8 research outputs found


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    PT.Furabit bergerak di bidang jasa investasi dan keuntungan yang ditawarkan sangatlah menggiurkan, kurang lebih 1% per hari. Dalam sebulan keuntungannya dapat mencapai 30%. Banyak kejanggalan dalam sistem investasi yang ditawarkan oleh PT Furabit. Sebab profit yang ditawarkan tidak sesuai dengan aturan OJK mengenai investasi. Berdasarkan kasus tersebut, maka timbul permasalahan, yaitu sebagai berikut : (1) Alat transaksi yang digunakan oleh PT. FuraBit dalam kegiatan usaha investasi ponzi (2) Perlindungan hukum terhadap investor yang dirugikan akibat tergabung dalam kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh PT.Furabit (3) Upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh OJK terkait penggunaan bitcoin dalam transaksi bisnis Skema Ponzi oleh PT Furabit. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis, yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan situasi atau peristiwa Skema Ponzi dalam PT.Furabit dan kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan fakta-fakta berupa data sekunder maupun data primer, menggunakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, penelitian yang menekankan pada ilmu hukum, teori hukum, asas-asas, normanorma, pasal-pasal di dalam undang-undang. Hasi penelitian menyatakan bahwa (1) PT. Furabit Investasi Indonesia adalah yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha pada jasa perdagangan digital asset berbasis website yang tunduk pada peraturan dan perundang-undangan negara Republik Indonesia. (2) Investor kurang diberikan perlindungan hukum sebab keterangan informasi yang didapatkan dari PT.Furabit tidak cukup tersedia di dalam prospektus dan tidak sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang memenuhi prinsip keterbukaan, (3) Upaya pengawasan terhadap PT.Furabit yang menggunakan skema ponzi dan alat transaksi bitcoin, terdapat ketidakpastian tentang lembaga mana yang berwenang melakukan pengawasan dan pembinaan. Bappebti dan OJK saling melepaskan kewenangan. Bappebti menjelaskan tentang pengawasan kegiatan perdagangan berjangka komoditi yang tidak berizin (ilegal), dan Satgas Waspada Investasi merupakan forum komunikasi antar kementerian dan lembaga dalam rangka pencegahan dan penanganan dugaan tindakan melawan hukum di bidang penghimpunan dana masyarakat dan pengelolaan investasi. Kata Kunci : Investor, Skema Ponzi, dan Bitco

    Efficient Method Based on Blockchain Ensuring Data Integrity Auditing with Deduplication in Cloud

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    With the rapid development of cloud storage, more and more cloud clients can store and access their data anytime, from anywhere and using any device. Data deduplication may be considered an excellent choice to ensure data storage efficiency. Although cloud technology offers many advantages for storage service, it also introduces security challenges, especially with regards to data integrity, which is one of the most critical elements in any system. A data owner should thus enable data integrity auditing mechanisms. Much research has recently been undertaken to deal with these issues. In this paper, we propose a novel blockchain-based method, which can preserve cloud data integrity checking with data deduplication. In our method, a mediator performs data deduplication on the client side, which permits a reduction in the amount of outsourced data and a decrease in the computation time and the bandwidth used between the enterprise and the cloud service provider. This method supports private and public auditability. Our method also ensures the confidentiality of a client's data against auditors during the auditing process

    Blockchain & Multi-Agent System: A New Promising Approach for Cloud Data Integrity Auditing with Deduplication

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    Recently, data storage represents one of the most important services in Cloud Computing. The cloud provider should ensure two major requirements which are data integrity and storage efficiency. Blockchain data structure and the efficient data deduplication represent possible solutions to address these exigencies. Several approaches have been proposed, some of them implement deduplication in Cloud server side, which involves a lot of computation to eliminate the redundant data and it becomes more and more complex. Therefore, this paper proposed an efficient, reliable and secure approach, in which the authors propose a Multi-Agent System in order to manipulate deduplication technique that permits to reduce data volumes thereby reduce storage overhead. On the other side, the loss of physical control over data introduces security challenges such as data loss, data tampering and data modification. To solve similar problems, the authors also propose Blockchain as a database for storing metadata of client files. This database serves as logging database that ensures data integrity auditing function

