69 research outputs found

    Avaliação de controlo de sessões multicast em redes com contexto

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesOs utilizadores pretendem aceder, cada vez mais, a serviços multimédia com requisitos mais exigentes e personalizados. As limitações impostas pelos ambientes existentes (internet, 3G) para fornecer estes serviços levam à procura de melhores soluções, nomeadamente uma gestão eficaz das sessões multiparty. Neste tipo de soluções é normalmente utilizado o multicast, já que este permite reduzir os recursos utilizados, diminuindo o número de pacotes na rede. Contudo, o multicast não está consistente ao nível dos cenários de mobilidade, fundamentais nas redes de próxima geração. Actualmente existe uma vasta gama de tecnologias de acesso sem fios como WiFi, GPRS, UMTS e WiMAX. No futuro estas tecnologias diferentes complementar-se-ão convergindo numa infra-estrutura heterogénea capaz de fornecer um melhor serviço aos utilizadores, denominadas de redes 4G. A evolução dos terminais móveis também permitirá que estes se liguem simultaneamente a várias redes de acesso. Para uma melhor distribuição dos serviços dos utilizadores pelas redes de acesso disponíveis são necessários novos mecanismos de selecção. Uma nova selecção da rede baseada em informação de contexto (entidades e ambiente) tem tido grande relevo na comunidade científica. Assim, aplicações e rede reagem a alterações de contexto para uma melhor selecção da mesma. A dissertação apresentada encontra-se no âmbito do transporte multiparty com informação de contexto e reserva de recursos, permitindo a entrega do conteúdo de uma forma personalizada e com Qualidade de Serviço a vários utilizadores móveis, independentemente da tecnologia de acesso de cada um e da própria tecnologia da rede. Em suma, é utilizada uma arquitectura de rede baseada em informação de contexto e que reage eficazmente a alterações do mesmo. De forma a implementar a proposta apresentada recorreu-se à criação de várias entidades no simulador de redes NS-2. Os resultados foram obtidos usando diferentes cenários, avaliando a influência de cada parâmetro individualmente. Demonstrou-se que a arquitectura implementada permite suportar uma entrega dos conteúdos de uma maneira personalizada e independente da tecnologia utilizada. Obteve-se ainda uma boa gestão dos recursos da rede e uma melhoria na experiência percepcionada pelo utilizador através da selecção total da rede com base numa entidade de controlo central. A introdução do overlay de transporte multiparty melhora o comportamento geral da rede, minimizando as reconfigurações frequentes necessárias.Nowadays, more and more users want to access multimedia services with strong and personalized requirements. The limitations intrinsic to current environments (Internet and 3G) to provide this type of services motivate the research for an efficient management of multiparty sessions. The solution can also be based on multicast implementation, since it reduces resources utilization, decreasing the number of packets in the network. However, current multicast is not a strong solution in mobility scenarios, essential in next generation networks. Currently there is a wide range of wireless access technologies such as WiFi, GPRS, UMTS and WiMAX. In the future, these different technologies will converge in a complementary manner forming a heterogeneous infrastructure able to offer a better service to its users, usually named 4G. The evolution of mobile terminals will also allow them to connect simultaneously to several access networks. In order to a better distribution of the users services throughout available access networks, new selection mechanisms are required. A new network selection based on context information (entities and environments) is having a relevant role in scientific community. So, applications and networks react according to context changes, improving network selection. This Thesis is in the scope of context-aware multiparty transport with resources allocation, allowing the delivery of content in a personalized way with Quality of Service to several users, independently of the technology and the network. Resuming, the solution implements a context-aware network architecture that reacts efficiently to its changes. In order to implement this architecture, new entities were created in the network simulator NS-2. The results were obtained using different scenarios, evaluating the influence of each parameter independently. It was demonstrated that the integration of several components, allows a delivery of contents in a personalized manner and independently of the technology. The results showed a better management of the network resources and users experience, throughout the total network selection, based on a central control unit. The multiparty transport overlay improves the network behaviour, minimizing the necessary frequent reconfigurations

    Distribution based artificial fish swarm in continuous global optimization

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    Distribution based artificial fish swarm (DbAFS) is a new heuristic for continuous global optimization. Based on the artificial fish swarm paradigm, the new algorithm generates trial points from the Gaussian distribution, where the mean is the midpoint between the current and the target point and the standard deviation is the difference between those two points. A local search procedure is incorporated into the algorithm aiming to improve the quality of the solutions. The performance of the proposed DbAFS is investigated using a set of small bound constrained optimization problems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Ein dienstgütebasiertes Routingprotokoll für ein selbstorganisiertes Kommunikationsnetz

