319 research outputs found


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    Tese arquivada ao abrigo da Portaria nº 227/2017 de 25 de julhoIn this thesis we study crucial problems within complex, large scale, networked control systems and mobile sensor networks. The ¯rst one is the problem of decomposition of a large-scale system into several interconnected subsystems, based on the imposed information structure constraints. After associating an intelligent agent with each subsystem, we face with a problem of formulating their local estimation and control laws and designing inter-agent communication strategies which ensure stability, desired performance, scalability and robustness of the overall system. Another problem addressed in this thesis, which is critical in mobile sensor networks paradigm, is the problem of searching positions for mobile nodes in order to achieve optimal overall sensing capabilities. Novel, overlapping decentralized state and parameter estimation schemes based on the consensus strategy have been proposed, in both continuous-time and discrete-time. The algorithms are proposed in the form of a multi-agent network based on a combination of local estimators and a dynamic consensus strategy, assuming possible intermittent observations and communication faults. Under general conditions concerning the agent resources and the network topology, conditions are derived for the stability and convergence of the algorithms. For the state estimation schemes, a strategy based on minimization of the steady-state mean-square estimation error is proposed for selection of the consensus gains; these gains can also be adjusted by local adaptation schemes. It is also demonstrated that there exists a connection between the network complexity and e±ciency of denoising, i.e., of suppression of the measurement noise in°uence. Several numerical examples serve to illustrate characteristic properties of the proposed algorithm and to demonstrate its applicability to real problems. Furthermore, several structures and algorithms for multi-agent control based on a dynamic consensus strategy have been proposed. Two novel classes of structured, overlapping decentralized control algorithms are presented. For the ¯rst class, an agreement between the agents is implemented at the level of control inputs, while the second class is based on the agreement at the state estimation level. The proposed control algorithms have been illustrated by several examples. Also, the second class of the proposed consensus based control scheme has been applied to decentralized overlapping tracking control of planar formations of UAVs. A comparison is given with the proposed novel design methodology based on the expansion/contraction paradigm and the inclusion principle. Motivated by the applications to the optimal mobile sensor positioning within mobile sensor networks, the perturbation-based extremum seeking algorithm has been modifed and extended. It has been assumed that the integrator gain and the perturbation amplitude are time varying (decreasing in time with a proper rate) and that the output is corrupted with measurement noise. The proposed basic, one dimensional, algorithm has been extended to two dimensional, hybrid schemes and directly applied to the planar optimal mobile sensor positioning, where the vehicles can be modeled as velocity actuated point masses, force actuated point masses, or nonholonomic unicycles. The convergence of all the proposed algorithms, with probability one and in the mean square sense, has been proved. Also, the problem of target assignment in multi-agent systems using multi-variable extremum seeking algorithm has been addressed. An algorithm which e®ectively solves the problem has been proposed, based on the local extremum seeking of the specially designed global utility functions which capture the dependance among di®erent, possibly con°icting objectives of the agents. It has been demonstrated how the utility function parameters and agents' initial conditions impact the trajectories and destinations of the agents. All the proposed extremum seeking based algorithms have been illustrated with several simulations

    Model-Guided Data-Driven Optimization and Control for Internal Combustion Engine Systems

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    The incorporation of electronic components into modern Internal Combustion, IC, engine systems have facilitated the reduction of fuel consumption and emission from IC engine operations. As more mechanical functions are being replaced by electric or electronic devices, the IC engine systems are becoming more complex in structure. Sophisticated control strategies are called in to help the engine systems meet the drivability demands and to comply with the emission regulations. Different model-based or data-driven algorithms have been applied to the optimization and control of IC engine systems. For the conventional model-based algorithms, the accuracy of the applied system models has a crucial impact on the quality of the feedback system performance. With computable analytic solutions and a good estimation of the real physical processes, the model-based control embedded systems are able to achieve good transient performances. However, the analytic solutions of some nonlinear models are difficult to obtain. Even if the solutions are available, because of the presence of unavoidable modeling uncertainties, the model-based controllers are designed conservatively