    Kajian Atas Cryptocurrency Sebagai Alat Pembayaran di Indonesia

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    Abstract — Many things can be used as a medium of exchange in economic transactions, the most common is the currency, ie banknotes or coins. The new technology, known as criptocurrency, provide more benefits for no cost administrative services, without intermediaries, without delay. Criptocurrency although development is very significant but not many countries legalized it as legal tender. This study uses literature review to find out more about the extent to which criptocurrency acceptance in society. In Indonesia, cryptocurrency not recognized as legal currency because there are no laws that govern them. But the number of merchant cryptocurrency already very much and spread in almost all parts of Indonesia, both for online and offline businesses. Keywords: Criptocurrency, BitCoin, Digital Currency ABSTRAK — Banyak hal dapat digunakan sebagai alat tukar dalam transaksi ekonomi, yang paling umum adalah uang kartal, yakni uang kertas ataupun uang logam. Teknologi baru yang dikenal dengan criptocurrency, memberikan lebih banyak keuntungan karena tanpa biaya jasa administrasi, tanpa perantara, tanpa penundaan. Criptocurrency walaupun perkembangannya sangat signifikan namun belum banyak negara melegalkannya sebagai alat tukar yang sah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang sejauh apa penerimaan criptocurrency di masyarakat. Di Indonesia, cryptocurrency belum diakui sebagai mata uang yang sah karena belum adanya hukum yang mengaturnya. Namun jumlah merchant cryptocurrency sudah sangat banyak dan tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, baik untuk usaha online maupun offline. Kata Kunci: Criptocurrency, BitCoin, Digital Currenc

    Abstract An (Almost) Constant-Effort Solution-Verification Proof-of-Work Protocol based on Merkle Trees

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    Proof-of-work schemes are economic measures to deter denial-of-service attacks: service requesters compute moderately hard functions that are easy to check by the provider. We present such a new scheme for solution-verification protocols. Although most schemes to date are probabilistic unbounded iterative processes with high variance of the requester effort, our Merkle tree scheme is deterministic, with an almost constant effort and null variance, and is computation-optimal.

    Pseudonymous Broadcast and Secure Computation from Cryptographic Puzzles

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    In standard models of distributed computation, point-to-point channels between parties are assumed to be authenticated by some pre-existing means. In other cases, even stronger pre-existing setup—e.g., a public-key infrastructure (PKI)—is assumed. These assumptions are too strong for open, peer-to-peer networks, where parties do not necessarily have any prior relationships and can come and go as they please. Nevertheless, these assumptions are made due to the prevailing belief that nothing “interesting” can be achieved without them. Taking inspiration from Bitcoin, we show that precise bounds on computational power can be used in place of pre-existing setup to achieve weaker (but nontrivial) notions of security. Specifically, under the assumption that each party can solve cryptographic puzzles only at a bounded rate (and the existence of digital signatures), we show that without prior setup and with no bound on the number of corruptions, a group of parties can agree on a PKI with which they can then realize pseudonymous notions of authenticated communication, broadcast, and secure computation. Roughly, “pseudonymous” here means that parties are identified by pseudoynms rather than by their true identities

    Distributed Cryptography Based on the Proofs of Work

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    Motivated by the recent success of Bitcoin we study the question of constructing distributed cryptographic protocols in a fully peer-to-peer scenario (without any trusted setup) under the assumption that the adversary has limited computing power. We propose a formal model for this scenario and then we construct the following protocols working in it: (i) a broadcast protocol secure under the assumption that the honest parties have computing power that is some non-negligible fraction of computing power of the adversary (this fraction can be small, in particular it can be much less than 1/2), (ii) a protocol for identifying a set of parties such that the majority of them is honest, and every honest party belongs to this set (this protocol works under the assumption that the majority of computing power is controlled by the honest parties). Our broadcast protocol can be used to generate an unpredictable beacon (that can later serve, e.g., as a genesis block for a new cryptocurrency). The protocol from Point (ii) can be used to construct arbitrary multiparty computation protocols. Our main tool for checking the computing power of the parties are the Proofs of Work (Dwork and Naor, CRYPTO 92). Our broadcast protocol is built on top of the classical protocol of Dolev and Strong (SIAM J. on Comp. 1983). Although our motivation is mostly theoretic, we believe that our ideas can lead to practical implementations (probably after some optimizations and simplifications). We discuss some possible applications of our protocols at the end of the paper