395,100 research outputs found

    Almost Cover-Free Codes and Designs

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    An ss-subset of codewords of a binary code XX is said to be an {\em (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-bad} in XX if the code XX contains a subset of other ℓ\ell codewords such that the conjunction of the ℓ\ell codewords is covered by the disjunctive sum of the ss codewords. Otherwise, the ss-subset of codewords of XX is said to be an {\em (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-good} in~XX.mA binary code XX is said to be a cover-free (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-code if the code XX does not contain (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-bad subsets. In this paper, we introduce a natural {\em probabilistic} generalization of cover-free (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-codes, namely: a binary code is said to be an almost cover-free (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-code if {\em almost all} ss-subsets of its codewords are (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-good. We discuss the concept of almost cover-free (s,ℓ)(s,\ell)-codes arising in combinatorial group testing problems connected with the nonadaptive search of defective supersets (complexes). We develop a random coding method based on the ensemble of binary constant weight codes to obtain lower bounds on the capacity of such codes.Comment: 18 pages, conference pape

    On the upper bound of the size of the r-cover-free families

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    Let T (r; n) denote the maximum number of subsets of an n-set satisfying the condition in the title. It is proved in a purely combinatorial way, that for n sufficiently large log 2 T (r; n) n 8 \Delta log 2 r r 2 holds. 1. Introduction The notion of the r-cover-free families was introduced by Kautz and Singleton in 1964 [17]. They initiated investigating binary codes with the property that the disjunction of any r (r 2) codewords are distinct (UD r codes). This led them to studying the binary codes with the property that none of the codewords is covered by the disjunction of r others (Superimposed codes, ZFD r codes; P. Erdos, P. Frankl and Z. Furedi called the correspondig set system r-cover-free in [7]). Since that many results have been proved about the maximum size of these codes. Various authors studied these problems basically from three different points of view, and these three lines of investigations were almost independent of each other. This is why many results were ..

    Uniform hypergraphs containing no grids

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    A hypergraph is called an r×r grid if it is isomorphic to a pattern of r horizontal and r vertical lines, i.e.,a family of sets {A1, ..., Ar, B1, ..., Br} such that Ai∩Aj=Bi∩Bj=φ for 1≤i<j≤r and {pipe}Ai∩Bj{pipe}=1 for 1≤i, j≤r. Three sets C1, C2, C3 form a triangle if they pairwise intersect in three distinct singletons, {pipe}C1∩C2{pipe}={pipe}C2∩C3{pipe}={pipe}C3∩C1{pipe}=1, C1∩C2≠C1∩C3. A hypergraph is linear, if {pipe}E∩F{pipe}≤1 holds for every pair of edges E≠F.In this paper we construct large linear r-hypergraphs which contain no grids. Moreover, a similar construction gives large linear r-hypergraphs which contain neither grids nor triangles. For r≥. 4 our constructions are almost optimal. These investigations are motivated by coding theory: we get new bounds for optimal superimposed codes and designs. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    2-cancellative hypergraphs and codes

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    A family of sets F (and the corresponding family of 0-1 vectors) is called t-cancellative if for all distict t+2 members A_1,... A_t and B,C from F the union of A_1,..., A_t and B differs from the union of A_1, ..., A_t and C. Let c(n,t) be the size of the largest t-cancellative family on n elements, and let c_k(n,t) denote the largest k-uniform family. We significantly improve the previous upper bounds, e.g., we show c(n,2) n_0). Using an algebraic construction we show that the order of magnitude of c_{2k}(n,2) is n^k for each k (when n goes to infinity).Comment: 20 page

    Modeled flux and polarisation signals of horizontally inhomogeneous exoplanets, applied to Earth--like planets

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    We present modeled flux and linear polarisation signals of starlight that is reflected by spatially unresolved, horizontally inhomogeneous planets and discuss the effects of including horizontal inhomogeneities on the flux and polarisation signals of Earth-like exoplanets. Our code is based on an efficient adding--doubling algorithm, which fully includes multiple scattering by gases and aerosol/cloud particles. We divide a model planet into pixels that are small enough for the local properties of the atmosphere and surface (if present) to be horizontally homogeneous. Given a planetary phase angle, we sum up the reflected total and linearly polarised fluxes across the illuminated and visible part of the planetary disk, taking care to properly rotate the polarized flux vectors towards the same reference plane. We compared flux and polarisation signals of simple horizontally inhomogeneous model planets against results of the weighted sum approximation, in which signals of horizontally homogeneous planets are combined. Apart from cases in which the planet has only a minor inhomogeneity, the signals differ significantly. In particular, the shape of the polarisation phase function appears to be sensitive to the horizontal inhomogeneities. The same holds true for Earth-like model planets with patchy clouds above an ocean and a sandy continent. Our simulations clearly show that horizontal inhomogeneities leave different traces in flux and polarisation signals. Combining flux with polarisation measurements would help retrieving the atmospheric and surface patterns on a planet

    Constraining the Number of Positive Responses in Adaptive, Non-Adaptive, and Two-Stage Group Testing

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    Group testing is a well known search problem that consists in detecting the defective members of a set of objects O by performing tests on properly chosen subsets (pools) of the given set O. In classical group testing the goal is to find all defectives by using as few tests as possible. We consider a variant of classical group testing in which one is concerned not only with minimizing the total number of tests but aims also at reducing the number of tests involving defective elements. The rationale behind this search model is that in many practical applications the devices used for the tests are subject to deterioration due to exposure to or interaction with the defective elements. In this paper we consider adaptive, non-adaptive and two-stage group testing. For all three considered scenarios, we derive upper and lower bounds on the number of "yes" responses that must be admitted by any strategy performing at most a certain number t of tests. In particular, for the adaptive case we provide an algorithm that uses a number of "yes" responses that exceeds the given lower bound by a small constant. Interestingly, this bound can be asymptotically attained also by our two-stage algorithm, which is a phenomenon analogous to the one occurring in classical group testing. For the non-adaptive scenario we give almost matching upper and lower bounds on the number of "yes" responses. In particular, we give two constructions both achieving the same asymptotic bound. An interesting feature of one of these constructions is that it is an explicit construction. The bounds for the non-adaptive and the two-stage cases follow from the bounds on the optimal sizes of new variants of d-cover free families and (p,d)-cover free families introduced in this paper, which we believe may be of interest also in other contexts

    On Multistage Learning a Hidden Hypergraph

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    Learning a hidden hypergraph is a natural generalization of the classical group testing problem that consists in detecting unknown hypergraph Hun=H(V,E)H_{un}=H(V,E) by carrying out edge-detecting tests. In the given paper we focus our attention only on a specific family F(t,s,ℓ)F(t,s,\ell) of localized hypergraphs for which the total number of vertices ∣V∣=t|V| = t, the number of edges ∣E∣≤s|E|\le s, s≪ts\ll t, and the cardinality of any edge ∣e∣≤ℓ|e|\le\ell, ℓ≪t\ell\ll t. Our goal is to identify all edges of Hun∈F(t,s,ℓ)H_{un}\in F(t,s,\ell) by using the minimal number of tests. We develop an adaptive algorithm that matches the information theory bound, i.e., the total number of tests of the algorithm in the worst case is at most sℓlog⁡2t(1+o(1))s\ell\log_2 t(1+o(1)). We also discuss a probabilistic generalization of the problem.Comment: 5 pages, IEEE conferenc
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