744,033 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWater resources are limited and disproportionately distributed in time and place. Moreover, complex interactions among different components of the water system, changes in population and urbanization growth rates, and climate change have increased the uncertainty influencing water resource planning. The ultimate question arising for water managers considering the complexity of water systems is how to determine if management strategies are effective and improve the performance of a water system. Generally, decision-makers assess the system’s condition based on a univariate measure of reliability or vulnerability. However, these measures do not deliver sufficient information, and present a limited view about the system’s performance. There is a known need to study water resources in an integrated fashion to effectively manage for the present and the future. In this dissertation, a new comprehensive integrated modeling and performance assessment framework is offered. First, a new approach is designed to assess vulnerability of a water system based on important factors including exposure, sensitivity, severity, potential severity, social vulnerability, and adaptive capacity. Then, instead of an individual metric, the joint probability distribution of reliability and vulnerability based on copula function is developed to estimate a new index, the Water System Performance Index (WSPI), to evaluate the reliability and vulnerability of a water system simultaneously. To test the effectiveness of the framework and demonstrate the advances of the new performance index, a practical application is conducted for the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCDPU) water system. For this purpose, an integrated water resource management (IWRM) model is developed using system dynamics approach for the case study. Management alternatives are incorporated into the model using a decision support tool designed for use by water managers and stakeholders. Results of the study show an inconsistency in the degree of vulnerability between traditionally used and the new vulnerability assessment approaches. The use of the integrated model and new vulnerability approach is also shown to provide more informative guidance for decision makers evaluating alternative management strategies during failure events. Furthermore, results illustrate the effectiveness of the WSPI to identify critical conditions when there is a need for a combined measure of performance. In terms of water management decision making, the final results of this dissertation indicate centralized water storage solutions improve water system performance better than rainwater harvesting for the Salt Lake City case study

    A Data-Driven Predictive Model of Reliability Estimation Using State-Space Stochastic Degradation Model

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    The concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) provides the foundation to apply data-driven methodologies. The data-driven predictive models of reliability estimation can become a major tool in increasing the life of assets, lowering capital cost, and reducing operating and maintenance costs. Classical models of reliability assessment mainly rely on lifetime data. Failure data may not be easily obtainable for highly reliable assets. Furthermore, the collected historical lifetime data may not be able to accurately describe the behavior of the asset in a unique application or environment. Therefore, it is not an optimal approach anymore to conduct a reliability estimation based on classical models. Fortunately, most of the industrial assets have performance characteristics whose degradation or decay over the operating time can be related to their reliability estimates. The application of the degradation methods has been recently increasing due to their ability to keep track of the dynamic conditions of the system over time. The main purpose of this study is to develop a data-driven predictive model of reliability assessment based on real-time data using a state-space stochastic degradation model to predict the critical time for initiating maintenance actions in order to enhance the value and prolonging the life of assets. The new degradation model developed in this thesis is introducing a new mapping function for the General Path Model based on series of Gamma Processes degradation models in the state-space environment by considering Poisson distributed weights for each of the Gamma processes. The application of the developed algorithm is illustrated for the distributed electrical systems as a generic use case. A data-driven algorithm is developed in order to estimate the parameters of the new degradation model. Once the estimates of the parameters are available, distribution of the failure time, time-dependent distribution of the degradation, and reliability based on the current estimate of the degradation can be obtained

