363,529 research outputs found

    The Effects of Direct Instruction on the Decoding Skills of Learning Disabled Student With an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of direct instruction on the decoding skills of a student identified as learning disabled and with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A procedure called the Corrective Reading Decoding Program was used to test this hypothesis. A single subject sign was used for this study. The subject received a direct instruction decoding program that consisted of sixty-five lessons, that took approximately six weeks to complete. An analysis by descriptive statistics showed that the subject improved his percentages at each grade level on the word lists, and improved at each reading level on the word recognition section of the graded passages. The findings suggest that direct instruction was effective in improving the decoding skills of a subject identified as learning disabled and with an attention deficit disorder

    The Effects of Direct Instruction on the Decoding Skills of Learning Disabled Student With an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of direct instruction on the decoding skills of a student identified as learning disabled and with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A procedure called the Corrective Reading Decoding Program was used to test this hypothesis. A single subject sign was used for this study. The subject received a direct instruction decoding program that consisted of sixty-five lessons, that took approximately six weeks to complete. An analysis by descriptive statistics showed that the subject improved his percentages at each grade level on the word lists, and improved at each reading level on the word recognition section of the graded passages. The findings suggest that direct instruction was effective in improving the decoding skills of a subject identified as learning disabled and with an attention deficit disorder

    Teaching Near The Edge of Chaos: Dynamic Systems, Student Choices and Library Research

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    This article is an investigation of the Dynamic Systems theory and its application to instruction and the learning process. Curricular suggestions are provided from the authors\u27 collaborative uses of library instruction within university academic courses. These suggestions address the use of environmental (classroom) and task manipulations to provide students with choices within activities related to conducting literature reviews. A Four-Step Teaching Model, based on the Ecological Task Analysis Model (Davis and Burton, 1991), is also outlined, to give readers a step-by-step procedure to use when developing classroom curricula and delivery plans

    Development of an Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills in Senior High School Mathematics Instruction

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    The purpose of this research was to develop an instrument that can be used to measure higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in mathematics instruction of high school students. This research was conducted using a standard procedure of instrument development, from the development of conceptual definitions, development of operational definitions, determination of constructs, dimensions, and indicators, to the preparation of blue prints, item preparation, expert validation, and testing. Data results from trials is analyzed using factor analysis and analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM).  The data-analysis shows that there are 9 factors HOTS that construct the instrument with good validity and reliability. This instrument classifies high school students into five categories of HOTS ability. HOTS grouping results can be used by various interested institutions to evaluate the instruction of mathematics. These evaluations are used to determine the success of student learning and the success of teachers' teaching

    The relationships among task complexity, content sequence, and instructional effectiveness in procedural learning.

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    Two questions were investigated: (1) Is the timing of the opportunity for the learner to integrate procedural content on the application level related to performance on tasks of high complexity? (2) Is the timing of the opportunity for the learner to integrate procedural content on the application level related to performance on tasks of low complexity?The content used in both treatment conditions was procedures involved in checking accounts. Following a task analysis, the content was sequenced according to the two treatment conditions. Two teachers delivered both sets of instruction once. Following completion of five one-hour training sessions, test instruments were administered to assess performance on tasks of low complexity and high complexity.A two (Teacher 1, Teacher 2) by two (OCI Sequence, TCI Sequence) factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze performance measures. For both simple and complex tasks, the ANOVA showed no significant difference that could be attributed to content sequence.The rationale for this study was based on the concept of assimilation-to-schema. This theory predicts that learning effectiveness will be increased by providing a complete but general version of the content prior to providing the specific of the content. Application of this learning theory can result in a general-to-detailed content sequence. This sequence can be contrasted to a parts-to-whole sequence which provides a complete version of the content following presentation of all parts of the content. A general-to-detailed sequence can be said to provide ongoing content integration while a parts-to-whole sequence can be said to provide terminal content integration.This study was designed to investigate relationships between content sequence as it contributes to content integration and procedural learning. Given that content sequence is fundamental to any intentioned learning situation, the relationship between organization and eventual integration of the content is of primary concern. Nowhere is the concern more evident than in consideration of procedural learning where the failure to integrate a single step into an overall procedure can result in an inability to correctly or completely apply a procedure or set of procedures.The subjects for this study (N = 103) were from a population of middle school students. One treatment condition was instruction on content sequenced to provide ongoing content integration on the application level (OCI Sequence). The other treatment condition was instruction on content sequenced to provide content integration upon completion or termination of instruction (TCI Sequence)

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa melalui Model Pembelajaran Direct Instruction di Kelas XI. IPA.4 SMAN 2 Lengayang

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    This study aims to uncover information and discuss efforts to improve students' physics learning outcomes through the Direct Instruction Learning Model in Class XI. IPA.4 SMAN 2 Lengayang. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Lengayang, Pesisir Selatan District. The subjects of this study were 32 students of class XI IPA.4 SMAN 2 Lengayang. This research will be carried out in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 school year. The research procedure consisted of two cycles with two meetings in each cycle. Each cycle consists of four stages of research namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection in this study was carried out using field note techniques, student worksheets, written tests, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques use proportion formulas and data reduction. From this research, it was obtained that Class XI Student Learning Outcomes. IPA.4 SMAN 2 Lengayang with the Direct Instruction Learning Model can be seen from the average student learning outcomes in cycle I, namely: 81.88, students who complete 66% or 21 0rang of 32 students. And in cycle II the number of students who completed 90% or 29 people out of 32 students with an average of 86.88. Based on the result data obtained during learning in this class action research it can be concluded that the results of learning Physics through the Direct Instruction Learning Model in class XI. IPA.4 SMAN 2 Lengayang can improve students' physics learning outcomes by giving gifts

