8 research outputs found

    Sunspot monitoring by using optical telescope / Amira Atiya Zal'ulya Mohd Amir

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    Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the sun's photosphere that appears as spots darker than surroundings area. It is the regions where the temperature is lowers than others region. It is caused by the concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection. This spots may last for a few months, however it will eventually decay. It comes in many shapes and sizes but often appear in groups. The numbers of sunspots follows on 11 year cycle. The objectives of this research to assist potential data user in the data mining and retrieving process, to study the sun's behavior from sunspot monitoring, to compare the image of the sun atf different wavelength, to understand how the sun work and also to develop a future capacity of sunspot prediction, thereby contributing to the global forecasting the variable, space weather conditions. To monitor the sunspot, we need to observe it and take a picture of it everyday. From the picture we will compare it day by day with the data from the Solar Dynamic Observatory at different wavelength. This research can be perform efficiently if the weather is clear for the optical telescope

    Impact of Youtube and Video Podcast on listening comprehension among young learners

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    Even though listening comprehension is an important language skill in second language learning, it is considered to be the most difficult skill to learn. Besides, the teaching of listening comprehension among primary pupils is often neglected even though the role of listening comprehension in language teaching has been repeatedly emphasized. Using an action research design, this study explores the teaching of listening comprehension utilizing YouTube and Video-Podcast involving 40 Primary Year 4 pupils from one of the cluster schools of excellence in the northern region of Malaysia. This study attempts to investigate to what extent did the use of YouTube and Video-Podcast enhance Primary Year 4 pupils’ listening comprehension. This study adopted multiple data collection methods including pre-post tests, reflection, observation, and focused group interviews. However, the data analysis section was mostly pre and post tests data and observation. Only these data collection and analysis tools will be expanded in this study, and not the reflection and focus group interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed statistically using paired sample t-test while thematic analysis was used for analyzing the qualitative data. The findings revealed that YouTube and Video-Podcast yielded positive significant impact on listening comprehension skills among Primary ESL pupils. There was statistically significant increase in listening comprehension scores from pre-test and post-test. Four themes emerged from the observation data. It increased learners’ participation and understanding, developed team spirit as well as enhanced interest and motivation of the young learner

    Description of Total Hip Replacement Case Series in Military Corp (Feb 2004- Feb 2006)

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    The aims of total hip replacement include alleviation of pain and restoration of movement. This procedure is being carried for decades out side Sudan. This case series unicentric descriptive study, presents the description of the protocol in the military corp. hospital and description of early results of this experience .The questionnaire based study was undertaken to document the pre-op findings, intra-op protocol and post-op complications. Thirty four THR (Thirty two patients) were done over a period of 24 months, 25 Males and 9 females. Radigraphically, 10 were trauma, 14 AVN, 15 OA, 2 loose THR, and 3 were protrusi acetabuli. All patients with trauma had pre-op shortening .All patients received LMW heparin (Tinazaparin) as prophylaxis, none of them developed DVT . Two patients had dislocations, one was revision THR and the other one was done by junior surgeon. None of the patients developed post-op infection. One hip showed evidence of loosing. It was revision of THR. Sub group of 10 hips had post op shortening. All of them were having shortening secondarily to trauma. 4 Hips had lengthening post operatively. One patient died immediately post-op, the surgery was revision of hip and was the only patient who received general anesthesia on top of spinal anesthesia due to long procedure. The study concluded that, with such limited experience over twenty four months of treating thirty four hips the results of THR is quite promising with the conditions and staff we have, providing that more and more surgeons enrolled in arthroplasty training scheme

    Assessment of diagnostic imaging modalities utilized in the diagnosis of the odontogenic myxoma