    Reliability Analysis of Continuous Structural Systems

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    This study mainly deals with developing another approximate method for system reliability analysis and its applications to the continuous structures such as an assembly of stiffened cylindrical and rectangular sections used in Tension Leg Platform (TLP). Various methods developed for the structural system reliability analysis are reviewed The developed system reliability method, called herein the "Extended Incremental Load Method", is an extended approach of the conventional incremental load method. It has been developed in order to extend its applicability to the system reliability analysis of a structure under multiple loadings. It directly uses existing component strength formulae in the system analysis and more realistically takes account of the post-ultimate (post-failure) behaviour of a failed component when assessing the system reliability and ultimate strength. This is an important merit of the method over other methods. The method allows for load re-distribution during the development of elasto-plastic moments in large cross-sections under the action of axial and bending forces and in the presence of lateral hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure. The effects of shearing actions are ignored. A search is made for the most important failure modes to give the lowest system safety index. In the method the modified safety margin equation, which has been proposed to use existing strength formulae for principle components of a floating offshore structure, is employed in which the strength modelling parameter is treated as a basic random variable in system reliability analysis as well as component reliability analysis and the concept of the first-order second moment method is adopted to obtain the resistance coefficients and the loading coefficients in the safety margin equation. Details about deriving the safety margin equation by the proposed reliability method, calculation of the total load factor, the procedure of identifying the most important failure modes and flow vectors of principle component are described in the Appendices. Applications to discrete structures are demonstrated to show the validity of the proposed method. The method has been applied to the Hutton TLP and two variants, TLP-A and TLP-B, which are modified models of the Hutton TLP and of the design using TLP Rule Case Committee type loading and improved strength models, under the design environmental loading conditions. Components and systems safety indices of the models, Hutton TLP, TLP-A and TLP-B, are illustrated with three dimensional collapse mechanisms figures. Reserve and reserve strength characteristics are derived for the design as built and for more economical and efficient variations of the design. The TLP form is shown to possess high redundancy and systems safety. Sensitivity studies to changes in stochastic parameters of resistance and loading variables have been carried out. For this purpose the strength modelling parameter, yield stress and certain member sizes are selected as resistance variables, and effects of their mean values and/or coefficients of variation on the system, as well as on the component reliability index, have been investigated. The effects of mean bias and coefficient of variation of load effects, namely, static, quasi-static and dynamic component, on the the system as well as on the component reliability index have also been investigated. The results are discussed with regard to effects of various parameters on safety, with illustrating figures, from which the relative importance of random variables can be seen. As an another important resistance variable, the post-ultimate behaviour of failed components has been taken account of in system reliability assessment, which should be the most important resistance variable affecting the system reliability and the effective residual strength of a structure. Some case studies have been carried out with the simplified non-linear model which has a form of piecewise multi-state (more than two states) and is characterised by the post-ultimate slope and the residual strength. The results are illustrated in figures and tables and discussion made about its effects on the system reliability level. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Development of Bridge Information Model (BrIM) for digital twinning and management using TLS technology

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    In the current modern era of information and technology, the concept of Building Information Model (BIM), has made revolutionary changes in different aspects of engineering design, construction, and management of infrastructure assets, especially bridges. In the field of bridge engineering, Bridge Information Model (BrIM), as a specific form of BIM, includes digital twining of the physical asset associated with geometrical inspections and non-geometrical data, which has eliminated the use of traditional paper-based documentation and hand-written reports, enabling professionals and managers to operate more efficiently and effectively. However, concerns remain about the quality of the acquired inspection data and utilizing BrIM information for remedial decisions in a reliable Bridge Management System (BMS) which are still reliant on the knowledge and experience of the involved inspectors, or asset manager, and are susceptible to a certain degree of subjectivity. Therefore, this research study aims not only to introduce the valuable benefits of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) as a precise, rapid, and qualitative inspection method, but also to serve a novel sliced-based approach for bridge geometric Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model extraction using TLS-based point cloud, and to contribute to BrIM development. Moreover, this study presents a comprehensive methodology for incorporating generated BrIM in a redeveloped element-based condition assessment model while integrating a Decision Support System (DSS) to propose an innovative BMS. This methodology was further implemented in a designed software plugin and validated by a real case study on the Werrington Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in New South Wales, Australia. The finding of this research confirms the reliability of the TLS-derived 3D model in terms of quality of acquired data and accuracy of the proposed novel slice-based method, as well as BrIM implementation, and integration of the proposed BMS into the developed BrIM. Furthermore, the results of this study showed that the proposed integrated model addresses the subjective nature of decision-making by conducting a risk assessment and utilising structured decision-making tools for priority ranking of remedial actions. The findings demonstrated acceptable agreement in utilizing the proposed BMS for priority ranking of structural elements that require more attention, as well as efficient optimisation of remedial actions to preserve bridge health and safety

    Proposal of a global Total Cost of Ownership Model for FMC Technologies’ suppliers