    Going Beyond NCAA Bylaw 5-1-(j): Developing Learning Prescriptions for Student-Athletes

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    In recent years academic support programs for the student-athlete have become an integral component of athletic departments at major colleges and universities. This study reports the use of a test-scoring procedure called Modified Confidence Weighted-Admissible Probability Measurement (MCW-APM) to assist athletic department academic support personnel in diagnosing student-athlete knowledge gaps. A series of nine criterion-­referenced tests (CRT) in fundamental knowledge-base areas of mathematics, language arts, and reading at the elementary, secondary and junior college skill levels was administered to a group of freshmen student­ athletes at UCLA. The MCW-APM test-scoring analysis generated specific learning prescriptions for each student-athlete along with information use­cognitive maps to indicate those knowledge-base areas where the student­-athlete was informed, partially informed, uninformed, or misinformed. The learning prescription was then used by the tutorial program staff for developing an individualized instruction plan. Subsequent clustering of student-athletes by information type was used to design courses, workshops, and special programs with instructional objectives towards reeducation (for misinformed areas), instruction (for areas with lack of information) and review (for areas with partial information)

    A Framework for Pre-Laboratory Instructional Design to Support Student Inquiry in High School Chemistry

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    High school chemistry laboratory experiments offer a context-rich environment for learning chemistry. However, the complexity of the lab environment can also complicate the learning experience. This capstone explores the question: How can a pre-laboratory instructional framework help high school chemistry students independently design experiment procedures in order to transform inquiry experiments into an effective tool for content learning? The literature review explores how four instructional approaches (science writing heuristic, writing-to-learn strategies, pre-laboratory instruction, and demonstrations) impact learning outcomes. Using that research as a foundation, the capstone proposes an instructional framework utilizing a teacher-led demonstration to engage prior knowledge and teach laboratory skills followed by guided analysis questions that ask students to model the system, connect with prior knowledge, and hypothesize potential results. This sequence prepares students to design an experimental procedure and engage with practical and theoretical aspects of chemistry. The capstone concludes with a personal reflection including the role of simplicity when designing experiments and the further work needed to expand this framework through the final stages of the inquiry process

    To investigate the effectiveness of computer simulation versus laboratory experience, and the sequencing of instruction, in teaching logic circuits

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    The study investigated the effectiveness of computer-based simulation versus laboratory experience, and the sequencing of instruction, in teaching logic circuits. The two independent variables in this study were: (1) method of instruction, a nominal variable with two categories (computer-based simulation and laboratory experience); and (2) sequencing of instruction, a nominal variable with two categories (reading following lab or simulation experience and reading prior to lab or simulation experience). The dependent variable was the posttest score;A 2 x 2 factorial design was used in this study. The data were analyzed using the analysis of variance procedure. It was found that the sequence of instruction was an importance factor in teaching logic circuits. It was significant at the 0.001 alpha level. The students who did the activity (laboratory or computer simulation) first, followed by the reading assignment, scored significantly higher on the posttest as compared to those who received identical material in the opposite sequence. No significant difference was found between the two methods of instruction: laboratory or computer simulation. Also, there was no significant interaction between method of instruction and sequence of instruction;In order to gain greater insight into the students\u27 cognitive process, the posttest items were classified into two categories: (1) knowledge, and (2) transfer. It was found that only the \u27transfer\u27 items contributed to the difference between the two sequential groups. The study concluded that exploratory type of experiential activity prior to formal instruction results in better conceptual learning and better transfer as compared to the reverse sequence


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    The objective of research is to describe the application of Teams Accelerated Instruction (TAI) type of cooperative learning model to improve the students’ competency achievement in accounting learning. This study employed a class action research approach. The object of research was the students of grade XI IPS 1of SMA NEGERI 1 CEPERas many as 40 students. The research was conducted in the collaboration of researcher, classroom teacher, and involved the students’ participation. The implementation of action in the research was conducted by providing the stimulus first by the researcher to the classroom teacher. Techniques of collecting data employed were observation, interview, and test. The research procedure encompassed: (1) problem identification, (2) preparation, (3) action plan arrangement, (4) action implementation, (5) observation, and (6) report writing. The research process was done in two cycles, each of which consisted of four stages: (1) action plan, (2) action implementation, (3) observation and implementation, and (4) analysis and reflection. Each cycle was conducted in four meetings, each of which is 2 x 45 minutes in duration. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that there is an improvement of accounting learning quality (both process and result) through the application of TAI type of cooperative learning approach. It is reflected by the following indicators: (1) students seem to be enthusiastic and vigorous in attending the accounting subject seen from the improvement of their competency, (2) students seems to be highly motivated to pay attention to the subject given by the teacher and active in their participation in teaching-learning activity, (3) cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects can be established through the intensive discussion in group, (4) students have more confidence in presenting his work in front of the class, and (5) teacher is able to give the accounting learning method with new nuance. It can be seen from the increased final and average classroom values from the Cycle I to Cycle II. Such improvement occurs after the teacher conducts the following efforts: (1) the application of cooperative learning model with teams accelerated instruction method in the learning implementation, (2) teacher makes new innovation in delivering the accounting subject using teams accelerated instruction method conducted by the students, and (3) teacher makes the students effective in their learning through an intensive discussion with teacher’s active guidance so that the students more cooperative in the teaching learning activity
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