267 research outputs found

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Modelling of grinding mechanics : a review

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    Grinding is one of the most widely used material removal methods at the end of many process chains. Grinding force is related to almost all grinding parameters, which has a great influence on material removal rate, dimensional and shape accuracy, surface and subsurface integrity, thermodynamics, dynamics, wheel durability, and machining system deformation. Considering that grinding force is related to almost all grinding parameters, grinding force can be used to detect grinding wheel wear, energy calculation, chatter suppression, force control and grinding process simulation. Accurate prediction of grinding forces is important for optimizing grinding parameters and the structure of grinding machines and fixtures. Although there are substantial research papers on grinding mechanics, a comprehensive review on the modeling of grinding mechanics is still absent from the literature. To fill this gap, this work reviews and introduces theoretical methods and applications of mechanics in grinding from the aspects of modeling principles, limitations and possible future trendencies

    Comparative Study of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang and Madani Algorithms in Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control for Self-Balancing Wheelchairs

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    This study examines the effectiveness of four different fuzzy logic controllers in self-balancing wheelchairs. The controllers under consideration are Type-1 Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) FLC, Interval Type-2 TSK FLC, Type-1 Mamdani FLC, and Interval Type-2 Mamdani FLC. A MATLAB-based simulation environment serves for the evaluation, focusing on key performance indicators like percentage overshoot, rise time, settling time, and displacement. Two testing methodologies were designed to simulate both ideal conditions and real-world hardware limitations. The simulations reveal distinct advantages for each controller type. For example, Type-1 TSK excels in minimizing overshoot but requires higher force. Interval Type-2 TSK shows the quickest settling times but needs the most force. Type-1 Mamdani has the fastest rise time with the lowest force requirement but experiences a higher percentage of overshoot. Interval Type-2 Mamdani offers balanced performance across all metrics. When a 2.7 N control input cap is imposed, Type-2 controllers prove notably more efficient in minimizing overshoot. These results offer valuable insights for future design and real-world application of self-balancing wheelchairs. Further studies are recommended for the empirical testing and refinement of these controllers, especially since the initial findings were limited to four-wheeled self-balancing robotic wheelchairs

    Robotic Trajectory Tracking: Position- and Force-Control

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    This thesis employs a bottom-up approach to develop robust and adaptive learning algorithms for trajectory tracking: position and torque control. In a first phase, the focus is put on the following of a freeform surface in a discontinuous manner. Next to resulting switching constraints, disturbances and uncertainties, the case of unknown robot models is addressed. In a second phase, once contact has been established between surface and end effector and the freeform path is followed, a desired force is applied. In order to react to changing circumstances, the manipulator needs to show the features of an intelligent agent, i.e. it needs to learn and adapt its behaviour based on a combination of a constant interaction with its environment and preprogramed goals or preferences. The robotic manipulator mimics the human behaviour based on bio-inspired algorithms. In this way it is taken advantage of the know-how and experience of human operators as their knowledge is translated in robot skills. A selection of promising concepts is explored, developed and combined to extend the application areas of robotic manipulators from monotonous, basic tasks in stiff environments to complex constrained processes. Conventional concepts (Sliding Mode Control, PID) are combined with bio-inspired learning (BELBIC, reinforcement based learning) for robust and adaptive control. Independence of robot parameters is guaranteed through approximated robot functions using a Neural Network with online update laws and model-free algorithms. The performance of the concepts is evaluated through simulations and experiments. In complex freeform trajectory tracking applications, excellent absolute mean position errors (<0.3 rad) are achieved. Position and torque control are combined in a parallel concept with minimized absolute mean torque errors (<0.1 Nm)

    Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mecanizado con brazos robots ha sido estudiado aproximadamente desde los años 90, durante este tiempo se han llevado a cabo importantes avances y descubrimientos en cuanto a su campo de aplicación. En general, los robots manipuladores tienen muchos beneficios y ventajas al ser usados en operaciones de mecanizado, tales como, flexibilidad, gran área de trabajo y facilidad de programación, entre otras, frente a las Máquinas Herramientas de Control numérico (MHCN) que necesitan de una gran inversión para trabajar piezas muy grandes o incrementar sus grados de libertad. Como desventajas, frente a las MHCN, los brazos robóticos poseen menor rigidez, lo que combinado con las altas fuerzas producidas en los procesos de mecanizado hace que aparezcan errores de precisión, desviaciones en las trayectorias, vibraciones y, por consiguiente, una mala calidad en las piezas fabricadas. Entre los brazos robots, los brazos colaborativos están en auge debido a su programación intuitiva y a sus medidas de seguridad, que les permiten trabajar en el mismo espacio que los operadores sin que estos corran riesgos. Como desventaja añadida de los robots colaborativos se encuentra la mayor flexibilidad que estos tienen en sus articulaciones, debido a que incluyen reductores del tipo Harmonic drive. El uso de un control de fuerza en procesos de mecanizado con brazos robots permite controlar y corregir en tiempo real las desviaciones generadas por la flexibilidad en las articulaciones del robot. Utilizar este método de control es beneficioso en cualquier brazo robot; sin embargo, el control interno que incluyen los robots colaborativos presenta ventajas que permiten que el control de fuerza pueda ser aplicado de una manera más eficiente. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta real para la inclusión del control de esfuerzos en el brazo robot, así como también, se evalúa y cuantifica la capacidad de los robots industriales y colaborativos en tareas de mecanizado. La propuesta plantea cómo mejorar la utilización de un control de fuerza por bucle interior/exterior aplicado en un brazo colaborativo cuando se desconocen los pares reales de los motores del robot, así como otros parámetros internos que los fabricantes no dan a conocer. Este bucle de control interior/exterior ha sido utilizado en aplicaciones de pulido y lijado sobre diferentes materiales. Los resultados indican que el robot colaborativo es factible para realizar tales operaciones de mecanizado. Sus mejores resultados se obtienen cuando se utiliza un bucle de control interno por velocidad y un bucle de control externo de fuerza con algoritmos, Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo o Proporcional más Pre-Alimentación de la Fuerza.[CA] El mecanitzat amb braços robots ha estat estudiat aproximadament des dels anys 90, durant aquest temps s'han dut a terme importants avanços i descobriments en el que fa al seu camp d'aplicació. En general, els robots manipuladors tenen molts beneficis i avantatges al ser usats en operacions de mecanitzat, com ara, flexibilitat, gran àrea de treball i facilitat de programació, entre d'altres, davant de Màquines Eines de Control Numèric (MECN) que necessiten d'una gran inversió per treballar peces molt grans o incrementar els seus graus de llibertat. Com a desavantatges, enfront de les MECN, els braços robòtics posseeixen menor rigidesa, el que combinat amb les altes forces produïdes en els processos de mecanitzat fa que apareguin errors de precisió, desviacions en les trajectòries, vibracions i, per tant, una mala qualitat en les peces fabricades. Entre els braços robots, els braços col·laboratius estan en auge a causa de la seva programació intuïtiva i a les seves mesures de seguretat, que els permeten treballar en el mateix espai que els operadors sense que aquests corrin riscos. Com desavantatge afegida als robots col·laboratius es troba la major flexibilitat que aquests tenen en les seves articulacions, a causa de que inclouen reductors del tipus Harmonic drive. L'ús d'un control de força en processos de mecanitzat amb braços robots permet controlar, i corregir, en temps real les desviacions generades per la flexibilitat en les articulacions del robot. Utilitzar aquest mètode de control és beneficiós en qualsevol braç robot, però, el control intern que inclouen els robots col·laboratius presenta avantatges que permeten que el control de força es puga aplicar d'una manera més eficient. En el present treball es desenvolupa una proposta real per a la inclusió del control d'esforços en el braç robot, així com s'avalua i quantifica la capacitat dels robots industrials i col·laboratius en tasques de mecanitzat. La proposta planteja com millorar la utilització d'un control de força per bucle interior/exterior aplicat en un braç col·laboratiu, quan es desconeixen els parells reals dels motors del robot, així com altres paràmetres interns que els fabricants no donen a conèixer. Aquest bucle de control interior/exterior ha estat utilitzat en aplicacions de polit sobre diferents materials. Els resultats indiquen que el robot col·laboratiu és factible de realitzar aquestes operacions de mecanitzat. Els seus millors resultats s'obtenen quan s'utilitza un bucle de control intern per velocitat i un bucle de control extern de força amb els algoritmes Proporcional-Integral-Derivatiu o Proporcional més Pre-alimentació de la Força.[EN] Machining with robot arms has been studied approximately since the 90s; during this time, important advances and discoveries have been made in its field of application. In general, manipulative robots have many benefits and advantages when they are used in machining operations, such as flexibility, large work area, and ease of programming, among others, compared to Numerical Control Machine Tools (NCMT) that need a great investment to work very large pieces or increase their degrees of freedom. As for disadvantages, compared to NCMT, robotic arms have lower rigidity, which, combined with the high forces produced in machining processes, causes precision errors, path deviations, vibrations, and, consequently, poor quality in the manufactured parts. Among robot arms, collaborative arms are on the rise due to their intuitive programming and safety measures, which allow them to work in the same space without risk for the operators. An added disadvantage of collaborative robots is their flexibility in their joints because they include Harmonic drive type reducers. The use of force control in machining processes with robot arms makes possible to control and correct, in real-time, the deviations generated by the flexibility in the robot's joints. The use of this control method is beneficial for any robot arm. However, the internal control included in collaborative robots has advantages that allow the force control to be applied more efficiently. In this work, a real proposal is developed to include effort control in the robot arm. The capacity of industrial and collaborative robots in machining tasks is evaluated and quantified. The proposal recommends how to improve the use of an inner/outer force control loop applied in a collaborative arm, when the real torques of the robot's motors are unknown and other internal parameters that manufacturers do not disclose. This inner/outer control loop has been used in polishing and sanding applications on different materials. The results indicate that the collaborative robot is feasible to perform such machining operations. Best results are obtained using an internal velocity control loop and external force control loop with Proportional-Integral-Derivative or Proportional plus Feed Forward.The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). This work was funded by the CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2017 – 72180157.Pérez Ubeda, RA. (2022). Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182000TESISCompendi

