3,424 research outputs found

    Search-based amorphous slicing

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    Amorphous slicing is an automated source code extraction technique with applications in many areas of software engineering, including comprehension, reuse, testing and reverse engineering. Algorithms for syntax-preserving slicing are well established, but amorphous slicing is harder because it requires arbitrary transformation; finding good general purpose amorphous slicing algorithms therefore remains as hard as general program transformation. In this paper we show how amorphous slices can be computed using search techniques. The paper presents results from a set of experiments designed to explore the application of genetic algorithms, hill climbing, random search and systematic search to a set of six subject programs. As a benchmark, the results are compared to those from an existing analytical algorithm for amorphous slicing, which was written specifically to perform well with the sorts of program under consideration. The results, while tentative at this stage, do give grounds for optimism. The search techniques proved able to reduce the size of the programs under consideration in all cases, sometimes equaling the performance of the specifically-tailored analytic algorithm. In one case, the search techniques performed better, highlighting a fault in the existing algorith

    Loop squashing transformations for amorphous slicing

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    Program slicing is a source code extraction technique that can be used to support reverse engineering by automatically extracting executable subprograms that preserve some aspect of the original program's semantics. Although minimal slices are not generally computable, safe approximate algorithms can be used to good effect. However, the precision of such slicing algorithms is a major factor in determining the value of slicing for reverse engineering. Amorphous slicing has been proposed as a way of reducing the size of a slice. Amorphous slices preserve the aspect of semantic interest, but not the syntax that denotes it, making them generally smaller than their syntactically restricted counterparts. Amorphous slicing is suitable for many reverse engineering applications, since reverse engineering typically abandons the existing syntax to facilitate structural improvements. Previous work on amorphous slicing has not attempted to exploit its potential to apply loop-squashing transformations. This paper presents an algorithm for amorphous slicing of loops, which identifies induction variables, transformation rule templates and iteration-determining compile-time expressions. The algorithm uses these to squash certain loops into conditional assignments. The paper also presents an inductive proof of the rule templates and illustrates the application of the algorithm with a detailed example of loop squashing

    Program simplification as a means of approximating undecidable propositions

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    We describe an approach which mixes testing, slicing, transformation and formal verification to investigate speculative hypotheses concerning a program, formulated during program comprehension activity. Our philosophy is that such hypotheses (which are typically undecidable) can, in some sense, be `answered' by a partly automated system which returns neither `true' nor `false' but a program (the `test program') which computes the answer. The motivation for this philosophy is the way in which, as we demonstrate, static analysis and manipulation technology can be applied to ensure that the resulting test program is significantly simpler than the original program, thereby simplifying the process of investigating the original hypothesi

    A proposed java forward slicing approach

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    Many organization, programmers, and researchers need to debug, test and make maintenance for a segment of their source code to improve their system. Program slicing is one of the best techniques to do so. There are many slicing techniques available to solve such problems such as static slicing, dynamic slicing, and amorphous slicing. In our paper, we decided to develop a tool that supports many slicing techniques. Our proposed tool provides new flexible ways to process simple segments of Java code, and it generates needed slicing according to the user needs, our tool will provide the user with direct and indirect dependencies for each variable in the code segments. This tool can work under various operating systems and does not need particular environments. Thus, our tool is helpful in many aspects such as debugging, testing, education, and many other elements

    Amorphous slicing of extended finite state machines

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    Slicing is useful for many Software Engineering applications and has been widely studied for three decades, but there has been comparatively little work on slicing Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs). This paper introduces a set of dependency based EFSM slicing algorithms and an accompanying tool. We demonstrate that our algorithms are suitable for dependence based slicing. We use our tool to conduct experiments on ten EFSMs, including benchmarks and industrial EFSMs. Ours is the first empirical study of dependence based program slicing for EFSMs. Compared to the only previously published dependence based algorithm, our average slice is smaller 40% of the time and larger only 10% of the time, with an average slice size of 35% for termination insensitive slicing

    ConSIT: A conditioned program slicer

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    Conditioned slicing is a powerful generalisation of static and dynamic slicing which has applications to many problems in software maintenance and evolution, including reuse, reengineering and program comprehension. However there has been relatively little work on the implementation of conditioned slicing. Algorithms for implementing conditioned slicing necessarily involve reasoning about the values of program predicates in certain sets of states derived from the conditioned slicing criterion, making implementation particularly demanding. The paper introduces ConSIT, a conditioned slicing system which is based upon conventional static slicing, symbolic execution and theorem proving. ConSIT is the first fully automated implementation of conditioned slicing. An implementation of ConSIT is available for experimentation at &http://www.mcs.gold.ac.uk/tilde/~mas01sd/consit.htm

    Amorphous procedure extraction

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    The procedure extraction problem is concerned with the meaning preserving formation of a procedure from a (not necessarily contiguous) selected set of statements. Previous approaches to the problem have used dependence analysis to identify the non-selected statements which must be 'promoted' (also selected) in order to preserve semantics. All previous approaches to the problem have been syntax preserving. This work shows that by allowing transformation of the program's syntax it is possible to extract both procedures and functions in an amorphous manner. That is, although the amorphous extraction process is meaning preserving it is not necessarily syntax preserving. The amorphous approach is advantageous in a variety of situations. These include when it is desirable to avoid promotion, when a value-returning function is to be extracted from a scattered set of assignments to a variable, and when side effects are present in the program from which the procedure is to be extracted

    Amorphous procedure extraction

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    The procedure extraction problem is concerned with the meaning preserving formation of a procedure from a (not necessarily contiguous) selected set of statements. Previous approaches to the problem have used dependence analysis to identify the non-selected statements which must be 'promoted' (also selected) in order to preserve semantics. All previous approaches to the problem have been syntax preserving. This work shows that by allowing transformation of the program's syntax it is possible to extract both procedures and functions in an amorphous manner. That is, although the amorphous extraction process is meaning preserving it is not necessarily syntax preserving. The amorphous approach is advantageous in a variety of situations. These include when it is desirable to avoid promotion, when a value-returning function is to be extracted from a scattered set of assignments to a variable, and when side effects are present in the program from which the procedure is to be extracted

    Syntax-directed amorphous slicing

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    An amorphous slice of a program is constructed with respsct to a set of variables. The amorphous slice is an executable program which preserves the behaviour of the original on the variables of interest. Unlike syntax-preserving slices, amorphous slices need not preserve a projection of the syntax of a program. This makes the task of amorphous slice construction harder, but it also often makes the result thinner and thereby preferable in applications where syntax preservation is unimportant. This paper describes an approach to the construction of amorphous slices which is based on the Abstract Syntax Tree of the program to be sliced, and does not require the construction of control flow graphs nor of program dependence graphs. The approach has some strengths and weaknesses which the paper discusses. The amorphous slicer, is part of the GUSTT slicing system, which includes syntax preserving static and conditioned slicers, a side effect removal transformation phase, slicing criterion guidance and for which much of the correctness proofs for transformation steps are mechanically verified. The system handles a subset of WSL, into which more general WSL constructs can be transformed. The paper focuses upon the way in which the GUSTT System uses dependence reduction transformation tactics. Such dependence reduction is at the heart of all approaches to amorphous slicing. The algorithms used are described and their performance is assessed with a simple empirical study of best and worst case execution times for an implementation built on top of the FermaT transformation system for maintenance and re-engineering
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