881 research outputs found

    Adapting a general parser to a sublanguage

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    In this paper, we propose a method to adapt a general parser (Link Parser) to sublanguages, focusing on the parsing of texts in biology. Our main proposal is the use of terminology (identication and analysis of terms) in order to reduce the complexity of the text to be parsed. Several other strategies are explored and finally combined among which text normalization, lexicon and morpho-guessing module extensions and grammar rules adaptation. We compare the parsing results before and after these adaptations

    O\u27me alone? : Aristotle and the failure of autarky in Shakespeare\u27s Coriolanus

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    This thesis offers an Aristotelian reading of Coriolanus, with the goal of assessing the viability of individual self-sufficiency. As political and moral treatises, Aristotle\u27s Nicomachean Ethics and Politics are valuable intertexts through which Shakespeare’s more imaginative work may be analyzed. I draw on representations of self-sufficiency in both texts in order to consider two larger questions: whether total isolation is practicable, or even possible; and, on the other side, whether social and political expression are ‘merely’ desirable parts of life, or rather necessary for survival. I explore Coriolanus’s dialectic of dependence and self-sufficiency through three recurring themes that appear in both texts: family, food and the body, and divinity

    Simulation of semiconductor detectors in 3D with SolidStateDetectors.jl

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    The open-source software package SolidStateDetectors.jl to calculate the fields and simulate the drifts of charge carriers in solid state detectors, together with the corresponding pulses, is introduced. The package can perform all calculations in full 3D while it can also make use of detector symmetries. The effect of the surroundings of a detector can also be studied. The package is programmed in the user friendly and performance oriented language Julia, such that 3D field calculations and drift simulations can be executed efficiently and in parallel. While all kinds of semiconductor devices can be simulated, special emphasis is put on germanium detectors. The verification of the package is shown for an n-type segmented point-contact germanium detector. Additional features of SolidStateDetectors.jl planned for the near future are listed.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Teachers’ Perceptions About Using Restorative Practice Based Programs in Schools

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    This qualitative study is an investigation into teacher’s perceptions about using restorative practice based programs in schools. A grounded theory approach was used to understand teachers’ individual experiences, identifying both the positive features and limitations of restorative processes. Participants completed a survey with guiding questions that explored three main areas: (a) strengths, (b) limitations, and (c) overall teacher perceptions of using school based restorative programs. Analysis revealed that teachers support using restorative programs in schools but are concerned about limitations including funding, time commitment, and training. An emergent theory is presented along with a discussion of the research implications an suggestions for future research

    Un enfoque de regionalización simple como alternativa para obtener datos de lluvia en una cuenca de zona tropical y no monitoreada

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    (Eng) The availability of rainfall information with high spatial resolution is of fundamental importance in many applications in the field of water resources. Commonly, the rainfall data in developing countries are obtained by rain gauge stations. However, many studies show that traditional measures based on rain gauge stations may not reflect the spatial variation of rainfall effectively. Although satellite data have been widely used around the world, when applied to local regions the spatial resolution of these products is too coarse. In this paper, an approach to identify a downscaling method through geostatistical regionalization to improve water resources models with short spatial and temporal scales and with limited rainfall data is presented. Three different models were applied: Cokriging, Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) and Kriging. Statistical parameters such as mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were computed. A cross-validation process showed a better fit for most of the stations using the Cokriging method. The regionalization results were quite comparable with the rain gauge stations data. Although the model outcomes did not improve remarkably, the contribution of this approach may have the potential to provide useful rainfall data at spatial scales shorter than the present resolution.(Spa) La disponibilidad de información de precipitación con alta resolución espacial es de fundamental importancia en el campo de los recursos hídricos. Comúnmente, los datos de lluvia se obtienen mediante estaciones pluviométricas. Sin embargo, investigaciones demuestran que las medidas tradicionales pueden no reflejar la variación espacial de la precipitación efectiva. Por otro lado, cuando se aplican datos de satélite a regiones locales su resolución espacial es demasiado gruesa. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque para identificar un método de reducción de escala mediante la regionalización geoestadística para mejorar los modelos de recursos hídricos que contienen escalas cortas espaciales y temporales y datos de precipitación limitada. Se aplicaron tres modelos diferentes: Cokriging, Peso Inverso de la Distancia (IDW) y Kriging. Se calcularon parámetros estadísticos como el error medio absoluto (MAE) y la raíz del error cuadrático medio (RMSE). Un proceso de validación cruzada mostró un mejor ajuste para la mayoría de las estaciones utilizando el método Cokriging. Los resultados de regionalización fueron comparables con los datos de estaciones pluviométricas. Aunque los resultados de los modelos no mejoraron notablemente, la contribución de este enfoque puede tener el potencial de proporcionar datos de precipitación útiles a escalas espaciales más cortas que la presente resolución

    Communication for Peaceful Social Change and Global Citizenry

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    The adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 represents a universal call to action involving multiple international actors for the purpose of eradicating poverty, improving living conditions and promoting peace. This entry provides a theoretical overview of the contributions of scholars and practitioners who highlight the importance of a transformative, educational and emancipatory communication by different social actors to establish the main lines of action for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This communicative model involves the coordination of actors and strategies, both short- and long-term, cross-cutting actions and discourses to build social, cultural and political settings based on the criteria of peace, equality, social justice and human rights. Specifically, this entails a contribution to the objectives set out in SDG 16, “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”, given that the proposed theoretical framework is grounded in Communication for Peace and Communication for Social Change, and includes a systematization of different strategies and experiences from a variety of social issuers, mainly institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or social movements, aimed at promoting peaceful and inclusive societies. Specifically, communication for peaceful social change and global citizenry contributes to the achievement of specific SDG 16 objectives, particularly 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence... [...