8 research outputs found

    An information technology view of manufacturing automation - Product life-cycle management

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    Different approaches of product life-cycle management will be demonstrated to show that unlike several engineering paradigms it is easy to understand, however difficult to implement and to follow. This can be accepted as a common philosophy of product development and production. At the same time product life-cycle management is a software framework, or a kind of guideline to approach digital manufacturing, which is the highest level of recently known and applied ways of manufacturing automation. The paper will show some components of manufacturing automation and their relation to the life-cycle view. © 2016 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest

    A Framework for BIM-Enabled Life-Cycle Information Management of Construction Project

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    BIM has been widely used in project management, but on the whole the applications have been scattered and the BIM models have not been deployed throughout the whole project life-cycle. Each participant builds their own BIM, so there is a major problem in how to integrate these dynamic and fragmented data together. In order to solve this problem, this paper focuses on BIM-based life-cycle information management and builds a framework for BIM-enabled life-cycle information management. To organize the life-cycle information well, the information components and information flow during the project life-cycle are defined. Then, the application of BIM in life-cycle information management is analysed. This framework will provide a unified platform for information management and ensure data integrit


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    Looking for the success in globalization world, pharmacy manufactures must develop new products both to national and international sceneries in shorter time. This article show the importance of product lifecycle management (PLM) into global context.The PLM solutions' participation were identified into a product development process(PDP). As reference model, the ROZENFELD model was selected, as well as PLM solution which were made by UGS, IBM and DASSAULT enterprises. These solutions functions are placed and divided, upon PDP reference, in macro and task levels. Whereas, the PLM solutions are intented to be applied both on Chemical and Food industries, as such as manipulation pharmacies and laboratories of clinical analyses.Para atingir o sucesso no mundo globalizado, as indústrias farmacêuticas necessitam desenvolver novos produtos para os mercados nacional e internacional, lançando um novo produto à curto prazo. Diante disso, este artigo faz uma abordagem do sistema de gerenciamento do ciclo de vida do produto (PLM) no contexto global, identificando a contribuição das soluções PLM atuais dentro de um modelo de processo de desenvolvimento de produto (PDP). Foi escolhido como modelo de referência, o modelo ROZENFELD, e como solução de PLM, as soluções das empresas UGS, IBM e DASSAULT, sendo posicionadas as funcionalidades destas soluções em nível macro e de atividades no PDP referência. Desta forma, pretende-se direcionar a aplicação do PLM à indústria química e de alimentos, farmácias de manipulação e laboratórios de análises clínicas.

    Knowledge context, learning and innovation: an integrating framework

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    In this conceptual paper, we develop a framework which identifies those elements of firms’ knowledge context which are important for innovation, and the mechanisms through which that knowledge impacts on firms’ innovation performance. We make four main contributions to the existing literature. First, our characterisation of knowledge context provides the basis for a more specific identification of which elements of firms’ knowledge environment are important for innovation, discriminating between spatial, sectoral and network influences. Second, we reflect the role of innovation ambition in shaping firms’ knowledge search strategies. Third, we differentiate between firms’ interactive and non-interactive knowledge search activities and recognise that these may be complemented by unanticipated and serendipitous knowledge spillovers. Finally, we employ the notion of encoding capacity to reflect firms’ internal ability to assimilate and apply external knowledge, and clarify its distinctiveness from the more general concept of absorptive capacity. Our framework provides an integrating mechanism for existing empirical studies, and suggests a number of new research directions related to the determinants of innovation performance and the heterogeneity of innovation outcomes

    Les externalités de la R&D et la capacité d’innovation : implications sur données camerounaises pour une politique de promotion d’innovation

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    This article seeks to analyze the R&D externalities effect on innovation effort. The data analyzed based on a sample of 640 enterprises located in Douala, Yaoundé and Bafoussam. The method of estimation is a probit with selection based on the framework proposed by Heckman (1979). The first equation explains the cooperation in R&D and the second shows the innovation effort of enterprises. The empirical analysis focused on the unobserved heterogeneity of externalities. Our results reveals the existence of unobserved elements, due to cooperation between the firms, which reinforce their innovation effort. Our results reveals that cooperation can be a vector of positive externalities that reinforce their innovation effort. Moreover, our results tend to show the importance of the social returns of R&D in the innovation process. These results question the relevance of current innovation policies, mainly focused on the promotion of private R&D. Thus, innovation promotion policies should be oriented towards open innovation and intensified innovation cooperation

    Ecological marketing process management by means of PLM tools

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    U disertaciji je predložen model za upravljanje procesom eko marketinga, delovanjem na 4S kriterijume uspešnosti (održivost, bezbednost, društvena prihvatljivost i zadovoljstvo proizvodom). Razvijeni model je zasnovan na primeni alata LCA i Ekološki Ruksak i ima formu upravljačkog algoritma. Model je sistematično predstavljen, integralno i kroz analizu mogućih scenarija primene. Disertacija sadrži detaljan opis podloga na kojima je model razvijen. Verifikacija razvijenog modela je sprovedena kroz simulaciju izvršavanja algoritma na osnovu rezultata dobijenih primenom alata na dva plastična materijala: PLA i PET.The dissertation proposed a model for managing ecological marketing process by influencing on the 4S criteria of ecological marketing successfulness: Safety, Sustainability, Social acceptability and Satisfaction. The developed model is based on the application of two tools: LCA and Ecological Rucksack and has a control algorithm form. Model is presented in a systematically way, integrally and through an analysis of possible scenarios of application. The dissertation includes a detailed description of the backgrounds on which the model was developed. Verification of the model is carried out through simulation of execution of algoritam based on the results obtained by applying selected tools on two plastics materials: PLA and PET