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScOdontogenic myxoma (OM) is one of the rare odontogenic tumours that affect the maxilo-facial regions. Skeletal myxomas are more common than soft tissue types in the facial regions. Odontogenic myxomas (OM) are non metastasizing tumours and therefore are considered benign. These lesions are known for their distinctive infiltrative nature which makes complete surgical removal a challenging task.Since the tumour occurs inside the bone and can reach a considerable size with little or no clinical manifestation, the radiologic examination remains the main method to determine the size and the extension of the tumour preoperatively.Aim of the study To assess the different imaging techniques which are currently in use for the diagnosis of the odontogenic myxomas.Materials and methods The images were retrieved from the library of the Department of Diagnostics and Radiology at the Tygerberg Oral Health Centre.Initially each of the imaging modalities was assessed independently to describe the imaging features of odontogenic myxoma on conventional radiograph,Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). Secondly the imaging features of the three techniques were correlated and contrasted to determine the most valuable imaging modality in the diagnosis of the tumour.Results In this study we found that MRI was superior to other modalities in the ability to show and determine the true extension of the tumours. Therefore, MRI distinguished the tumour tissue from the surrounding structures and soft tissues.Myxomas were found to display characteristic patterns of growth on MRI. These patterns include lobulations and/or budding, nodulation and crevices formation.Moreover T2 weighted images deduced the contents of the tumour by emitting different signal intensities from the various components of the tumours.Additionally, characteristic pattern of contrast uptake differentiated the myxomatous, collagenous parts and presumed the nature of the trabeculae whether it is bony or fibrous.CT also showed the tumour and determined the subtle extension of the tumour into the adjacent structures and bone. Expansion and status of the cortical margin were reliably detected on CT. It also determined the pattern of growth in all tumours whether it is lobulation and/or budding, crevices formation or combination of them. In the present study this feature seemed to be a characteristic finding for all the tumours on CT. Moreover CT was able to compare densities of the tumours to surrounding muscles.Conventional radiography (CR) showed great limitations with regard to diagnostic abilities. Although it displayed the existence of the abnormality in all cases,conventional radiograph failed to detect margins and extension in most of the lesions. Therefore conventional radiograph is not reliable for presurgical assessment of the tumour or in differentiation the tumour from other benign and some malignant tumour. Conclusion In spite of the many limitations and shortcomings, conventional radiography remains the preliminary step in the diagnosis process. However digital imaging techniques provide images of great diagnostic value which is especially helpful in the diagnosis of odontogenic myxoma

    Il processo di costituzionalizzazione in Tunisia e i diritti dei vulnerabili: minoranze, donne e bambini

