12 research outputs found

    OCTAD-S: Digital Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometers by FPGA

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    We have developed a digital fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrometer made of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The base instrument has independent ADC and FPGA modules, which allow us to implement different spectrometers in a relatively easy manner. Two types of spectrometers have been instrumented, one with 4.096 GS/s sampling speed and 2048 frequency channels and the other with 2.048 GS/s sampling speed and 32768 frequency channels. The signal processing in these spectrometers has no dead time and the accumulated spectra are recorded in external media every 8 ms. A direct sampling spectroscopy up to 8 GHz is achieved by a microwave track-and-hold circuit, which can reduce the analog receiver in front of the spectrometer. Highly stable spectroscopy with a wide dynamic range was demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments and test observations of solar radio bursts.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Earth, Planets and Spac

    NSSDC data listing

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    The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) Data Listing is in an abbreviated form compared to the data catalogs normally published by NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S. It is organized by NSSDC spacecraft common name. The launch date and NSSDC ID are printed for each spacecraft. The experiments are listed alphabetically by the principal investigator's name and NSSDC ID are printed for each experiment. The data sets are listed by NSSDC ID following the experiment name. The data set name, data form code, quantity of data, and the time span of the data as verified by NSSDC are printed for each data set. Information on NSSDC facilities and ordering procedures are included

    Diseño de un espectrómetro digital de transformada rápida de Fourier para radioastronomía basado en un sistema de procesamiento heterogéneo

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    El proceso experimental en radioastronomía consiste en captar y analizar las ondas electromagnéticas emitidas por diversas fuentes de radio en el universo. Para poder extraer información espectral de dichas fuentes, es necesario contar con un instrumento que procese digitalmente las señales eléctricas obtenidas a la salida del receptor del radiotelescopio. En particular, para medir con precisión tanto el espectro continúo como las líneas espectrales de dichas señales de origen astrofísico, es necesario un análisis de banda ancha y alta resolución espectral, lo cual eleva el costo computacional del instrumento. Este trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo diseñar un espectrómetro de transformada rápida de Fourier haciendo uso de un GPU TESLA K40c donado por la compañía NVIDIA y una tarjeta FPGA FlexRIO NI-7966R para adquirir las muestras digitalizadas a la salida del módulo receptor FlexRIO NI-5792R. Estos dispositivos de la compañía National Instruments, entre otros, fueron adquiridos por el Instituto de Radioastronomía (INRAS) de nuestra universidad, gracias al Proyecto de Equipamiento Científico para Laboratorios de FINCyT (Innóvate-Perú) con número de contrato 127-ECL-2014. Los resultados muestran que el uso del entorno de desarrollo integrado de hardware y software de National Instruments, potenciado con el lenguaje de programación gráfico orientado al flujo de datos de LabVIEW, permite acelerar el ciclo de diseño y desarrollo de este tipo de instrumentos científicos. Por otro lado, el uso de recursos de GPUs de NVIDIA a través del modelo de programación CUDA, permite acelerar considerablemente aplicaciones con gran complejidad computacional como el espectrómetro de alta resolución y de banda ancha diseñado. En el Capítulo 1, se realiza una breve introducción a la radioastronomía, explicando rápidamente su historia y los conceptos básicos necesarios para ubicar al espectrómetro en la cadena de recepción del radiotelescopio. En el Capítulo 2, se expone el marco teórico y el estado de arte correspondiente a los espectrómetros digitales para radioastronomía. En el Capítulo 3, se procede a detallar el diseño de la cadena de procesamiento del instrumento. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 4 se muestra un resumen de las principales pruebas realizadas para validar y contrastar el funcionamiento y rendimiento del FFTS diseñado. Este trabajo de tesis finaliza con las conclusiones y recomendaciones pertinentes.Tesi

    proceedings of a workshop held at Göttingen September 27 - 29, 2006

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    An international workshop entitled: Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science was held in Göttingen from September 27 until September 29, 2006. The workshop, which was attended by 88 participants from 24 different countries, gave a broad overview of the current state of solar research, with emphasis on modern telescopes and techniques, advanced observational methods and results, and on modern theoretical methods of modelling, computation, and data reduction in solar physics. This book collects written versions of contributions that were presented at the workshop as invited or contributed talks, and as poster contributions.Vom 27. bis 29. September 2006 fand in Göttingen ein internationaler Workshop zum Thema: Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science statt, der von 88 Teilnehmern aus 24 verschiedenen Ländern besucht wurde und der einen breiten Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Stand der sonnenphysikalischen Forschung gab, unter Betonung moderner Teleskope und Techniken, fortschrittlicher Beobachtungsmethoden und Ergebnisse, sowie zu modernen theoretischen Verfahren der Modellierung, Berechnung und Datenreduktion in der Sonnenphysik. Dieser Band fasst die schriftlichen Versionen von Beiträgen zusammen, die auf der Konferenz als eingeladene oder angemeldete Vorträge, sowie als Posterbeiträge präsentiert worden sind.conferenc

    Solar Irradiance Variations on Active Region Time Scales

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    The variations of the total solar irradiance is an important tool for studying the Sun, thanks to the development of very precise sensors such as the ACRIM instrument on board the Solar Maximum Mission. The largest variations of the total irradiance occur on time scales of a few days are caused by solar active regions, especially sunspots. Efforts were made to describe the active region effects on total and spectral irradiance

    Research and Technology Objectives and Plans Summary (RTOPS)

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    This publication represents the NASA research and technology program for FY 1985. It is a compilation of the Summary portions of each of the RTOPs (Research and Technology Objectives and Plans) used for management review and control of research currently in progress throughout NASA. The RTOP summary is designed to facilitate communication and coordination among concerned technical personnel in government, in industry, and in universities. The first section containing citations and abstracts of the RTOPs is followed by four indexes: Subject, Technical Monitor, Responsible NASA Organization, and RTOP number

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Space station systems analysis study. Part 1, volume 2: Technical report

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    For abstract, see N77-11084

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 1990

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences

    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP. Volume 18: Extended abstracts

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    Various topics related to middle atmosphere research are discussed. Variability of the middle atmosphere during winter, climatology, gravity waves, atmospheric turbulence, transport processes of trace species and aerosols, and research in the Antarctic are among the topics covered