221 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Strategies Using the Hoare Logic of Angelic and Demonic Nondeterminism

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    We study a propositional variant of Hoare logic that can be used for reasoning about programs that exhibit both angelic and demonic nondeterminism. We work in an uninterpreted setting, where the meaning of the atomic actions is specified axiomatically using hypotheses of a certain form. Our logical formalism is entirely compositional and it subsumes the non-compositional formalism of safety games on finite graphs. We present sound and complete Hoare-style calculi that are useful for establishing partial-correctness assertions, as well as for synthesizing implementations. The computational complexity of the Hoare theory of dual nondeterminism is investigated using operational models, and it is shown that the theory is complete for exponential time

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Beyond Good and Evil: Formalizing the Security Guarantees of Compartmentalizing Compilation

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    Compartmentalization is good security-engineering practice. By breaking a large software system into mutually distrustful components that run with minimal privileges, restricting their interactions to conform to well-defined interfaces, we can limit the damage caused by low-level attacks such as control-flow hijacking. When used to defend against such attacks, compartmentalization is often implemented cooperatively by a compiler and a low-level compartmentalization mechanism. However, the formal guarantees provided by such compartmentalizing compilation have seen surprisingly little investigation. We propose a new security property, secure compartmentalizing compilation (SCC), that formally characterizes the guarantees provided by compartmentalizing compilation and clarifies its attacker model. We reconstruct our property by starting from the well-established notion of fully abstract compilation, then identifying and lifting three important limitations that make standard full abstraction unsuitable for compartmentalization. The connection to full abstraction allows us to prove SCC by adapting established proof techniques; we illustrate this with a compiler from a simple unsafe imperative language with procedures to a compartmentalized abstract machine.Comment: Nit

    RHLE: Modular Deductive Verification of Relational \forall\exists Properties

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    Relational program logics are used to prove that a desired relationship holds between the execution of multiple programs. Existing relational program logics have focused on verifying that all runs of a collection of programs do not fall outside a desired set of behaviors. Several important relational properties, including refinement and noninterference, do not fit into this category, as they require the existence of specific desirable executions. This paper presents RHLE, a logic for verifying a class of relational properties which we term \forall\exists properties. \forall\exists properties assert that for all executions of a collection of programs, there exist executions of another set of programs exhibiting some intended behavior. Importantly, RHLE can reason modularly about programs which make library calls, ensuring that \forall\exists properties are preserved when the programs are linked with any valid implementation of the library. To achieve this, we develop a novel form of function specification that requires the existence of certain behaviors in valid implementations. We have built a tool based on RHLE which we use to verify a diverse set of relational properties drawn from the literature, including refinement and generalized noninterference

    Refinement Calculus of Reactive Systems

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    Refinement calculus is a powerful and expressive tool for reasoning about sequential programs in a compositional manner. In this paper we present an extension of refinement calculus for reactive systems. Refinement calculus is based on monotonic predicate transformers, which transform sets of post-states into sets of pre-states. To model reactive systems, we introduce monotonic property transformers, which transform sets of output traces into sets of input traces. We show how to model in this semantics refinement, sequential composition, demonic choice, and other semantic operations on reactive systems. We use primarily higher order logic to express our results, but we also show how property transformers can be defined using other formalisms more amenable to automation, such as linear temporal logic (suitable for specifications) and symbolic transition systems (suitable for implementations). Finally, we show how this framework generalizes previous work on relational interfaces so as to be able to express systems with infinite behaviors and liveness properties

