified task. To achieve the above stated goal one should have the sound knowledge of inverse kinematic problem. The problem of getting inverse kinematic solution has been on the outline of various researchers and is deliberated as thorough researched and mature problem. There are many fields of applications of robot manipulators to execute the given tasks such as material handling, pick-n-place, planetary and undersea explorations, space manipulation, and hazardous field etc. Moreover, medical field robotics catches applications in rehabilitation and surgery that involve kinematic, dynamic and control operations. Therefore, industrial robot manipulators are required to have proper knowledge of its joint variables as well as understanding of kinematic parameters. The motion of the end effector or manipulator is controlled by their joint actuator and this produces the required motion in each joints. Therefore, the controller should always supply an accurate value of joint variables analogous to the end effector position. Even though industrial robots are in the advanced stage, some of the basic problems in kinematics are still unsolved and constitute an active focus for research. Among these unsolved problems, the direct kinematics problem for parallel mechanism and inverse kinematics for serial chains constitute a decent share of research domain. The forward kinematics of robot manipulator is simpler problem and it has unique or closed form solution. The forward kinematics can be given by the conversion of joint space to Cartesian space of the manipulator. On the other hand inverse kinematics can be determined by the conversion of Cartesian space to joint space. The inverse kinematic of the robot manipulator does not provide the closed form solution. Hence, industrial manipulator can achieve a desired task or end effector position in more than one configuration. Therefore, to achieve exact solution of the joint variables has been the main concern to the researchers. A brief introduction of industrial robot manipulators, evolution and classification is presented. The basic configurations of robot manipulator are demonstrated and their benefits and drawbacks are deliberated along with the applications. The difficulties to solve forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulator are discussed and solution of inverse kinematic is introduced through conventional methods. In order to accomplish the desired objective of the work and attain the solution of inverse kinematic problem an efficient study of the existing tools and techniques has been done. A review of literature survey and various tools used to solve inverse kinematic problem on different aspects is discussed. The various approaches of inverse kinematic solution is categorized in four sections namely structural analysis of mechanism, conventional approaches, intelligence or soft computing approaches and optimization based approaches. A portion of important and more significant literatures are thoroughly discussed and brief investigation is made on conclusions and gaps with respect to the inverse kinematic solution of industrial robot manipulators. Based on the survey of tools and techniques used for the kinematic analysis the broad objective of the present research work is presented as; to carry out the kinematic analyses of different configurations of industrial robot manipulators. The mathematical modelling of selected robot manipulator using existing tools and techniques has to be made for the comparative study of proposed method. On the other hand, development of new algorithm and their mathematical modelling for the solution of inverse kinematic problem has to be made for the analysis of quality and efficiency of the obtained solutions. Therefore, the study of appropriate tools and techniques used for the solution of inverse kinematic problems and comparison with proposed method is considered. Moreover, recommendation of the appropriate method for the solution of inverse kinematic problem is presented in the work. Apart from the forward kinematic analysis, the inverse kinematic analysis is quite complex, due to its non-linear formulations and having multiple solutions. There is no unique solution for the inverse kinematics thus necessitating application of appropriate predictive models from the soft computing domain. Artificial neural network (ANN) can be gainfully used to yield the desired results. Therefore, in the present work several models of artificial neural network (ANN) are used for the solution of the inverse kinematic problem. This model of ANN does not rely on higher mathematical formulations and are adept to solve NP-hard, non-linear and higher degree of polynomial equations. Although intelligent approaches are not new in this field but some selected models of ANN and their hybridization has been presented for the comparative evaluation of inverse kinematic. The hybridization scheme of ANN and an investigation has been made on accuracies of adopted algorithms. On the other hand, any Optimization algorithms which are capable of solving various multimodal functions can be implemented to solve the inverse kinematic problem. To overcome the problem of conventional tool and intelligent based method the optimization based approach can be implemented. In general, the optimization based approaches are more stable and often converge to the global solution. The major problem of ANN based approaches are its slow convergence and often stuck in local optimum point. Therefore, in present work different optimization based approaches are considered. The formulation of the objective function and associated constrained are discussed thoroughly. The comparison of all adopted algorithms on the basis of number of solutions, mathematical operations and computational time has been presented. The thesis concludes the summary with contributions and scope of the future research work

    Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Generation of Joint Angle Trajectory

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    In this paper, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System is utilized to learn from training data and create ANFIS with limited mathematical representation of the system. The proposed system consists of three phases i.e. Generation of training data, Execution of ANFIS, Generation of joint angle trajectory. The schematic of the proposed system is shown in Figure 4. The predicted joint angle configurations are further to be used to determine the trajectory for the task execution of the robot. The simulation studies conducted on a 5-DOF SCORBOT ER-IV robot manipulator shows the effectiveness of the approach over conventional technique

    Contact aware robust semi-autonomous teleoperation of mobile manipulators

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    In the context of human-robot collaboration, cooperation and teaming, the use of mobile manipulators is widespread on applications involving unpredictable or hazardous environments for humans operators, like space operations, waste management and search and rescue on disaster scenarios. Applications where the manipulator's motion is controlled remotely by specialized operators. Teleoperation of manipulators is not a straightforward task, and in many practical cases represent a common source of failures. Common issues during the remote control of manipulators are: increasing control complexity with respect the mechanical degrees of freedom; inadequate or incomplete feedback to the user (i.e. limited visualization or knowledge of the environment); predefined motion directives may be incompatible with constraints or obstacles imposed by the environment. In the latter case, part of the manipulator may get trapped or blocked by some obstacle in the environment, failure that cannot be easily detected, isolated nor counteracted remotely. While control complexity can be reduced by the introduction of motion directives or by abstraction of the robot motion, the real-time constraint of the teleoperation task requires the transfer of the least possible amount of data over the system's network, thus limiting the number of physical sensors that can be used to model the environment. Therefore, it is of fundamental to define alternative perceptive strategies to accurately characterize different interaction with the environment without relying on specific sensory technologies. In this work, we present a novel approach for safe teleoperation, that takes advantage of model based proprioceptive measurement of the robot dynamics to robustly identify unexpected collisions or contact events with the environment. Each identified collision is translated on-the-fly into a set of local motion constraints, allowing the exploitation of the system redundancies for the computation of intelligent control laws for automatic reaction, without requiring human intervention and minimizing the disturbance of the task execution (or, equivalently, the operator efforts). More precisely, the described system consist in two different building blocks. The first, for detecting unexpected interactions with the environment (perceptive block). The second, for intelligent and autonomous reaction after the stimulus (control block). The perceptive block is responsible of the contact event identification. In short, the approach is based on the claim that a sensorless collision detection method for robot manipulators can be extended to the field of mobile manipulators, by embedding it within a statistical learning framework. The control deals with the intelligent and autonomous reaction after the contact or impact with the environment occurs, and consist on an motion abstraction controller with a prioritized set of constrains, where the highest priority correspond to the robot reconfiguration after a collision is detected; when all related dynamical effects have been compensated, the controller switch again to the basic control mode

    Approximation of the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator using a neural network

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    A fundamental property of a robotic manipulator system is that it is capable of accurately following complex position trajectories in three-dimensional space. An essential component of the robotic control system is the solution of the inverse kinematics problem which allows determination of the joint angle trajectories from the desired trajectory in the Cartesian space. There are several traditional methods based on the known geometry of robotic manipulators to solve the inverse kinematics problem. These methods can become impractical in a robot-vision control system where the environmental parameters can alter. Artificial neural networks with their inherent learning ability can approximate the inverse kinematics function and do not require any knowledge of the manipulator geometry. This thesis concentrates on developing a practical solution using a radial basis function network to approximate the inverse kinematics of a robot manipulator. This approach is distinct from existing approaches as the centres of the hidden-layer units are regularly distributed in the workspace, constrained training data is used and the training phase is performed using either the strict interpolation or the least mean square algorithms. An online retraining approach is also proposed to modify the network function approximation to cope with the situation where the initial training and application environments are different. Simulation results for two and three-link manipulators verify the approach. A novel real-time visual measurement system, based on a video camera and image processing software, has been developed to measure the position of the robotic manipulator in the three-dimensional workspace. Practical experiments have been performed with a Mitsubishi PA10-6CE manipulator and this visual measurement system. The performance of the radial basis function network is analysed for the manipulator operating in two and three-dimensional space and the practical results are compared to the simulation results. Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approach are discussed

    Task-space dynamic control of underwater robots

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    This thesis is concerned with the control aspects for underwater tasks performed by marine robots. The mathematical models of an underwater vehicle and an underwater vehicle with an onboard manipulator are discussed together with their associated properties. The task-space regulation problem for an underwater vehicle is addressed where the desired target is commonly specified as a point. A new control technique is proposed where the multiple targets are defined as sub-regions. A fuzzy technique is used to handle these multiple sub-region criteria effectively. Due to the unknown gravitational and buoyancy forces, an adaptive term is adopted in the proposed controller. An extension to a region boundary-based control law is then proposed for an underwater vehicle to illustrate the flexibility of the region reaching concept. In this novel controller, a desired target is defined as a boundary instead of a point or region. For a mapping of the uncertain restoring forces, a least-squares estimation algorithm and the inverse Jacobian matrix are utilised in the adaptive control law. To realise a new tracking control concept for a kinematically redundant robot, subregion tracking control schemes with a sub-tasks objective are developed for a UVMS. In this concept, the desired objective is specified as a moving sub-region instead of a trajectory. In addition, due to the system being kinematically redundant, the controller also enables the use of self-motion of the system to perform sub-tasks (drag minimisation, obstacle avoidance, manipulability and avoidance of mechanical joint limits)

    Robust design for the lower extremity exoskeleton under a stochastic terrain by mimicking wolf pack behaviors

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    While kinematics analysis plays an important role in studying human limb motions, existing methods (namely, direct and inverse kinematics) have their deficiencies. To improve, this paper develops a robust design method using artificial intelligence and applies it to the lower extremity exoskeleton design under a stochastic terrain. An inverse kinematic model is first built considering the impact on human's comfort from the stochastic terrain. Then, a robust design model is constructed based on the inverse kinematic model, where the design framework mimics wolf pack behaviors and the robust design problem is thus solved for keeping probabilistic consistency between the exoskeleton and its wearer. A case study validates the effectiveness of the developed robust method and algorithm, which ensures walking comfort under the stochastic terrain within the validity of simulations

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Modèles élastiques et élasto‐dynamiques de robots porteurs

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    The report presents an advanced stiffness modeling technique for parallel manipulators composed of perfect and non-perfect serial chains. The developed technique contributes both to the stiffness modeling of serial and parallel manipulators under internal and external loadings. Particular attention has been done to enhancement of VJM-based stiffness modeling technique for the case of auxiliary loading (applied to the intermediate points). The obtained results allows us to take into account gravity forces induced by the link weights which are assumed to be applied in the intermediate points. In contrast to other works, the developed technique is able to take into account deviation of the end-platform location because of inaccuracy in the geometry of serial chains, which does not allow to assemble manipulator without internal stresses. The developed aggregation procedure combines the chain stiffness models and produces the relevant force-deflection relation, the aggregated Cartesian stiffness matrix and the reference point displacements caused by inaccuracy in kinematic chains. The developed technique can be applied to both over-constrained and under-constrained manipulators, and is suitable for the cases of both small and large deflections.ANR COROUSS