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are characterized by two dimensions namely, anywhere and anytime. The freely moving participating nodes can form an ad hoc network anywhere, and the mobile nodes can join or leave the network anytime. A particular mobile node in a MANET can communicate with all the other nodes using the multihop communication. Thus, MANETs offer a vast range of applications in various domains like entertainment, military, emergency, etc. However, the implementation of real-time applications like voice/video calling that demands stringent quality requirements over MANETs is a major challenge. This challenge arises due to the unplanned and dynamic nature of MANETs, due to the unreliability of wireless links, due to the scarcity of resources like battery, bandwidth, processing power, due to the large-scale nature of MANETs, etc. This issue can be addressed at the network layer or the routing protocol, which establishes multiple routes from source to destination and adapts to the dynamicity of MANETs without compromising on the quality requirements. The primary goal of this work is the investigation and development of such a routing algorithm that supports real-time applications over MANETs. For adaptive multipath routing, we studied Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms originate from the fields of Swarm Intelligence (SI) while Quality of Service (QoS) computation is carried out by cleverly utilizing the monitoring feature of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). So, combining these two mechanisms we propose a powerful adaptive multipath QoS-aware Routing protocol based on ACO (QoRA). We discuss and investigate the internal working of QoRA and perform detailed simulation studies in the network simulator ns-3. Finally, we discuss the implementation of QoRA routing algorithms in a real world testbed.Mobile Ad-hoc-Netze (MANETs) ermöglichen eine Kommunikation überall zu jedem Zeitpunkt. Frei sich bewegende Knoten können überall ein solches Netz bilden, wobei die Teilnehmer zu jeder Zeit dem Netz beitreten oder es wieder verlassen können. Ein teilnehmender Knoten in einem MANET kommuniziert mit allen anderen über Multi-Hop-Kommunikation. So ermöglicht ein MANET viele unterschiedliche Anwendungen aus verschiedenen Domänen wie beispielsweise Unterhaltungskommunikation, Notfallkommunikation oder Einsatzkommunikation. Allerdings benötigen Echtzeitanwendungen wie Telefonie oder Videokommunikation eine stringente Kommunikationsdienstgüte, was für MANETs eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Diese Herausforderung hat viele Gründe: das dynamische und unvorhersehbare Verhalten der Knoten im MANET, die Unzuverlässigkeit der drahtlosen Kommunikation, die Beschränkung der zur Verfügung stehenden Kommunikationsressourcen (wie Batterielaufzeit, Bandbreite oder Prozessorleistung), die relativ große Abdeckung durch ein MANET. Die Herausforderung kann in der Vermittlungsschicht durch ein spezielles Routingprotokoll gelöst werden, das mehrere gleichzeitige Pfade von der Quelle zum Ziel verwendet, sodass die Dynamik in einem MANET Berücksichtigung findet ohne dass die Dienstgüte kompromittiert werden muss. Das vorrangige Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erforschung und Entwicklung eines solchen Routingverfahrens, das Echtzeitanwendungen in einem MANET unterstützt. Für das adaptive Mehrwegerouting wurde ein Ameisenalgorithmus (Ant Colony Optimization, ACO) angewendet, der das Prinzip der Schwarmintelligenz ausnutzt. Die Bestimmung der aktuell möglichen Kommunikationsdienstgüte erfolgt über die Informationen, die das Netzmanagementprotokoll Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP standardmäßig zur Verfügung stellt. Durch die Kombination dieser beiden Ansätze wurde das adaptive Mehrwegeroutingprotokoll "QoS-aware Routing Protocol based on ACO" (QoRA) vorgeschlagen. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden das Konzept von QoRA vorgestellt und die interne Funktionsweise erläutert. Anhand umfangreicher Simulationen auf Basis des Simulationswerkzeug ns-3 werden die Vorteile des Verfahrens nachgewiesen. Den Abschluss bildet die Diskussion einer Implementierung von QoRA in einer realen Testumgebung

    ACODV : Ant Colony Optimisation Distance Vector routing in ad hoc networks

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    A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile devices which dynamically form a temporary network, without using any existing network infrastructure or centralised administration. Each node in the network effectively becomes a router, and forwards packets towards the packet’s destination node. Ad hoc networks are characterized by frequently changing network topology, multi-hop wireless connections and the need for dynamic, efficient routing protocols. The overarching requirement for low power consumption, as battery powered sensors may be required to operate for years without battery replacement; An emphasis on reliable communication as opposed to real-time communication, it is more important for packets to arrive reliably than to arrive quickly; and Very scarce processing and memory resources, as these sensors are often implemented on small low-power microprocessors. This work provides overviews of routing protocols in ad hoc networks, swarm intelligence, and swarm intelligence applied to ad hoc routing. Various mechanisms that are commonly encountered in ad hoc routing are experimentally evaluated under situations as close to real-life as possible. Where possible, enhancements to the mechanisms are suggested and evaluated. Finally, a routing protocol suitable for such low-power sensor networks is defined and benchmarked in various scenarios against the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) algorithm.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2005.Computer ScienceUnrestricte