    Optimization Algorithms as Robust Feedback Controllers

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    Mathematical optimization is one of the cornerstones of modern engineering research and practice. Yet, throughout all application domains, mathematical optimization is, for the most part, considered to be a numerical discipline. Optimization problems are formulated to be solved numerically with specific algorithms running on microprocessors. An emerging alternative is to view optimization algorithms as dynamical systems. Besides being insightful in itself, this perspective liberates optimization methods from specific numerical and algorithmic aspects and opens up new possibilities to endow complex real-world systems with sophisticated self-optimizing behavior. Towards this goal, it is necessary to understand how numerical optimization algorithms can be converted into feedback controllers to enable robust "closed-loop optimization". In this article, we focus on recent control designs under the name of "feedback-based optimization" which implement optimization algorithms directly in closed loop with physical systems. In addition to a brief overview of selected continuous-time dynamical systems for optimization, our particular emphasis in this survey lies on closed-loop stability as well as the robust enforcement of physical and operational constraints in closed-loop implementations. To bypass accessing partial model information of physical systems, we further elaborate on fully data-driven and model-free operations. We highlight an emerging application in autonomous reserve dispatch in power systems, where the theory has transitioned to practice by now. We also provide short expository reviews of pioneering applications in communication networks and electricity grids, as well as related research streams, including extremum seeking and pertinent methods from model predictive and process control, to facilitate high-level comparisons with the main topic of this survey

    Real-time synchronization feedbacks for single-atom frequency standards

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    Simple feedback loops, inspired from extremum-seeking, are proposed to lock a probe-frequency to the transition frequency of a single quantum system following quantum Monte-Carlo trajectories. Two specific quantum systems are addressed, a 2-level one and a 3-level one that appears in coherence population trapping and optical pumping. For both systems, the feedback algorithm is shown to be convergent in the following sense: the probe frequency converges in average towards the system-transition one and its standard deviation can be made arbitrarily small. Closed-loop simulations illustrate robustness versus jump-detection efficiency and modeling errors.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Feedback control of three-dimensional bluff body wakes for efficient drag reduction

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    The wakes of bluff bodies, such as automotive vehicles, exhibit complex behaviour due to three-dimensionality and high Reynolds numbers, and are furthermore responsible for significant aerodynamic drag. There are significant environmental and economic incentives for reducing drag, however practicalities limit the extent to which this can be achieved through changes to the vehicle shape. This motivates the use of active feedback control methods that modify the flow directly, without significant geometric changes. In this thesis we develop feedback control strategies for two generic three-dimensional bluff bodies, a bullet-shaped body and the widely used Ahmed body. After first applying an extremum-seeking controller to a pre-existing open-loop strategy, we then examine the control of specific coherent structures within the wakes. Two such structures understood to be related to the drag are the static symmetry breaking (SB) mode and the quasi-oscillatory vortex shedding. The former of these is observed as a large-scale asymmetry within the recirculating region. We find, through simultaneous surface pressure and wake velocity measurements, that both the SB mode and vortex shedding may be observed in real-time using practical pressure sensors. Through the use of forcing flaps, we further demonstrate that we are able to strongly interact with both these coherent structures. Statically deflected flaps also prove effective at drag reduction under cross-wind conditions. In order to guide feedback controller design, we develop stochastic models for each of the coherent structures, describing their dynamics and response to forcing. Controllers are then implemented, achieving an efficient drag reduction of 2% when suppressing the asymmetry of the SB mode. Vortex shedding control proved ineffective at drag reduction, despite the suppression of measured fluctuations around the frequency at which oscillations are observed.Open Acces

    A Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm with randomized differences

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    ©1999 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.A Kiefer-Wolfowitz or simultaneous perturbation algorithm that uses either one-sided or two-sided randomized differences and truncations at randomly varying bounds is given in this paper. At each iteration of the algorithm only two observations are required in contrast to 2l observations, where l is the dimension, in the classical algorithm, The algorithm given here is shown to he convergent under only some mild conditions. A rate of convergence and an asymptotic normality of the algorithm are also established