90,099 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive fault diagnosis of roller bearings using infrared thermal images

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    Fault diagnosis of roller bearings in rotating machinery is of great signiïŹcance to identify latent abnormalities and failures in industrial plants. This paper presents a new self-adaptive fault diagnosis system for different conditions of roller bearings using InfraRed Thermography (IRT). In the ïŹrst stage of the proposed system, 2-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform (2D-DWT) and Shannon entropy are applied respectively to decompose images and seek for the desired decomposition level of the approximation coefïŹcients. After that, the histograms of selected coefïŹcients are used as an input of the feature space selection method by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Nearest Neighbor (NN), for the purpose of selecting two salient features that can achieve the highest classiïŹcation accuracy. The results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme can be employed effectively as an intelligent system for bearing fault diagnosis in rotating machinery

    Multilevel distributed diagnosis and the design of a distributed network fault detection system based on the SNMP protocol.

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    In this thesis, we propose a new distributed diagnosis algorithm using the multilevel paradigm. This algorithm is a generalization of both the ADSD and Hi-ADSD algorithms. We present all details of the design and implementation of this multilevel adaptive distributed diagnosis algorithm called the ML-ADSD algorithm. We also present extensive simulation results comparing the performance of these three algorithms.In 1967, Preparata, Metze and Chien proposed a model and a framework for diagnosing faulty processors in a multiprocessor system. To exploit the inherent parallelism available in a multiprocessor system and thereby improving fault tolerance, Kuhl and Reddy, in 1980, pioneered a new area of research known as distributed system level diagnosis. Following this pioneering work, in 1991, Bianchini and Buskens proposed an adaptive distributed algorithm to diagnose fully connected networks. This algorithm called the ADSD algorithm has a diagnosis latency of O(N) testing rounds for a network with N nodes. With a view to improving the diagnosis latency of the ADSD algorithm, in 1998 Duarte and Nanya proposed a hierarchical distributed diagnosis algorithm for fully connected networks. This algorithm called the Hi-ADSD algorithm has a diagnosis latency of O(log2N) testing rounds. The Hi-ADSD algorithm can be viewed as a generalization of the ADSD algorithm.In all cases, the time required by the ML-ADSD algorithm is better than or the same as for the Hi-ADSD algorithm. The performance of the ML-ADSD algorithm can be improved by an appropriate choice of the number of clusters and the number of levels. Also, the ML-ADSD algorithm is scalable in the sense that only some minor modifications will be required to adapt the algorithm to networks of varying sizes. This property is not shared by the Hi-ADSD algorithm. The primary application of our research is to develop and implement a prototype network fault detection/monitoring system by integrating the ML-ADSD algorithm into a SNMP-based (Simple Network Management Protocol) fault management system. We report the details of the design and implementation of such a distributed network fault detection system

    A distributed networked approach for fault detection of large-scale systems

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    Networked systems present some key new challenges in the development of fault diagnosis architectures. This paper proposes a novel distributed networked fault detection methodology for large-scale interconnected systems. The proposed formulation incorporates a synchronization methodology with a filtering approach in order to reduce the effect of measurement noise and time delays on the fault detection performance. The proposed approach allows the monitoring of multi-rate systems, where asynchronous and delayed measurements are available. This is achieved through the development of a virtual sensor scheme with a model-based re-synchronization algorithm and a delay compensation strategy for distributed fault diagnostic units. The monitoring architecture exploits an adaptive approximator with learning capabilities for handling uncertainties in the interconnection dynamics. A consensus-based estimator with timevarying weights is introduced, for improving fault detectability in the case of variables shared among more than one subsystem. Furthermore, time-varying threshold functions are designed to prevent false-positive alarms. Analytical fault detectability sufficient conditions are derived and extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the distributed fault detection technique

    Credit card fraud detection by adaptive neural data mining

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    The prevention of credit card fraud is an important application for prediction techniques. One major obstacle for using neural network training techniques is the high necessary diagnostic quality: Since only one financial transaction of a thousand is invalid no prediction success less than 99.9% is acceptable. Due to these credit card transaction proportions complete new concepts had to be developed and tested on real credit card data. This paper shows how advanced data mining techniques and neural network algorithm can be combined successfully to obtain a high fraud coverage combined with a low false alarm rate

    Approximate Lesion Localization in Dermoscopy Images

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    Background: Dermoscopy is one of the major imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions. Due to the difficulty and subjectivity of human interpretation, automated analysis of dermoscopy images has become an important research area. Border detection is often the first step in this analysis. Methods: In this article, we present an approximate lesion localization method that serves as a preprocessing step for detecting borders in dermoscopy images. In this method, first the black frame around the image is removed using an iterative algorithm. The approximate location of the lesion is then determined using an ensemble of thresholding algorithms. Results: The method is tested on a set of 428 dermoscopy images. The localization error is quantified by a metric that uses dermatologist determined borders as the ground truth. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the method presented here achieves both fast and accurate localization of lesions in dermoscopy images

    Neural network-based colonoscopic diagnosis using on-line learning and differential evolution

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    In this paper, on-line training of neural networks is investigated in the context of computer-assisted colonoscopic diagnosis. A memory-based adaptation of the learning rate for the on-line back-propagation (BP) is proposed and used to seed an on-line evolution process that applies a differential evolution (DE) strategy to (re-) adapt the neural network to modified environmental conditions. Our approach looks at on-line training from the perspective of tracking the changing location of an approximate solution of a pattern-based, and thus, dynamically changing, error function. The proposed hybrid strategy is compared with other standard training methods that have traditionally been used for training neural networks off-line. Results in interpreting colonoscopy images and frames of video sequences are promising and suggest that networks trained with this strategy detect malignant regions of interest with accuracy

    ARTMAP-IC and Medical Diagnosis: Instance Counting and Inconsistent Cases

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    For complex database prediction problems such as medical diagnosis, the ARTMAP-IC neural network adds distributed prediction and category instance counting to the basic fuzzy ARTMAP system. For the ARTMAP match tracking algorithm, which controls search following a predictive error, a new version facilitates prediction with sparse or inconsistent data. Compared to the original match tracking algorithm (MT+), the new algorithm (MT-) better approximates the real-time network differential equations and further compresses memory without loss of performance. Simulations examine predictive accuracy on four medical databases: Pima Indian diabetes, breast cancer, heart disease, and gall bladder removal. ARTMAP-IC results arc equal to or better than those of logistic regression, K nearest neighbor (KNN), the ADAP perceptron, multisurface pattern separation, CLASSIT, instance-based (IBL), and C4. ARTMAP dynamics are fast, stable, and scalable. A voting strategy improves prediction by training the system several times on different orderings of an input set. Voting, instance counting, and distributed representations combine to form confidence estimates for competing predictions.National Science Foundation (IRI 94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-J-0409, N00014-95-0657

    An adaptive envelope analysis in a wireless sensor network for bearing fault diagnosis using fast kurtogram algorithm

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    This paper proposes a scheme to improve the performance of applying envelope analysis in a wireless sensor network for bearing fault diagnosis. The fast kurtogram is realized on the host computer for determining an optimum band-pass filter for the envelope analysis that is implemented on the wireless sensor node to extract the low frequency fault information. Therefore, the vibration signal can be monitored over the bandwidth limited wireless sensor network with both intelligence and real-time performance. Test results have proved that the diagnostic information for different bearing faults can be successfully extracted using the optimum band-pass filter