    Research routing and MAC based on LEACH and S-MAC for energy efficiency and QoS in wireless sensor network

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    The wireless sensor is a micro-embedded device with weak data processing capability and small storage space. These nodes need to complete complex jobs, including data monitoring, acquisition and conversion, and data processing. Energy efficiency should be considered as one of the important aspects of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) throughout architecture and protocol design. At the same time, supporting Quality of Service (QoS) in WSNs is a research field, because the time-sensitive and important information is expected for the transmitting to to the sink node immediately. The thesis is supported by the projects entitled “The information and control system for preventing forest fires”, and “The Erhai information management system”, funded by the Chinese Government. Energy consumption and QoS are two main objectives of the projects. The thesis discusses the two aspects in route and Media Access Control (MAC). For energy efficiency, the research is based on Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. LEACH is a benchmark clustering routing protocol which imposes upon cluster heads to complete a lot of aggregation and relay of messages to the base-station. However, there are limitations in LEACH. LEACH does not suit a wide area in clustering strategy and multi-hop routing. Moreover, routing protocols only focus on one factor, combining the clustering strategy and multi-hop routing mechanism were not considered in routing protocol for performance of network. QoS is supported by the MAC and routing protocol. Sensor MAC(S-MAC) makes the use of the periodically monitoring / sleeping mechanism, as well as collision and crosstalk avoidance mechanism. The mechanism reduces energy costs. Meanwhile, it supports good scalability and avoids the collision. However, the protocols do not take the differentiated services. For supporting QoS,A new route protocol needs to be designed and realized on embed platforms, which has WIFI mode and a Linux operation system to apply on the actual system. This research project was conducted as following the steps: A new protocol called RBLEACH is proposed to solve cluster on a widely scale based on LEACH. The area is divided into a few areas, where LEACH is improved to alter the selecting function in each area. RBLEACH creates routes selected by using a new algorithm to optimize the performance of the network. A new clustering method that has been developed to use several factors is PS-ACO-LEACH. The factors include the residual energy of the cluster head and Euclidean distances between cluster members and a cluster head. It can optimally solve fitness function and maintain a load balance in between the cluster head nodes, a cluster head and the base station. Based on the “Ant Colony” algorithm and transition of probability, a new routing protocol was created by “Pheromone” to find the optimal path of cluster heads to the base station. This protocol can reduce energy consumption of cluster heads and unbalanced energy consumption. Simulations prove that the improved protocol can enhance the performance of the network, including lifetime and energy conservation. Additionally, Multi Index Adaptive Routing Algorithm (MIA-QR) was designed based on network delay, packet loss rate and signal strength for QoS. The protocol is achieved by VC on an embedded Linux system. The MIA-QR is tested and verified by experiment and the protocol is to support QoS. Finally, an improved protocol (SMAC -SD) for wireless sensor networks is proposed, in order to solve the problem of S-MAC protocol that consider either service differentiation or ensure quality of service. According to service differentiation, SMAC-SD adopts an access mechanism based on different priorities including the adjustment of priority mechanisms of channel access probability, channel multi-request mechanisms and the configuring of waiting queues with different priorities and RTS backoff for different service, which makes the important service receive high channel access probability, ensuring the transmission quality of the important service. The simulation results show that the improved protocol is able to gain amount of important service and shortens the delay at the same time. Meanwhile, it improves the performance of the network effectivel

    Novel fish swarm heuristics for bound constrained global optimization problems

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    The heuristics herein presented are modified versions of the artificial fish swarm algorithm for global optimization. The new ideas aim to improve solution accuracy and reduce computational costs, in particular the number of function evaluations. The modifications also focus on special point movements, such as the random, search and the leap movements. A local search is applied to refine promising regions. An extension to bound constrained problems is also presented. To assess the performance of the two proposed heuristics, we use the performance profiles as proposed by Dolan and More in 2002. A comparison with three stochastic methods from the literature is included.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A comprehensive review of energy efficient routing protocols for query driven wireless sensor networks [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    In this current era of communications and networking, The Internet of things plays the main role in the making of smart communication and networking. In this article, we have focused on the literature survey on wireless sensor networks which are energy efficient. Various standard protocols are reviewed along with some enhanced protocols which makes the network energy efficient. The comparison of the standard and enhanced protocols with respect to various applications in wireless sensor networks is thoroughly done in this article. The outcomes of the enhanced protocols are also briefly discussed. For easier analysis to future researchers, a comparative table which lists the enhanced protocols which are compared with standard counterparts along with the factors for energy efficiency of the protocols. This article also comments on the issues and challenges of the protocols which can be further analyzed for making the wireless sensor network more energy efficient

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks