2,861 research outputs found

    KReach : a tool for reachability in petri nets

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    We present KReach, a tool for deciding reachability in general Petri nets. The tool is a full implementation of Kosaraju’s original 1982 decision procedure for reachability in VASS. We believe this to be the first implementation of its kind. We include a comprehensive suite of libraries for development with Vector Addition Systems (with States) in the Haskell programming language. KReach serves as a practical tool, and acts as an effective teaching aid for the theory behind the algorithm. Preliminary tests suggest that there are some classes of Petri nets for which we can quickly show unreachability. In particular, using KReach for coverability problems, by reduction to reachability, is competitive even against state-of-the-art coverability checkers

    Analysis of Petri Nets and Transition Systems

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    This paper describes a stand-alone, no-frills tool supporting the analysis of (labelled) place/transition Petri nets and the synthesis of labelled transition systems into Petri nets. It is implemented as a collection of independent, dedicated algorithms which have been designed to operate modularly, portably, extensibly, and efficiently.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Approaching the Coverability Problem Continuously

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    The coverability problem for Petri nets plays a central role in the verification of concurrent shared-memory programs. However, its high EXPSPACE-complete complexity poses a challenge when encountered in real-world instances. In this paper, we develop a new approach to this problem which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. A cornerstone of our approach is the efficient encoding of a recently developed polynomial-time algorithm for reachability in continuous Petri nets into SMT. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on standard benchmarks from the literature, which shows that our approach decides significantly more instances than any existing tool and is in addition often much faster, in particular on large instances.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Approximating Petri Net Reachability Along Context-free Traces

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    We investigate the problem asking whether the intersection of a context-free language (CFL) and a Petri net language (PNL) is empty. Our contribution to solve this long-standing problem which relates, for instance, to the reachability analysis of recursive programs over unbounded data domain, is to identify a class of CFLs called the finite-index CFLs for which the problem is decidable. The k-index approximation of a CFL can be obtained by discarding all the words that cannot be derived within a budget k on the number of occurrences of non-terminals. A finite-index CFL is thus a CFL which coincides with its k-index approximation for some k. We decide whether the intersection of a finite-index CFL and a PNL is empty by reducing it to the reachability problem of Petri nets with weak inhibitor arcs, a class of systems with infinitely many states for which reachability is known to be decidable. Conversely, we show that the reachability problem for a Petri net with weak inhibitor arcs reduces to the emptiness problem of a finite-index CFL intersected with a PNL.Comment: 16 page

    The Reachability Problem for Petri Nets is Not Elementary

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    Petri nets, also known as vector addition systems, are a long established model of concurrency with extensive applications in modelling and analysis of hardware, software and database systems, as well as chemical, biological and business processes. The central algorithmic problem for Petri nets is reachability: whether from the given initial configuration there exists a sequence of valid execution steps that reaches the given final configuration. The complexity of the problem has remained unsettled since the 1960s, and it is one of the most prominent open questions in the theory of verification. Decidability was proved by Mayr in his seminal STOC 1981 work, and the currently best published upper bound is non-primitive recursive Ackermannian of Leroux and Schmitz from LICS 2019. We establish a non-elementary lower bound, i.e. that the reachability problem needs a tower of exponentials of time and space. Until this work, the best lower bound has been exponential space, due to Lipton in 1976. The new lower bound is a major breakthrough for several reasons. Firstly, it shows that the reachability problem is much harder than the coverability (i.e., state reachability) problem, which is also ubiquitous but has been known to be complete for exponential space since the late 1970s. Secondly, it implies that a plethora of problems from formal languages, logic, concurrent systems, process calculi and other areas, that are known to admit reductions from the Petri nets reachability problem, are also not elementary. Thirdly, it makes obsolete the currently best lower bounds for the reachability problems for two key extensions of Petri nets: with branching and with a pushdown stack.Comment: Final version of STOC'1

    Forward Analysis and Model Checking for Trace Bounded WSTS

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    We investigate a subclass of well-structured transition systems (WSTS), the bounded---in the sense of Ginsburg and Spanier (Trans. AMS 1964)---complete deterministic ones, which we claim provide an adequate basis for the study of forward analyses as developed by Finkel and Goubault-Larrecq (Logic. Meth. Comput. Sci. 2012). Indeed, we prove that, unlike other conditions considered previously for the termination of forward analysis, boundedness is decidable. Boundedness turns out to be a valuable restriction for WSTS verification, as we show that it further allows to decide all ω\omega-regular properties on the set of infinite traces of the system
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