341,227 research outputs found

    PicShark: mitigating metadata scarcity through large-scale P2P collaboration

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    With the commoditization of digital devices, personal information and media sharing is becoming a key application on the pervasive Web. In such a context, data annotation rather than data production is the main bottleneck. Metadata scarcity represents a major obstacle preventing efficient information processing in large and heterogeneous communities. However, social communities also open the door to new possibilities for addressing local metadata scarcity by taking advantage of global collections of resources. We propose to tackle the lack of metadata in large-scale distributed systems through a collaborative process leveraging on both content and metadata. We develop a community-based and self-organizing system called PicShark in which information entropy—in terms of missing metadata—is gradually alleviated through decentralized instance and schema matching. Our approach focuses on semi-structured metadata and confines computationally expensive operations to the edge of the network, while keeping distributed operations as simple as possible to ensure scalability. PicShark builds on structured Peer-to-Peer networks for distributed look-up operations, but extends the application of self-organization principles to the propagation of metadata and the creation of schema mappings. We demonstrate the practical applicability of our method in an image sharing scenario and provide experimental evidences illustrating the validity of our approac


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    To support the government’s fuel oil conversion program to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), a reliable infrastructure is must. One way to realize it is by operating SPPBE, filling and freight bulk LPG stations, to distribute LPG efficiently. As a logistic system, an efficient flow of goods can be done if there is an efficient flow of information as well. However, there are still found obstacles in the management of transaction data in SPPBE’s manual system. LPG’s picking by the agent or the receipt process of bulk LPG from Pertamina creates a relatively large volume of transaction data. The absence of TPS, a transaction processing system based on computer, causing inefficient data management. TPS also allows the creation of an adequate internal control that can minimize the possibility of misuse or misappropriation of data receipt and expenditure of LPG. This research focuses on the design and implementation of transaction processing systems using Structured Rapid Prototyping approach to get a functional prototype quickly. The results are expected to be a reference in the development of similar information systems for SPPBE’s transaction

    Equipping Early Childhood Educators to Identify and Support Students with Sensory Processing Disorder: Recommendations from Occupational Therapists

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    The prevalence of sensory processing disorder among children, its negative effect on learning, and the benefits of early identification and intervention require action on the part of early childhood educators. Prompt identification of students with sensory processing issues and implementation of occupational therapy strategies to support these students within the school setting will optimize their learning potential. Using an iterative approach, this qualitative study collected data from semi-structured, respondent interviews with five qualified occupational therapists who practice sensory integration therapy with children who experience sensory processing disorder. The information gained answered the research question, “What assessment tool and therapeutic strategies are recommended by occupational therapists to equip early childhood educators to identify and support students who demonstrate challenges with sensory processing?” The data collected did not identify a specific tool for use by educators to identify students with sensory processing difficulties. The occupational therapists interviewed suggested the use of the standardized assessments the Sensory Profile 2 School Companion, the Sensory Processing Measure-Preschool, and the preschool symptom checklist available from the website of the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing (www.sensoryhealth.org). The data identified six therapeutic strategies recommended by the study participants to support students with sensory processing disorder in the school setting. From most recommended to least, these included: increased daily opportunities for body movement that stimulates the proprioceptive, vestibular, and tactile sensory systems; increased unstructured, outdoor playground time; decreased overall visual and auditory classroom stimulation; creation and performance of obstacle courses; implementation of activities for crossing the midline of the body; and incorporation of sensory stimulation into play-based learning activities. Additional themes illuminated by the data included: because functioning sensory processing systems are foundational for learning success, identifying and supporting a student with sensory processing disorder in the early childhood school environment has value; the number of children receiving therapeutic support for sensory processing disorder has increased; collaboration is recommended between teachers and occupational therapists to support students with sensory processing disorder and to educate teachers about the disorder; and educators are receptive to incorporating therapeutic strategies recommended by occupational therapists into the school setting to support students with sensory processing disorder

    Semantic Technologies for Manuscript Descriptions — Concepts and Visions

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    The contribution at hand relates recent developments in the area of the World Wide Web to codicological research. In the last number of years, an informational extension of the internet has been discussed and extensively researched: the Semantic Web. It has already been applied in many areas, including digital information processing of cultural heritage data. The Semantic Web facilitates the organisation and linking of data across websites, according to a given semantic structure. Software can then process this structural and semantic information to extract further knowledge. In the area of codicological research, many institutions are making efforts to improve the online availability of handwritten codices. If these resources could also employ Semantic Web techniques, considerable research potential could be unleashed. However, data acquisition from less structured data sources will be problematic. In particular, data stemming from unstructured sources needs to be made accessible to SemanticWeb tools through information extraction techniques. In the area of museum research, the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) has been widely examined and is being adopted successfully. The CRM translates well to Semantic Web research, and its concentration on contextualization of objects could support approaches in codicological research. Further concepts for the creation and management of bibliographic coherences and structured vocabularies related to the CRM will be considered in this chapter. Finally, a user scenario showing all processing steps in their context will be elaborated on

    Automated system for the creation and replenishment of users' electronic lexicographical resources

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    This article proposes a solution to improve the efficiency of automated generation of electronic lexicographical resources based on strongly-structured electronic information arrays processing. The developed automated information system for lexicographical resources creation and replenishment have been described is this article. Several supporting subsystems of developed automated system have been characterized. The effectiveness of the information system has been evaluated

    Applying semantic web technologies to knowledge sharing in aerospace engineering

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    This paper details an integrated methodology to optimise Knowledge reuse and sharing, illustrated with a use case in the aeronautics domain. It uses Ontologies as a central modelling strategy for the Capture of Knowledge from legacy docu-ments via automated means, or directly in systems interfacing with Knowledge workers, via user-defined, web-based forms. The domain ontologies used for Knowledge Capture also guide the retrieval of the Knowledge extracted from the data using a Semantic Search System that provides support for multiple modalities during search. This approach has been applied and evaluated successfully within the aerospace domain, and is currently being extended for use in other domains on an increasingly large scale

    MeMo: a hybrid SQL/XML approach to metabolomic data management for functional genomics

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    Background: The genome sequencing projects have shown our limited knowledge regarding gene function, e.g. S. cerevisiae has 5-6,000 genes of which nearly 1,000 have an uncertain function. Their gross influence on the behaviour of the cell can be observed using large-scale metabolomic studies. The metabolomic data produced need to be structured and annotated in a machine-usable form to facilitate the exploration of the hidden links between the genes and their functions. Description: MeMo is a formal model for representing metabolomic data and the associated metadata. Two predominant platforms (SQL and XML) are used to encode the model. MeMo has been implemented as a relational database using a hybrid approach combining the advantages of the two technologies. It represents a practical solution for handling the sheer volume and complexity of the metabolomic data effectively and efficiently. The MeMo model and the associated software are available at http://dbkgroup.org/memo/. Conclusions: The maturity of relational database technology is used to support efficient data processing. The scalability and self-descriptiveness of XML are used to simplify the relational schema and facilitate the extensibility of the model necessitated by the creation of new experimental techniques. Special consideration is given to data integration issues as part of the systems biology agenda. MeMo has been physically integrated and cross-linked to related metabolomic and genomic databases. Semantic integration with other relevant databases has been supported through ontological annotation. Compatibility with other data formats is supported by automatic conversion