551 research outputs found

    Autonomous intrusion detection information system

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    Abstract – Implementation of security arrangements for insecure premises, for example, for temporary exhibitions or infrequent public events, usually results in substantial security personnel costs which can be potentially reduced by employing an easily installable ad hoc intrusion detection information system. In the paper we described the architecture, design and experimental results for a fully prototyped information system that utilizes ultrasonic sensors operating in the pulse echo mode for the perimeter control and ZigBee transceivers for wireless networking. The system consists of inexpensive autonomous sensor nodes with the component cost of less than £25 and a control terminal with a graphical user interface controlled by a touch screen. The nodes are programmed wirelessly to detect intrusion within any user set distance up to the operating distance of the node, and can operate unattended for days. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2877

    Design of linear regression based localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks

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    A Real-Time Wireless Sensor Network for Wheelchair Navigation

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    Today, the availability of inexpensive, low power hardware including CMOS cameras and wireless devices make it possible to deploy a wireless sensor network (WSN) with nodes equipped with cameras for a variety of applications. In this paper, we discuss the use of one of these WSNs as a navigation aid for wheelchairs. Instead of having complicated wheelchairs with lots of on-board sensors, we argue that a viable alternative is to have simpler wheelchairs that are able to interact with an intelligent environment so that the wheelchair bases its navigation on its software intelligence, supported by the information sent by external sensors. Many questions have to be investigated, for instance how sensors should be deployed or whether the wireless links would be able to meet our temporal requirements. We describe some of the solutions we adopted, particularly how to implement with Zigbee devices a polling mechanism that allows us to guarantee a real-time secure navigation.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-15617- C03-03Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-229

    Wireless body sensor networks for health-monitoring applications

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physiological Measurement. The publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/29/11/R01

    Sistema de localização fina para ambientes interiores

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesThe increasing demand for tracking solutions in indoor environments has led to the development of many indoor location systems based in the most diverse technologies. They are trying to fill a market niche left by the current available location systems such as the well-known Global Positioning System (GPS). These systems are limited to an outdoor usage due to the drastic attenuation of the GPS signals in closed areas and they cannot provide enough resolution to meet the requirements of certain applications. Therefore, it’s here proposed the conception of a system capable of locating a mobile module in indoor environments with an accuracy of a few centimeters. The system’s concept is based in measuring the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between a radio frequency signal and an ultrasonic burst in order to measure distances. The huge difference between the propagation velocities of RF waves comparatively to sound waves allows the system to accurately measure the time difference between the two arrivals and use that value to estimate the distance that separates the source from the destination. This document describes the development of all the necessary hardware for the conception of a final prototype and all the aspects regarding the software implementation. This system is composed by two types of devices that can be divided in Ultrasonic (US) transmitters and receivers. Each device is equipped with a RF module that allows them to communicate through a wireless network based in the IEEE802.15.4 protocol. In the end, a functional prototype was achieved that was subsequently submitted to several tests in order to evaluate its performance. These tests corroborated the viability of this localization method with the prototype achieving a remarkable precision level.A crescente demanda por soluções de rastreamento em ambientes interiores levou ao desenvolvimento de vários sistemas de localização baseados nas mais diversas tecnologias. Eles vêm tentar colmatar um nicho de mercado deixado pelos sistemas de localização actualmente disponíveis como o caso do bem conhecido Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS). Estes sistemas estão limitados ao uso exterior devido à drástica atenuação dos sinais GPS em áreas fechadas e eles não oferecem resolução suficiente para cumprir os requisitos de certas aplicações. Por conseguinte, é aqui proposta a concepção de um sistema capaz de localizar um módulo móvel em ambientes interiores com uma resolução de alguns centímetros. O conceito do sistema é baseado na medição da diferença dos tempos de chegada entre um sinal de radiofrequência e um sinal de ultra-sons de forma a calcular distâncias. A enorme diferença entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas RF comparativamente às ondas sonoras permitem ao sistema medir com precisão a diferença entre o tempo de chegada dos dois sinais e usar esse valor para estimar a distância que separa a fonte do destino. Este documento descreve o desenvolvimento de todo o hardware necessário para a concepção de um protótipo bem como todos os aspectos relativos à implementação de software. Este sistema é composto por dois tipos de dispositivos que podem ser divididos em transmissores e receptores de sinais ultrassónicos. Cada dispositivo está equipado com um módulo de radiofrequência que lhes permite comunicar através de uma rede sem fios baseada no protocolo IEEE802.15.4. No final, foi alcançado um protótipo funcional que posteriormente foi submetido a vários testes de forma a avaliar o seu desempenho. Estes testes vieram corroborar a viabilidade deste método de localização com o protótipo a atingir um notável nível de precisão

    Indoor localisation by using wireless sensor nodes

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    This study is devoted to investigating and developing WSN based localisation approaches with high position accuracies indoors. The study initially summarises the design and implementation of localisation systems and WSN architecture together with the characteristics of LQI and RSSI values. A fingerprint localisation approach is utilised for indoor positioning applications. A k-nearest neighbourhood algorithm (k-NN) is deployed, using Euclidean distances between the fingerprint database and the object fingerprints, to estimate unknown object positions. Weighted LQI and RSSI values are calculated and the k-NN algorithm with different weights is utilised to improve the position detection accuracy. Different weight functions are investigated with the fingerprint localisation technique. A novel weight function which produced the maximum position accuracy is determined and employed in calculations. The study covered designing and developing the centroid localisation (CL) and weighted centroid localisation (WCL) approaches by using LQI values. A reference node localisation approach is proposed. A star topology of reference nodes are to be utilized and a 3-NN algorithm is employed to determine the nearest reference nodes to the object location. The closest reference nodes are employed to each nearest reference nodes and the object locations are calculated by using the differences between the closest and nearest reference nodes. A neighbourhood weighted localisation approach is proposed between the nearest reference nodes in star topology. Weights between nearest reference nodes are calculated by using Euclidean and physical distances. The physical distances between the object and the nearest reference nodes are calculated and the trigonometric techniques are employed to derive the object coordinates. An environmentally adaptive centroid localisation approach is proposed.Weighted standard deviation (STD) techniques are employed adaptively to estimate the unknown object positions. WSNs with minimum RSSI mean values are considered as reference nodes across the sensing area. The object localisation is carried out in two phases with respect to these reference nodes. Calculated object coordinates are later translated into the universal coordinate system to determine the actual object coordinates. Virtual fingerprint localisation technique is introduced to determine the object locations by using virtual fingerprint database. A physical fingerprint database is organised in the form of virtual database by using LQI distribution functions. Virtual database elements are generated among the physical database elements with linear and exponential distribution functions between the fingerprint points. Localisation procedures are repeated with virtual database and localisation accuracies are improved compared to the basic fingerprint approach. In order to reduce the computation time and effort, segmentation of the sensing area is introduced. Static and dynamic segmentation techniques are deployed. Segments are defined by RSS ranges and the unknown object is localised in one of these segments. Fingerprint techniques are applied only in the relevant segment to find the object location. Finally, graphical user interfaces (GUI) are utilised with application program interfaces (API), in all calculations to visualise unknown object locations indoors