338 research outputs found

    A comparison of cooking recipe named entities between Japanese and English

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    In this paper, we analyze the structural differences between the instructional text in Japanese and English cooking recipes. First, we constructed an English recipe corpus of 100 recipes, designed to be comparable to an existing Japanese recipe corpus. We annotated recipe named entities (r-NEs) in the English corpus according to guidelines previously defined for Japanese. We trained a state-of-art NE recognizer, PWNER, on the English r-NEs, and achieved very similar accuracy and coverage to previous results for the Japanese corpus, thus demonstrating the quality and consistency of the annotations. Second, we compared the r-NEs annotated in the Japanese and English corpora, and uncovered lexical, semantic, and underlying structural differences between Japanese and English recipes. We discuss reasons for these differences, which have significant implications for cross-language retrieval and automatic translation of recipes

    Event extraction and representation: A case study for the portuguese language

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    Text information extraction is an important natural language processing (NLP) task, which aims to automatically identify, extract, and represent information from text. In this context, event extraction plays a relevant role, allowing actions, agents, objects, places, and time periods to be identified and represented. The extracted information can be represented by specialized ontologies, supporting knowledge-based reasoning and inference processes. In this work, we will describe, in detail, our proposal for event extraction from Portuguese documents. The proposed approach is based on a pipeline of specialized natural language processing tools; namely, a part-of-speech tagger, a named entities recognizer, a dependency parser, semantic role labeling, and a knowledge extraction module. The architecture is language-independent, but its modules are language-dependent and can be built using adequate AI (i.e., rule-based or machine learning) methodologies. The developed system was evaluated with a corpus of Portuguese texts and the obtained results are presented and analysed. The current limitations and future work are discussed in detail

    Indonesian Named-entity Recognition for 15 Classes Using Ensemble Supervised Learning

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    AbstractHere, we describe our effort in building Indonesian Named Entity Recognition (NER) for newspaper article with 15 classes which is larger number of class type compared to existing Indonesian NER. We employed supervised machine learning in the NER and conducted experiments to find the best attribute combination and the best algorithm with highest accuracy. We compared the attribute of word level, sentence level and document level. In the algorithm, we compared several single machine learning algorithms and also an ensembled one. Using 457 news articles, the best accuracy was achieved by using ensemble technique where the result of several machine learning algorithms were used as the feature for one machine learning algorithm

    Near-duplicate news detection using named entities

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 60-65.The number of web documents has been increasing in an exponential manner for more than a decade. In a similar way, partially or completely duplicate documents appear frequently on the Web. Advances in the Internet technologies have increased the number of news agencies. People tend to read news from news portals that aggregate documents from different sources. The existence of duplicate or near-duplicate news in these portals is a common problem. Duplicate documents create redundancy and only a few users may want to read news containing identical information. Duplicate documents decrease the efficiency and effectiveness of search engines. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate a new near-duplicate news detection algorithm: Tweezer. In this algorithm, named entities and the words that appear before and after them are used to create document signatures. Documents sharing the same signatures are considered as a nearduplicate. For named entity detection, we introduce a method called Turkish Named Entity Recognizer, TuNER. For the evaluation of Tweezer, a document collection is created using news articles obtained from Bilkent News Portal. In the experiments, Tweezer is compared with I-Match, which is a state-of-the-art near-duplicate detection algorithm that creates document signatures using Inverse Document Frequency, IDF, values of terms. It is experimentally shown that the effectiveness of Tweezer is statistically significantly better than that of I-Match by using a cost function that combines false alarm and miss rate probabilities, and the F-measure that combines precision and recall. Furthermore, Tweezer is at least 7% faster than I-Match.Uyar, ErkanM.S

    Entity-fishing: a DARIAH entity recognition and disambiguation service

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    International audienceThis paper presents an attempt to provide a generic named-entity recognition and disambiguation module (NERD) called entity-fishing as a stable online service that demonstrates the possible delivery of sustainable technical services within DARIAH, the European digital research infrastructure for the arts and humanities. Deployed as part of the national infrastructure Huma-Num in France, this service provides an efficient state-of-the-art implementation coupled with standardised interfaces allowing an easy deployment on a variety of potential digital humanities contexts. Initially developed in the context of the FP9 EU project CENDARI, the software was well received by the user community and continued to be further developed within the H2020 HIRMEOS project where several open access publishers have integrated the service to their collections of published monographs as a means to enhance retrieval and access. entity-fishing implements entity extraction as well as disambiguation against Wikipedia and Wikidata entries. The service is accessible through a REST API which allows easier and seamless integration, language independent and stable convention and a widely used service-oriented architecture (SOA) design. Input and output data are carried out over a query data model with a defined structure providing flexibility to support the processing of partially annotated text or the repartition of text over several queries. The interface implements a variety of functionalities, like language recognition, sentence segmentation and modules for accessing and looking up concepts in the knowledge base. The API itself integrates more advanced contextual parametrisation or ranked outputs, allowing for the resilient integration in various possible use cases. The entity-fishing API has been used as a concrete use case to draft the experimental stand-off proposal, which has been submitted for integration into the TEI guidelines. The representation is also compliant with the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM). In this paper we aim at describing the functionalities of the service as a reference contribution to the subject of web-based NERD services. In this paper, we detail the workflow from input to output and unpack each building box in the processing flow. Besides, with a more academic approach, we provide a transversal schema of the different components taking into account non-functional requirements in order to facilitate the discovery of bottlenecks, hotspots and weaknesses. We also describe the underlying knowledge base, which is set up on the basis of Wikipedia and Wikidata content. We conclude the paper by presenting our solution for the service deployment: how and which the resources where allocated. The service has been in production since Q3 of 2017, and extensively used by the H2020 HIRMEOS partners during the integration with the publishing platforms