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    Masteroppgave i industriell økonomi og informasjonsledelse 2009 – Universitetet i Agder, GrimstadFMC Technologies spends a huge amount of their turnover upstream to their suppliers. With indirect costs, including those that occur when suppliers have a delivery delay or deliver products of low quality, it is expected to be much higher. To be able to estimate these costs, to know the true cost of their suppliers, FMC Technologies would like to have a tool that could help them quantify and calculate these indirect costs. To investigate and create such a tool, questionnaires were sent out, discussions with FMC personnel and in-depth investigation of their ERP (SAP) system were performed to create a foundation of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model. Further, a pilot study on one of FMC’s suppliers was supposed to take place in order to perform an in-depth investigation on how to estimate the TCO. Unfortunately, this task was cancelled due to lack of readily available supplier specific data in the SAP system. Therefore, no TCO analysis case study was performed. Due to this, the thesis changed direction and it started investigating to see, if a TCO model was appropriate to evaluate FMC’s suppliers. In addition to this, a conceptual model was created. When performing this thesis, a framework used in similar approaches was inspirational, as well as the case study approach. Using the case study approach, an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context was performed, and it is a preferred strategic choice when “how” or “why” questions are posed. To get answers with high reliability, a triangulation of the results was desired. We achieved confirmation of our findings, often with triangulation, when concurrent results were found when either 1) interviewing FMC personnel, 2) investigating SAP, 3) reviewing answers of the questionnaires, or 4) assessing the theory or other performed case studies. All in all, using TCO to rate suppliers could be appropriate in some cases, but when depending on responsive and innovative suppliers, the TCO approach may deliver a too narrow view, as it focuses mainly on financial measurements, and could therefore deliver a short term assessment of suppliers. With the time consuming hard-to-quantify data, more use of subjective rating methods which also focus on the future could be satisfying alternatives, but to recommend this requires more investigation. As there is no use of an activity-based costing system in FMC (which has a critical linkage to TCO), and no plans of implementing it, perhaps a more simple supplier rating system would be the solution. This counts especially for an innovative ETO firm, which produces low volume and customized products. If FMC decides to use a TCO model (or any supplier rating system which focuses on historical data) they need to have a system that gathers the data regarding suppliers, preferably using the already existing SAP system. To have ambition of creating a global TCO model, without global routines seems extremely challengin

    Evaluating the Effects of Spalling on the Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Girders

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    Corrosion of the reinforcing steel is a primary deterioration mechanism for reinforced concrete bridges. Heavy use of de-icing salts is believed to be a major contributor in Ontario to severe girder soffit spalling in certain cases. This thesis develops an assessment methodology to evaluate spalled bridges based on ultimate limit states. Specifically, a deterministic program is developed for assessment. It is subsequently compared to laboratory test results and used as a basis for a probabilistic reliability study. A modified area concept is proposed in this thesis to consider the effects of exposing reinforcement at various locations along the girder length. A multipoint analysis program, BEST (Bridge Evaluation Strength Tool), is developed that employs this concept, along with graphical spalling surveys and structural drawings, to evaluate reinforced concrete bridge girders. The program is adapted for a full bridge analysis and to consider the other effects of corrosion, such as bar section loss and bond deterioration. A case study bridge is evaluated to show that the BEST program offers a viable tool for the rapid assessment of spalled bridge girders and to facilitate the prioritization of rehabilitation projects. This evaluation indicates that the spatial distribution of the spalling along a girder, relative to bar splices and laps, has the most significant influence on structural capacity. Single girders show strength deficiencies in flexure and shear due to spalling. In general, the consideration of system effects improves the predicted bridge condition, while considering section loss and bond deterioration has the opposite effect. Laboratory work is used to validate the proposed model and identify a number of areas for future research. The laboratory test results also suggest that the current repair methods are effective in restoring bond and strength. In order to further explore potential uses for the BEST program, modifications are made so that it can be used to perform reliability analyses using Monte-Carlo simulation techniques. A simplified approach for estimating the reliability index as a function of the deterministic resistance ratio is proposed based on the reliability analysis results

    The safety case and the lessons learned for the reliability and maintainability case

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    This paper examine the safety case and the lessons learned for the reliability and maintainability case
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