    Contemporary Robotics

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    This book book is a collection of 18 chapters written by internationally recognized experts and well-known professionals of the field. Chapters contribute to diverse facets of contemporary robotics and autonomous systems. The volume is organized in four thematic parts according to the main subjects, regarding the recent advances in the contemporary robotics. The first thematic topics of the book are devoted to the theoretical issues. This includes development of algorithms for automatic trajectory generation using redudancy resolution scheme, intelligent algorithms for robotic grasping, modelling approach for reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing and design of an advanced controller for robot manipulators. The second part of the book deals with different aspects of robot calibration and sensing. This includes a geometric and treshold calibration of a multiple robotic line-vision system, robot-based inline 2D/3D quality monitoring using picture-giving and laser triangulation, and a study on prospective polymer composite materials for flexible tactile sensors. The third part addresses issues of mobile robots and multi-agent systems, including SLAM of mobile robots based on fusion of odometry and visual data, configuration of a localization system by a team of mobile robots, development of generic real-time motion controller for differential mobile robots, control of fuel cells of mobile robots, modelling of omni-directional wheeled-based robots, building of hunter- hybrid tracking environment, as well as design of a cooperative control in distributed population-based multi-agent approach. The fourth part presents recent approaches and results in humanoid and bioinspirative robotics. It deals with design of adaptive control of anthropomorphic biped gait, building of dynamic-based simulation for humanoid robot walking, building controller for perceptual motor control dynamics of humans and biomimetic approach to control mechatronic structure using smart materials

    Contact force and torque estimation for collaborative manipulators based on an adaptive Kalman filter with variable time period.

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    Contact force and torque sensing approaches enable manipulators to cooperate with humans and to interact appropriately with unexpected collisions. In this thesis, various moving averages are investigated and Weighted Moving Averages and Hull Moving Average are employed to generate a mode-switching moving average to support force sensing. The proposed moving averages with variable time period were used to reduce the effects of measured motor current noise and thus provide improved confidence in joint output torque estimation. The time period of the filter adapts continuously to achieve an optimal trade-off between response time and precision of estimation in real-time. An adaptive Kalman filter that consists of the proposed moving averages and the conventional Kalman filter is proposed. Calibration routines for the adaptive Kalman filter interpret the measured motor current noise and errors in the speed data from the individual joints into. The combination of the proposed adaptive Kalman filter with variable time period and its calibration method facilitates force and torque estimation without direct measurement via force/torque sensors. Contact force/torque sensing and response time assessments from the proposed approach are performed on both the single Universal Robot 5 manipulator and the collaborative UR5 arrangement (dual-arm robot) with differing unexpected end effector loads. The combined force and torque sensing method leads to a reduction of the estimation errors and response time in comparison with the pioneering method (55.2% and 20.8 %, respectively), and the positive performance of the proposed approach is further improved as the payload rises. The proposed method can potentially be applied to any robotic manipulators as long as the motor information (current, joint position, and joint velocities) are available. Consequently the cost of implementation will be significantly lower than methods that require load cells

    14th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications DSTA 2017 ABSTRACTS

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    From Preface: This is the fourteen time when the conference “Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by so many people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcome nearly 250 persons from 38 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in the discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This booklet contains a collection of 375 abstracts, which have gained the acceptance of referees and have been qualified for publication in the conference proceedings [...]

    Aspects of an open architecture robot controller and its integration with a stereo vision sensor.

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    The work presented in this thesis attempts to improve the performance of industrial robot systems in a flexible manufacturing environment by addressing a number of issues related to external sensory feedback and sensor integration, robot kinematic positioning accuracy, and robot dynamic control performance. To provide a powerful control algorithm environment and the support for external sensor integration, a transputer based open architecture robot controller is developed. It features high computational power, user accessibility at various robot control levels and external sensor integration capability. Additionally, an on-line trajectory adaptation scheme is devised and implemented in the open architecture robot controller, enabling a real-time trajectory alteration of robot motion to be achieved in response to external sensory feedback. An in depth discussion is presented on integrating a stereo vision sensor with the robot controller to perform external sensor guided robot operations. Key issues for such a vision based robot system are precise synchronisation between the vision system and the robot controller, and correct target position prediction to counteract the inherent time delay in image processing. These were successfully addressed in a demonstrator system based on a Puma robot. Efforts have also been made to improve the Puma robot kinematic and dynamic performance. A simple, effective, on-line algorithm is developed for solving the inverse kinematics problem of a calibrated industrial robot to improve robot positioning accuracy. On the dynamic control aspect, a robust adaptive robot tracking control algorithm is derived that has an improved performance compared to a conventional PID controller as well as exhibiting relatively modest computational complexity. Experiments have been carried out to validate the open architecture robot controller and demonstrate the performance of the inverse kinematics algorithm, the adaptive servo control algorithm, and the on-line trajectory generation. By integrating the open architecture robot controller with a stereo vision sensor system, robot visual guidance has been achieved with experimental results showing that the integrated system is capable of detecting, tracking and intercepting random objects moving in 3D trajectory at a velocity up to 40mm/s