6 research outputs found

    Arbeitsbericht Nr. 2006-05, November 2006

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    Ilmenauer Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik Nr. 2006-05 / Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, ISSN 1861-9223 ISBN 3-938940-06-

    Design of an optimality-based decomposition procedure for an air freight scheduled planning

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    M.S.Ronald L. Rardi

    Optimisation de la planification des cueillettes d'huiles usagées

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    Le but de l’étude présentée dans ce mémoire est d’adapter les méthodes de résolutions des problèmes de tournée de véhicule avec gestion de stock à un problème concret de collecte d’huiles usagées au Québec. Cette étude a pour objectif final d’optimiser le processus de collecte d’une grande entreprise du secteur de l’environnement. Ce type de problème est souvent résolu avec des méthodes exactes sur des problèmes de petites dimensions. Cependant, pour les problèmes de grande taille, les méthodes heuristiques sont plus souvent employées. Toutefois, dans cette étude, nous nous appuierons sur des méthodes exactes afin de conserver une démarche de résolution proche de la logique utilisée par l’entreprise bien que le nombre de clients à gérer soit de l’ordre d’une dizaine de milliers. L’étude s’articule autour d’une phase d’étude statistique de données historiques, de la création de différents modèles et de leur automatisation en vue de fournir des solutions viables à ce problème

    Using group role assignment to solve Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP) is a more complex problem than the traditional Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in the combinatorial optimization of operations research. With more degrees of freedom, DVRP introduces new challenges while judging the merit of a given route plan. This thesis utilized the time slice strategy to solve dynamic and deterministic routing problems. Based on Group Role Assignment (GRA) and two different routing methods (Modified Insertion heuristic routing and Modified Composite Pairing Or-opt routing), a new ridesharing system has been designed to provide services in the real world. Simulation results are presented in this thesis. A qualitative comparison has been made to outline the advantages and performance of our solution framework. From the numerical results, the proposed method has a great potential to put into operation in the real world and provides a new transit option for the public.Master of Science (MSc) in Computational Scienc

    Unapređenje energetske efikasnosti gradskog sistema za upravljanje čvrstim otpadom

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    Sakupljanje i transport čvrstog otpada čine najveći deo ukupnih troškova sistema za upravljanje čvrstim otpadom. Stoga se opravdano nameće potreba za unapređenjem ovog segmenta sistema, u cilju podizanja njegove energetske efikasnosti i postizanja ekonomske opravdanosti. Osnovni naučni cilj ove disertacije je formiranje efikasne metodologije za monitoring i optimizaciju procesa sakupljanja I transporta čvrstog otpada. Primenom razvijene metodologije, smanjuje se specifična potrošnja energije i resursa, utiče se na očuvanje životne sredine kao i na poboljšanje kvaliteta usluga koje se pružaju korisnicima sistema. Kao prvi preduslov za ostvarivanje postavljenog cilja, u okviru istraživanja, formiran je opšti tip baze podataka o gradskom sistemu za upravljanje otpadom. S tim u vezi, eksperimentalnim merenjima na terenu, uz korišćenje odgovarajuće merne opreme i praćenjem vozila JKP „Čistoća“ iz Kragujevca, u postojećem sistemu ruta, kreirane su baze podataka o mestima prikupljanja kao i putanjama komunalnih vozila. Definisana je metodologija za određivanje energetski efikasnijih putanja kretanja vozila, povezivanjem kreiranih baza sa elementima geografskog informacionog sistema i optimizacionim alatima softverskog paketa ArcGIS. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se, primenom pomenute metodologije, generišu nove rute vozila kojima se ostvaruje ušteda u broju pređenih kilometara od 13,7% u odnosu na postojeći sistem ruta. Na godišnjem nivou, to predstavlja 20.830 pređenih kilometara manje, što je ekvivalentno smanjenju potrošnje goriva za oko 15.000 litara odnosno iznosu od 19.500€. Pored očiglednih energetsko-ekonomskih ušteda, optimizovani sistem ostvaruje i ekološke benefite. Njihova procena je izvršena korišćenjem matematičkog modela za emisiju izduvnih gasova, kao i softvera EASETECH. Komunalna vozila, kretanjem po definisanim optimizovanim rutama, na godišnjem nivou, smanjuju emisiju CO2 u atmosferu za 39 tona. Budući da prostorni raspored mesta prikupljanja i frekvenca pražnjenja kontejnera utiču na energetske rashode procesa sakupljanja otpada, formiranom metodologijom, za jednu zonu grada, određen je optimalan raspored mesta prikupljanja u skladu sa demografijom, kao i optimalan broj kontejnera na definisanim lokacijama u skladu sa generisanom količinom stambenog i komercijalnog otpada. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se analizirani deo grada može pokriti sa 24% manje mesta prikupljanja, dok je broj neophodnih kontejnera smanjen za 33%, bez uticaja na komfor građana prilikom odlaganja otpada. Alati za prikupljanje, analizu i obradu podataka, razvijeni tokom istraživanja, kao i formirana metodologija, koja uključuje kombinaciju GPS i GIS tehnologija, poseduju veliku fleksibilnost što im pruža široku mogućnost primene na druge lokalne zajednice i komunalna preduzeća u Republici Srbiji.Total cost of solid waste management is significantly driven by the costs of its collection and its transport. Consequently, there is a need for improvements of the waste management system, especially in terms of its energy and economic efficiency. The main aim of this research is development of an efficient methodology for monitoring and optimization of an efficient collection and transport of the solid waste. The methodology developed within this project was aimed at energy efficient, environmentally friendly and quality improved service provided to the wider community. In order to achieve the project aim, the first objective was to develop a generic waste management model for a city of Kragujevac. The modeling approach was based on the database, defined in terms of the collection points and the waste collection vehicles routes, which were obtained by using appropriate equipment, and tracking the vehicles of publically funded company „Čistoća” from Kragujevac. The methodology developed, combined with GPS and optimization tool ArcGIS, enabled development of a better and energy more efficient system. As a result of the developed methodology, the newly calculated routes for the waste collection were 13.7% shorter, compared to the existing routes. This in turnmeans 20,830 km shorter total annual distance of the waste collection vehicles. The saving predicted was 15,000 liters less fuel or, based on the current fuel price, 19,500 € lower budget needed for the operation. In addition to the evident energy efficiency, there were also ecological benefits, such as CO2 emission, calculated by using a mathematical model and software EASTECH. The annual CO2 emission of the waste collection vehicles, when using the optimized routes, was predicted to be 39 tones lower, compared to the existing routes. Since the cost of the waste collection is determined by the collection points (containers)locations as well as the frequency of the collection, these parameters were optimized for one zone of the city of Kragujevac, by using the methodology developed within this study.The results has shown that the considered zone could be serviced by 24% fewer collection points and 33% fewer containers, compared to the existing parameters, for the same comfort provided to the citizens/community. The methodology for waste management developed within this project, including the GPS and GIS technologies, has got a great level of flexibility and robustness and so could be equally implemented in any waste management service in Republic of Serbia