Modèles élastiques et élasto‐dynamiques de robots porteurs


The report presents an advanced stiffness modeling technique for parallel manipulators composed of perfect and non-perfect serial chains. The developed technique contributes both to the stiffness modeling of serial and parallel manipulators under internal and external loadings. Particular attention has been done to enhancement of VJM-based stiffness modeling technique for the case of auxiliary loading (applied to the intermediate points). The obtained results allows us to take into account gravity forces induced by the link weights which are assumed to be applied in the intermediate points. In contrast to other works, the developed technique is able to take into account deviation of the end-platform location because of inaccuracy in the geometry of serial chains, which does not allow to assemble manipulator without internal stresses. The developed aggregation procedure combines the chain stiffness models and produces the relevant force-deflection relation, the aggregated Cartesian stiffness matrix and the reference point displacements caused by inaccuracy in kinematic chains. The developed technique can be applied to both over-constrained and under-constrained manipulators, and is suitable for the cases of both small and large deflections.ANR COROUSS

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