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    [ita] In questo lavoro di ricerca si è tentato di rispondere alla domanda se la teoria dell’universalità di certi diritti come quelli riguardanti i vulnerabili, in particolare le minoranze, donne e bambini, possa essere estesa anche a Paesi di fede musulmana che, al contrario, insistono sulla specificità culturale. È il caso della Tunisia che si è scelto di studiare in virtù del suo passato ricco di civilizzazioni e del nuovo processo di democratizzazione in corso, senza trascurare l’importanza della sua adesione a interessanti accordi internazionali come il Patto di Barcellona. Si è quindi compreso che l’ostacolo alla protezione di certi diritti non può essere attribuito solo alla religione poiché, anche se le diverse confessioni non esistessero, non sarebbe ugualmente facile garantire il rispetto incondizionato dei diritti dei vulnerabili, in particolare di quelle minoranze come gli handicappati e gli omosessuali, che non possono mai diventare, né diventeranno, una maggioranza. Al fine di ridurre e / o risolvere queste forti disparità relative a qualsivoglia ordinamento giuridico, compreso quello del Paese studiato, sarà necessario rendere la libertà di coscienza un principio generale ed efficace erga omnes e assicurare che la società civile sia rafforzata e sensibilizzata verso la tutela dei diritti fondamentali. Ciò dovrà avvenire non solo a livello locale ma universale, attraverso un dialogo tra maggioranze e minoranze, nel segno della vera democrazia, superando l'ostilità delle élites politiche che, il più delle volte, dietro le varie dichiarazioni di principio calpestano i diritti umani per scopi economici.[eng] The aim of this work is to answer the research question of whether the theory of universality of certain rights such as those concerning the vulnerable, in particular minorities, women and children, can also be extended to muslim countries, which still insist on cultural specificity instead. Consequently, we decided to study the case of Tunisia, because of both its past full of different civilizations, and the new ongoing process of democratization, and the importance of its subscription to interesting international agreements, such as the Barcelona Pact. What was understood within this thesis is that the obstacle to the protection of certain rights cannot be blamed only on religion; in fact, even if different religions did not exist, it would not be easy as well to guarantee the unconditional respect of the rights of the vulnerable, especially of those minorities such as handicapped and homosexsuals, that unfortunately cannot and will never become a majority. Therefore, in order to reduce and / or resolve these strong disparities related to any legal system, including that of the studied country, it will be necessary to make freedom of conscience a general and effective principle erga omnes, and to ensure that civil society is strengthened and sensitized towards the protection of fundamental rights. This will have to take place not only on a local but also on a universal level, by exploiting dialogue between majorities and minorities, according to the principles of a real democracy. In this way, it would be possible to finally overcome the hostility of political élites which, most of the times, in spite of the various peaceful declarations, trample human rights for economic purposes.[spa] En este trabajo de investigación se ha intentado responder a la pregunta si la teoría de la universalidad de algunos derechos, en particular aquellos de las personas indefensas, las minorías, mujeres y niños, pueda ser extendida también a los países de fe musulmana que, al contrario, insisten en la diversidad cultural. Es el caso de Túnez, el cual se ha elegido de estudiar teniendo en cuenta su pasado rico de civilizaciones y del nuevo proceso de democratización en curso, sin pasar por alto la importancia de su adhesión a los interesantes acuerdos internacionales, como el Pacto de Barcelona. Entonces se ha entendido que el obstáculo de la protección de algunos derechos no puede ser atribuido solo a la religión, ya que si las diversas religiones no existieran, no sería fácil garantizar el respeto incondicional de los derechos de los más vulnerables, en particular de aquellas minorías como las personas con discapacidad y homosexuales, que no pueden nunca convertirse, ni se convertirán, en una mayoría. Con el fin de reducir y/o eliminar estas fuertes desigualdades relacionadas con cualquier ordenamiento jurídico, incluido el país objeto de estudio, será necesario hacer de la libertad de conciencia un principio general con eficacia erga omnes y asegurar que la sociedad civil se vea reforzada y sensibilizada hacia la protección de los derechos fundamentales. Esto tendrá que suceder no solo a nivel local sino también universal, a través de un dialogo entre mayorías y minorías, bajo el signo de la verdadera democracia, superando la hostilidad de las élites políticas, que en la mayoría de los casos, detrás de las diferentes declaraciones de principios, pisotean los derechos humanos por objetivos económicos

    Impact of Youtube and Video Podcast on Listening Comprehension Among Young Learners

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    Even though listening comprehension is an important language skill in second language learning, it is considered to be the most difficult skill to learn. Besides, the teaching of listening comprehension among primary pupils is often neglected even though the role of listening comprehension in language teaching has been repeatedly emphasized. Using an action research design, this study explores the teaching of listening comprehension utilizing YouTube and Video-Podcast involving 40 Primary Year 4 pupils from one of the cluster schools of excellence in the northern region of Malaysia. This study attempts to investigate to what extent did the use of YouTube and Video-Podcast enhance Primary Year 4 pupils’ listening comprehension. This study adopted multiple data collection methods including pre-post tests, reflection, observation, and focused group interviews. However, the data analysis section was mostly pre and post tests data and observation. Only these data collection and analysis tools will be expanded in this study, and not the reflection and focus group interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed statistically using paired sample t-test while thematic analysis was used for analyzing the qualitative data. The findings revealed that YouTube and Video-Podcast yielded positive significant impact on listening comprehension skills among Primary ESL pupils. There was statistically significant increase in listening comprehension scores from pre-test and post-test. Four themes emerged from the observation data. It increased learners’ participation and understanding, developed team spirit as well as enhanced interest and motivation of the young learners