    CLASS: A Logical Foundation for Typeful Programming with Shared State

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    Software construction depends on imperative state sharing and concurrency, which are naturally present in several application domains and are also exploited to improve the structure and efficiency of computer programs. However, reasoning about concurrency and shared mutable state is hard, error-prone and the source of many programming bugs, such as memory leaks, data corruption, deadlocks and non-termination. In this thesis, we develop CLASS: a core session-based language with a lightweight substructural type system, that results from a principled extension of the propositions-astypes correspondence with second-order classical linear logic. More concretely, CLASS offers support for session-based communication, mutex-protected first-class reference cells, dynamic state sharing, generic polymorphic algorithms, data abstraction and primitive recursion. CLASS expresses and types significant realistic programs, that manipulate memoryefficient linked data structures (linked lists, binary search trees) with support for updates in-place, shareable concurrent ADTs (counters, stacks, functional and imperative queues), resource synchronisation methods (fork-joins, barriers, dining philosophers, generic corecursive protocols). All of these examples are guaranteed to be safe, a result that follows by the logical approach. The linear logical foundations guarantee that well-typed CLASS programs do not go wrong: they never deadlock on communication or reference cell acquisition, do not leak memory and always terminate, even if they share complex data structures protected by synchronisation primitives. Furthermore, since we follow a propositions-as-types approach, we can reason about the behaviour of concurrent stateful processes by algebraic program manipulation. The feasibility of our approach is witnessed by the implementation of a type checker and interpreter for CLASS, which validates and guides the development of many realistic programs. The implementation is available with an open-source license, together with several examples.A construção de software depende de estado partilhado imperativo e concorrência, que estão naturalmente presentes em vários domínios de aplicação e que também são explorados para melhorar o a estrutura e o desempenho dos programas. No entanto, raciocinar sobre concorrência e estado mutável partilhado é difícil e propenso à introdução de erros e muitos bugs de programação, tais como fugas de memória, corrupção de dados, programas bloqueados e programas que não terminam a sua execução. Nesta tese, desenvolvemos CLASS: uma linguagem baseada em sessões, com um sistema de tipos leve e subestrutural, que resulta de uma extensão metodológica da correspondência proposições-como-tipos com a lógica linear clássica de segunda ordem. Mais concretamente, a linguagem CLASS oferece suporte para comunicação baseada em sessões, células de memória protegidas com mutexes de primeira classe, partilha dinâmica de estado, algoritmos polimórficos genéricos, abstração de dados e recursão primitiva. A linguagem CLASS expressa e tipifica programas realistas significativos, que manipulam estruturas de dados ligadas eficientes (listas ligadas, árvores de pesquisa binária) suportando actualização imperativa local, TDAs partilhados e concorrentes (contadores, pilhas, filas funcionais e imperativas), métodos de sincronização e partilha de recursos (bifurcar-juntar, barreiras, jantar de filósofos, protocolos genéricos corecursivos). Todos estes exemplos são seguros, uma garantia que resulta da nossa abordagem lógica. Os fundamentos, baseados na lógica linear, garantem que programas em CLASS bem tipificados não incorrem em erros: nunca bloqueiam, quer na comunicação, quer na aquisição de células de memória, nunca causam fugas de memória e terminam sempre, mesmo que compartilhem estruturas de dados complexas protegidas por primitivas de sincronização. Além disso, uma vez que seguimos uma abordagem de proposições-comotipos, podemos raciocinar sobre o comportamento de processos concorrentes, que usam estado, através de manipulação algébrica. A viabilidade da nossa abordagem é evidenciada pela implementação de um verificador de tipos e interpretador para a linguagem CLASS, que valida e orienta o desenvolvimento de vários programs realistas. A implementação está disponível com uma licença de acesso livre, juntamente com inúmeros exemplos

    The Powerdomain of Indexed Valuations

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    This paper is about combining nondeterminism and probabilities. We study this phenomenon from a domain theoretic point of view. In domain theory, nondeterminism is modeled using the notion of powerdomain, while probability is modeled using the powerdomain of valuations. Those two functors do not combine well, as they are. We define the notion of powerdomain of indexed valuations, which can be combined nicely with the usual nondeterministic powerdomain. We show an equational characterization of our construction. Finally we discuss the computational meaning of indexed valuations, and we show how they can be used, by giving a denotational semantics of a simple imperative language

    Relational Cost Analysis for Functional-Imperative Programs

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    Relational cost analysis aims at formally establishing bounds on the difference in the evaluation costs of two programs. As a particular case, one can also use relational cost analysis to establish bounds on the difference in the evaluation cost of the same program on two different inputs. One way to perform relational cost analysis is to use a relational type-and-effect system that supports reasoning about relations between two executions of two programs. Building on this basic idea, we present a type-and-effect system, called ARel, for reasoning about the relative cost of array-manipulating, higher-order functional-imperative programs. The key ingredient of our approach is a new lightweight type refinement discipline that we use to track relations (differences) between two arrays. This discipline combined with Hoare-style triples built into the types allows us to express and establish precise relative costs of several interesting programs which imperatively update their data.Comment: 14 page

    Fixpoint semantics for logic programming a survey

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    AbstractThe variety of semantical approaches that have been invented for logic programs is quite broad, drawing on classical and many-valued logic, lattice theory, game theory, and topology. One source of this richness is the inherent non-monotonicity of its negation, something that does not have close parallels with the machinery of other programming paradigms. Nonetheless, much of the work on logic programming semantics seems to exist side by side with similar work done for imperative and functional programming, with relatively minimal contact between communities. In this paper we summarize one variety of approaches to the semantics of logic programs: that based on fixpoint theory. We do not attempt to cover much beyond this single area, which is already remarkably fruitful. We hope readers will see parallels with, and the divergences from the better known fixpoint treatments developed for other programming methodologies

    Modeling Time in Computing: A Taxonomy and a Comparative Survey

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    The increasing relevance of areas such as real-time and embedded systems, pervasive computing, hybrid systems control, and biological and social systems modeling is bringing a growing attention to the temporal aspects of computing, not only in the computer science domain, but also in more traditional fields of engineering. This article surveys various approaches to the formal modeling and analysis of the temporal features of computer-based systems, with a level of detail that is suitable also for non-specialists. In doing so, it provides a unifying framework, rather than just a comprehensive list of formalisms. The paper first lays out some key dimensions along which the various formalisms can be evaluated and compared. Then, a significant sample of formalisms for time modeling in computing are presented and discussed according to these dimensions. The adopted perspective is, to some extent, historical, going from "traditional" models and formalisms to more modern ones.Comment: More typos fixe