    A Study of Chinese Named Entity and Relation Identification in a Specific Domain

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    This thesis aims at investigating automatic identification of Chinese named entities (NEs) and their relations (NERs) in a specific domain. We have proposed a three-stage pipeline computational model for the error correction of word segmentation and POS tagging, NE recognition and NER identification. In this model, an error repair module utilizing machine learning techniques is developed in the first stage. At the second stage, a new algorithm that can automatically construct Finite State Cascades (FSC) from given sets of rules is designed. As a supplement, the recognition strategy without NE trigger words can identify the special linguistic phenomena. In the third stage, a novel approach - positive and negative case-based learning and identification (PNCBL&I) is implemented. It pursues the improvement of the identification performance for NERs through simultaneously learning two opposite cases and automatically selecting effective multi-level linguistic features for NERs and non-NERs. Further, two other strategies, resolving relation conflicts and inferring missing relations, are also integrated in the identification procedure.Diese Dissertation ist der Forschung zur automatischen Erkennung von chinesischen Begriffen (named entities, NE) und ihrer Relationen (NER) in einer spezifischen Domäne gewidmet. Wir haben ein Pipelinemodell mit drei aufeinanderfolgenden Verarbeitungsschritten für die Korrektur der Fehler der Wortsegmentation und Wortartmarkierung, NE-Erkennung, und NER-Identifizierung vorgeschlagen. In diesem Modell wird eine Komponente zur Fehlerreparatur im ersten Verarbeitungsschritt verwirklicht, die ein machinelles Lernverfahren einsetzt. Im zweiten Stadium wird ein neuer Algorithmus, der die Kaskaden endlicher Transduktoren aus den Mengen der Regeln automatisch konstruieren kann, entworfen. Zusätzlich kann eine Strategie für die Erkennung von NE, die nicht durch das Vorkommen bestimmer lexikalischer Trigger markiert sind, die spezielle linguistische Phänomene identifizieren. Im dritten Verarbeitungsschritt wird ein neues Verfahren, das auf dem Lernen und der Identifizierung positiver und negativer Fälle beruht, implementiert. Es verfolgt die Verbesserung der NER-Erkennungsleistung durch das gleichzeitige Lernen zweier gegenüberliegenden Fälle und die automatische Auswahl der wirkungsvollen linguistischen Merkmale auf mehreren Ebenen für die NER und Nicht-NER. Weiter werden zwei andere Strategien, die Lösung von Konflikten in der Relationenerkennung und die Inferenz von fehlenden Relationen, auch in den Erkennungsprozeß integriert

    A Study of Chinese Named Entity and Relation Identification in a Specific Domain

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    This thesis aims at investigating automatic identification of Chinese named entities (NEs) and their relations (NERs) in a specific domain. We have proposed a three-stage pipeline computational model for the error correction of word segmentation and POS tagging, NE recognition and NER identification. In this model, an error repair module utilizing machine learning techniques is developed in the first stage. At the second stage, a new algorithm that can automatically construct Finite State Cascades (FSC) from given sets of rules is designed. As a supplement, the recognition strategy without NE trigger words can identify the special linguistic phenomena. In the third stage, a novel approach - positive and negative case-based learning and identification (PNCBL&I) is implemented. It pursues the improvement of the identification performance for NERs through simultaneously learning two opposite cases and automatically selecting effective multi-level linguistic features for NERs and non-NERs. Further, two other strategies, resolving relation conflicts and inferring missing relations, are also integrated in the identification procedure.Diese Dissertation ist der Forschung zur automatischen Erkennung von chinesischen Begriffen (named entities, NE) und ihrer Relationen (NER) in einer spezifischen Domäne gewidmet. Wir haben ein Pipelinemodell mit drei aufeinanderfolgenden Verarbeitungsschritten für die Korrektur der Fehler der Wortsegmentation und Wortartmarkierung, NE-Erkennung, und NER-Identifizierung vorgeschlagen. In diesem Modell wird eine Komponente zur Fehlerreparatur im ersten Verarbeitungsschritt verwirklicht, die ein machinelles Lernverfahren einsetzt. Im zweiten Stadium wird ein neuer Algorithmus, der die Kaskaden endlicher Transduktoren aus den Mengen der Regeln automatisch konstruieren kann, entworfen. Zusätzlich kann eine Strategie für die Erkennung von NE, die nicht durch das Vorkommen bestimmer lexikalischer Trigger markiert sind, die spezielle linguistische Phänomene identifizieren. Im dritten Verarbeitungsschritt wird ein neues Verfahren, das auf dem Lernen und der Identifizierung positiver und negativer Fälle beruht, implementiert. Es verfolgt die Verbesserung der NER-Erkennungsleistung durch das gleichzeitige Lernen zweier gegenüberliegenden Fälle und die automatische Auswahl der wirkungsvollen linguistischen Merkmale auf mehreren Ebenen für die NER und Nicht-NER. Weiter werden zwei andere Strategien, die Lösung von Konflikten in der Relationenerkennung und die Inferenz von fehlenden Relationen, auch in den Erkennungsprozeß integriert

    Automatic Extraction and Assessment of Entities from the Web

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    The search for information about entities, such as people or movies, plays an increasingly important role on the Web. This information is still scattered across many Web pages, making it more time consuming for a user to find all relevant information about an entity. This thesis describes techniques to extract entities and information about these entities from the Web, such as facts, opinions, questions and answers, interactive multimedia objects, and events. The findings of this thesis are that it is possible to create a large knowledge base automatically using a manually-crafted ontology. The precision of the extracted information was found to be between 75–90 % (facts and entities respectively) after using assessment algorithms. The algorithms from this thesis can be used to create such a knowledge base, which can be used in various research fields, such as question answering, named entity recognition, and information retrieval