208 research outputs found

    Gigaflop performance on a CRAY-2: Multitasking a computational fluid dynamics application

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    The methodology is described for converting a large, long-running applications code that executed on a single processor of a CRAY-2 supercomputer to a version that executed efficiently on multiple processors. Although the conversion of every application is different, a discussion of the types of modification used to achieve gigaflop performance is included to assist others in the parallelization of applications for CRAY computers, especially those that were developed for other computers. An existing application, from the discipline of computational fluid dynamics, that had utilized over 2000 hrs of CPU time on CRAY-2 during the previous year was chosen as a test case to study the effectiveness of multitasking on a CRAY-2. The nature of dominant calculations within the application indicated that a sustained computational rate of 1 billion floating-point operations per second, or 1 gigaflop, might be achieved. The code was first analyzed and modified for optimal performance on a single processor in a batch environment. After optimal performance on a single CPU was achieved, the code was modified to use multiple processors in a dedicated environment. The results of these two efforts were merged into a single code that had a sustained computational rate of over 1 gigaflop on a CRAY-2. Timings and analysis of performance are given for both single- and multiple-processor runs

    A Tribute to Douglas K. Amdahl

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    Accelerating the pace of protein functional annotation with intel xeon phi coprocessors

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    © 2002-2011 IEEE. Intel Xeon Phi is a new addition to the family of powerful parallel accelerators. The range of its potential applications in computationally driven research is broad; however, at present, the repository of scientific codes is still relatively limited. In this study, we describe the development and benchmarking of a parallel version of {\mmb e}FindSite, a structural bioinformatics algorithm for the prediction of ligand-binding sites in proteins. Implemented for the Intel Xeon Phi platform, the parallelization of the structure alignment portion of {\mmb e}FindSite using pragma-based OpenMP brings about the desired performance improvements, which scale well with the number of computing cores. Compared to a serial version, the parallel code runs 11.8 and 10.1 times faster on the CPU and the coprocessor, respectively; when both resources are utilized simultaneously, the speedup is 17.6. For example, ligand-binding predictions for 501 benchmarking proteins are completed in 2.1 hours on a single Stampede node equipped with the Intel Xeon Phi card compared to 3.1 hours without the accelerator and 36.8 hours required by a serial version. In addition to the satisfactory parallel performance, porting existing scientific codes to the Intel Xeon Phi architecture is relatively straightforward with a short development time due to the support of common parallel programming models by the coprocessor. The parallel version of {\mmb e}FindSite is freely available to the academic community at www.brylinski.org/efindsite

    On the Sublinear Processor Gap for Multi-Core Architectures

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    Abstract. In the past, parallel algorithms were developed, for the most part, under the assumption that the number of processors is Θ(n) and that if in practice the actual number was smaller, this could be resolved using Brent’s Lemma to simulate the highly parallel solution on a lower-degree parallel architecture. In this paper, however, we argue that design and implementation issues of algorithms and architectures are significantly different—both in theory and in practice—between computational models with high and low degrees of parallelism. We report an observed gap in the behavior of a CMP/parallel architecture depending on the number of processors. This gap appears repeatedly in both empirical cases, when studying practical aspects of architecture design and program implementation as well as in theoretical instances when studying the behaviour of various parallel algorithms. It separates the performance, design and analysis of systems with a sublinear number of processors and systems with linearly many processors. More specifically we observe that systems with either logarithmically many cores or with O(n α) cores (with α < 1) exhibit a qualitatively different behavior than a system with a linear number of cores on the size of the input, i.e. Θ(n). The evidence we present suggests the existence of a sharp theoretical gap between the classes of problems that can be efficiently parallelized with o(n) processors and with Θ(n) processors unless NC = P.

    High Lundquist Number Simulations of Parker\u27s Model of Coronal Heating: Scaling and Current Sheet Statistics Using Heterogeneous Computing Architectures

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    Parker\u27s model [Parker, Astrophys. J., 174, 499 (1972)] is one of the most discussed mechanisms for coronal heating and has generated much debate. We have recently obtained new scaling results for a 2D version of this problem suggesting that the heating rate becomes independent of resistivity in a statistical steady state [Ng and Bhattacharjee, Astrophys. J., 675, 899 (2008)]. Our numerical work has now been extended to 3D using high resolution MHD numerical simulations. Random photospheric footpoint motion is applied for a time much longer than the correlation time of the motion to obtain converged average coronal heating rates. Simulations are done for different values of the Lundquist number to determine scaling. In the high-Lundquist number limit (S \u3e 1000), the coronal heating rate obtained is consistent with a trend that is independent of the Lundquist number, as predicted by previous analysis and 2D simulations. We will present scaling analysis showing that when the dissipation time is comparable or larger than the correlation time of the random footpoint motion, the heating rate tends to become independent of Lundquist number, and that the magnetic energy production is also reduced significantly. We also present a comprehensive reprogramming of our simulation code to run on NVidia graphics processing units using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and report code performance on several large scale heterogenous machines
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